HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-100-02 _ ;.. , r"' . CI~-il1glOn REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Monday, October 7,2002 Report #: PSD-l00-02 103 File #: PLN {;/Il- '37(-02- By-law #: Subject: OSHAWA CREEK WATERSHED MANAGEMENT PLAN RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-l00-02 be received; 2. THAT Council endorse the Oshawa Creek Watershed Management Plan, 2002, as prepared by CLOC; and 3. THAT Central Lake Ontario Conservation and the City of Oshawa be provided a copy of this report and Council's resolution. Submitted by: Reviewed by: o hi~~ (20c avi . Crome, M.C.I.P.,R.P.P. Director, Planning Services Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer HB*DC*df 1 October 2002 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 618 . " , .I REPORT NO.: PSD-100-02 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 Assessment of the cumulative effects of development and land uses changes within a watershed must occur in order to gain an understanding of the health of a watershed. As land uses change within a watershed, having an effective watershed management plan will ensure that the health of the ecosystem is not adversely affected. Recommendations contained within watershed management plans focus on ways to protect and enhance the health of the watershed over time. 1.2 The Oshawa Creek Watershed Management Plan was prepared by staff at Central Lake Ontario Conservation. The plan was fully funded by CLOC. 1.3 The watershed management plan has been done in 2 phases. The first phase culminated in the release of the draft Existing Conditions Report in May 2001. This report describes the physical and biophysical condition of groundwater, surface water, aquatic resources and terrestrial resources within the watershed. The second phase assesses possible future impacts to the watershed and includes the creation of guidelines and policies to assist in environmentally sound land development, including official plan policies to assist with impact assessment and mitigation. A draft final report entitled Oshawa Creek Watershed Management Plan was released in May 2002 which combines the first and second phases into one document. An executive summary is provided in Attachment 3 to this report. 1.4 The Oshawa Creek Watershed Management Plan was received by the Board of Directors of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation on September 17th, 2002, and was endorsed. Council of the City of Oshawa has yet to receive the plan. 1.5 Central Lake Ontario Conservation staff will make a presentation to Committee on the Oshawa Creek Watershed Management Plan. 2.0 PUBLIC CONSULTATION 2.1 In 2001 and 2002, Central Lake Ontario Conservation held an open house each summer inviting the public to attend and review the results of the plan. A 619 .' , REPORT NO.: PSD-100-02 PAGE 3 questionnaire was also sent to all interested parties to solicit feedback. This questionnaire was posted on the Central Lake Ontario Conservation website. 2.2 Meetings with staff of the municipalities within the watershed and the Ministry of Natural Resources were held after release of the first phase and the draft final report. All comments made by Clarington during the consultation process were addressed. 3.0 THE OSHAWA CREEK WATERSHED 3.1 The Oshawa Creek watershed originates in the Oak Ridges Moraine and discharges into Lake Ontario at the Oshawa Harbour. This 120 square kilometre watershed is primarily located within the City of Oshawa, but extends into the Town of Whitby, the Township of Scugog, and the Municipality of Clarington (Attachment 1). 3.2 Almost 9% of the Oshawa Creek Watershed is located within Clarington (Attachment 2). Lands occupied by Clarington's portion of this watershed are designated, in part, "Oak Ridges Moraine", "Prime Agricultural Area subject to the Oak Ridges Moraine", "Environmental Protection", and "Aggregate Extraction Area" in the Clarington Official Plan. Zoning on these lands are complimentary to these respective official plan designations. 