HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-13-87 Addendum REP0RT#3 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE` D � pODT .^^_. ° `` , File # Res. # 8v-LdW # MEETING: COUNCIL MEETING [ATE: April 13, 1987 �^ �R-I�-O7 �Yi� �f^ REPORT ^ ^ FILE ^^ SUB]ECl : RENTAL PROPOSAL - PHOTOCOPY EQUIPMENT RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended to Council: I. That this report be received; and 2. That Council accept the written proposal (Attachment n&n) , from Office Equipment Company of Canada, Markham, Ontario, to rent one (I) only Canon Model 0D8070 photocopier at a fixed quarterly coot of $1902.00 (plus Provincial Sales Tax) which includes one million copies at no additional cost for service or toner for a period of twenty-eight (28) goacteca: and 2. That the funds be drawn from the current Operating Accounts which are allocated for the payment of the current photocopy lease; and 4. That in accordance with Section 64 of the Ontario Municipal Board &ot/ authorization be obtained from the Ontario Municipal Board prior to the execution of this agreement. 8DC0GRUDK0 AND COMMENT: The current lease for the Canon 09400 photocopier located in the Ban4?tou Municipal Office expires April 2, 1988. This copier is used by both the Public Works and the Planning Departments, at a quarterly coat of $1098.48 (plus Page - % - TR-l9-87 RENTAL PROPOSAL - PHOTOCOPY EQUIPMENT Provincial Sales Tax) . Added to this is a quarterly cost of $803.52 (plus Provincial Sales Tax) for service and toner, bringing the total quarterly coat to ¢1902.00 (plus Provincial Sales Tao) . As a result of increased photocopying requirements and excessive breakdowns, Office Equipment Company of Canada have proposed a new rental agreement for a Model NP8070 at our present quarterly cost of $1902.00 (gIoo Provincial Sales Tax) , for a term of twenty-eight (28) quarters. The proposed agreement would / also include a buyout option of 5% of the Fair Market Value upon expiration of the rental term. our present lease agreement with Standard Trostco Financial Management Ltd., Mississauga, Ontario, would be cancelled at no additional nnat to the Town. Accepting the proposal for the Canon 098070 will provide the following benefits to the Town: - Renting a copier eliminates third party leasing arrangements - Canon have proven reliability and dependability with service and capability - No increase in cost - Price fixed for e term of seven (7) }es*zo at 15,000 copies per month (applicable service cost would be charged only when and if our volume exceeds this quantity. Present usage is approximately I2'000 copies per month) . The price of the existing equipment is not fixed in that the cost for service and toner will continue to increase. - The Canon 0P8070 is superior equipment which will handle the increasing uoeaqe - Excessive breakdowns wblob currently disrupt staff would be eliminated - The Canon 0P8070 is under tolI warranty replacement for the term of the rental agreement - The Tmmz of Newcastle will obtain ownership of the Canon NP400 at no coat The costs required for the new copier will b\-. provided by the current 1987 budget which is within the amounts now being expended for the NP400, Page - 3 - TR-1-3-87 RENTAL PROPOSAL - PHOTOCOPY EQUIPMENT For the information of Council, a cost comparison for renting versus outright purchase is attached, marked Schedule "B". After review and analysis of the situation by the Purchasing, Public Works and Planning Departments, and in view of the numerous benefits to the municipality, staff recommends that the proposal to rent the new Canon NP8070 be accepted. Respectfully submitted, C- '(�J.R. Blanchard, Treasurer. Directoy/of Planning j­r Director of Public Works. -,(Direc LAB/hjm Attachments Recommended for presentation to Council, Lawrence Y./Kotseff, Chief Admiqistrative Officer. Schedule (A) OECONDITIONAL SALES AGREEMENT 1 3 MON T RFAI_ [.(IrtU Cr�In rlo Lin;.e snarl r.Annhnal,!'O 11.11 IV7 • (514):142 5151 I3 TORONTO ;i h MnHlnnt Onlnnn 1:311 1[38 • (416)-191 A.33U 1PA( ra 1 . �1��• 11 OTTAWA ---- _.