HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-090-02 . Cl!1!#Jglon REPORT PLANNING SERVICES PUBLIC MEETING Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Monday, September 23,2002 pO<z.QF Report #: PSD-090-02 File #: COPA 2002-009, By-law #: ZBA 2002-025 & S-C-2002-003 G/f1- 357 -Q:2 Subject: OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT, REZONING AND DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATIONS APPLICANT: VALIANT PROPERTY MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Commillee recommend to Council the following: 1, THAT Report PSD-090-02 be received; 2. THAT the development applications submilled Valiant Property Management be referred back to Staff for further processing and preparation of a subsequent report pending receipt of all outstanding comments; and, 3. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. 4. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision, Submilled by: Reviewed by: o~--:,~. vi ,Crome, M.C,I.P.,R.P,P, Director, Planning Services Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer RH*L T*df 17 September 2002 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVlllE, ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6 T (905)623,3379 F (905)623-0830 601 REPORT NO.: PSD-090-02 PAGE 2 1.0 APPLICATION DETAILS 1,1 Applicant: Valiant Property Management 1,2 Agent: Sernas Associates 1.3 Official Plan Amendment: To permit the development of 6,410 m2 of retail commercial floors pace by increasing the retail commercial development thresholds contained in Section 5,2.4 of the Bowmanville West Main Central Area Secondary Plan, 1.4 Rezoning: To rezone the property from "Agricultural (A) Zone" to permit the development of 6,41 0 m2 of retail commercial f1oorspace, 1,5 Draft Plan of Subdivision: To subdivide the subject lands into two retail commercial development blocks and provide for the dedication of Uptown Avenue as municipal roadway, 1,6 Site Area: 5,9 hectares (14.6 acres) 2.0 LOCATION 2,1 The property under consideration includes 1989, 1991, and 1993 Green Road, which is located at the southeast corner of Highway 2 and Green Road in Bowmanville (See Attachment 1), The applicant has also recently purchased property at 2374 Highway 2 to accommodate the larger proposal. The land holdings under consideration total 5,9 hectares (14,6 ac), The property is located within Part Lot 16, Concession 1, in the former Township of Darlington, 602 REPORT NO.: PSD-090-02 PAGE 3 3.0 BACKGROUND 3,1 On August 1, 2002, Valiant Property Management submitted official plan amendment, rezoning and draft plan of subdivision applications to permit the redevelopment of 6,410 m2 of retail commercial floors pace as shown on Attachment 2, The development would consist of a 3,716 m2 supermarket and 2,694 m2 of other retail commercial f1oorspace, Proposed building elevations are contained in Attachment 3, 3,2 Although the applicant may purchase the Scotia Bank building and the surrounding lands on the northwest corner of Highway 2 and Clarington Boulevard, this portion of the development is currently zoned "General Commercial Exception (C1-15) Zone" and is not subject to these applications, Further commercial development may occur on these lands subject to site plan approval. 3,3 Although the applicant recently purchased the property at 2374 Highway 2, the applicant does not own the property at 2380 Highway 2, 4.0 SITE CHARACTERISTICS AND SURROUNDING USES 4.1 The majority of the subject lands, with the exception of the dwelling on 2374 Highway 2, are currently vacant. This area drains towards Highway 2, 4,2 Surrounding Uses: East - North - West - South: - Cineplex theatre and restaurant uses Agricultural lands and rural residential Agricultural lands Clarington Centre shopping plaza and Canadian Tire 603 REPORT NO.: PSD-090-02 PAGE 4 5,0 OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES 5,1 The Clarington Official plan designates the property as "Retail Commercial" within the Bowmanville Main Central Area Secondary Plan. Although the land use designation permits retail commercial development, a series of retail thresholds related to population growth governs when lands can be zoned or released for commercial development. An initial allocation of retail f100rspace to establish a critical mass for development was approved by the OMS, Neither the critical mass established in Section 5.2.4 of the Secondary Plan nor the population thresholds provide for a sufficient amount of retail f100rspace to permit development of the subject lands, As such, an amendment to the Clarington Official Plan was submitted to seek commercial development rights on these lands, A copy of the proposed amendment to the Clarington Official Plan is contained in Attachment 4, 5,2 Prior to approval of additional retail commercial floors pace on the subject lands, the policies require that a retail market impact study at the applicant's expense, is necessary to address the following issues: · the impact of existing