HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-63-85 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE TREASURY DEPARTMENT K. CAMPBELL, C.A., TREASURER 40 TEMPERANCE STREET TEL.(416) 623-3379 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF OCTOBER 7, 1985 REPORT NO.: TR-63-85 SUBJECT: 1985 BUDGET REVIEW AS OF SEPTEMBER 1985 RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administrative Committee recommend to Council that this report be received for information. BACKGROUND AND COMMENTS: In reviewing the budget year to date, staff find that the overall budget performance is well within expectations for this time of year given revenue patterns, planned capital expenditures and the general municipal expenditure programs. This report will highlight expenditures areas which are of concern and look at some revenue projections. In previous reports the overexpenditures experienced in Winter Control within the Public Works Department and in insurance coverage costs throughout the budget have been brought to Council 's attention. Spending programs have been adjusted to accomodate these overexpenditures and staff feel that the overall budget performance will be within acceptable ranges. II® TR-63-85 - 2 - All of the projections for the 1986 budget year indicate that insurance coverage costs may well escalate beyond the 1985 levels. This cost is of concern to all municipalities and has been a source of much discussion at both staff and political levels. Since the town is not financially ab l e to self-insure our options are limited to our present course of action unless an insurance pool or some other option is raised within the Region. Areas of concern related to individual accounts are detailed below by major expenditure classification. Although these individual accounts are overexpended, staff do not recommend budget reallocations to cover them as these shortfalls can be accomodated within the overall budget structure. Staff are monitoring their expenditures closely and are aware of minor overexpenditures within the account classifications and will make appropriate spending decisions to accomodate same. The budget is a static document established early in the fiscal year to cover a 12 month period. As such, it is inevitable that individual accounts will be over or under expended at year end, but the overall budget performance should be within acceptable limits. General Government Members of Council - Books and Periodicals as previously reported is overexpended by a portion of the cost of the Municipal World subscription ($99) . Administrator - Repairs and Maintenance Office Equipment has a minor overexpenditure ($35) for the electronic memory typewriter. Staff have determined that it is more cost effective throughout the Corporation, to pay for repairs as needed rather than maintain expensive annual maintenance contracts. - The advertising account continues to be overexpended ($1 ,908) as previously reported due to insufficient funds provided for the activity in 1985. TR-63-85 r--- Legal costs are overexpended ($153) due to opinions and legal advice sought by the Administrator's office. Clerk's Department - Advertising budget is currently within its allocation but with the normal course of work until the end of the year the account may be overexpended . Finance Department - Copy and Duplication Supplies are overexpended ($392) and courier service ($7) which relates to a higher than anticipated use of these services. Memberships and Association Dues overexpenditure ($71 ) results from the enrollment of members of staff in new programs not foreseen at budget time. The postage account is within budget at present, although due to the postal increase recently, may well be overexpended by the end of the year. The Unclassified Administration account - Presentation Supplies overexpended ($720) results from the reordering of pins, crests, stickers, etc. by Mayor's office. Receptions and Tributes is currently within its budget allocation but with the receipt of final costs related to the Goodyear celebrations, the ongoing tributes for anniversaries, anticipated costs for Citizen of the Year ceremonies, etc, the account may be overexpended at year end. Taxes Written Off is currently 50% unexpended with final writeoffs for the year as yet to be determined. The Ontario Supreme Court decision regarding the St. Mary' s Cement appeal on the silos has still not been rendered. There is a decision pending at the Supreme Court of Canada on a similiar matter, and it appears that the St. Mary' s decision will await its outcome. The Contingency Account presently is $42, 158 unexpended with several committments outstanding against it, including cenotaph lighting, energy audit funding, and the reprinting of the tourism brochure. TR-63-85 U 1. 