HomeMy WebLinkAboutCD-17-82 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE � a(�� wsOd''�4,lfDGf A\��J OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK 40 TEMPERANCE STREET TELEPHONE 623-3379 r� BOWMAN L1 C 3A6 ONTARIO REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF APRIL 5, 1982 CD-17-82 SUBJECT: OPERATION DISMANTLE - MUNICIPAL REFERENDUM ON NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT OUR FILE: 35. 11.2. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That this report be received; 2. And that the correspondence dated September 24th 1981, from the "Operation Dismantle Committee" be received and filed; 3. And that the Council of the Town of Newcastle go on record as endorsing the concept of global nuclear disarmament; 4. And that Council adopt the resolution on global disarmament attached to report CD-17-82; 5. And that copies of the resolution be forwarded to the Prime Minister of Canada, local Members of Parliament and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario; 6. And further that the "Operation Dismantle Committee" , Box 3887, Station "C" , Ottawa, KlY 4M5, be so advised. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: On October 5th 1981, Council considered the correspondence received from the Operation Dismantle Committee. The thrust of the covering letter was that all municipalities should conduct a local referendum Continued . . . . . /2 0' q A Qi� i G.P.A. - 2 - April 5, 1982 on disarmament in conjunction with the 1982 Municipal Elections. While a question which affects the residents of the municipality directly such as fluoridation, liquor, etc. , may be placed on the ballot, I would suggest with respect, that a question on Nuclear Disarmament does not fall within the scope of the legislation relating to municipal plebescites. Nuclear Disarmament is a. global issue and i:s not in my opinion, a matter for a local referendum. Other municipalities concur with this position. The City of Welland as an example, passed a resolution supporting the concept of Nuclear Disarmament, and formally requested the Government of Canada to petition the United Nations to conduct a Global Referendum on Nuclear Disarmament. It would be appropriate for Council to pass a similar re.s.oluti:on,if it wished to go on record as favouring Nuclear Disarmament. A copy of a resolution supporting Nuclear Disarmament is attached for Council ' s consideration. Respectfully submitted, David W. Oakes, A.M.C.T. , Town Clerk. DWOjms Attachment RESOLUTION WITH RESPECT TO NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT (OPERATION DISMANTLE) WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Newcastle has considered the correspondence received from the Operation Dismantle Committee; AND WHEREAS Council deems nuclear disarmament to be a matter of national consequence; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Town of Newcastle wishes to go on record as supporting the concept of a balanced Nuclear Disarmament, as negotiated by the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in 1959, and adopted unanimously by the United Nations General Assembly in 1961; AND THAT Council of the Town of Newcastle urges the Government of Canada to formally petition the United Nations to conduct a "Global Referendum" on Nuclear Disarmament and by this process, permit the people of all nations an opportunity to voice their common demand for an end to the threat of Nuclear Conflict; AND FURTHER THAT the correspondence from the Operation Dismantle Committee regarding the holding of a local Referendum on Disarmament be received and filed. i i