HomeMy WebLinkAboutESD-014-02 ! ~ J. CI!J!fflglOn REPORT EMERGENCY AND FIRE SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Report #: ESD-014-02 File # 10.12.6 (, J'l]- 3.7ZC ')- By-law # Date: SEPTEMBER 9, 2002 Subject: MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS CENTRE - EXPANSION Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report ESD-014-02 be received; and 2. THAT the expansion of the Municipal Operations centre be deferred to the 2003 Capital Budget. d~,f~ Submitted by: W Reviewed by: - Michael G. Creight ,AM T, CMM11 Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. Director Emergenc & Fire Services Chief Administrative Officer MGC:sr 904 , REPORT NO.: ESD-014-o2 PAGE 2 BACKGROUND At a meeting held May 6, 2002 Council received Report ESD-008-02, which reported on an Emergency Plan Training Exercise and took place in the Municipality of Clarington on March 22, 2002. Staff from the Municipality, in co-operation with other Municipalities in the Region, as well as departments under the Chairmanship of Steve Marchi, Training Co-Ordinator from the Durham Emergency Measures Office, prepared and conducted this exercise. Feedback received at the debriefing held after the exercise, identified, among other things, a definite lack of working space and computer equipment during the "real time" exercise. COMMENTS Subsequent to the Emergency Plan Training Exercise, staff retained the services of Mr. Paul Mcintosh of Thomas E. Brown Architect to assist in planning the expansion of the Municipal Operations Centre. It was determined that expansion to the existing Municipal Operations Centre room would take away space from Operation's garage area having an adverse affect on that department. Two other options were identified. Option 1 Relocate the Municipal Operations Centre to the second floor. Operations staff would move to the first floor, which would include the existing space designated for the Municipal Operations Centre. The Municipal Operations Centre would be increased from 770 sq. ft. to 1300 sq. ft at a cost of approximately $100,000 to $150,000. 905 Continued. . ... . REPORT NO.: ESD-014-02 PAGE 3 Option 2 Relocate the Municipal Operations Centre to the Hampton Hall. Presently, the main floor of this building is used for storage with the downstairs area being used by the community. Moving to the main floor of this building would provide some 2,500 sq. ft. of space for the operations centre compared to the existing 770 sq. ft. In emergencies the building would be used solely by the Municipality, including the downstairs area, which includes a kitchen, additional washroom facilities and a large area that could be used for cots. The cost for renovations to this building would be approximately $200,000 to $250,000. Computer & Telephone Eauipment Staff has reviewed the computer needs at the Municipal Operations Centre and have been advised that an amount of $30,000 to $35,000 will be required to provide the necessary equipment. At this point, we cannot ascertain what our requirements will be in order to obtain telephone costs. This cost will be based on the final location and design. Fundina Subsequent to the Emergency Plan Training Exercise in March of this year, staff pursued funding opportunities with the Joint Emergency Preparedness Program (JEPP) to assist with expansion costs. After discussions with that office, the Director of Finance has been advised that our expansion project does not qualify for funding assistance. JEPP provides assistance, on a one time basis, for certain components. Since we applied for and received some funds for the original MOC project, we no longer qualify. Our only option, therefore, is to fund the expansion at the Municipality's expense. The Director of Finance has suggested that, due to the lack of JEPP funding, the project be deferred to budget deliberations for the 2003 Municipal Budget. This will mean that no work will be started until the budget is approved, should Council look favourably on the project, sometime in 2003. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONT~RIO L 19 if'~ T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-6506