3a) - 4 - ----- The account balance of contingencies was reduced to $47, 178 after the reallocation necessitated by the 1985 salary and benefit settlement. The Summer Employment/Experience Development program ($19,502) which hired five students within Administration, Public Works, Planning and Community Services was funded 50% by the federal government. The job related work experience proved valuable to both the Corporation and the students' involved. The balance of the funding was provided within the departmental budgets for student hiring. The Energy Auditor has commenced his contract with the Town and the program, principally funded by the Ministry of Energy, will carry over into 1986. Maintenance Town Hall Snow Removal This budget may be overexpended by approximately $1 ,000 at year end, dependent upon snow conditions . Maintenance - Hampton Hall Roof repairs to the Hampton Hall are now in the tendering process. This budget also allows for new storm windows to be installed. It is staff' s opinion that grants may be available through the energy audit program for the windows, and as a result we have held off completing the job pending audit results. Maintenance - Police & Fire Building We expect this account to be underexpended by approximately $2,500 at year end . We have not experienced any major problems with the building this year, to date. Orono Armouries The repair and maintenance account is overexpended by $350 to allow for repairs agreed to under the new lease with the tennant. TR-63-85 �- _ 5 _ UI' 3A) Protection to Persons and Property The exchange rate on the U.S. dollar debentures continues to fluctuate beyond the 25% set in the budget. This item effects the budgets of the Newcastle Firehall , Courtice Fire Hall and the Darlington Sports Centre. All U.S. dollar payments have not been made as yet so that full impact of the difference is not known. The wages paid to the parttime fire fighters at the four locations may be overexpended at year end. There has been an increase in the number of parttime fire fighters in 1985 and there were budget cutbacks in this allocation. The Fire Department has undertaken an extensive fire prevention and inspection program utilizing the parttime fire fighters resulting in more hours charged. An adjustment related to prior year's vacation pay was also made in 1985 for the parttime fire fighters. Fire Department Conference expense was overexpended ($185) due to insufficient allocation to allow for travel expense to the convention location. The postage account within By—Law Enforcement is overexpended ($92) resulting from departmental activities and increase in postal rates. Transportation Services Public Works Administration There are two components of this account which will be overspent; Stationery & Office Supplies and Travel Expenses. These can be explained as follows: A few high cost items were this year charged to the Stationery Account on a one time basis. We anticipate issuing finalized copies of the Town's new Engineering Design Criteria and Standards this year, and have purchased binders for them. In future, however, through the sale TR-63-85 0-- - 6 - (l! 3 (b) of the Criteria and Standards to developers and consultants, we will recover these expenditures. The amount of information in the form of files and drawings for subdivisions and Town road projects has accumulated over the years. Last winter there was an opportunity to sort this information so that it could be placed in archive-type files for easy retrieval . To accommodate this required the purchase of shelving and pigeon hole files which represented an extra expenditure this year. The over-expenditure to cover the above is minor, we do not contemplate a need for further expenditures from this account this year, and the overrun will have no effect on the whole Public Works Administration Account. Travel Expenses, although not presently over budget, will exceed funds allocated before year end. Aside from the funds for incidental work-related staff car