HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-45-86 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE J �( REPORT File # 5. Res. # By-Law # MEETING. General Purpose & Administration Committee Meeting DATE: JUNE 16, 1986 REPORT #: TR-45-86 FILE #: SUB,JECT: LIST OF APPLICATIONS FOR CANCELLATION, REDUCTION OR REFUND OF TAXES RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 . That Report No. TR-45-86 be received; and 2. That the attached list of applications for cancellation, reduction or refund of taxes be approved. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT Pursuant to Section 496, Chapter 302 of the Municipal Act. R.S.O. 1980, a list of applications for cancellation, reduction or refund of taxes is presented to Committee for its review and approval . Respectfully submitted, J.R. Blanchard, Treasurer. JRB/PP ATTACHMENT: U ro: The Council of the LIST OF APPLICATIONS FOR CANCELLATION, REDUCTION OR REFUND OF TAXES Batch No...86.2......... Page.Z..... Town of Newcastle: (The Municipal Act R.S.O. 1980 Chapter 302 Section 496 As Enacted by Bill Notification Date...MV...QQ. l-9916.... 206, 1971) 1rief Extlanation: Effective January 1st, 1973, the Council rather than the Assessment Review Court shall hear Prepared By.... R: C. Br . and dispose of every application not later than the 31st day of :larch in the year following the year in respect of which the application is made pursuant to Subsection 7 of Section 496. of the 'Municipal Act as enacted by Bill 206, 1971: Last day for making application for the previous year's tax :eduction is the 28th day of February in the following year. -'aim ROIL ''lumber Person(s) Taxes, Applicant Lot tion,Description, Amt. of Tax Assessment chool Reason Claimed by Applicant :o and hailing Address Type of Business Recommended upport Treasurers Report and - - - Recommendations -_ ^ Bus. Realt es. Tears 16 2 4 31 86 0002 Ignagni, A. 92 Waverly Road 155.3 _ 86 Out of Business 17 2 4 85 00 McGregor Drugs 5 King St. West 173.00 86 Partial Demolition _ 18 2 4 85 00 0002 McGregor Drugs 5 King St. West 61.51 86 Reduced Business Space 19 2 4 86 00 Evans, A. I 7 King St. West 98.86 86 Partial Demolition Y _- 20 Z 4 86 00 0001 Evans, A. 7 Kin St. West 671.0 86 Reduced Business S ace 21 2 4 94 00 Childs, M. 137 King St. West 18.54 1 86 1 Shed Demolished 22 2 4 94 , 00 0001 Childs, M. 37 King St. West 6.3 86 Reduced Business Space 23 2 4 100 00 0001 607892 Ontario Limited 85 King St. West 1,603.71 86 Out of Business - 24 2 4 131 00 10007 Pineridge Auto 13 Scugog Road 605.02 86 = Out of Business 25 2 4 135 00 0001 Swan, R. 19 Silver Street 492.891 1"16ne ss 26 I 2 4 135 100 0002 Allen W 119 Silypr S 792041 1 E 27 2 7 107 00 0007 Rutherford M. 150 Kina St t 218.12 28 2 I 7 105 01 0001 Pronto Oil 96 Kin St. East 1 577.77 ss 29 2 8 58 00 0001 Pollitt 118 Kin St. East 572.21 ness 30 2 9 1 00 - Goodyear Canada Raynes Avenue 3,104to Residential z ro: The Council of the LIST OF APPLICATIONS FOR CANCELLATION, REDL'CTIO\ OR REFUND OF TAXES Batch No..86:?.......... Pagel...... Town of Newcastle Ma 30 1986 (The Municipal Act R.S.O. 1980 Chapter 302 Section 496 As Enacted by Bill Notification Dace....X...a......._._ 206, 1971) 3r_ef Explanation: Effective January 1st, 1973, the Council rather than the Assessment Review Court shall hear Prepared By..R..�,_8rydeo........... and dispose of every application not Lacer than the 31st day of 'larch in the year following the year in respect of which the application is made pursuant to Subsection 7 of Section 496. of the `funicipal Act as enacted by Bill 206, 1971: Last day for making application for the ptevious year's tax reduction is the 28th day of February in the following year. — — :a s 2011 Nuaber Persons) Taxes, Applicant Locacion,Descripcion, Amt. of Tax Assessment ho Reason Claimed by Applicant ;o. and :failing Address Type of Business Recommended upport Treasurers Report and Recommendations _ Bus. Realt es. tears - 4 1 1 1 228 49 Ridge Pine Park L.322 997.26 _ 85 House Demolished = l 5 11 00 0002 Diefenbach 0. B.F. L.28 363.62 86 Out of Business 3 1 5 179 00 0001 Becker Milk Co. C.2, L.29 1 470.29 86 Out of Business_ 1 10 39 00 - Claret Investments _ C.3, L.31 160.27 _ _86 Building Demolished 5 1 10 83 00 - Canonico, S. C.3, L.33 100.40 I 85 Building Demolished 1 ;2 151 100 0001 Barron, H. I C.5, L.18 303.73 85 Out of Business 1 12 187 00 0003 Vandenheuvel, P. C.5, L.16 P509.84 46.11 - 86 Out of Business - -- - - - —- 3 1 ?3 -147 00 0001 Laycoe, R. C.5, L.15/16 I 86 Out of Business 9 2 1 741 00 0002 Property Consultants 62 Jackman Road 130.31 86 _ Out of Business 10 2 3 154 00 - Ilkay, C. 1 104 Concession West 631.19 _ 85 Building Demolished 11 2 3 i54 00 - Ilkay, C. 1 104 Concession West I 93.44 86 Building Demolished 12 2 4 3 100 0001 Koning, F. 12 Silver Street 1 330.45 86 Out of Business 13 2 4 7 00 0001 Swan, R. 119 Silver Street 332.56 86 Out of Business 14 2 4 27 13 0002 McEwan 18 Waverly Road 53.14 86 Commercial to Residential 15 2 { 4 31 86 0001 Ignagni, A. 92 Waverly Road 048.71 86 Out of Business w----- - ---I- ----- --- _ �- -- - LIST 0= kp?LICATIONS FOR CANCELLATION, REDUCTION OR REFUND OF TAXES Batch 'To..86:2_- ... Page3...... Lo: The Council of the - Town of Newcastle Ma 30 1986 (The Municipal act R.S.O. 1480 Chapter-30Z Section 496 As Enacted by Bill Notification Date....y...