HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-84-86 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE u`s - LO REPORT File # Res. By-Law # MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: October 20, 1986 REPORT #: TR-84-86 FILE #: SUB.ECT: TENDER NO. T86-26, PRINCE STREET STORM SEWERS RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 . That this report be received; and 2. That Elirpa Construction, Pickering, Ontario, with a bid in the amount of $98, 197.84, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender T86-26, be awarded the contract for the Prince Street Storm Sewers; and 3. That the funds be drawn from the 1986 Public Works Operating budget, pending a further review of available funds. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: Tender specifications were provided by G.M. Sernas and Associates Ltd. , for the Prince Street Storm Sewers. Initially, Tender T86-14 was issued in June 1986, and was subsequently advertised in the local papers as well as the Daily Commercial News. Page 2 - TR-84-86 TENDER NO. T86-26, PRINCE STREET STORM SEWERS Bids were received and tabulated as follows : BIDDER BID AMOUNT Boyle Excavating Limited $129,877.73 Bowmanville, Ontario 659928 Ontario Limited 0/A $139,213.00 V.J.R. Contractors Markham, Ontario After review of the bids by Public Works, Purchasing and the consultants G.M. Sernas and Associates Ltd. , and upon the advice of the consultants, staff decided not to proceed with Tender T86-14, for the following reasons: 1) Lack of bidders 2) Due to the extremely busy construction season, and the fact that the timing was not convenient for most contractors, it was felt that the prices tendered were inflated 3) At the time of this tender call there had been a strike in the construction industry (operators) , which put contractors an additional three (3) weeks behind schedule 4) All bids received were over budget. After further analysis of the situation and again upon the advice of the consultants, staff decided to re-tender in the fall of 1986. The contract terms were changed by revising the required completion date of the project, thereby, making the project more desirable to potential bidders. Subsequently, Tender T86-26 was advErtised, and both contractors who had previously submitted tenders, were invited to bid. Bids were received and tabulated as follows: BIDDER BID AMOUNT Elirpa Construction $ 98,197.84 Pickering, Ontario Boyle Excavating Limited $127,349.78 Bowmanville, Ontcri0 Harnden and King Construction $129,290.25 Cobourg , Ontario The engineer' s estimate for the tendered work was $91 ,220.00. Initially $85,000.00 was budgeted in working capital reserve as approved by Council in 1985. In addition to the total bid price of $98, 197.84 is the contingencies allowance of $4,677. 16 and the Engineering Supervision cost of $10,625.00. This brings the total estimated project cost to $113,500.00. However, staff have now obtained M.T.C. approval for 50% of the total Page - 3 - TR-84-86 TENDER NO. T86-26, PRINCE STREET STORM SEWERS cost which results in a net cost to the Town in the amount of $56,750.00. Staff is of the opinion that the Town 's contribution can be funded from the 1986 Public Works Operating budget and will advise Council accordingly at a later date. After further review of the bids by Public Works, Purchasing and G.M. Sernas and Associates Ltd. , it was mutually agreed the low bidder, Elirpa Construction, Pickering, Ontario, be recommended for the contract award for the Prince Street Storm Sewers. A letter from G.M. Sernas and Associates Ltd. , advising of their recommendations is attached, marked Schedule "A" . Respectfully submitted, G J.R. Blanchard, Treasurer. G.J. Ough, P. Eng. , Director of Public Works. /hjm Attachment SCHEDULE "A" PROFESSIONAL CONSULTING ENGINEERS October 15 , 1986 Town of Newcastle Scugog Street r Hampton , Ontario ` 1 LOB lJ0 �t��,� '?" �u. �(7 Attention: Mr . G. Ough, P. Eng. i Dear Sir : RE : PRINCE STREET STORM SEWER TOWN OF NEWCASTLE CONTRACT T86-26 Tenders for Prince Street storm sewer, Town of Newcastle Contract T86-26 were received and opened on Tuesday , October 14 , 1.986 , at 2 : 00 p ,m. The following is a summary of the three (3) tenders received: Total Tenderer 'Tendered Amount Elirpa Construction $ 98 , 197 .84 Boyle Excavating Limited $127 , 349 . 78 Harden & King Construction $129 , 290 . 