allowance, there have been charges for mileage for town-owned vehicles. Staff mileage associated with road construction projects was charged to this account when in fact, it could have been allocated to the projects themselves if Public Works Department had a more detailed reporting procedure. The same applies to mileage for subdivision administration which is presently at an ail-time high. Although there will be an overrun, it is not expected to be high and could reasonably be absorbed in the Public Works Administration Account. Public Works Overhead The Staff Training component of this account is overexpended as a result of two actions we have taken. A member of staff was sent to the Ontario Good Roads Association Grader Operators Course to improve his skills. Associated costs could have been charged to a fleet overhead account, however, attendance at the course was considered more in the line of staff training. In any event, such courses are subsidizable by M.T.C. and in the final reconciliation of 1985 TR-63-85 subsidy, may have a fifty percent recovery. The other action is similar in nature where another staff member attended a Backhoe Operator's Course. The same considerations apply to that course with the recovery of fifty percent M.T.C. subsidy. Public Works Bridge & Culvert Construction The component of this account which was budgeted for the Riley Road culvert appears to be overspent by a considerable amount. A sum of $20,000 was budgeted but actual costs are approaching double that amount. Initially, it was proposed to install the new culvert in its proper location and leave the relocation of the road for a subsequent year. Such installation could have been achieved for the budgeted amount. However, as previously explained to Members of Council , the project for the next phase of construction of Golf Course Road cannot proceed until a land matter is resolved. Thus, there were funds available to complete the relocation of Riley Road to its final location over the new culvert, and the additional works were undertaken. This extra subsidizable road construction work has resulted in the extra funds spent. Public Works — Road Construction a) Holt Road — Ontario Hydro This project which is to be funded by Ontario Hydro was downscaled in the budget to perform interim safety improvements to the road rather than full reconstruction. However, to acccmmodate this, relocation of some utilities and minor land purchase are required. Since these two matters have yet to be resolved, it is unlikely that actual construction will occur this year . TR-63-85 - 8 b) Golf Course Road As explained previously, property negotiations are still in progress for lands required to construct the next phase on Golf Course Road. Thus, a portion of the funds can be reallocated to compensate the extra expenditures required for winter maintenance earlier this year, as well as pay for the extra roadwork associated with relocation of the Riley Road Culvert. Public Works — Road Construction c) Unspecified Construction Funds were set up in this account to cover the Town's share of road upgrading associated with development. However, in some cases, such as Ormiston Street in Hampton, works were performed by Town forces totally at the cost of the developer. In recording Works Department costs for time, material and equipment in such cases, full costs were charged to this account. Thus, a journal entry will be calculated and made to credit this account with about $10,000 already collected from developers and placed in the subdividers' deposit account. d) Scugog Road and Concession A Presently, we are in the process of preparing for land acquisition and utility relocation required to eliminate the jog at the above i Intersection . These activities may be completed in time for late fall or early spring construction. e) Concession Street Construction Funds allocated in the budget for this project were in the amount of $100,000 and contemplated construction from the western limit of last year's project (eastern l i m i t of Bragg Road) up to and including the culvert at a tributary of Soper Creek. The initial estimate in the budget was about $150,000 but had to be reduced to the $100,000, and, in the absence of a detailed design, it was felt that that amount would suffice. However, during detailed design and in considering the recommendations of a soils investigation, it was found that extra