3.3 The watershed management plan identifies over 50% of Clarington's portion as having either medium or high levels of environmental sensitivity. An important feature within the Clarington portion of this watershed is the Enfield Wetland Complex. This is a locally significant wetland complex and associated with the wetland complex are 2 large areas providing interior core habitat. Interior core habitat, or core areas, are those areas that are self-sustaining and are of sufficient size and quality to withstand the influences of adjacent land uses. Within the entire Oshawa Creek watershed, only 8 core areas exist. 620 " REPORT NO.: PSO-100-02 PAGE 4 4.0 STUDY FINDINGS 4.1 The plan identifies the Oshawa Creek watershed as an area under stress and the following concerns have been raised: forest and wetland cover within the watershed falls below Environment Canada guidelines; impaired water quality and nutrient enrichment is evident; warming water temperatures; existing development is subject to flooding and erosion hazards; annual excess storage in the regional aquifer is limited; large sectors of the watershed are void of core habitat area; and connections to facilitate the movement of wildlife are weak. 4.2 It is reported that 15% of the watershed has impervious surfaces. According to Environment Canada Guidelines, 15% is the threshold that should not be exceeded in urban watersheds in order to maintain water quality and quantity and leave biodiversity unimpaired. Large areas within the watershed are already designated to allow for additional urban uses, increasing the percentage of impervious uses well over this 15% threshold. The plan recommends that through long term planning exercises, such as Official Plan reviews, consideration be given to lessening the impacts of exceeding this threshold. 4.3 Despite these concerns, the watershed does exhibit these healthy elements: . sources of groundwater recharge are found in the Oak Ridges Moraine and the Lake Iroquois Beach portion of this watershed; . the north-south oriented valleys are generally well vegetated; . the Enfield Wetland Complex is a locally significant wetland; . healthy warm water and cold water fish communities are evident; and . there exist good to high quality wildlife habitats in the north portion of the watershed 4.4 Clarington's portion of the watershed is dominated by rural and agricultural land uses. The policies within the Clarington Official Plan dictate that this area will remain rural, having no negative impact on the percentage of impervious surfaces within this watershed. 4.5 The Enfield Wetland Complex is designated "Environmental Protection" in the Clarington Official Plan. The adjacent forest cover and early regeneration habitat associated with these wetlands which contribute to the interior core habitat of the 62] " REPORT NO.: PSD-100-02 PAGE 5 Enfield Wetland Complex, are designated Oak Ridges Moraine in the Official Plan, but have not been identified on Map 'C' to the Official Plan as a natural heritage feature. Land uses currently permitted within the Oak Ridges Moraine designation would not deter the use of these lands as wildlife habitat. However, if a request to amend the designation of these lands is received, an environmental impact study (EIS) would be required. Any EIS would, among other things, give consideration to the wildlife habitat features that have been identified in this watershed management plan. 4.6 Linkages and watershed corridors have also been identified within the Clarington portion of the watershed. The management plan advocates the protection of these linkages and corridors and recommends that future development does not preclude corridor use. Designation of these areas in the Clarington Official Plan does not preclude corridor use or corridor restoration. Any development proposed in these areas should incorporate corridor restoration and/or rehabilitation as requirements of development. 5.0 CONCLUSION The Municipality of Clarington is satisfied with the findings of the Oshawa Creek Watershed Management Plan. Recommendations with respect to creating corridors within Clarington will be given consideration during future review of the Clarington Official Plan. