HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-87-87 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE /6' Res.REPORT File # ` Res. # By-Law # I MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE & ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: November 2, 1987 REPORT #: TR-87-87 FILE #: SUBJECT: TENDER T87-14 COLLECTION OF HOUSEHOLD AND COMMERCIAL REFUSE FOR COURTICE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That report TR-87-87 be received; and 2. That Browning Ferris Industries Ltd. , Courtice, Ontario with a bid of $6,734.74 per month, ($80,816.88) annually) , being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifica- tions of Tender No. T87-14, be awarded the contract forthwith to provide Garbage Collection and Disposal Services in the Courtice Collection Area effective immediately and expiring December 31, 1988; and 3. That the cost incurred to provide this service for the balance of 1987 be charged to a new account entitled, Garbage Collection - Courtice and said costs be added to the Courtice 1988 garbage estimates in order to calculate the 1988 area mill rate for garbage collection within the Courtice Urban Area. . . .2 PAGE - 2 TR-87-87 TENDER NO. T87-14, COLLECTION OF HOUSEHOLD AND COMMERCIAL REFUSE FOR COURTICE URBAN AREA BACKGROUND & COMMENT: A tender was publicly advertised and invited for the Collection and Disposal of Household and Commercial Refuse for Courtice urban area. The tenders were received and tabulated as follows: Bidder Total Bid Amount (per month) Courtice Browning-Ferris Industries $ 6,734.74 Courtice, Ontario Groeneveld & Sons Disposal $ 7,845.48 Services Limited Bowmanville, Ontario K & E Solid Waste Management $15,166.67 Sarnia, Ontario For the information of Council, a memo from the Deputy Director of Public Works, which addresses previous concerns regarding this tender, is attached marked Schedule "All. After further review and analysis of the bids by both Public Works and Purchasing, it was mutually agreed that the low bidder, Browning-Ferris Industries Ltd., Courtice, Ontario, be recommended for the contract award to provide Garbage Collection and disposal Services in the Courtice collection area. The Subject firm is currently under contract with the Town of Newcastle for collection and disposal services in Bowmanville, Newcastle Village and Orono, and to date have been providing satisfactory service. Respectf,uly submit-tt d, Recommended for presentation to the Committee Gray, wreficeAT. Kotseff, ,Chief I Dep. Direct tic Works. Chief Ad7nistrative Officer. i, .R. Blanchard, Treasurer. LB/JRB/pp ATTACH: SCHEDULE "A" TOWN OF NEWCASTIF P'FARANDUM LV> OCT 28 1987 INN OF N'LE UCASTLE T0; FINANCE FROM: John Blanchard, Treasurer DATE: David T. Gray, Deputy Director of Public Works SUBJECT: October 26, 1887 TENDER T87-14 GARBAGE COLLECTION COURTICE URBAN AREA The Public Works Department recommends that Tender T87-14, tender for the collection and disposal of household and commercial refuse in the Courtice Urban Area be awarded to the lowest bidder, Browning Ferris Industries Ltd. , at $6,734.74 per month. Previous concerns about the number of pick ups in the Courtice area raised by the two low bidders have been resolved. The low bidder has indicated that any adjustments for the number of pick ups would wait until the six month adjustment period as provided in the Tender. As well, it was confirmed that the low bidder would be in a position to offer private service to area residents outside of the selected municipal collection area. The recent shut down of the Darlington Landfill Site along with the decreasing number of locations that refuse can be disposed of privately has contributed to the amount of roadside litter. An ever increasing amount of garbage is being deposited in shopping malls, clothing drop off boxes, builders' disposal boxes, parks, school yards, neighboring municipalities and municipal side roads. The disposal of unwanted refuse on the roadside is increasing the costs of roadside maintenance. Decomposing garbage left uncovered becomes a breeding place for disease and creates a danger to the health and well being of area residents and municipal employees engaged in the cleanup operation. .. . .2 (A c �� Page 2 Tender T87-14 - Garbage Collection Courtice Urban Area During the month of July a survey of the Courtice Garbage Collection Area was conducted using local students under the supervision of the Public Works Department. The students were informed of their duties, divided into crews under appropriate leaders and directed to their specific survey area. The complete survey results are on file at the Hampton Public Works Office for review and I have summerized the results as follows: Number of houses surveyed: 923 Municipal Collection 318 Private 174 No Initial Response 416 No Preference 2 Depends on Taxes 13 TOTAL 923 Input by Mail or Telephone: 170 (Response out of 416) Municipal Collection 56 Private 105 No Preference 3 Depends on Taxes 6 TOTAL 170 Results of the 923 residences surveyed: Municipal Collection Preferred 41 % Private Collection or Personal Disposal 30 % No Response 27 % No Preference or Depended on Taxes 2 % 100 % . . .3 Li I �h Page 3 Tender T87-14 Garbage Collection Courtice Urban Area Although the survey indicates that the majority of residents wish municipally administered collection, this should only be one factor considered in the decision process. Many residents expressed concern and were apprehensive about municipal collection due to the impact on municipal taxes. Some concerns indicated on the returned survey - I would first like to know what the additional amount for collection would be before I commit myself; - Which ever would cost us less if both are efficient; - My taxes