earth would have to be excavated, and consequently, extra gravel would have TR-63-85 °^ - 9 _ 60 to be placed. Furthermore, a high water table in certain areas necessitated placement of subdrains to carry the water away. All of the above has resulted in actual costs at about $50,000 over budget, including $25,000 for paving. Since Concession Street is an integral link in the Town's road system, the pavement should be placed and funds provided from other areas where savings have occurred . There is still an excess of funds from the Golf Course Road project, the reconstruction of the 6th Concession in Solina, and the remedial measures undertaken on Prestonvale Road in Courtice, and it is felt that with respect to the entire road construction and maintenance budget, this over-expenditure can be accommodated . Surface Treatment/Dust Control The account for dust control is noted to be underexpended by about $200,000 while that for surface treatment is approximately $150,000 overspent. Although, not according to budget, this follows the general practice we have been using over the past few years, i .e., place more roads into the hardtop category and reduce the amount of the throw-away money on dust control . This year's experience is strong evidence that the above philosophy is working in that the number of dust complaints was less than in previous years. This being the case, adjustments will be made to next year' s budget allocation to more accurately reflect how Surface Treatment and Dust Control funds are being spent. i Building Maintenance Division This account is presently overexpended by about $2,000 which will probably rise to $7,000 by year end. This has resulted from the fact that all invoices for utility costs for the 1984 actual costs had not been received at the time the budget was prepared and the budget allocation was based on a number which was not finalized . The shortfall can be made up from underexpenditures in the other components of the Miscellaneous Account which is a non-subsidizable account. The Handi Transit Capital Grant will be overexpended once the new van is fully equipped. This overexpenditure has been previously approved TR-63-85 and will be submitted for subsidy in the 1986-87 provincial fiscal year. Health Services Repairs and maintenance to the grounds at Bowmanville/Bondhead Cemeteries is $1 ,305 overexpended due to the repair of monuments damaged by vandals. This was approved previously by Council as a special item. Internal charges from Works Department for Backhoe repairs will be credited from this account to Park Maintenance - Repairs and maintenance - equipment. Recreation and Culture Parks Maintenance/Orono Park - Operating Supplies It is anticipated that this budget will be overexpended by approximately $500 at year' s end . This account experienced a budget cut during budget discussions, and less money was allocated for 1985 than was spent in 1984. Adult Programs/Youth Programs All Adult Programs are anticipated to be within budget, if any overexpenditure is experienced it is due to increased participation and will be reflected in additional revenues. Youth Swimming may be overexpended due to an increase in registrations, but this will be reflected in additional revenues. i Facilities - Bowmanville Arena This budget is well within budget guidelines, however staff does expect an overexpenditure in water and sewer charges of approximately $1 ,200. Facilities - Darlington Sport Centre Staff expect an overexpenditure in the repair and maintenance account due to unforeseen repairs to equipment. Newcastle Village Pool/Orono Park Pool These budgets will be well under the budget allocations. The major area of savings was experienced in the Miscellaneous Operating Supplies Account. Savings resulted from switching to liquid cholrine from the previous product. TR-63-85 - 11 - U Xb) Newcastle Fitness Centre Staff feel in the areas of heat, hydro, water and sewer, there w i l l be an overexpendture of approximately $3,000. It is anticipated that these areas will be better controlled with recommendations made through the Energy Audit Program in 1986. Repair and Maintenance - Building Supplies account is expected to exceed budget by approximately $2,000 due to the replacement of the main pump and shaft. This account was reduced during budget discussions by approximately $800. Grants The grant to the Bowmanville & District Navy League