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Map of Oshawa Creek Watershed Attachment 2 - Clarington's Portion of Watershed Attachment 3 - Executive Summary List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Russ Powell Sandra Krane Chief Administrative Officer Clerk Central Lake Ontario Conservation City of Oshawa 100 Whiting Avenue 50 Centre Street South Oshawa, ON L 1 H 3T3 Oshawa, ON L 1 H 3Z7 622 .' . ATTACHMENT 1 --\ I , ---- 'j ~ lC , --~~-~~ !~'-1\ , I I~ i \ J i-- ,tl-. I I . Uii l-- I --t- _jt~lcc .' "TrH'~ 'TW- ' -1[,<-1..;:.___ Lake Ontario Oshawa Creek Watershed 623 .' , ATTACHMENT 2 I I Existing Landuse D Crop and Improved D Open Space D Pasture and Unimproved III Woodlots and Forest " III Wetland ~ Hamlet/Estate Residential . Railway Corridor .... _ Oshawa Creek - -- Watershed Boundary Oshawa Creek Waters~ed 6~risting Landuse ~ 1"-.1 I ' ~0! rei I~~j -I ll,_, rr I I ir [C- Ice:; I=- I=,I ,,.'1 lL ~ l'S1 Ie ILl ~ it:' r' c:= ATTACHMENT 3 Oshawa Creek Watershed Management Plan Draft May, 2002 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) has recognized the need to prepare comprehensive management strategies for all of its watersheds. In order to prepare and enact an effective strategy, CLOCA has initiated a watershed management planning process to supplement previous studies and to guide future management decisions. In an effort to create an up-to-date. and complete foundation of information. several key watershed components were investigated: . history of the watershed . land use . climate, physiography and surficial geology . surface water . groundwater . hazards . fisheries . vegetation . wiidlife habitat . corridors and connections After gathering and anaiysing the relevant data, numBrous issues of concem became evident: . An initial analysis has been undertaken to apply the guidelines for habitat rehabilitation as developed by Environment Canada. The Oshawa Creek watershed falis short of achieving the majority of these guidelines including those for forest and wettand cover. An approximate water budget indicates that the annual eXCBSS storage in the reglonat aquifer is limited. Water quality studies have shown that the Goodman Creek, Montgomery Creek and Oshawa Harbour have impaired water quality. Additionaliy, nutrient Bnrichment is occurring in the northern part of the watershed. Thermal sludies have shown a warming in water temperatures. There arB areas where existing developments are subject to both flooding and erosion hazards. Wildlife habitats are greatly concentrated within the remaining natural areas of the landscape and the distribution of core areas Is poor, with no rBpresentative areas within the watershed from Conlin Road to Columbus Road. The landscape corridors are not intact, causing restrictions to wildlife movement. The local corridors are intact, but do not function to connect with core areas. /.inkages are compensating In areas without local or landscape corridors, but these connections are weak. Despite these apparent problems, this investigation also revealed several positive indicators of watershed health for the Oshawa Creek. It is important to recognize situations where ongoing appropriate management can build upon existing strengths: . The Oak Ridges Moraine, the South Slope Including the Outwash area, and the Lake Iroquois Beach, are sources of groundwater recharge. . There arB concentrations of naturaliy vegetated areas across the Oak Ridges Moraine and the Lake Iroquois Beach. . The north - south oriented valieys are generaliy weli vegetated. r"1 . The Enfield Wetland Complex is a localiy significant wetland, and has been previously identified as an ESA lf'l and ANSI. :;;1 ,0,JI . Remnant wetlands are located on the Iroquois Beach In the form of deciduous and mixed swamps. " '" [;;,': . Smalier wetlands are present in headwater and riparian areas. ",II iL' . The watershed has seven /.ife Science ANSls and one Earth Science ANSI, ali having local significance. ~.', ce'l . The watershed has ten ESAs, two within the Oak Ridges Moraine with the highest level of sensitivity. '--Ji g . The watBrshed has healthy warm water and cold watBr fish communities. ~ ,E' . The watershed has a system of good to high quality wildlife habitats within the northern portion of the LJ] ~ watershed. ?i ~" . The watershed has an extensive, yet somewhat fragmented publicly accessible greenspace established :SJ ~' adjacent to the creek valley. :!S]. ~d This plan examines what a healthy watershed would look like in the future, and provides the following is] ; ~ ~I recommendations outlining what needs to be done to make that a reality. 