�.......... 206, 1971) R. Br den _xolanation: Effective January Is t, 1973, the Council rather Chan the Assessment Review Court shall hear Prepared By...:..................... E irief and dispose of every application not later than the 31st day of March in the year following the year in respect of which the application is made pursuant to Subsection 7 of Section 496. of the Municipal Act as enacted by Bill 206, 1971: Last day for making application for the previous year's tax reduction is the 28ch day of February in the following year. lain ?toll Number Persons) Taxes, Applicant Location,Descripcion, Amc_ of Tax Assessmenc chooL Reason Claimed by Applicanc No, and `failing Address- Type of Business Recommended upport Treasurers Report and Recommendacions Bus. Realty es. tears _ 31 2 9 1 00 0001 Goodyear Canada Raynes Avenue 2,413.6 86 Reduced Business Space' 32 2 9 80 00 0008 Gylytiuk, L. 17 Temperance St. 218.3 86 Out of Business 4 33 2 9 98 00 0003 Harraldson, Ht 75 King St. East 454.41 86 Out of Business - 34 2 9 98 00 0005 P.udell, W. 75 King St. East 138.8 86 Parking Lot Closed 75 Kin St. East 333.4 86 Parking Lot Closed 35 2 9 98 00 0007 Harral d-son, H. 9 _ 36 2 9 129 00 0001 Gordin, C. 181 King St. East 1,022.5 86 Out of Business 37 2 9 176 00 - Morris, F. F. 116 Queen St. 179.20 86 Building Demolished 38 2 12 1 01 0033 Malford investments 243 King St. East 2,380.89 85 Out of"Business 39 2 12 1 01 0034 Malford investments 243 King St. East 109.21 85 _ Out of Business 40 2 12 198 30 0001 Wood, H. 210 Baseline Rd. East 1,802.86 85 Out of Business 41 2 13 14 00 - Brown, R. 186 Duke Street 270.42 85 Commercial to Residential 42 2 13 14 .00 0001 Glen Able Inc. 186 Duke Street 507.76 86 Out of Business - — - — 43 3 1 212 00 0001 McQuat, J. C.2, L.8 238.98 186 ut of Business - p 44 3 3 122 01 - Brown, S. I C.2, L.32/33 382.61 86 ssessment Reduction e 45 3 3 I 162 00 - Stevens, C. R. C.2, L.32 373.94 86 uilding Demolished ro: The Council of the LIST OF APPLICATIONS FOR CANCELLATIOY, REDUCTION OR REFUND OF TA_YES Batch No....86:?........ Page 4..... Town of Newcastle (The Municipal Act R.5.0_ 1980 Chapter 302 Section 496 As Enacted by Bill Notification Dace.. May.30,,,., 6,... 206. 1971) 3rief Explanation: Effective January 1st, 1973, the Council rather than the Assessment Review Court shall hear Prepared By....... ..C_ Br.gEn.......... and dispose of every application not later chan the 31st day of March in the year following the year in respect of which the application is made pursuant to Subsection 7 of Section 496. of the Municipal Act as enacted by Bill 206, 1971.• Lasc day for making application for the previous year's tax reduction is the 28th day of February in the following year. ;1aim Roll Number Person(s) Taxes, Applicant Locacion,Description, Amt. of Tax Assessment chool Reason Claimed by Applicant ;o and 'failing Address Type of Business Recommended upport Treasurers Report and Recommendations Bus. Realt es. Years 46 3 3 207 00 0001 547592 Ontario Limited C.3, L.28 743.761 86 Out of Business 47 3 3 214 00 0001 Peake, C. C.3, L.28 751.50 1 86 Out of Business e 48 3 3 216 00 0001 Patel, J. C.3, L.28 940.57 86 Out of Business 49 3 4 7 00 - Davis E. W. C.6, L.2 423.24 85 Asessment Reduction 50 3 7 76 10 0001 Gatien, R. C.8 L.24 448 86 I ac 51 3 10 143 00 0001 601674 Ontario Main Street 1224.14 86 0 t f Business _— 52 3 11 1 00 0002 Newcastle Reporter King Street 449.29 86 Out of Business 53 3 11 5 00 0001 Waggoner, W. King Street 345.40 86 Out of Business 54 3 11 7 00 0001 Luxton, P. King Street 464.02 86 ___ Out of Business 55 3 12 83 00 0001 Broore et I King St, Pt e° 56 2 6 106 00 ikins 15G 17.83 86 ilding Demolish?,d 57 2 6 134 100 Sornber r 1 King St. East 90.64 86 Reduced Comm. Assessment — 58 2 6 134 00 0002 Mediacom i Kin St. East 36.32 86 Billboard Removed 59 2 6 5 00 0002 Wa oner. W. R. I King St. East 460.52 86 ut of Business - —- — 60 2 9 84 00 0003 Carter II King St. East 310.68 86 educed Space 43,87-25 - __