has not been released pending notification that they have secured the other funding to allow the i r project to proceed . The hospital grant has not been released pending approval of the O.M.B. order which is awaiting final Ministry of Health approval of the project. Revenue The revenue position of the Town is presently within 9% of the budget projection. Areas of the revenue accounts which bear comment are outlined below. i Supplementary Taxation for the municipal portion is presently $14,161 beyond the $40,000 budget. The residential growth has accounted for 57% of that taxation revenue increase thus far this year. The Ontario Hydro grant- in- lieu of taxes principally for the Darlington Generating Station is $425,231 for 1985. This amount increases each year as the construction progresses and is difficult to gage as the project schedule is altered from time to time. Memberships and squash revenue at the Newcastle Fitness Centre may not reach budget projects by an aggregate of $3,700 due to participation levels. TR-63-85 — 12 — U�• 3�h) Permit revenue for both building and plumbing activities have exceeded budget by $29,558 and $14,933 respectively. This is due to the present development taking place in the Town and the Planning Department expects this to continue despite a slight increase in mortgage rates. Rental revenues for various facilities within the Town appear to be in line. Staff have been informed by the Regional Police that they anticipate vacating the Church Street premises by August Ist 1986. This will impact upon the 1986 budget, both through the loss of rental revenue and the costs of any subsequent use of the bui I di ng by the municipality. Both Penalties and Interest on Taxes and Investment Income for the General Fund may be under budget as a result of lower taxes outstanding and lower investment rates. Current tax levy collections are approximately 2% ahead of the 1984 collections . Collections of arrears of taxes are substantially ahead of prior years due to the higher penalty rate, aggressive collection procedures for overdue business taxes and visits by the tax collector to delinquent accounts to set up payment schedules. The deviations, however, should not be significant. The major projects requiring contributions from reserve funds and developers have either just begun or remain on the drawing board. i These projects include the Hampton Works Yard renovations; the Baseline Road, Simpson to Mearns; Holt Road intersection; the Cobbledick Railway Crossing and the mapping project. The matters discussed and the associated comments in this report have been reviewed by the departments concerned and met with their approval . If Committee wishes to make any budget reallocations to recognize any of the aforementioned comments; subsequent motions will be required . Res ectfully submitted, Kathryn' A. CampbeCi , C.A., B.Comm. , Treasur r . *gf att: TOwN Oi' NLWCASTLL CiiART Ui- AUCUUN T S BY FUNCTION FAGL 1 ACTUAL COiit lTT U x -------iUDG-T _ Uf�LY''L�IU�U--- - GLNLRAL LEDGLi,'' TOTAL - GENERAL LEDGEt\ TOTAL - TOWN TOTAL BALAi�CE Si-+ELT ASSETS iGUi BANK 3i,26G66.L3- 3026066.83 1002 INVESTMENTS 5750000.00 5730040.00- :-Qo. CLrF 73203-.4.6- ------_--.-.----.__-_.73 Go.46 1100 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE GENERAL 27147.!6 27197.16- -- -1101 - -- -- - DUE T- --/-D !t .59t;; j7_63 - - --59557 6,3- 1"04 i-IYDRO AGRi=cM=NTS 12460.72 12460.72 5.i0t; i"EDCi:AL ACCOUNTS RECLIVABLE 0.00 0.00 1106 PROVINCIAL ACCOUNTS RcCEIVABLE 0.00 0.00 1107 OTHER MUNICIPALITIES ACCOUNTS RECLIVABLE O.OU 0.00 1110 DUE TO / DUE ROM RESERVE FUNDS 3JJ.65 355.63-- DUL TO / DUE FROi•i RCSCkVi:.S - 0.00 0.00 -,-,-.,2 iUc TO / DUE FROM - CAPITAL FUND 0.00 0.00 iii5 ACCRUED INTEREST RECEIVABLE 0.00 0.00 11.10 CUNRi-iJ YLAI': 515:.766.S2 515.:!766.82 ' AR 4191J9.91 419159.!'1- 1152 ScCOND t'F:TOFi YEAR, 239664.!@ 'o l:L53 THIRD PRIOR YEAR it iJJO33.64 15.500.'5.04- - -_.-_�..._. c..-..-_._... TOTAL TAXLS,rLNALTY h !NTL:RL5T 5967674.55 596/674.55- t •' N''' TO TAXES 1591.66 159!.66- !!60 YROPLRTY ACQUIRED FOR TAXES 2248.42 2248.42- 11n/n6 ALLOWANCE FOR BAD DEBTS 4733J.5:i- 47335.55 7tJ2t;2.11 -_..� .7 t;2b2.11- !2:50 DE,-,PR`ED EXPENDITURES 500.00 500.00- 13UU INVENTORY 26926i.6:, 26926!.65- TOTAL ASSETS 3219493.71 82l9493.71- 2001 Si-iORT TERM LOANS 0.00 0.00 2002 DEBENTURES DUE C& PAYABLE 303143.91- 303143.91 200 • ACCOUNTS PAYABLL 3422--.07- 34323.09 2004 LEVI--13 PAYABLE -- �. --- _----- - - i99748.:Jo !9974u � .:50- 200:5 AGC�ULD ACCOUNT: AYAB'L L !:5:99:.81!