6 2 5 .. f~: ~'m~llJr~JII Fjlliillll fillll !illllll '1IIIIIJnnUnl'llIIH I[ 1IIiIjjLnJnllrlllnUmJnLlnLfnUrllnlmf!IJI1IJlrLUnlJj~'JlIJrnJ[f' IIII IrJfTllllllj IlfFTllrJJ11 i . . . . . . . 1- " I, " [l I, rl~ I I --If 1Ld IL~ ~: rei " ILl ,e ~ [C,: !!;;:,_i !; [i;' ~E L! ~;~ ~c c r The City of O.haws . All watercourses and their riparian areas be shown in the Official Plan schedules and identified as "Hazard Lands" or 'Environmentally SensKive ArBas" or included in the definition of watercourses contained in the Environmental Management policy 5.1.2 (d). . ConsidBration of wildlife habitat featurBs be completed in an Environmental Impact Study prior to consideration of any changB in designation for lands which are designatBd "Open SpacB and Recreation" and identified as "Hazard Land" or "Environmentally Sensitive Areas" containing four areas of core habitat in the northem portion of the watershed. . It is recommended that the 'Special Study Area" designation at the headwaters of the Goodman Creek not be amended until such time as a provincial weiland evaluation has been completed. . In addition, any study undertaken to amend the designations should require an adequate level of protection for the following as currenlly provided by this area: o weiland features and functions o core habitat (interior habitat); o recharge/discharge functions; o thermal water quality; and additionally o linkages west to Pringle Creek Woods; and o linkages to habitat in WS. . Provision of a corridor should be required as a condition of any amendment to the "Agricultural" designation [[0 I found on lands containing a local corridor in the most eastem extent of Concession 7 or linkages identified ~;[ . ~~~~i~:~~~~e~~n~i~~i~~ssh~~::~a~~:t~r~~I:d ~~~~:~d in an Environmental Impact Study prior to Iti~ consideration of any change in designation for iands that are designated "Agricultural" containing four areas r[" of core habitat in the northern portion ofthe watershed. ~ ~ ~I L...J' ~~ ~ c ~ ,i - 626 ~ '~ ~:: rAlurunu'll rrm Irtl n TlI !nllll[ lill n InllfllJ1l rnulllIunnriLIrJ In! rUUJJlIInllnlllllfllilUJlIJJlI IT jlKllIJllflUfllJfUlLIJ11I[ m Inl mrT,jnllf]llli~ II !C c 2J ""]I ~l :~=II '21 ~J . ,I If fL_ '''1 ~I ILl [r' ~ :~jll .-:-J Il'l ~I 'E_ I~-'J Iio~J ~J ~., [C" L r~;' :I~ Land Use Planning The watershed has reached a point where approximately 15% of its land base is in impervious uses. Studies have shown that this is a threshold that should not be exceeded in urban watersheds in order to "maintain stream water quality and quantity and leave biodiversity relatively unimpaired". Large areas are already designated to allow for additional urban uses that will increase this percentage well over the threshold. Through long term planning exercises such as Official Plan reviews. consideration is required regarding the impacts of exceeding this threshold. Throughout the watershed, policies applied to new development must refiect the need for protection of the existing valued features as identified in this study including: The Town of Whitby . Consideration of existing valued features (e.g., watercourses. local corridor and linkages) be completed in the required Environmental Impact Study prior to consideration of any development application for existing valued features found in areas that are "Hazard Land" and 'Environmentally Sensitive Areas". . Provision of a corridor be required as a condition of any amendment to the "Agriculture" designation found on lands containing the linkage in Concession VII or the watershed corridor immediately north of Taunton Road (shown of Figure 26) . Consideration of wildlife habitat features be completed in an Environmental Impact Study prior to consideration of any change in designation for lands that are "Hazard Land' and "Environmentally Sensitive