HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-30-87 REPORT #5 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # c �. Res. By-Law # (SING: Council Meeting DATE: April 13, 1987 REPORT #: TR-30-87 FILE #: SUIB.JECT: HANDI TRANSIT INC. Subsidy Application RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended t©; Council the following: 1 . That report TR-30-87 be received; and 2. That the Treasurer be authorized to make application to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for Subsidy Allocation for the transportation of the physically disabled for the year 1987 based on estimated expenditures of $70,300.00. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT The request for allocation of subsidy funds is to be made once a year if any subsidy funds will be required. The subsidy is paid at the rate of 25% of the eligible operating costs plus $2.70 per passenger trip. Eligible capital costs will be subsidized at the rate of 50%. Allocations must be received and approved prior to the processing of any payments of subsidy claims. The Town's subsidy under this program for 1987 will be approximately $28,515.00. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to Council J.R. Blanchard Lawrence Kotseff Treasurer Chief A m nistrative Officer JRB/jlc attachment i i - I Ministry 01 �J Tranaportslbn and v Communtoatbn1 Ontario REQUEST N0. THE PUBLIC TRANSPORLOCATIONNOFHSUBSIDYIFUNDSEFORT T THE REQUEST FOR THE AL PROVISION OF A PUBLI PERSONSOFORITHESYEARC FOR PHYSICALLY DISABLED i i Transportation and Highway Improvement Pursuant to The Public Act , the Council Of Corporation of the Town hereby requests an allocation of of j� Provincial subsidy funds in the amounts of : Amount Opposite L Capital : $ ZL on Form MT-0�-3D Amount Opposite Q operating : $ 28 515 on Form MT-0 -3D i ; II funds shal 1 be expended in accordance with The public The said public The sporCation and Highway Improvement Act in providing ce for physically disabled persons . transportation servi i, A detailed statement of the proposed expenditures , revenues , operating statistics and Provincial subsidy requirement is attached hereto on Form MT-0-3D. �I it This request for an allocation of subsidy funds has been authorized. by a resolution of the Council of. tha 'ab9 �noted 'i �- i Corporation under date of HEAD OF COUNCIL ( SEAL) � CLERK i ( SIGNATURES O OFFICERSOFTHEUCORPORATTION)D ii. I Page 1 of 2 Ministry of Transportation and 6) Communications Ontario OF Newcastle i Town SUBSIDY THE CORPORATION OF THE � OF PROPOSED EXPENDITURES, REVENUES,OPERATING STATISICS AND PROVINCIAL STATEMENT IC TRANSPORTATION SERVICE FOR PHYSICALLY DISABLED FOR 7H REQUIREMENT FOR THE PUBL YEAR 19 TERMS USED HEREUNDER ARE MORE FULLY DESCRIBED ON THE BACK OF THIS FORM.ESTIMATED EXPENSE CAPITAL COMPONENT Description Of Vehicle (s) And Other Eligible Capital Assets To Be Purchased By The Corporation TOTAL BUDGETED CAPITAL EXPENDITURE a . OPERATING COMPONENT Contractual Expenses: a , 70300 Contractual charges in cases where the vehicles were C purchased with Provincial funding assistance Contractual changes i here the vehicles were n cases w purchased without Provincial funding assistance • Expenses To Be Incurred By Municipal Employees: Transportation y . roved operating costs for Scheduling and Dispatching ( excluding Ministry app for computer assisted scheduling and dispatching) Fuel Equipment and Vehicle Maintenance Premises and Plant Depreciation Charges Debenture Charges Miscellaneous (specify) Q SUB —TOTAL 70 0E— General and Administrative [F Approved Operating Costs For Computer Assisted Scheduling 70,300 Ministry •App and Dispatching TOTAL BUDGETED OPERATING XPENSE a nn REVENUE COMPONENT 12,000 Fares From Regular Passenger Service Revenue From Contracts and Charters All Other Revenues, Excluding Charitable Cash Donations a Subtotal Of Revenue (To Be Used In Calculating 12,000 Operating Net Cost 1 Charitable Cash Donations i { Capital Component i Capital expenditures are those associated with the purchase of vehicles and other eligible capital i assets. i� Operating Component t! Transportation Expense includes: operators' and inspectors'salaries,wages,fringe benefits,uniforms and other expenses; I' licence fees; equipment rental charges. Scheduling and Dispatching Expenses include: schedulers'and dispatchers'salaries,wages,fringe benefits,uniforms,and other expenses. Fuel Expense includes: all costs,including applicable taxes,for all forms of energy consumed when operating the vehicles. Equipment and Vehicle Maintenance Expenses include: I mechanics'salaries,wages,fringe benefits and miscellaneous expenses; costs for parts and supplies; purchased repairs and services. Premises and Plant Expenses include: maintenance workers'salaries,wages,fringe benefits and miscellaneous services; utility costs for light,heat and water; costs for maintenance supplies and purchased maintenance services; i municipal taxes, rental charges. General and Administrative Expenses include: iii salaries,wages,fringe benefits and miscellaneous expenses as with employees undertaking administrative activities; insurance premiums,claims and damage charges; advertising and promotional costs; costs for office supplies; telephone and telegraph charges; professional fees. Miscellaneous Expenses include all approved costs of a direct operating nature that are not described above. Revenue Component Regular Passenger Service revenue includes all fare revenue collected from the provision of regular passenger services. Other Revenues include such sources as advertising,promotional considerations,etc. Operating Statistics Passenger Trips mean the number of one-way trips made by passengers using the service and excludes � all one-way trips made by attendants. The Provincial Guideline re eligibility states that the service is to be provided for those persons who, regardless of age, are physically unable to board regular transit facilities. that each vehicle Vehicle Hours of Service Provided refers to thCuactual veh�lel hours of service s er ices( i e. the sum of the total of the the fleet is available to provide sery e "in-transit"vehicle hours of each vehicle in the fleet) would be somewhat less. ii � i I Page 2 of 2 Ministry of j Transportation and Communications Ontario lil THE CORPORATION OF THE Town OF Newcasrl e i ' STATEMENT OF PROPOSED EXPENDITURES, REVENUES,OPERATING STATISTICS AND PROVINCIAL SUBSIDY I REQUIREMENT FOR THE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SERVICE FOR PHYSICALLY SUBSIDY REQUIREMENT �. FOR THE YEAR 19 OPERATING STATISTICS Passenger Trips (excluding those made by attendants): By those passengers deemed eligable as per the provincial guideline By all other passengers Vehicle Fleet: Number of specialized vehicles, e,g. ORION 11 2 Number of other vehicles Vehicle Hours Of Service Provided: ❑ 2,850 By specialized vehicles � --- a By other vehicles PROVINCIAL SUBSIDY REQUIREMENT Capital: ❑ 50% X ❑A nil Operating- 1. Basic: i Where all vehicles were purchased with Provincial funding assistance: 25% X ( ® + © + El 17,575 11 Where all vehicles were purchased without Provincial funding assistance: 30% X ( © + H + © 1 --- iii Where only a portion of the vehicle fleet was purchased with Provincial funding assistance,the calculations noted on the back of this form must be completed M and the result transcribed in the place provided at right 2. Passenger Based: $ 2.70 X LIB ( A trip length factor may be applied on the year -end claim to increase the 7,425 Passenger Based subsidy component. Further details will be provided in a Ministry Directive.) 3. Approved Computer Assisted Scheduling and Dispatching: 50% X []F 4. Specialized Vehicles: 3,515 i SUB —TOTAL Of Items 1 Through 4 28,515 ❑ Operating Net Cost: ® — © 58 300 Operating Subsidy Ceiling: 725 P 75% X ® 43, (See Overleaf) Total Operating Subsidy Payable Shall be the Lesser 28,515 of®or[a ..__.— _4 n--t;i c,,h�riv Ranuirement: Where only a portion of the vehicle fleet was purchased with Provincial funding assistance, General and Administrative expenses incurred by municipal employees must be prorated as noted below when determining the Basic operating subsidy. Amount Eligible for Basic Subsidy @ 30%: o x © + © _ �- l a + © + o Basic Subsidy Calculation: 30% x ® 25% x ( © - []F - FRI Transfer Total to 0 on the Front of This Form Operating Subsidy Ceiling: For those municipalities not as well providing a conventional public transportation service, a further operating subsidy ceiling of 50% x © must be applied (refer to Section 94 - (5) of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, R.S.O. 1980).