- 15:992.69 2006 - DU TO TriE BUSINESS ii9r'ROV,--MLNT A,-iEAS iO3i68.22 183163. 200- Ci tARGLS VOK I;LNLI"J T TINE LANDOWNLR.; i63.Uc- 16:.08 2003 LONG TE,-YM LOANS 136:5 3J..jo- !'(.'6563..JO 20iO LiEDUCTiON CLEAKING ACCOUNTS 92648.07- 92648.07 2Ul.J DEr'OJITS t-IELD 593.)59..51- 593.559.5i -._--2020 ULI Li,'NCD ;',LVLNUL - 3j:30.zs- .:B C TOTAL LIAB1L1TIZS 99400'x'.7!- 994009.71 �J 24-09-8J -- _-- TOWN_Gi- _NLWCA STLE -- _ --- - -Ci,Ail'T OF ACCOUNT,S BY FUNCTION -- --- - - _--- _PAGL._ C �l __-t ICiJlll~fT_slLfii3ui_�_..�1LCDUhT�I iCiii��Dfl.. _ �siV,� ,&Li- �CIlleii-_� O.i1i"i TTs1� -.- --. 2UDGZT _UFCIZXi= f`DED --- C _ 900 IiLf'i Zvi:7203.i7- 1867203.17 z 449-,7,-4-00- - TOTAL TOTAL BALANCE CShLET 46`.'.+7783.34 449133.00- 53069!6.34-*** :]001 SURPLU3 ACCOUNT 0.00 0.00 ✓GU LXCLP T.ION ACCOUNT 0.00 0.00 RLSEFRVE FUNDS ;OUO 7:LSL'r:VE i Ur4Ii BhLFf4G IiEL1 35 74 _ _-_ 3307=ri._29 X001 RESERVE FUND TRANSACTIONS EXP 193O3?.93 21jO:,0.07 21:5050.07` R V.2-99-69GO.-6f-_ JT-.'.-S6756L.Zl!.T- 1791.29 21791.29- i NET 2 803940.7.4- :=0741.2`;- 3=N741.29 __ 215050.07 -_-_ REV 2996?80.67- 1J67JUL.6J- 3567582.65 3352532.JO 3352532..JS- v1. 3940.74--'4- V 0.00 NET REVENUE C EXPEND1 1 UnL 7 I:LVL(4UL TAXATION KLVENUL �. TAXATION-REGULAR 6100 RESIDENTIAL 1 FAKP7 TAXATION REV !2449319.77- 13=664.84- !33.34769.00- !104.i6- 0 6101 COMMERCIAL It INDUSTRIAL TAXATION REV 2626011.27- 284/'973.8,5-- 284799:x.00- 2.i..i3- O ON REV i00YZ5i.2t, 74- - - - TOTAL TAXATION-REGULAR REV 16084682.29- 17272789.48- 17275714.00- 2924.52- 0 TAXATION-SUPF'LLMENTARY RES, FARM SUEL .LNIAR'Y A rCv 89 - 127410.8c;- 10000 00- !174! *** - 6104 COMM. / IND. SUPPLEMENTARY TAXES REV 9420:`i.76- 72327.84- 20000.00- 52327.84 2622- 6iO� I-USlNLSS' - SUP' 'LLMENTAKY TAXES REV 40344.19- 29366.63- 10000.00- 193:,6.63 1941"- TOTAL TAXATION-SUPPLEMENTARY REV 15'1546.06- 22909; .3ti- 40000.00- !8909;:1.35 473 - 6i07 OTC{: R TAXATION REV 10,3217.96- li6343.37_ 116 ,61.00- 17.63"- 0 .. - -�- _ --at s, ____ulOc;- TI_LL.F=taDJ4L_�}CL4'i-:I�UL-- ---- -FtI-V ._�+7�.y:���.J.O----__.::U:.�:.���il.�.O- - ------ -- -- y7r00U.0G- 17:1664.90•- 4[:G 61,.O PAYMLNTS IN LIEU OF TAXES REV 444310.60- 32i726.03- 4340 10.00- 67676.0:', i52- 6200 UNCUNDITIONAL Gi{ANTS RLV :jS;:446.UG- 29i723 300S71-:1.00- _ _ .GU- :,,'�:�96.GG` J1 GRANTS V 2 ':.`16.39-'- 120,30;;2.84- 2012926.00- 809873.-6- 40 � - 24-09-8b TOWiK Oi- NLWCAS I LL CiiART GI- ACCOUNTS BY FUNCTION F L L 0 -- --_PR.V.Yi .ACT,------_----ACTUAL COMMITTED - BUDGET UN CXr'ENDE I ... •r"ELS tK SLRVICL CiiARGLS 6400 FLLS AND SLRVICL Cf;ARGLS RE'v 537147.!9- 298610.29- 31!3Z.6:.00- 147`x4.7!- 5 6401 FEES & SERV. CHGS. OTHER MUNICIPALITIES REV 143(706.14- 23746.3 - 7300.00- 16246.33 217 TOTAL ILLS & SL7'�VICL ChARGLS RLV 400005.:1.3.:1- .522 .16.6 -- --- oOc;6J.00- 1491.64 0 OTHER REVENUE 6500 LIC{.NCLS r& PERMITS REV 159631.41- 175704.33- 146JOO.00- 29284.JJ 20;- RENT) tt CVI�t.L_.�'!._S10NSJ REV 42r'��.JJ'�_._1_4-- 2:.14 X47.97_------__ _4.0.0572.00-__ _146024.03- 36 -- 6:520 FINES REV 1244.00- 683.58- 2000.00- , 13i6.42- 66 6530 . -NA(_ITILS 6 INTEREST ON TAXES REV 303703.70- !73520.40- 250000.00- 76479.60- 3! 6:540 iNVLSTN,LNT :+NCOm - -- --_ RQJ 242!22.00= 72 'i.8 - 60. 63 1)*() SUBDIVIDER CONTRIBUTIONS REV 0.00 0.00 6360 SALE 01 ASSETS - MATLNIALS RLV 26!84.06- 15671.85- 25750.00- 10078.15- 59 TOTAL OTHER REVENUE y REV 1137662.96-- 790104.29- -~ 1066944.00- 276039.71- 26 CONTHIBUTIONS { 6600 CONTkIBUTION FI-COili FZLSLRVL-S REV 12000.00- 12000.00- 12000.00- 0.00 0 _--- ti6�0 CONTRIBUTION F=UNDS REV 40130.78- 4.:J140.38- 363725.00- J18J84.62- SS 6660 CONTRIBUTION I-KOM CAPITAL FUND REV 0.00 0.00 6670 PROCEEDS FROM LONG TERN! BORROWING REV 57..1.34-' 0.00 0.00 6's 00 CONTNIBUTION i RC i OTI-,LH BOAKIiS REV 8294.26- 29.08- 29.08 6760 CONTRIBUTION FROM OTHERS - CAPITAL REV i2033.74- 1970.5::5- 13:1000.00- 133029.45- 99 TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS REV 73060.12- 59140.0!