------ - I(;8 nrllnsl 12nnr) CRFUIT D 5 t r)F N4 OIlnwn, C)nlnnn KI(;075 • (6 1:3)236-7281 %"W Ire ^ J— -,AT u TWAT)tl? f.0 if ------ — CARRY R PO N4 ---------- IMIF rl;�umu m m rl d y v I • I ,I .1 I ) ) FFRMS ORUERFb BY CODE ------------- -—.... IARfI'. Of FICF USE ONLY _ ` m rl� 0 1 S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tm D To - -- — SHIP t0 --- — ----- - - (,orporation of 'flee Town of Newcastle , _--_—_- 7IU 'reml)erance St Ilowmanville , Unt . luncu, TELEPHONE ATTENTION butt Ann 8i.r}cell 623-3379 'MFR PRODUI-I CODE OUAWIIY OIY UNIT DESCRIPTION UNII PRICE ^'•t""•t' (MODEL) ORDERED SHIPPFD Purchase o_pLion. for Canon NP-_8010/ 25 Bins 1.s balance of payments and $1 , 648 . 18 anytime . 'Elie Canon NP-8070/25 Bins is warranted for seven years and 2 , 000 , 000 copies and would be exchanged if unrepairable (mutual. agreement ) . The contract includes ,SP F ) f)'!., I_st €4ve years 9o011-000 copies at SPf�IAI RISIPUCIIO NS — — 1. 5 , 000 cople> per mouth - totter: and service . I it I it(I er; the re - I neat ion and ownerrslri p of Gallon SURIOIA( N11-400MS1) at Hampton , Uta . sInPPINr:— irrrrNCtJ(.E: lornt —._...... __—_ TAX NF 1 DUE lhr Irvin,•;lynnd f'...Cha4nr hrrrby aglrrs to buy from of inc Office Fquipnlrnl Co of Canada lim6naflRr trilled"tho Venrdot-)and the Vendor agwrs to.ell In I'iu,Jnar.r,anon approval of IT,,%wdm, The goods sled nbnvn upon Ihr above mrntionrd terms of paynleol, r urchnvrr,hereby nlao ngrnra the conditions s aul <n Ihn 1•nl•k hrlrol,whir,cowblionv err hereby made purl of This conlrnct,further ricknowle•dging hnving rend nod Taken cognizance Ihn II, nr(I sh: I nnl bn r,nvdwrd vnhd until officially acc:npled by Ihn company O;t1r11 n1 OF inc (Office gniprnrnl C,I rd('nn.al 11 1 11111 r1:im, _ _. ---- _— Approved fly - -. _ _._—.— _-----_._ ey !'urrhasrr's Slgnatlnr Authnw rd Snyra,or CONDITIONAL SALES AGREEMENT 11 IS AGREED I thnl properly and nwneship in and title to file said goods shall riot pass to the Purchaser bill ,hall remain Willi the Vend"I notwithstanding delivery of possession,until the purchase price of all of the said goods and interest,if any,Ihereon and Ilse co,[-;. charges and expenses incurred by the Vendor in connection will)any proceedings to recover payment thereof undo this or ani previous or subsequent contact has been fully paid and all the leans and conditions hereof have hoon conlpliod will, the g00(1�; !01,11 be kept in the possessinn of the Purchaser and shall lint he removed from the Province where dolivery is made wilhrnrl Iermission of lire Vendor and Ibis Purchaser shall not tansfer ally interest fn the goods or the contract until payment in frill of Ih purchase price shall have been made ih,l ill(,whole or any pall of any pnymerhl made by the Purchaser al any little to the Vendor may he applied and approihrinled by Il- Vendor in such manner as Vendor niny in its sole discretion horn time to lime decide, upon this or any previous or !nil^.erinf"nl indebtedness of il)e Purchaser to the Vendor notwilhstanding,ny contrary direction by the Purchaser or of the lean;of payntenl 1,1 ally coritacl hetween the Vendor and the Purchaser or any entries or credits made in the books of Iho Vendor while Theo is nod h 1,111ce owing to the Vendor by the Purchaser. t Ihml acceptance by the Vendor ninny collateral notes or other security and the recovery of any judgmenl again,I the Purr.h,s r 01:111 in no way affect the lights of the Vendor to repossession and sale of goods. Loss or destruction of the goods-hall not reloa';o 11w Purchaser front payment in lull. 1 Ilmt time is of the essence of this agreement and should the purchaser make default in payment hereunder or blench any of III" terms of this agreement or nhandon or dispose of said goods or remove them from the premises speciliod as the I'mcha,or address in Ihi,noreenhent wilhnut permission of the Vendor in writing or if the said goods shall be seized for rc-nt or taxes nr if rnols or taxes shall be overdue or unpaid on any premises where the goods are or if the Purchaser shall become insolvent or make io assignment tot the benefit of credilors,the whole amount covered by the contract in any other confrmcls for goods purchased by the Purchaser from the Vendor,whether due or not,shall forthwith without notice become clue and payahie and Purch"Iset s light In possession of the goods