HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-4-86 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE € j, ` REPORT File 00,57 )' s`��'� Res. # By-Law # MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee y DATE: JANUARY 24, 1986 REPORT #: TR-4-86 FILE #: SUD.JECT: 1986 DRAFT CURRENT & FIVE YEAR CAPITAL BUDGET RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administra- tive Committee adopt the following: 1 . That report TR-4-M he received; and 2. That the 1986 draft Current and Capital budget be reviewed and direction given to staff with respect to adjustments to both the Current and Capital budgets. 3. That at the completion of the review, the documents be referred back to staff to incorporate the changes resulting from these budget discussions and thereafter prepare a report for consideration by the General Purpose and Administration Committee, including mill rate calculations. PACKGRQUN- AND CGIII'ENTS: At this point in time, we do not have an accurate figure on the anticipated surplus from 1985. For the purposes of budget discussions, staff have assumed a minimum surplus of `�1359,009. Given the options that have been included in the budget for Council consideration, the total packane as prepared by staff would be in excess of an iofIationary nature. . ./2 General Purpose & Administration Committee Page 2 TR-486 Many of the budget items increases are inflationary in nature (K-51, area) . However, anticipated increases in the insurance premiums of 1001, Q 120,000 increase) , increased anticipated tax write-offs and the dromuK, increase in the proposed budget of the Library (RO%) have served to push the figure beyond on inflationary level . In addition, staff have included e finnncinq option with respect to administrative facilities. It should be noted that other ' capital improvements, with the exception of capital construction on roads, have h'`on �,t og |.<n in order that Council may consider the matter of ndr`lnisfrofivc foc| | ifies, In ordrr to prps»nf n nnrr rppunnnh |p ko'|gef, fh" Administrator and Treasurer have reviewed with Jopurfnenf heads f|x,ir respective budgets and recommend to Cmnm|ffen that the proposed reductions on Schedule «A" attached he considered . If adopted, these reductions would result in a fax levy increase of approximately 7'' . Should the Library grant request be adjusted to an inflationary increase of say 5"? increase over the 1q85 approved budget, then the 1986 base mill rate would only increase approximately 1 .25%. Under these circumstances, combined with a surplus above $350,000.00 and other reductions / that Council might direct, if is conceivable that a zero increase night occur. It should he noted, however, that Council should pay particular attention to prant requests. The amounts noted in the budget are the recommended amounts from the Hewcost|n Community Services Planning Board. Staff have attached the original requests from L.8,C.8,C. and the Museums, as well as the detailed sheets on the Library Pmnrd. Other information concerning specific grant requests is available through the Community Services Department revenues. Government grants have been conservatively budgeted as we have not received any indication as yet regarding any increase in funding. The M.T.C. qrnn1 has been budgeted based upon the proposed 1q86 budget for capital projects and maintenance. The unconditional grant revenue has been budgeted for n 1 .54, increase over the 1985 level . . ./2 General Purpose & Administration Committee Budget Meeting Page 3 TR-4-86 A forfhor report on this subject w\ | | he presenfed to Comm Iffee on Friday, January 31st. There items can he adjusted when more current information is available. Roi | Hing permit and site plan application fees have been increased to racoginze future development that will occur within the Town this year . Penalties and interest on taxes have been reduced because of a reduction in outstanding taxes. However this has been offset by an increase in investment income which should he realized from increased investments. Contributions from reserves and reserve funds and others have been increased to fund capital projects and thus reduce the impact that otherwise might he realized on the mill rate. The staff salaries and benefits have been budgeted using the 1986 rates. Staff have not reviewed the Vayor or Councillor's budget sheets. This has been left for Council members to decide. In general , staff have attempted to minimize increases wherever possible while at the same time recognizing a need within a growing community to improve services to the public in ' certain areas. This year budget discussions are, in eccoresnoe with Council wishes, opcn to the public. S-1-off would seek the co-npera+ion of Council in ensuring that personnel matters, including staffing |evo|s and wagos, as well as property and legal matters, should be discussed "in nnmerno. General Purpose & Administration Committee Budget Meeting Page 4 TR-4-86 Finally, there are e number of specific reports that are attached dealing with particular aspects of the budget. These reports are provided to assist Council in their deliberations. In addition to these reports, a report will he presented in conjunction with the consideration of the matter of o civic administration centre. After the draft budget has been reviewed by Council , necessary adjustments will he mode and e report prepared for consideration at a regularly scheduled nonore| Purpose and Administration Committee meeting. Respectfully submitted, John Blanchard, Treasurer. ! | Aft: Schedule "A" � i � | ' � Schedule "A" Proposed Reductions P1ayors Office - Administrator's Office - Finance Department 3,200 Unclassified Administration 50,000 Purchasing 500 Fire Department Admin. 10,000 Cemetery 7,000 Community Services Admin. 20,000 Orono Pool 5,600 Cro-- Gu.-1-dl 1 ,800 $ 98,100 Proposed Revenue Increases Building Permits 30,000 Site Plans Applications 5,000 Rezoning Applications 1 ,000 Sale of Plots - Bowmanville Cemetery 3,000 Burials - Bowmanville Cemetery 1 ,000 40,000 I