are over $2,000.00 per year now and shouldn't be increased to cover garbage pick up. The service should be included in what I pay now, Oshawa's are; - N.B. Should be no additional charge on taxes; - No cost projections; - Taxes are too high now; - We are quite satisfied with G.D.S. and feel we have a good deal; - We've seen enough municipal incompetence on roads etc. We would at least prefer to have our garbage picked up in a professional manner; - Please no mill rate, prefer to make my own arrangements; - If you can promise us that the taxes won't go up any higher than $6.00 per month, then we would want municipal collection; - Taxes are high enough; - I feel municipal collection will cost me far more in the long run with no gain in convenience; - Just leave things the way they are, it is working great; - Sir: We've been here 10 years and never had a problem with G.D.S. They are excellent; - Why do people that just moved here have any say. They just move here and think they own the place. Leave things the way they are. - P.S. Taxes are high enough and the service should be provided at no extra levy; - Because we receive so little service for the high taxes we are paying at the present time, we feel this should be included in the present rate with no additional cost; - If taxes not raised, paying now for new subdivisions which have more; - How about having full time firefighters; - Municipal collection service by Groeneveld Disposal; - With $2,500.00 taxes, this should be included; - If it doesn't cost more than $80.00/yr. which the private arrangements cost; - If recycling is going to be included in service; - If amount is less that $50.00 per year. . . .4 3 Qh Page 4 Tender T87-14 Garbage Collection Courtice Urban Area The recommendation to award the garbage collection contract to Browning Ferris Industries (B.F.I. ) is based on the following: the health and environmental concerns associated with uncollected and improperly disposed of refuse; that 41 % of the people surveyed requested municipal sponsored collection; that a uniform level of service will be offered at a competitive cost to all residents on an equal basis within the area of collection and, B.F.I. is the lowest responsible bidder meeting all requirements of the Tender. In accordance with the tender document, the Town reserves the right to establish a recycling program and to deduct or reduce the amount paid to the contractor for the collection and disposal by an amount equal to the number of tonnes recycled, times the tipping fee at the contractor's disposal site. Finally, we be ' ve garbage collection to be an essential service which shougbepro ed in an expanding urban area. D.T. Gray. DTG:jco cc: Councillor D. Hamre L.E. Kotseff, C.A.O. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT We thank you for your co-operation in providing the required information to complete the survey we are conducting to determine if Courtice residents prefer Municipal Garbage Collection. If you have further questions, please contact the Public Works Department, Hampton Municipal Offices at 263-2231 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. , Monday to Friday, and staff will endeavour to provide any information you require. e a:•Ti m�+!�'�!r%^:-Rr.. 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'••+:.•�ate.•: �-....,1.•.�.,: .�,::;_•_ _ _. � _ _ • .. .. it q) 7 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6 TELEPHONE 623.3379 July 9, 1987, Dear Courtice Resident: RE: Garbage Collection in the Courtice Area The Counci.l of the Town of Newcastle has directed that a survey be conducted in the Courtice Urban Area to determine if the majority of residents are interested in receiving municipally administered garbage collection service. The diverse nature of the Town of Newcastle makes it economically impossible for the municipality to offer garbage collection services to all residents. Therefore, associated costs for garbage collection services are area rated in order that only those receiving the service pay for it. If the Town does extend garbage collection service to the Courtice Urban Area, it will result in a special area mill rate being applied to your taxes. To date, residents of the Courtice Area have been responsible for disposing of their household garbage and some have entered into agreements with a private contractor. A municipally operated service is subject to the terms and conditions established in the Town's Garbage Collection By-law. Essentially, the by-law allows once per week pickup of properly containerized or bundled household refuse with a six bag guideline and a special cleanup week in May of each year which allows for the collection of additional quantities and discarded furniture, etc. Please indicate on the bottom portion, if you prefer municipal collection, or if you prefer to make your own arrangements with respect to disposal of household garbage, and return to the Public Works Department, Hampton Municipal Offices, Hampton, Ontario, LOB 1J0, before August 14, 1987. When results have been compiled, you will be advised. Yours truly, Gordon J. Ough, P. Eng. , GJO:jco Director of Public Works. Name: Telephone: Address: I prefer: Municipal Collection Service [� Private Arrangements El Page 3 GOOD MORNING : I am I am a student working for the Town of Newcastle Public Works Department and I have been asked to assist in conducting a survey with respect to Garbage Collection in the Courtice Urban Area . At the present time , each homeowner is responsible for disposal of their own household garbage. Would you prefer to continue with the present arrangements you have made? Would you prefer to have the municipality provide the service? Would you please allow me to record your name and street address?