HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-76-87 REPORT #4 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE J REPORT File # Res. # By-Law # MEETING: COUNCIL DATE: October 13, 1987 REPORT #: TR-76-87 FILE #: SUBJECT: SALE BY DISPOSAL SD87-3, PROPERTY LOCATED AT PART LOT 29, CONCESSION V, MAIN STREET, ORONO RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended to Council the following: 1. That this report be received; and 2. That the offer from Mr. and Mrs. Llyle West, in the amount of $150.00 for the property located at Part Lot 29, Concession V, Main Street, Orono, not be accepted; and 3. That the Town of Newcastle not dispose of said property. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: Further to a previous recommendation from Council, staff had obtained an appraisal of the property located at Part Lot 29, Concession V, Main Street, Orono. The appraisal received from Property Valuators and Consultants Ltd. , Bowmanville, estimated the value of the property at $870.00. Subsequently, staff was instructed to liquidate the property. A "Sale by Quotation" was publicly advertised which provided an opportunity for any interested party to submit an "Offer to Purchase". Bids were received and tabulated as follows: Bidder Bid Amount Mr. and Mrs. Llyle West $ 150.00 Orono, Ontario Page - 2 - TR-76-87 SALE BY DISPOSAL SD87-3, PROPERTY LOCATED AT PART LOT 29, CONCESSION V, MAIN STREET, ORONO A letter has been received from the Chairman of the Orono Downtown Business Improvement Area requesting that the Town of Newcastle withhold the sale of this land as it is felt it could be made use of in plans to revitalize the downtown area. See Schedule "A" attached. After further review of the situation and in view of the low bid received, staff recommend that the bid from Mr. and Mrs. Llyle West not be accepted as offered and that the Town of Newcastle not dispose of said property. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, Seri r X// r y era . Blanchard, rence Kotseff, Treasurer. Chief i istrative Officer. LAB/hjm Attachment SCHEDULE "A" ORONO DOWNTOWN BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA Orono, Ontario Town of Newcastle Bowmanville, Ontario Attention: Larry Kotseff, Chief Administrative Officer Dear Larry Further to our telephone conversation on September 25th re : the sale of a pie-shaped piece of land west of Main Street in the Orono Downtown area I wish to inform you that the Orono D.B. I .A. would ask the Town to withhold the sale of this land. As stated over the phone the D.B. I .A. committee has visited Elora and is to meet with a representative of Heritage Canada on September 30th at 3 : 30 p.m. There is a strong feeling within the membership of the D.B. I.A. that lands owned by the Town, west of Main Street , could be made use of in plans to revitalize the downtown area. Possibly we will see you on September 30th but if not we will be in contact in the near future when ideas could be discussed. i Yours truly Roy Forrester Chairman Orono D.B. I .A. I