HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-98-86 / 3 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE �p REPORT File # Res_ # ` By-Law # MEETING'GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: December 1 , 1986 REPORT #�R-99_86 FILE #: SUB.ECT:LIST OF APPLICATIONS FOR CANCELLATION, REDUCTION OR REFUND OF TAXES RECOMMENDATIONS: '1 is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee commend to Council the following: 1 . That Report No. TR-98-86 be received; and 2. That the attached list of applications for cancellation, reduction or refund of taxes be approved. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: Pursuant to Section 496, Chapter 302, of the Municipal ,Act R.S.O. 1980, a list of applications for cancellation, reduction or refund of taxes is presented to Committee for its review and approval . For information purposes, total write-offs, including this recommendation amount to $103,101 .68 and are apportioned as follows for the year 1986. Schools Region Secondary Elementary Separate Province Town Total $18,542.49 $28,843.91 $30,046,89 $2,871 .35 $87.74 $22,709.30 $103,101 .68 Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, J.R. Blanchard, a . Kotseff, Treasurer. Chief Admi tstrative Officer. /hjm V Attachments ,he Council of the LIST OF AF?LICATIONS FOR CANCELLATIO't, REDUC"I0N OR REFUND OF ;A_XES 3accn ,o . . ::.-. . . . . . . .. . . ra�c. . -. . . . gown of Newcastle ;T` e Xunicipal Act R.., .O. _ ;80 C iapter 302 Section X96 As �nac:.:d by ail_ "oyembe; ' `tocifica:iJn Date . 206, 19711 Icief Erolan:3c4on: Effective ;anuu.ry }st, :973, :tie Council rather than the Assessin.ent Review Court shall hear Prepared 3y. . , R; C„3r!dgn. . . . . . . . . and dispose of every application not later than the 31st day of uarch in the year following the year in re:.,pect of which the application is made pursuant to Subsection 7 of Section �°6 of the Xunicipal Act as enacted by Bill 2C-b, 1971.• Last day for makiag application fo - ::.e p, Pvious year'F cax reduction is the 28th day of February in the following year ' � ? r Applicant Location Description, amt. of Tax Assessment chool Reason Clamed by Appl-aar.: Roll Number e.son(s) Taxes, - J. and "ai? ing Address Type of Business Recommendee Support Treasurers Report and Reco;.mendations Bus. Realty es. Fears 1 1 5 11 OOL G�nawa-ys _(Cau�ti ce Rd R ani 12FF 'ICL-- —� RP Reduced spacQ for Sus-yes; —P Q 1986-62 I Cp I To Grant - in- Lieu 'iTf 3 i9a I _.-gamin vest. � 1313. 10 y—I I RP Razed By Fire i ! sz as ( Bowmanvi 11 e-G & C Cl ub IC 3 L 10/11 11,498. 351 I CP-RP ' Partial - Com. to Res. — , Reduced Space for Busi ^.ess as I 0001 Bowmanville G & C Club IC3 L 10/11 ,300.9 - _ BP I _ . . _ - 8 I IScugog Rd. 30. 1 L gp Out of Business 6 1 12 54 0001 Hibbitt _ I 7 1 13 62 05 0002 i Kuzenko Stables IC 4 L 28 52.3 Bp Razed by Fire —� IC BP Out'of' Business 8 1 13 ±147 0003 Lyons L. 4 L 18 ” 76.51 — 'i---- i - Assessment Error 9 1 I 15 19 50 _ McGi 1.1 B. IC 7 L 16 266.94 RP I CP Out of Business 10 2 4 31 I 86I 0027 Brimicombe M. 1 123 Waverley Rd. 210. 1 -- 11 2 4 I 31 I 86 l 0028 Brimicombe M. 1 123 Waverley Rd. I 27.64 I BP Out of Business 12 2 4 I 96 I 1 0001 l Bowmanville Travel 147 King St. W. I 115.3 gp Out of Business 13 ( 2 I 4 I 119 ( 1 0007 Klompmaker / Bryant 126 King .J. 121.06 i BP Out of Business I 240 King St. E. 476. I I I gp Out of Business 14 2 6 I 122 03 X0001 Kim J.S. 69 f 2 I 0001 Seferlis I . I 3802 I I BP �Out of Business 15 7 Q4 10 Kina St. ` \ j ( ;Out of Business �6 2 7 +Oi i i 0002 ( Residential Finders i 44 King ' 40.4 BP j 1 LIS" OF APPLICAT.:ONS =0R `;CE LATiON• REDUCTION OR REFUNM 'F TAXES Batch `lo. . 8.6.