commercial development in West Bowmanville on the downtown and other designated commercial areas; · changes in consumer expenditure patterns from those patterns documented in retail market studies prepared in 1992; and, · the impact of additional retail commercial development on existing commercial development throughout Clarington, The terms of reference for the market study are discussed in Section 9,2 of this report, 604 REPORT NO.: PSD-090-02 PAGE 5 6.0 ZONING BY-LAW CONFORMITY 6.1 The lands subject to the application are currently zoned "Agricultural (A) Zone", In order to permit the proposed development, a rezoning application was submitted for consideration, 7.0 PUBLIC NOTICE AND SUBMISSION 7.1 Public notice was given by mail to each landowner within 120 metres of the subject site and three public meeting notice signs were installed on the lands. 7,2 No general inquiries or correspondence has been received on these applications to date, 8.0 AGENCY COMMENTS 8.1 The Building Division has no objections to the proposal as long as proper fire protection and access routes are provided, all servicing approvals are obtained, and commercial development charges are paid, 8,2 Enbridge Consumers Gas has no objections to the proposal provided that all streets are constructed to municipal standards and that all necessary information is provided to permit the installation of their gas lines, 8.3 The application has been circulated to the following agencies for review, · Clarington Engineering Services · Clarington Operations · Clarington Emergency Services · Durham Region Planning Department · Durham Region Public Works Department · Durham Regional Police Services · Central Lake Ontario Conservation 605 REPORT NO.: PSD-090-02 PAGE 6 . Public School Board . Canada Post Corporation . Bell Canada . Hydro One Networks Inc, Due to the complexity of the application, comments have not been received from these agencies to date. 9.0 COMMENTS 9,1 West Diamond Properties Inc, and Players Business Park Ltd, submitted official plan amendment and rezoning applications to permit 24,000 m2 of retail commercial floors pace at the northeast corner of Green Road and Highway 2, Development applications on the subject lands propose a further 6,410 m2 of retail commercial f1oorspace, If approved, these two applications would more than double the amount of existing commercial f100rspace in the Bowmanville West Main Central Area, 9.2 Staff have prepared the terms of reference for a commercial policy review and retail market study, This developer-funded study will examine the following issues, . How has the retail market evolved in Bowmanville and surrounding area since 1993? . Can the Clarington market support additional commercial f100rspace in advance of the population thresholds established in the Bowmanville West Main Central Area Secondary Plan? If so, where and how much? . What level of support exists for each retail category? Are there any impacts on other commercial areas? Would the impacts differ for big box retailers? . Would approval of these developments delay the introduction of other designated commercial areas? 606 REPORT NO.: PSD-090-02 PAGE 7 · If the proposals impact the viability of unbuilt lower order commercial centres, should they be considered for removal from the Official Plan? · Based on the retail market analysis prepared for recent commercial developments in Oshawa, what level of market support remains for these proposals? · What are the known impacts from other locations of Wal-Mart on smaller businesses carrying competitive merchandise? Staff anticipate that this study will commence once the West Diamond Properties application is finalized, 9,3 A critical issue for this application is the phasing of infrastructure improvements, including the extension of roads, In this regard, improvements are required to upgrade Highway 2 and Green Road, Internally, extensions of Uptown Avenue and Clarington Boulevard are required, The Clarington Official Plan designates Uptown Avenue from Regional Road 57 to Boswell Avenue, This transportation link, running parallel with Highway 2, will provide an important component for the grid system of streets providing an alternate route to Highway 2, This is important to alleviate the future traffic pressures on Highway 2, The applicant will be required to dedicate the lands for Uptown Avenue as a condition of draft plan approval. The extension of Clarington Boulevard northerly to the unopened portion of Concession Road 2 is the other internal public road required to be constructed, While the developer considers this road section to be unnecessary in the short term to service its first phase development, this road section is critical for the servicing of the new Bowmanville High School site, 607 REPORT NO.: PSD-090-02 PAGE 8 The Municipality has an agreement with the existing owner of the lands, Willsonia Industries, that in the event of the sale of the lands, the road extensions for Clarington Boulevard and a portion