specified in this and all other contracts with the Vendor shall immediately cease and all payneitl'� therefore nmdo byiho Purchaser shall he forfeited to the Vendor as and for liquidated daninges and 1101 as a penalty and a^ reasonable compensation for the use of said goods,injury to and depreciation thereof and expenses anrf Irouhle to respect of Iho same and the Vendor or the Vendor's agent may without process of law and without hindrance or opposition from the Purchaser enter upon;Illy premises rind lake possession of the said goods wllhout being liable for trespass. f he waiv(rr of any default shall 111'f operate as a waiver of srrhsequent defaults and all teniecdies conferred upon the Vendor hereunder are emnutntive. that at the Vendor's option upon Inking possession of the said goods and if Purchaser shall not redeem as herein provided, the Vendor may,on giving any notice thereof required by the Conditional Sales Act,sell the goods at public auction or private sale nr by process of law and niny charge against the proceeds of the said sale the costs and expense of repairing or pulling the goods,l)1 proper shhpe for sale and of its costs and expenses of taking or obtaining possession and of such safe and of any action or suit fn rc,spect lheteol and after dedwAing the net amount resullinq limit such sale from file amount of Ire purchase price owing by Purchaser may forthwith recovery any hnlance front the Purchaser by action or stiff. G that Purchaser shall have the right to redeem the goods repossessed by the Vendor within IWenly days after repossession thot-d upon paying life balance of all amounts payable under this or any prior or subsequent contract includino costs and expen5o,a'; aforesaid, and after the said twenty days Purchaser shall have no claim against life Vendor in respect of the said goods or env ihayment made thereon. I'urchasor agrees to pay a carrying clharoe on any unpaid bmimice of account Purchaser acknowledges having received n c-opv I,I this agreement and ad mils that it embodies all of the obligalions, terms, conditions, warranties and guarantees helWeelh the Vendor and the Purchase with reference to the said goods. No other condition,warranty or representation expiesed or implied, slahrlory or olhewise,shall be deemed to have been made by the Vendor. Any provision of this contract contrary to law shall not invalidate any other provision hereof. !i I he I'ur t:ha,�r heehy nclutowir'does r er,eipl of n copy of this coat act and that the nano and nddwn, of()F inc.((Mice F(wipm-11 (:n of ("anaria), appear, prominently ripen the said (fond; t 1Ilia erluiprn"nl is deliveed to Ibis Purchaser on Iho c.ondilion Ilml if the[kilt cash payntenl and value Ihwenf ha,ool heel pnid.111- fille In and owlier,hip of the ;aid oguipntonl retthains vested will)OF inc(Office Fquipmenl Co of C.,i mdn) I(1 Ibis agreement anrf all il, terms shshll apply to,ensure to the benefit of and bind the heirs,ex.eci lot s,ndminisImlors,succes s(w; and assigns of the Purchaser and the Vendor. I I I he par lies hereto Iterehy agree That Ihey have requested Mal IhisArfreemenl he clown up in the Er gush I:vupr,go only I es war lie,ally pr esente cdeclarent qu'i is not exige que celie Cot venlfon soil redigeP Bans In lanque anglai,o-4,ulomoot A- 466)' [[��'' 1, inc. Office Equipment Company of Canada MACHINE REN I AL AVREEMEN 1 Ilereinafter referred to as "OE inc, (Office Equipment of Canada)" agrees to furnish to customer in accotdance, with thr terms and conditions of this Agreement, the use of the equipment listed below: (himitity - -Make - - Model— — Description Serial NmI l)"I One _Canon NP-8070 _Sy_s_tem_-. 25 13irts SorLi-ng - Stapler tluar Ler 1 --- --- y - - - . Mkottt[21y Use Charge " Copies Incl, In Minimal, Per Copy hate" htstallation C m(w $ 1 , 902 . 00 /45 , 000 per quar-Ler _includes service and toner 'Phis applicahle sales tax. I he le,rrn of this Agreement is ..f;. ,........ months front date of installation and will continue in effect fc�r suc lhsectuent terms of 24 months unless terminated by either party on not less than thirty (30) clays written wol, pf mi to the explratloll of any ter rtl, f In ter nts or conditions, expressed or implied, are authorized unless they appear on the "Uriginal" of this or d,�l sinned by customer all(] approved by OE inc. (Office Equipment of Canada). t:ustnnler agrees that its obligation to pay the monthly rental and the rights of OF inc. (Office Fctuipmew of (,anada) to such monthly rental are absolute and unconditional and are not suhject to any ahatement, reduc li(m, SO off, defense, counterclaim or recoupment (Iue or alleged to be due to, or by reason of, any past present ()r future claims which customer may have against OE inc. (Office Equipment of Canada), III(= ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON THE REVERSE SIDE IIFREOF ARE INCUR (()BATED IN AND MADE PART OF -1-1-11S AGREEMENT. No one is authorized to change, alter, or m1wild the terms Or�.onditions of this Agreement unless agreed to in writing by an Officer of OF inc. (Office Equipliwill of Canada). REFERENCES A CUSTOMER ACCEPTANCE Hank Comparl ('ORPORAT-1ON OP THE, TOWN ct1' NE ldCASTLE,, f3ianch --- - --- --- Address 40 _Tentpera tic e St . , I andinld Postal _-- -- - City Bowmanvlllel;lov, Onl. . Code I- Ir' I 'I'�, I elephone N(nnher ( 6 1 6 ) 6 2 3- 13 7 9 �Auth. Sign. I ille X(printed) Uate OE inc. (O Tice Equipment of Canada) ACCEPTANCE B. {f ---(�f �_� Installation address (if different front above) Sales Repr r ntati B anch_C\ = Date B ltun1ci. al Offices 13 y: Scugog Rd . , Hampton , Ont . I lead Office Auth: — — ----- --- ---- -- Date Bill to: A(_) BH -- TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. 1 isle to and ownership of the equipment and furnishings leased shall at all time remain vested in file Lessor, and the CUS10111et shall have no tights of ownership therein but shall have the use and enjoyment thereof. The customer agrees not to part will, Ill" custody or possession of any of the said equipment or furnishings(luring the term of the Agteenlent. 2. the said equipment and furnishings shall not be removed by the Custorner to any other location witholit writlern pelmrissiorl of the Lessor. The Customer shall advise the Lessor of the train(, and address of his landlord hefole Ihn delivery of the said office erlilipmeot and furnishings in older that the Lessor may notify the landlord of its title, in the said equipment and furnishings Which shall not become subject to the landlold's privilege. 3. Customer agrees to ,grant OE inc. (Office E( uiponent of Canada) or its authorized dealer access to its premises to lead rlwly s, set vice, inspect, repair or remove the equipment hereunder, and Customer agrees not to snake any allegations to the equipnu t1I and not to nulve the equipment (tom the locations) wh(-le installed by OE Inc. (Office Equipment of Canada) oI its autiot;n d riealm without prior written apptoval by OE inc. (Office Equipment of Canada). ,i. A. Minimum monthly use charge for each unit of ecluilmmilt will continence from the date the unit is installed and is payaflf" monthly in advance. Overage rates will be billed monthly in arrears commencing front the date the, unit is installed. R If requited, the Customer agrees to submit to OE inc. (Office Equipment of Canada) oil the last working day of each nwillh, (A inc. (Office Equipment of Canada) meter cards showing complete and accurate meter readings as of the date of compleliflo 5. This Agteenlent cannot he cancelled or tellninaled except as provided herein ail(] will remain ill force for the full letnl iodic :oc ci herein. Upon termination of this Agreement, equipment will be released promptly to OE inc. (Office Equipment of Canaclnl of ila authorized dealer and Customer will remit to OE inc. (Office Equipment of Canada) all monies dun Ileleundeg. 6. Ot inc. (Office Equipnnerlt of Canada) at its option, may teuninate this Agreement without Will written notice where ill'' are unpaid and overdue,of wllele the equipment has been moved, altered or tampered with. In such event tile, Custorner x1"11 I` responsible for any damages sustained by OE inc. (Office Equipment of Canada) as a result. 