HomeMy WebLinkAboutCD-6-82 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK 40 TEMPERANCE STREET TELEPHONE 623-3379 BOWMAN ILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JANUARY 25, 1982 CLERK'S REPORT CD-6-82 SUBJECT: DOG LICENSING 1982 LAWRENCE AVERY REQUEST FOR INCREASE IN FEES APPLICABLE TO THE SALE OF DOG LICENCES OUR FILE: 56. 12.2. i RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. It is respectfully recommended that this report be received; 2. And that commissions paid with respect to the sale of dog licences by agents be increased from the present 10% of the licence fee to a flat fee of $2.00 per licence; 3. And further that the Town's dog licence sales agencies be so advised. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: In May 1981, Mr. Lawrence Avery appeared as a delegation before the Finance and Administration Committee and requested that the Committee alter the fee structure from the present 10% of the licence fee to a flat fee of $2.00 per licence sold. Mr. Avery's request was referred to the Clerk's Department and was to be given consideration within a general report on Animal Control . Early in June 1981 , Mayor Rickard requested that a report be prepared as soon as possible with respect to the sale of dog licences, and the manner by which the licensing program for 1981 could be improved in the short term. A report dated June 26, 1981, entitled "Interim Program on Animal Control Activities 1981 Dog Licensing" , was considered by Council on June 29, 1981, and the recommendations adopted. Because of the interim program, Mr. Avery's original request was never dealt with by staff or Council . f Continued 12 t d_0 CLERK'S REPORT CD-6-82 - 2 - JANUARY 25, 1982 Recently, Mr. Avery has called requesting that consideration be given to his earlier request for an increase in dog licence commissions. He is of the opinion, that a fee of $2.00 per dog licence sold is reasonable. In that regard, I would note that the 1981 summer program authorized a payment of $2.50 per licence sold and as well , provided for the payment of mileage. In as much as no changes are contemplated for 1982, and the Town will continue to employ persons to sell dog licences, it is appropriate, that favourable consideration be given to Mr. Avery's request and that the com- mission be altered to provide for a flat fee of $2.00 for each licence sold by the following: 1. Lawrence Avery - Licence Bureau 2. Tom & Sons - Newcastle Village Increasing the commission should have a positive effect and provide them with an additional incentive to actively pursue the sale of dog licences in their places of business. To assist the Committee in assessing the value of the licensing program, as well as Mr. Avery's request for a rate increase, the following information is provided: DOG LICENCES SOLD 1980 - 2,380 DOG LICENCE REVENUE 1980 - $29,627 DOG LICENCES SOLD 1981 3,984 (Increase over 1980 - 1,604) DOG LICENCE REVENUE 1981 $38,639.25 (Increase over 1980 $9,012.25) DOG LICENCES SOLD BY AGENTS 1981 Avery 581 Tom & Sons 284 Summer Sales Program 1,161 Sold by Town 1,958 TOTAL 3,984 Continued /3 I CLERK'S REPORT CD-6-82 - 3 - JANUARY 25, 1982 COMMISSIONS PAID - 1981 Avery $ 629.60 Tom & Sons 327.33 Summer Sales Program 2,476.33 Total Commissions $3,433.26 GROSS REVENUE LESS COMMISSIONS $35,205.99 Respectfully submitted, David W. Oakes, A.M.C.T. Town Clerk. DWO/ms peo i i i i i �. TOWN OF NEWCASTL_F MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Garnet B. Rickard and Members of Council FROM David W. Oakes, A.M.C.T. , Town Clerk DATE: June 26 1981 SUBJECT : Interim Program on Animal Control Activities - 1981 Dog Licensing Our File #56.12.2 In accordance with the Finance and Administration Committee's direction contained in Resolution #F-267-81 , I would advise the members of Council that the Clerk's department is presently reviewing the Animal Control program, and will be preparing a report with recommendations for Council 's consideration in the near future. It is anticipated, that a review of the Animal Control program will result in the development of a program which will provide the residents of the community with improved Animal Control services. As an interim measure, the Animal Control section will immediately implement a program designed to increase the sale of dog licences for the year 1981 . The process will include the following: 1 . Contact by Animal Control Officers with all persons in the urban area who have not renewed their dog licences for the -current year; 2. The hiring of Mr. Wes Fice, who will undertake the sale of dog licences in the rural area of the Town of Newcastle on a commission basis of $2.50 per licence sold, plus .26� per mile mileage allowance; 3. The publication of advertisements in the local newspapersdesigned to inform area residents of the requirements of the Animal Control By-Law; and the penalty for non-compliance. It is anticipated, that this program will result in the licensing of approximately 1500 additional dogs over the next three months, and, should generate in excess of $15,000 in revenue. Recommendation: That the Clerk's report dated June 26th 1981 be approved; and that the Animal Control expired licence follow-up program be implemented; and that Mr. Wes Fice be employed to sell dog licences in the rural area of the Town of Newcastle on a commission basis in accordance with the terms contained in the report; and further that the Clerk be authorized to place a series of advertisements in area newspapers, designed to inform the residents of the requirements of the Animal Control by-law, and the penalty for non-compliance; . .2 -2- �(C I Mayor Rickard and Members of Council ; June 26 1981 and further, that the Clerk be authorized to place a series of advertisements in newspapers having general circulation in the area, designed to advis owners of the requirements of the Animal Control By-Law. e dog . 4 $ j cc; Larry Simpson, By-Law Enforcement Officer i