- a!072b.00- 451584.99- 68.1 6770 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM OTHERS - OPERATIONS REV 85796.36- 17772.84- 331:100.00- 313727.16- 95 TOTAL KLVLNUL- REV 2160::427.25- 21027438.9,`.J- 23100888i.00- 2073442.05- 4 EXPENDITURES GLNLRAL GOVLFtf' MLNT MAYOR AND COUNCIL 0FF�.S" H ' -- hiAY 00 7 Cc EXP 48669._ 0 3650.00 5360 8.00 _ _ 16768.00_-3i 7003 MEMBERS OF COUNCIL EXP 6i207.42 47164.35 66453.00 19288.65 29 TOTAL MAYOR' AND COUNCIL EXP i09876.70 84004.3ti 12006!.00 36086.65 30 ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENTS 7004 ADMINIISTRATOi( EXP' 92:326.82 70:j?3.03 - 9E987.00 28463.97 29 7005 CLERK"S D-EPARTMENT LXI'' 13616J.J0 '110636.23 16!535.00 5092i.77 32 I LPAii "�76 111.1E I IftiS=iiKL:L !'' Ti'iLl+'T Ei:i' . i .6S 2018..28 328167.00 106146.72 7007 UNCLASSIFIED ADMINISTRATION EX' a07027./S 396926.45 624607.00 227680.5 36 700E PURCKASiNG EXP L)6849.56 3•!:28.56 52&&2.00 2i62 x.44 Al TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE DEr'AR-TMENTS EX,", 1089982.34 1151332.555 !266!7!.00 434838.4::5 34 TOWN 01- NLWCAS i LL--- -- `•� _.._- CI-;ART OF ACCOUNTS BY FUNCTION - --------, _._�'AGL 4 _-__ACCouNT__NUfg3rii_-__ACC,UNT__D 3$.U2TI. N._ _COiiMlTT_ED -UNIX 'iNDED - 7011 191;b ELECTION EXt' 166.33 37100.00 36933.67-100; ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING MTNCE. 7020 MTNCLL. - TOWN HALL EXP 25767.78 204!8.84 30021.00 9602.!6 32 702i MTNCC. - HAMPTON HALL EXP 13423.!3 9038.i2 24431.00 15412.80 63 %'T PHOGHAN, 17xP S-,4-F;7 R74-27- 7023 MTNCE. - POLICE & FIRE BLDG. Ex" 86820.72 32847.05 703!6.00 17668.13 25 7024 MTNCE. - BL-LL BUILDING EXP 20920.75' !721!.16 252:3.00 8011.84 32 '. i1t�TSc - O;iONO A ii9��)Ej]E1S 884 __ -?L�Tr^L Fr1FMiPi rCifTii�L $UiLltii�G �iTtlC - L -7.:8936:00 ---- bi898.33- -33 TOTAL GENERAL. GOVERNMENT i_Xr 133864.5.45 1042067.76 1:382268.00 340200.24 34 PHOTLCTION TO PERSJ!L __--- 7!02 I- IKE DEPARTMENT EXP 572906.65 485!:12.!>' 786145.00 30099 .81 30 BUILDING 2 �. 7104 BY-LAW LNFORCLMENT EXP 4tj901.06 37680.7: 52197.00 !4;x!6.28 20' '1105 ANIMAL CONTROL EXP 100281.8::1 65871.9.E - 10075J.00 34883.08 -35• TOTAL PROT%_CTION TO PECISONS & PROPERTY LXI-' 832693.98 6563i3.65 !094234.00 407920.35 37' TRANSPORTION SERVICES MCP PUBLIC WORDS PUI'LIC WORi<S ADMINISTRATION & OVERHEAD WORKS 7202 PUBLIC - ADMINISTRATION - 'H' 247449.29 185300.72 7203 PUBLIC WORKS - OVERHEAD 'EXP 333094.09 240875.14 319666.00 78790.86 2: TOTFiL-F�IE.Li��4 0}ii� �IJSrJ�iSTJi.F�Ta_Qt�_2�O5JJ_F: HXF' $ i3:u;$ 4 6]7i $6 -- ---551-826i-00 ____17208b-!4-:S PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION & MTNCL. 7:04 PUBLIC WORDS - BRIDGE & CULVERT CUNST. L-Xi' 10008.i3 Aib9i.60 28000.00 16591.60- 662- 7205 PUBLIC WORKS - ROAD CONSTRUCTION EX ' 46!723.94 434251.!5 144:!000.00 101074@.8::3 70 7206 BRIDGE & CULVERT MAINTENANCE LXP l3797A.Z4 8:083 ,a4 917_�66_-4 7207 ROAD MAINTENANCE EX'F' 246022.30 137675.29 229000.00 9!324.71 40 7208 HARDTOP MAINTLNA14CE EXP 62:1810.59 602941.70 557600.00 5341.70- !A'- 72 MAINTENANCE - (LOOSET P) EXP 403612.34 i86 04 03 617000.00 330!93.1.7 210 WINTER CONTROL EXP 49400:1.83 5582:58.45 505000.00 30.,^•_5^8.4::1- 6w'- ;12*-,l SAFETY DEVICES EXH°' 67769.28 321;14.94 69700.00 3754::1.06 :34 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION & M NCL. LX;-' 2447.JJ1.66 20bb760.30 Z516zoo.00 !460JJ9.70 4: ;'2!2 mTSCELLAN,mUS I'• TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS EXP 5146758.94 2tj55bl-D2.5! 4.:,4756i.00 175'2020.49 41 -. L 24-09-85 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE CriAr\T OF ACCOUNTS BY FUNCTION F'AGE 5 ACCOUNT NUMr*:R _A',;CrIIILi I�ESLJia.E_T_iDi�_- F'riV.`(r.AC7 AC�ii3;_ 00.71 ii TTED BUDGET UNEXPLNDLD _ C ROAD MNTC-.- OTHERS 7213 NLWCASTLL/B0WhiANV1LLL CONNLCTING LINK LXF 23!70.24 23034.54 30000.00 15'65.46 7' 7215 REGIONAL ROADS 14&!7 (POW'LLL e ORONO) EXP 5072.67 3299.92 7300.00 799.92- ii 2- TOTAL ROAD iiNTCL.- OTHERS EXP 28,^••42.91 36334.46 37500.00 1!65.54 3 72!6 HAND! TRANSIT EXP 34600.00 26383.50 70076.00 43692.50 62 LQUINMENT ( LEFT f 72!7 EQUIPMENT FLEET - DISTRICT ! LXF' 91977.99 91977.99- ------ 206963.65- --- _ _ __-- --206963.65- -- NET 1!4990.66- 114990.66 7213 EQUIPMENT }FLEET - DISTRICT 2 EXP 53563.74 53368.74- REV 1131..15.30- 113i5b.138 NET 57586.64- :7586.64 _ 7219 CUUIPML-NT rLLET - DISTRICT 3 EYP !02686.Ob 102b86.05- REV 23766!.78- 237661.78 NET 1.,4975.73- 154975.73 72'.-'_0 EgUIPMENT FLEET OVERHEAD EXP 4337J.75 43373.75- REV 0.00 0.00 NET 43375.75 43373.75- 1( TOTAL LQU1F'hsEN7 1-i_LLLT ESP 293608.:.13 293608.'�3- REV 377733.81- 57773.1.81 NET 284177.28- 284177.23 7224 WORK FOR OTHERS EXP: 127533.09 45766.12 10000.00 357_66.12-3_58' - 722ti F'A'KING LNFOHCEi•iLNT EXF' 25336.4i 20474.94 259i8.00 5443.06 2! 