25 The Engineer' s estimate for the tendered work was $91 , 220 .00 . A copy of the low tender submission is attached for your record. We have examined the three (3) tender submissions and found the same to be arithmetically correct and complete I complying with the general tendering requirements . Further, we have analyzed the unit prices tendered by the two low tenderers and found that the unit prices bid to be reasonable without evident of unbalancing of the tender bids . Based upon the low tender received, Elirpa Construction & Materials Limited , the following is our estimate and apportionment of the total project cost : 2/ 85 THE EAST MALL,SUITE I i I 185 RROCK ST NORTH,SU11 F 207 TORONTO,ONTARIO M075M WHITAY,ONTARIO LIN 4H3 TELEPHONE.(416)25 9-6323 TELEPHONE(416(6GB')?" TORONTO LINE-683-5541 `:��}�9 Li C�.1:.1.�L1J;••L.J t3..!_I59 J tl:t:.1ENL.9 iLtPUJ. Town of Newcastle Mr . G. Ough, P . Eng. October. 15 , 1986 P a S E_ Total Estimated Project Cost Contract tendered amount (El.irpa Construction & Materials $ 98 , 197 . 84 Limited) Contingencies $ 4 , 677 . 16 Engineering, & Resident Supervision $ 10 , 625 . 00 Total $113 , 500 . 00 A-pportionment of Estimated Total. Project Cost Ministry of Transportation & Communications $ 56 , 750 . 00 Town of Newcastle $ 56 , 750 . 00 Total Estimated Project Cost $113 , 500 . 00 The contract work includes the installation of storm sewers and road and boulevard restoration on Prince Street from Simpson Street westerly 250 meters . The contract is open for acceptance for a period of 30 days after the tender closing date of October 14 , 1986 . The contract work is scheduled for completion- within eight (8) weeks after the date of official. notification to commence work . The award of the contract is subject to the approval of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications . We are satisfied that Eli.rpa Construction & Materials Ltd. , is capable of completing this project to the terms of the contract , and therefore recommend acceptance of the low tender and award of contract to Eli_rpa Construction & Materials I.td. , in the amount of M:inety-Eight 'Thousand One Hundred acid Ninety--Seven Dollars and Eighty Dour Cents ($98 , 197 .84) subject to the requisite approvals . Upon receipt of your instructions , we will prepare the contract documents for execution and make the necessary submission to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for approval of the contract award. Please advise if you require additional information to supplement the above . 3/ � � O V Sw".�L3,1 Town of Newcastle Mr. G . Ough, P . Eng. October 15 , 1986 Page 3 - -- Trusting that the above is sai_tsfactory, we remain Yours very truly, G. M. SERNAS & ASSOCIATES LTD. N. Mensink, P. Eng. NM: hm Associate , Project Manager Encl. cc : Town of Newcastle Attn. Mrs . L . Burkett- SUMMARY - PRINCE STREET STORM SEWER, TOWN OF NEWCASTLE CLOSING - 2 ;00 P.M. , OCT. 14 , 1986 ROADWORK & STORM SEWER SERVICING T80DCR 3UMMA8Y CONTRACTOR It ROADWORKS 11 UNDERGROUND 11 TOTAL It REMARKS ====================================================================== 0OV&C0R CONSTRUCTION 11 11 ______________________________________________________________________ DAVE B0YLB It 11 It 11 &TB EXCAVATING 11 ¢36 , 642 . 10 11 $90 , 707 , 68 It $127 , 349 . 78 11 CC LTD, It 11 it 1113 ,000 . 00 ______________________________________________________________________ K&MLD ! l 11 ' 11 ll ' CONSTRUCTION 11 11 ! l } ! LTD. 11 i !' It It _-_--_--_--_-___--__--_-----__--____--_-_--___-___-----_--_-_--___-__- 8OLLINGW0BT8 ll it CONSTRUCTION / 1 ll it ll 11 It ______________________________________________________________________ V.J .R . ! l ! l 11 if CONTRACTORS 11 ,_--____-_-__--_-_-_-_-_-_-___-_-__----__-__----_----_--_-_-__--_----__ HARDEN 6 KING 11 11 It CONSTRUCTION 11 \ ! If 11 8T8 (ONTARIO) 11 $33 , 553 . 35 11 ¢96 ' 736 . 90 11 ¢139 , 890 . 25 11 CC LIMITED 11 11 11 1113 , 500 . 00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- / D&GM&B 11 11 11 11 CONSTRUCTION 11 It LIMITED 11 If ______________________________________________________________________ 8LIRP& 11 it It ! l &78 CONSTRUCTION & 11 $24 , 532 . 84 It ¢73 , 665 . 00 11 $98 , 197 . 84 / t CC MATERIALS LTD. 11 11 11 1110 , 000 , 00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! l 11 11 11 ENGINEER' S 11 ¢23 , 397 . 50 11 $67 , 822 . 50 11 ¢91' 320 .00 il ESTIMATE 11 l ! it It ______________________________________________________________________ NOTES : ATB - AGREEMENT TO BOND INCL . B8 - BID BOND INCL . CC - CERTIFIED CRDOUO INCL. Q - QUALIFYING LETTER PROVIDED ' �