of the future Uptown Avenue will be transferred to the Municipality, and appropriate securities for the construction of the roads will be posted, Municipal staff and solicitor have met with Willsonia Industries and Valiant Property Management with respect to the arrangements under the agreement with the Municipality and a potential solution to the servicing needs of the future High School site, This matter will be addressed by separate report when a solution is reached, 9.4 This proposal will be subject to urban design review with the assistance of outside consultants, 10. CONCLUSIONS 10,1 As the purpose of this report is to satisfy the requirements for the Public Meeting under the Planning Act, and taking into consideration all of the comments received, it is respectfully requested that this report be referred back to Staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Key Map Attachment 2 - Proposed Development Plan Attachment 3 - Proposed Building Elevations Attachment 4 - Proposed Amendment to the Clarington Official Plan 608 REPORT NO.: PSD-090-02 PAGE 9 Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Glenn Willson Willsonia Industries Limited 140 Bond Street West P,O, Box 488 Oshawa, Ontario L 1 H 7L8 Robert Hann Valiant Property Management 177 Nonquon Road 20th Floor Oshawa, Ontario L 1 G 3S2 Bryce Jordan Sernas Associates 110 Scotia Court Unit41 Whitby, Ontario L 1 N 8Y7 Bill Creamer D,G, Biddle & Associates Limited 96 King Street East Oshawa, Ontario L 1 H 1 B6 609 ATTACHMENT 1 ! .~ o Q:: ~~ .. --........ , 1..NPtP€1lIlDiloll..u..tJ'l,lo\MC[IET~CllMCUSlllMSIAHD2 LOT 16 CDNCESSHlN I BLOCK 2 PM112_-1673O BLOCK 1 ~ .. ""'1144011-16730 NUE .lI'oaD .- ,$ ~~ / PARC(L D ~ PMTI64QR-16731l h ,~ =0 ! HIGHWA'r < Bowmanvllle Key Map Subject Site . ZBA 2002.Q25, COPA 2002-009 and SC2002.Q03 ~ ! ~ l ~ " "'"" Zoning By-law Amendment Clarington Official Plan Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision -" Owner: Valiant Property Management 610 ATTACHMENT 2 i ~ If' :1 ~ ~ i i ~ ~ Ill\! ~ 1< ",~~i> ~ ;~~~ II ~~.~" I!i; I; """1""--.., r-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-' i ill I i I 1::::::::~:11ll:1:::::::::::::1 t; ____- -t. , , . .. '--" I =-=..:..-=- . - i::::::: <= _;:L: = . :==:i j . -~-1~~~~~C_C~ . i I' c 'I ~ I ! t~ ~ 0 il J II o ~ I I I ~ I J ::> I I 2 // I / I ; i'~":-'-~-~/7'-i-' I I I / . / I / I // 1/ ! / /r/ 1/ i. ,- /! / I 1 . / ! I ~ II I u i ! if ~ i I I 1 \ II . !~ I !. . 11 I !~ 11 . ..~. .--. . -..0_ I III E- ~ ~ ~ t~ '" ~ '" ~~ 'ijlJJ ~~ ~ " 1" ~ d ~ E ~ ~ e! ~ ~:;: ~~~;1j ~" " - ~ BB ~~ ~ "'~ ~~ ~~ ~n ao en -~ ..... ~~lE u - ~ ~~ .- 5if3f::l Bi ~ ~ ~ ~ W -J~~ ~ lL ~ 3illi ~ ~5ia - '" ~~ - "'~~ In ~ ~n ; ~u W f-- ~ I- lLlL i l-lLlL Vi E =' t- 2H ~ it w gj'E.- ti tlJJ ".~ ,,-~ f?a - - 611 ..n \\\ -<: . I; . ~ ~! 8 "! - < 3 " "- .. 0 ~ ~,8 0' , v ~ o " o , ", , n ,., , ~ o 2; if: ~ ii. o ci: " n: " m ~ o 2; ". " o " c E o u ~ ~ " c " o ro , w 8 ~ " a ci: s '. '" I t c I t m . L~ , B~'" ~ . ,~. h:\ d' I {'I~ ':'~~ .! ~~ ii, I,; .0 .t~ ATTACHMENT 3 l 1-. . 1>!U' ~ ~ '" ~~~~?~~ -< Z~Igg~1 ~ z~~ '. ~, ? ~~~~ ~ 3~ ~ ij1!9 I!i". · 'c ' .'0 ".";.~. jj~ ~<"8 <Ii:> ;;z" '<!li'" '" ~ to ji ;a ~"O I I t .0-,1' .o-,~ I t u . I t c ATTACHMENT 4 Amendment No. To the Clarington Official Plan Purpose: The purpose of the amendment is to (1) amend the thresholds for retail floors pace within the Bowmanville West Main Central Area Secondary Plan; and (2) to allocate present and future commercial floorspace potential to the area bounded by King Street, Green Road, the road allowance between Concessions 1 and 2 and Clarington Boulevard. This amendment will permit the zoning of up to 6,000m2 of retail and personal service f100rspace in the subject area based on current population levels and the zoning of up to an additional 6,000m2 of retail floors pace when the population of Clarington exceeds 78,000 persons. Basis: The basis of this amendment is an Official Plan Amendment application (COPA 2002-009) filed by Valiant Property Management. Actual Amendment: The Bowmanville West Main Central Area Secondary Plan (Part VI of the Clarington Official Plan) is hereby amended by: 1. Revising the chart within Section 5.2.4 a) to read as follows: Clarington Population Target Retail Thresholds l (gross leasable area in square m) 78,000 33,000 94,000 41,000 110,000 57,000 2. By amending Section 5.2.4 by adding the following sub-section "(e) An additional 6,000m2 of the initial threshold is hereby allocated to the parcel bounded by King Street, Green Road, the road allowance between Concessions 1 and 2, and Clarington Boulevard. A further 6,000m2 will be allocated to this parcel from the second threshold upon the Clarington Population surpassing 78,000 persons." Implementation: The provisions set forth in the Clarington Official Plan as amended regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. Interpretation: The provisions set forth in the Clarington Official Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. 613