7230 STREET LIGHTING EXP 162247.01 102152.67 151334.00 49201.33 33� GROSSING GUARDS EXP 2886i.95 16676.49 3!70,`.1.00 i5028.bi 47 TOTAL TRANSPORTION SERVICES EXP 3553580.34 3096929.22 4674114.00 1577164.78 34 REV 377783_.88- _ _ 57778b.6i NET 3553530.34 2519143.41 4674114.00 2154970.59 46 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 7.301 STOKm SEWER NTNCL. & CAPITAL CONST. LXF' 207.42 0.00 0.00 GARBAGE COLLECTION & DIS'P'OSAL T-^- -- - - - - - -- -- 77,02 GARBAGL COLLECTION - NEWCASTLE L-XP i722i.i6 20246.40 25'800.00 9JJa.60 32' .- 7303 GARBAGE COLLECTION - BOWMANVILLE EXP 265737.!3 199982.i9 291071.00 91033.3]. 31 7304 GAKB'AGL C:OLLLCTiQiv - Oi.,ONO LXP i608?.78 i79il.68 28i00.00 10158.32 36 TOTAL GARBAGE COLLECTION & DISPOSAL Exi 299045.07 233!40.27 34897!.00 110330.73 32 0 LOCAL lMF'ifOVLhiLNTS EXP 17605.84 180te!.60 l80tJi.00 0.60- 0' TOTAL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LXF' 316061.33 2:56191.37 367022.00 110030.13 30' 2-i-05'705 ____TOWN Gr" NEWCASTLL CI;AK_T Oi ACCOUNTS BY FUNCTION _ _ . _. PAGE 6 M ACf-1ltitJT N 11A;LR ACCi3_UhLT__D SCii.F7.T..Q_N -'`V_jR_.ALL_ BUDOZT ._ UNEXP'NDZD HEALTH SERViCLS 7402 CLMLTLRY MTNCL. - BOWMANVILLE/BONDF;LAD EXI' 8:1730.86 7!912.08 99219.00 27306.92 28 7404 OTHER CEMETERIES EXP 24240.36 1069.09 17510.00 6880.91 39 TOTAL HLALT?, SERVICES EXP i0997i.22 8254!.!7 116729.00 34!@7.23 29"� RECREATION & CUL TURAi S- 7602 COMMUNITY SERVICES - ADMINISTRATION LX;- 228972.6 19..^•_474.07 265096.00 7262i.93 27 766? F'Ai=IBS' ACy_t ZTIc8_Li A�LIJe.N�1!�4i_ i=XF 2074,- -_ 794] 8 13 2_4_1 23.Qil-_ 87-_15' 7604 ADULT PROGRAMS EXP 8389.28 73!6.12 14!70.00 68.:13.88 48 -- --7603 72046 11---------- -- -1-06946600 --34899:29 331 FACILITIES-RLCFtLATION & CULTURE 7606 ARENA & S OIiTS FACILITIES EXP b32964.44 581333.00 21536 8.8137 7607 POOL FACILITIES Ex"Z 224144.06' 166747.90 2495:,6.00 8280 3.10 33 TOTAL FACILITIES-RECREATION & CULTURL EXI-' 7:17!08.50 532732.05' 830i0Y.00 298176.91 36 �- GRANTS 7 608 GRANTS - LIDNARY EXF' 280650.00 314184.90 3336,.19.00 19454.10 6 7609 GRANTS - MUSEUM EXP 25200.00 66150.00 66i_'10.00 0.00 0 7610 MUNICIPAL GHAigTS-CULTUFCAL L-Xi-' 1:x750.00 i0283.22 14330.00 4046.78 28 f 76i1 MUNICIPAL GRANTS-CIVIC EXF' 17400.00 17400.00 !00734.00 83334.00 83 76!2 MUNICIPAL GRANTS-RECREATIO14AL LXN 298:x0.00 42366.00 42366.00 0.00 0' 7613 MUNICIPAL GRANTS-SERVICES EXP 2435.00 5139.00 3804.00 . _.___266 x..00- 34 TOTAL GKAN T S EXP 37!285.00 455523.!2 565023.00 109499.88 !9 7615 NEWCASTLE RECREATION PLANNING COMMITTEE EXP 3092.55 2670.18 6885.00 4214.82 61 -- -- TOTAL RL-'CRLA-.TIO £t CULTURAL SERVICES _ EXF' ib7b475'. G � `�%=80.4 ._ ___ Oy01 2.00 _'.572671. 58 2.8 "r'LANNING & DEVELOPMENT 7702 1-'LANNING & DEVLLOPMLNT - ADMINISTRATION EXP 262238.87 192:x4!.72 3:x3457.00 160915.28 46 7704 PLANNING y& DEVELOPMENT-COMMITTEE O�= ADJ. EXP 8549.79 5243.38 1022:5.00 498!.62 49' f 770 , NLA_N LJ' - A___YJ..L..SJr_1JL.JS 1_+J.•_C+��1 5 L x p S{Y_099,s:1 --5-6-47-2-0-5- =5 472-0-0- - _..__-___-0.05-0 4 7706 P & D - PROPERTY STANDARDS COMMITTEE EXP 2433.79 1433.78 4100.00 2666.22 65 7707 1-;LAT UTILIZATION PROJECT EXP 11298.73 0.00 0.00 770R LACAC COMMITTEE -XF' 1.7378.72 0.00 i600.00 -600 0 " 7709 FORT GRANNY MONITORING COMhITLL EX'r' 503.66 36.1:5 1000.00 963.83 96 -------__--� TSJT&L-_Ejj _.iV( L[!G_ �t iEVEL01?'i'ENT _ EXP 405.31---2557 7.08---,-------- - 46354.00 17i126.9 40 ;_i_V I LS 7802 LEVIES - REGION 01' DURHAM LXP 3132262.97 2393027.00 3289090.00 896063.00 27 7803 LEVIES - SECONDARY SCHOOL EXP 443547!.61 3635661.00 4847348.00 !21 -TOWN .Oi NEWCASTLL _- ._ -- -_._- Ci�Ai,T Oi ACCOUNTS BY -F UNCTIOIe ___- - -.__-- _ --- ----- -- -'AGL 7 • !Z�.lN.�—U'�.L'i�_:�ia ACGU_UN.����aCr{Zu_i0N r'ny Yi�(.,,ACT ,ACTUAL-----COi1iiTT7cD.-- BUDGET- _ _UNEXPcNItL11----- TOTAL LEVIES EXP 1:33899!.96 9870190.25 !32bG64!.00 3388450.75 26 TOTAL. EXPENDITURES EXP 20540127.89 !6747441.42 23:5500!4.00 6802572.55 29 REV 577785.Si- 577/85.81 NET 20540127.8"x'163.696j5.6! .23350014.00_ 7350353.39- _3! TOTAL NET RLVLNUL- (EXi'END1TURL:) EXP 20540!27.89 !6747441.=: 23550014.00 6802:;72.58 29 REV 2160242/.23 2t6O3224.76- 3100851.00- 1495656.24- a NL l 1062299.36- 485/783.34- 449133.00 5306916.34 #yE3F TOTAL GENERAL LEDGER TOTAL - TOWN EXP 20733167.82 16962491.49 2355OOi4.00 6587522.51 25r � REV 24599407.92- 25172807.41- 23!00881.00- 207!926.41 9„- _ _-.___521 O3.4.J:92-- -_ 44913J.-OO- -g6J-944�7�' �2-�-* ___ NET Z866240.!O- 0.00 0.00 C l C L