Areas" containing a large parcel of eariy regeneration habitat immediately east of the Hamlet of Myrtle Station. TheMun~;pal~ofCmri~n . The preparation of an Environmental Impact Study is presentiy required for development within Enfield Wetland Complex. This rBquirement should apply to the entire core habitat areas found on adjacent lands, as provided through policy 4.3.7 of the Clarington Official Plan (features and land characteristics presently not identified on Map C). . Provision of a corridor should be required as a condition of any amendment to the "Oak Ridges Moraine" and "Prime Agricultural Area" designation found on lands containing linkages and watershed corridors. , ,. [.-' i' i, i' " i'_. 1,-- l~.. I' i, ['--- I:' liccil --'I ~ ~Ji ~ ~. -.J, 1f=,; [;1 ~ ~ 5,1 5 ~ ~ ~] ~ Valleyland/hazard land and Iableland dedications to the local municipalities should continue through the land use iF1 planning process to protect existing valued features and assist in developing further linkages. I:. ' Enhancement/Restoration C To be achieved through a wide variety of partners including, individuals, schools, community groups, public lands ~ managers, municipalities, private land stewardship and conservation agencies. 'c::~ ~ Montgomery Creek Subwatershed ~~j rt: . retrofitting of developed areas with stormwater management facilities :L"r ~ . further investigations of the point and non-point sources of elevated trace and major elements in the creek I"c; ~c . develop a monitoring program of stormwater sewers in the watershed ~ ~ . removal of non-native and Invasive plant species [e::" ~~ ~ ~i ~ - 627 ~ roOurHIi Will 'III n 11~llllJD rmf1Un'clr~ ~JlJrl.ll~ I' II rD ill' JII, II11lfllIIILl"[llfllJ]llJ!]I r IrlllriJliil ~lUJlIlfml m'lIJfUJllii[l1 'Iii 111111 II II :1 '111111111 ~lllll ~rl " !l i~ - [~~' ~j if::" I [E: ~ G cl [[;-1 i'1 ~ ~~i C;_'_'; .' . Groundwater . All new development within areas delineated as Iroquois Beach, Outwash Plain. or Oak Ridges Moraine undertake geotechnicai studies to identify the roie of the site in the hydrological cycle, As deemed necessary, a water balance may be required from post development levels to predevelopment conditions, Infiitratlon of stormwater may be required to accomplish this condition, Development Review - Natural Hazards All future development in hydrologic units W3, W2. Wl.l. E3, E2, E2,1, El,1. E1.2, G7, and G2 (as identified on Figure 8) provide stormwater management, designed with a capacity to control flows for all storm events (2 through 100 year) to pre-development levels, Future developments that will drain directly to the Main Oshawa Creek, East Tributary, or West Tributary may discharge without stormwater quantity control, as there are not any detrimental impacts anticipated, Floodplain-mapping exercises should include both peak flow rates with the greater of the 100-year or regional flood line, to be considered the regulatory event. Where stormwater control ponds are planned to maintain a 100-year flood level, and the 100-year flood level is the regulatory event (larger than the regional floodline) in the receiving stream reach, then the control pond should be designed as a flood control facility. Development Review - Surface Water Quality level 1 stormwater quality and thermal protection is recommended for the Oshawa Creek watershed and level 2 is recommended for the Montgomery Creek subwatershed. Generally it is recommended that all developments with a proposed impervious land area of 0.25 hectares or more provide some form of waler quality treatment. For small sites, facilities may not be practical but source control, conveyance treatment or "best effort end of pipe" solutions should be examined. Infrastructure Planning Design considerations should address: . protBction of the existing width of corridor in order to maintain the corridor functions of the 2 main valleys (wildlife crossings); . provision of fish passage at all watercourse crossings, and no net loss of fish habitat; . maintenance of water quality and thermal slability In receiving streams; . maintenance of groundwater recharge function within the Outwash Plain; . maintenance of flooding conditions and surface