7. OF inc. (Office Equipment of Canada) may at airy time assign all or any part of its interest in this Rental Agreement of file ecln I1 mmlit leased hereurldet ton third party and such third party shall not be liable or responsible to customer for the ohlivatiolls ,d OF inc. (Office Equipment of Canada) hereunder. R. INSURANCE. Lessee shall obtain,and maintain for the entire term of this Agreement, at its own expense, pinperty (I inl:up •1 1 liability insurance and insurance against loss or damage to the equipment including without limitation, loss by file, (inciUclinn (�lellded coverage) theft,collision and such other risks of loss as ate customarily covered by insurance om the type of eglgipnu"ui tented hetnurlder and by prudent operators of businesses similar to that in which Lessee is engaged, in such amounts, in so'(11 f"1111 and with such insurers as Shall hl,. satisfactory to Lessor. The amount of insurance covering damage to or loss of the ecluil,nl or shall not he less than the gloater of the full replacement value of the equipment or the instalments of rent then Iennainin(r uoll.liil hereunder. Each insurance policy will name Lessee and Lessor as insureds,will name Lessor as loss payee thereof, and shall coil Ialfl a clause requiring the insille.t to give to Lessor at least 10(lays prior written notice of any alte(ation in the terms of such policy or of the cancellation thereof. At Lessor's request, Lessee shall furnish to Lessor a certificate of insurance or other evi deice salisfac.tmy to Lessor that such insurance coverage, is in effect, provided, however that Lessor Shall be under fin(hily rllllr't to ascertain-the existence of or to examine such insurance policy or to advise Lessee in the event Such insurance covelayn shall not comply Milli the, requitelnents hnteof. Lessee further agrees to give Lessor prompt notice of ally darna(re to or loss of, the 1•crtril/ mmnt, or'any part thereof. Lessee will at Its expense snake all proofs of loss and take all other steps IwcesSaty to lecovel insivanr,, henefits, unless advised in wl iting by Lessor that Lessor desites so to(lo,at Lessee's expense. Proceeds of insurance will 1- ilia hugsed by Lessor against satisfac,toly invoices for tepait or teplacernent of equipment, provided this Rental Aggeemlent not 111"ll hr in default. Per for mlance by Lessee under this paragranh will not affect or release Lessee's obligations and liabilities herein rise whe•Ie provided, 9. the CUStonlet agrees to pay all invoices promptly upon receipt of Sallie. 10. Ills Customer shall not sublet any of the office equipment or furnishings nor assign this Rental Agreement or any rights thoiwilldet Without the written permission of the Lessor. I 1 the Custorner undettakns In maintain the said office e(Ilripinnnt and furnishings and surrender same to I essnr in flood conclilic, iimnedimfely upon the termination of lie Agreement, save ins normal wear and tear. I> Igo loss of damuule I the mtoipnlenl shall affect of impai( file ohligalions of Cow onlei hete flit c,l which shall roolinue in I t,• allot effect. All repairs shall be trade by the Lessor and the Customer Shall be Iesponsible. for the paymlenl of Such repairs m n1 Ill- evetrt of a service contact currently in force between the patties the feints of such service contact shall apply. 13• 'Ihe tellll "this Agreement"as used herein includes any future. arnendnlemtS, modifications or stl Ill lelnoIIIS 111a(If' in acc.oldao( hnrcutider. THE CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT I I E IIAS READ THIS AGREEMENT AND IJHDF11 SIAIIII; it AND AGREES TO BE BOUND BY 11S TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND FURTHER AGREES 'THAI I f IS I Ill COMPLETE AND EXCLUSIVE STATEMEN'1" OF 111E AGREEMENT BETWEEN PAR III_S, WHICH S111'ERSLIr[ '; ALL PROPOSALS ORAL OR WRITTEN RELATING TO THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THIS AGREEMENT. 14. The Customer has Iequested that this Agreement be prepared ill English. Ontario 15. This Agreement shall be interpreted and enforced in accordance with the laws of the Province of .................................................... 16. This Rental A(teenlent shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the respective successors and assigns of the patties ho-to. 0 E I n C• Montreal: 5990 Cote de Liesse 114T 1 V 7 let, (5 14) :14) !11'1 I (Office Equipment Ottawa: 768 Belfast Road KIG 076 1 el• (613) 236 72£II Company of Canada) Ouehec: 2025 Rue Lavmisier, Sle. Foy GIN 41.6 Tel. (41fI) (1T7 'J- It Toronto: 525 Denison St., Maikhanl L3R 1BfI I M. (,1 M) 4511 TI31r 4r 616 Ano ?:,r^�,-,��^�-1' :1?;t'--l?; Yf -Y:`{' t?;c s?