HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-31-86 TORN OF NEWCASTLE r � REPORT File Res. �' - - _-__ By-Law # MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: May 5, 1986 REPORT #: TR-31-86 FILE #: SUB.ECT: TENDER NO. T85-21 , PETROLEUM PRODUCTS RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following : 1 . That this report be received; and 2. That Tender No. T85-21 , Petroleum Products be cancelled; and 3. That a new Tender, to expire December 31 , 1986, be called for Petroleum Products. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: On December 16, 1985, Council approved the award of Tender No. T85-21 , Petroleum Products , to Esso Petroleum Canada , Don Mills , Ontario. In the past, under a regulated industry, posted prices moved approximately twice a year. Coupled with the fact that the posted prices did not accurately reflect actual market prices, large discounts were put in place. Esso Petroleum Canada 's bid was as follows : LEADED GASOLINE Posted Tank Wagon Price .3920/litre Less Firm Discount .0750/litre Net Price .3170/litre Provincial Road Tax .0800/litre Total Unit Price .3970/litre UNLEADED GASOLINE Posted Tank Wagon Price .4130/litre Less Firm Discount .0640/litre Net Price .3490/litre Provincial Road Tax .0840/litre Total Unit Price .4330/litre Page - 2 - TR-31-86 TENDER NO. T85-21 , PETROLEUM PRODUCTS DIESEL FUEL Posted Tank Wagon Price .3920/litre Less Firm Discount .0850/litre Net Price .3070/litre Provincial Road Tax .0930/litre Total Unit Price .4000/litre Under a deregulated industry, posted tank wagon prices does reflect the current market prices which have a tendency to fluctuate more rapidly. Due to the steady decline in oil prices over the past couple of months , if Esso Petroleum Canada were to continue selling gasoline under the tendered pricing schedule, they would be operating at a substantial loss. It is for this reason that Esso Petroleum Canada has requested either a) the present pricing schedule be waived , and they will grant either the tendered prices or the current agency delivered price minus a volume discount (approx. .01¢) , whichever is lower. The volume discount is derived by a sliding scale and is consistent throughout Esso's channel . OR b) That the present tender be cancelled and recalled. See attached letter from Esso Petroleum Canada , marked as "Attachment A". Paragraph 17 of the Purchasing By-Law reads as follows : "If the successful bidder fails to execute the contract or fails to meet any of the requirements of the contract within the prescribed time, the tender may be awarded to the next lowest bidder(s) or cancelled." As the successful bidder has failed to meet all of the contract requirements in that they are no longer willing to comply with the tendered pricing schedule, staff recommends that the tender be cancelled and recalled. Staff also recommends that the new tender be based on "net prices" rather than large discounts associated with unrealistic posted tank wagon prices. It is also recommended that the new tender expire December 31 , 1986 which is when the original tender would have expired. This time period would give us a better indication of market conditions in the oil industry. Page - 3 - TR-31-86 TENDER NO. T85-21 , PETROLEUM PRODUCTS Due to the flucuating oil price in the market, staff feels that above recommendations would be in the best interest of The Town of Newcastle. Respectfully submitted , J.R. Blan hard, Treasur G.J. Ough, P. Eng. , Director of Public Works. /hjm Attachment ATTACHMENT "A" 30 l F, S S 0 1' E T R O L, E U M C A N A D A A 1)iuision n(Imperial Oil Limited I DUNCAN MILL ROAD DON MILLS,ONTARIO M313 IZ2 MARKETING DEPARTMENT ONTARIO REGION April 24, 1986 Ms. Lou Anne Dirkett, Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, Newcastle, Ontario. Dear Lou Anne: Further to our discussion April 15, 1986, please be advised Esso suggests the following options re the tender for your fuel requirements: (1) E.P.C. will grant the tendered prices or the current agency delivered price minus a volume discount, whichever is lower. The volume discount is derived by a sliding scale and is consistent throughout Esso' s channel . In the past, under a regulated industry, posted prices moved approximately twice a year. Coupled with the fact that posted prices did not accurately reflect actual market prices, large discounts were put in place. Under a deregulated industry, Esso's new posted price reflects current market prices which will have a tendency to fluctuate more rapidly due to both market conditions within your immediate area and world market prices. (2) Should Council not accept option number one, we suggest the Town retender for its fuel requirements. We suggest a tender driven by net price without taxes rather than large discounts associated with unrealistic posted prices should form the basis for your decision to accept a bid to meet your fuel requirements. I look forward to hearing from you regarding this matter. Yours truly, 1 Rick Matthews, Senior Retail Representative - Peterborough South RM/sm 9zr.AA