-.5. . . . . . .. . . Page. ?. . . . . The council o f the _ Newcastle V Town o f � November 1986 'The Xunicipal act R.S .O. 1 980 Chapter 302 Section '496 As Enacted by Bill Iot_; . ,cation Date. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _C6, 1971) R. C. Bryden Brief Exvlanation: Effective January 1st, 1973, the Council rather than the Assessment Review Court shall gear Prepared 3y. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . and dispose of every application not IF ter than the 31st day of uar,:h in the year following the year in re:'pect of which the application is :fade pursuant t•o Subsection 7 of Section '+96: of the Municipal Act as enacted by Bill 2G6, 1971.- Last day for ^akiag application fog. the prrvious year's tax :eduction is the 29th day ­7 February in the following yeat., Applicant Location Descri tion, Amt. of Tax Assessment �chool Reason Claimed by Applicant 7aim Roll :lumber �•Person(s) Taxes, p ? , ant'. Mailing Address Type of Business � Recommended Support Treasurers Report and Recocr.:,endar.ions Bus. IRealcy es. dears 17 2 1(15__._. f Suncor 7n k,n�E, _ 467• BP Com. To Res • _ 18 2 7 10 ( ZfL. F� 968.85 BP I Out of Business I L , Box K'�-- ; - - , i 80 I 0008 Youn *B. ! 17 T ancp — _114. 65 I BP Out of Business 9 P�tl� 19 _ ` 553. 181 I ( BP Out of Business y 20 2 9 94 I 0002 Cheno A. _ _ 59 King E. _ _ _ _ — — — 2.1 2 9 97 001 Chow J. I 73 King E. 764.88 BP lOut of Business _ 22 2 9 122 001 - One Stop Fabrics I Kina 180.86 BP Out of Business E. • ) 23 2 9 123 I 001 I Century 21 (. 161 King E. 222. 59 BP Out of Business 24 3 3 323 001 Patel B&L ,I C4 L 28 I _ 771. 39 CP Out of Business 25 , I 3 i 5 258 001, Staikopoulis I C6 L 26 �- No Adj . BP_- Out of Business 26 3 3 . 206 002 Hoskin J. j C3 L 28 , 560.95 _ BP Out of Business 27 3 6 107 I I Allin W. j C6 L 27 _ 151.73 I RP i err6r 28 3 7 65 10001 Country Roadhouse ( C 8 L 23 ,784. 28 BP Out of Business 29 I 3 112 10 03 IVanhaverbeke, E.. I C 2 1 27 156. 59 RS Double Assessment 30 1 � 16 I 45 ( Reid S. j C 5 L 32 1,820. 74 ) I RP (A. R. C. Reduction 31 ( 2 18 61 ' X0015 Cardenas L. 130 King E. 741. 66 1 BP Out of Business :e Courc ` 1 of the L:S- 0= .�c'v. .��T,C" �R CL' .�"^`t, REDU=—C', OR RE ai 'AX°J 3acch No. . .86-.5 . . . . . .. . . ?a-ge. . . .� . . - .�vn of Ye:cascle -natd 'oc- icaton ace mbe;(:he "urizip al act ?.5 .0 . 'gC C: a;,cer 302-1 Section ?6 As ' ' :971) - , 7., the � a i r ?r � y. . .R . C. 5r-Men .. . .. . . . . . . Brie` Exolana=ion: E, _ective ,,ar.uary :sc, .9� �, a Count_: ra her than the Assessment Review Court shall hear epar_d 3 and dispose of every application not laser than the 31st day of "arch in _:^e year following the year in respect of which the application is made pursuant to Subsection i of Section 49^. of the Xunicipai Act as enacted by Bill 206, 1971 .• Lasc day for makiag application fqr tl,e previous yea-.'F tax :eduction is the 23th day of February in the ioilowing year. la:= Ro12 �Jumber Person(s) Taxes, Applicant Location,Jescripcion, Amc. of Tax Assessment School Reason Claimed by applicant and "ailing Address Type of 3usiness Recommended Support Treasurers Report and 1 Recommendations I -- Bus. i Real t•r 6es. Years 32 2 8 ( 61 0 E Carden (... 130 King Out of Business. St. E. 1 0.03 BP Razed ( 33 1 4 65 ( I Nichols E &L i�J � C 2 L 22 ( I, 70. 34 �I RP Buildin 9 1 + 153. 65 � I Cp I Buf 1 ding Razed.,' 34 1 7 120 I I Gulf Cam _ I C 2 L 35 _ 35 1 7 120 I 00 0001 Rivest P. I C 2 L 35 1,651. 31 _ I _ gp, lout of Business 5 931 E i 36 2 9 98 00 0004 600133 ONT 1 81 King E. . I gp Out of Business I - 37 2 9 98 i 00 00081 60013; ONT ! 81 King E. 496.6 `r 1 gp Out of Business - 38 1 6 43 I 00 0001 Arora, J. C. C2 L31 451.33 1 18,976. V2 _ i ( I I 1