`t -'t�;t' - tnyy- t' - :.-x;3'„�5?;s --��•• yam• - - --ct;r.l�C� �(• �r.t•r^^ a �'+ . tr lr' 4r 1 Ir^l 1/`1 ar^I Jr^l I!`^1-,V+`_�11`^ r 1 + lr^ • fr^.�.V/`^Y”r^ ^�l%"� l�+�"1 r '?+-Y !"� • 1 ��yye� gib ' is44�� � it9i: xtSC. . at4C�a{?���' �th.' xf3�' .^.rCt2 a'?+:• `+7t" �t � T,� • r,t SEVEN YEARS OR TWO MILLION COPIES ` , r . r ,# for Plain Paper Copiers /= O.E. INC. (Office Equipment Co. of Canada) agrees to perform preventive maintenance including drum =' replacement, parts and labour for the original purchaser of the "Canon" Copier at the prevailing rate. t{ O.E. INC. (Office Equipment Co. of Canada) agrees to provide all emergency service calls, replacement L ' parts and labour and to maintain the "Canon" Copier in proper working order. , rq `i. These services will be provided during normal working hours,Monday to Friday,8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., �, holidays excluded. rr ' This warranty shall be in effect for the period of X years or 2 million copies whichever comes first,so long ` as the maintenance schedule and terms and conditions which follow are met. Failure to comply will invalidate the warranty. U j' TERMS AND CONDITIONS Term of payment - net 30 days from receipt of invoice. S , ' The machine must not be tampered with or adjusted by anyone other than an authorized O.E.INC. Service Technician. If customer chooses to use toner other than that purchased from O.E. INC.the above warranty will �• exclude the photosensitive drum and developing unit. ,;; This service agreement supercedes all proposals, oral or written, relative to the subject matter. r4 r THIS WARRANTY PROGRAM EXCLUDES... rt Any parts required for your "Canon" Copier due to negligence and/or abuse of the copier. Labour will be provided free of charge. Any maintenance required due to acts of God, fire, theft, vandalism, or willful) damage. ;r After-hour, holiday, or weekend service. 5 � • This warranty is not transferable from the original purchaser of the "Car n" Copier. =� 1 / )_ W N The above warranty is chargeable at the following rate which is guaranteed fool::(x)e) year from 7�r the date of purchase. 998;980 copy block only. 4b e� c �•`a�yr�,�� rt " �+ ^✓ INFORMATION FOR SERVICE (MANDATORY) j. The Customer chooses to pay for after sales service as follows ; _ Per Call xxxx r{i ji Meter reading $ xxxx Monthly minimum, payable in advance quarterly r�';k including_xxxx 000 o0P i, F t10�rccep{c j3 $xxx—_ Other g�9 988' c0p�e_s ar e Thereafter at prevail]-ng government rates 15095 CANON PLAIN PAPER COPIERS r; , Date Name of Customer Corporation of the Town of --- - ,. .,j� Deliver to: Municipal Offices Invoice to: Newcastle r Street Scugog Rd . Hampton, Ont . Street 40 Temperance St . , 1i Suite Suite r� � City _Postal Code — City B _xmnnv1 1 1 P 0 n t . Postal Code L1C 1r Machine No.-NP-=_8_0_7_0 Tel. Attention o Lou A n Birket rial Oyl� �71�?r CUSTOMER O.E. OE March 24 , 1987 Corporation of the Town of Newcastle , 40 Temperance Street , Bowmanville , Ontario . L1C 1T6 . Attention: Ms . Lou Ann Birkett Purchasing Agent Dear Ms . Birkett : Reference the Ontario Municipal Board ' s ruling that contracts do not go beyond the term of office of council, OE Inc . recognizes the importance of this ruling and with this letter authorizes the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle to cancel the contract on the Canon NP-8070 installed at Hampton, Ontario , if funds ecome unavailable . ^ Yours very truly, OFFICE EQUIPM T INC . W.T . Hishon, General Sales Manager , Copier/Facsimile Division. WTH/kl lN" 525 Denison Street, Markham,Ont. L3R 1 B8 (416)491-9330 0 E inc. Office Equipment Company of Canada . MONTREAL • OTTAWA • QUEBEC TORONTO Schedule "B" Rent Total seven (7) year cost to rent if $ 53,276.44 volume does not exceed 15,0100 copies per month (present volume 11,000 - 12,000) iu-z Cost of Photocopier $32,000.00 Cost of Toner for seven (7) years $ 8,120.00 * Cost of Service for seven (7) years $14,399.0101 * $ 54,519.00 * based on 1986 prices