runoff conveyance; . maintenance of natural channel processes (erosion, deposition and fiows); and . use of only native species for planting pUrpOSBS. Landowner Awareness In order to assist In protecting the watershed's existing valued features, the owners of these features must be informBd of their importance and provided with information about stewardship tools available to thBm. Land Acquisition The identified components of the natural heritage system of the Oshawa Creek watershed should be reflected as a priority in acquisition strategies implemented by public bodies, either alone or in partnership. I' ~r~-I " r,-':::I L'J 1:--' ;:~ J -II ~ J' IL;_" ;;.1 'c--"':, "'II ".., "=11 U;::,,] [' '=-{i ~~~~I ~I L. Ii'?I ~ ~ r2! E I',-,~J c. ,.,:11 ~ :'~II " 'i I--~ '='1 [ij Ie ~ IG:] lSl l5 ~-- 678 ~ qlll1ffiJrIl1Jlllf1llr1lIiUnLrrtlITlWiUnUrlUrlUf1H I!J ~-IJjl mITili\I;JlIJ1UfMnn.WIUflI UIliil:JnUr:l'l1II!1UI1UllmUffi/l1l1r1u;Uil ]ili Wil irllJrIIJ[,LI;u[r:1 I[ '1:-' ~,~ rc-=-! 2] [Cd :~ll ~] ,lj ~I ~I [~I "I L re-' '~CJI r,-"~ ~: rr='J Co- 1_'" r , IE ~, [1;;:" ~5_ L-J c 12 'I [[:~ "~S I ,I "1'- c2, ";:;;;J .~ lb-: ~ I , Ii"= ~ ~ '._i) !LeI f' ,~I ~ I [ic, re IS' ~ 51 <:::; j p' . Main Branch Subwatershed . retrofitting of developed areas with stormwater management facilities . stream cleanup projects to remove garbage within and adjacent to the creek . riparian zone restoration . modification of the CPR Bridge to improve flood conveyance . restoration of the channel and riparian areas to more naturally meandering (and vegetated) conditions in areas north of Highway 401 . reduce amount and distribution of invasive plants Goodman Creek Subwatershed . restore the channel and riparian area to reflect natural conditions (priority Rossland Road to Gibb Street) . natural channel design for the confluence of the Goodman and Oshawa Creeks . goldfish removed from Goodman pond and a program for prevention developed . retrofitting of developed areas with stormwater management facilities . stream cleanups to remove garbage within and adjacent to the creek . riparian zone restoration . expansion of core habitats in thB subwatershed . corridor connections improved through pianting and habitat protection . creation of tableland forest in the eastem portion of the subwatershed . corridor connections are needed to join the west branch of the Oshawa Creek with the Goodman Creek hBadwaters and linkages are required between the valley systems and tableland woodiot . wetland creation or reclamation ES Subwatershed . riparian restoration . creation of habitat through plantings on upland areas currently lacking forest cover . redesigning the Camp Samac Dam to allow fish passage . removal of old tires within the channei and along the banks of the creek west of Simcoe Street . wetland reclamation WN Subwatershed . riparian restoration . expansion of both core areas through restoration of adjacent wetlands and agricuiturallands . wetland rBclamation . redesign of structurBs to allow fish passage EN Subwatershed . revegetation of creek valley corridors . create connections to upland habitats . restore connections with adjacent watersheds . riparian restoration . redesign of dams to allow fish passage Best Management Practices Adoption of Best Management Practices by everyone in the watershed from individual landowners to corporate citizens to govemment agencies Monitoring Program It is recommended that a program to monitor key indicators within the Oshawa Creek watershed be established and undertaken. Watershed Management Plan Review Review of the Oshawa Creek Watershed Management Plan within a 1 O-year timeframe. Continued Public Support Public support is essential for long-term success, becaUSB every step of the process relies upon it. Oshawa Creek Watershed Management Plan Endorsement It is recommended that ClOCA seek the endorsement of the Oshawa Creek Watershed Management Plan from the Region of Dumam, the City of Oshawa, the Municipality of Clarington, the Town of Whitby and the Township of Scugog . I, , !~ rt~ IIul1 2 G'] CL; [L~ [l,'1 :11 I:" [r)j r;-:~I ,L r?; ;~_il ;(~u f(oil ~,-:-_i I " I, :~~~i ]~il Ie ~!I ~ ~ 0;] 5 ~] ~ ~ ~ 'I I? I,~I [---