HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-90-84 4 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE TREASURY DEPARTMENT K. CAMPBELL, C.A.,TREASURER 40 TEMPERANCE STREET TEL.(416) 623-3378 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF NOVEMBER 19, 1984 REPORT NO. : TR-90-84 SUBJECT: BUDGET REVIEW TO OCTOBER 31, 1984 RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council that this report be received for information. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: In reviewing the budget year to date, we find that the revenue is 5% below budget and that the expenditures are 22.3% below budget, at October 31st 1984. These figures are in line with expectations for this time of year given subsidy payments, facility rental patterns, program registrations and the general municipal expenditure program. This report will comment on the exceptions, only, and make limited comment on those accounts which are in line with our expectations. z u� ��� IA > - 2 - BUDGET REVIEW TO OCTOBER 31, 1984 TR-90-84 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: - continued Revenue: The supplementary taxes levied in 1984 total $128,151 versus $91 ,947 in 1983, which is a 28°i increase with the largest increase being in the commercial taxes levied. The fees and service charges are in line on the whole with the program revenues definitely reflecting the community interest or lack of interest in particular programs. The swimming related activities continue to be very popular with residents of the Town. Licences and permits reflect $78,000 revenue in excess of the budget with building permits comprising $66,000 of that total . The rental of the recreation facilities again reflect the community interest in the existing programs as well as the effect of ever increasing rental rates. It is generally felt, by staff, that the revenue for the Community Services Department' s activities may be 2%-3% below budget at year end, with a similiar under expenditure, which would to bring their entire program its budget position. Penalties and Interest on Taxes is presently $3,000 in excess of the budget figure. Investment income provided from the short term investment of excess daily cash balances is $42,000 above the budget figure. Both of these accounts are conservatively budgeted to allow for unanticipated changes in the interest rates, the balances of taxes outstanding and cash balances available for investment. - 3 - BUDGET REVIEW TO OCTOBER 31, 1984 TR-90-84 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: - continued Revenue: The Contributions from Others - Ontario Hydro reflect those monies received for the funding of the Tourism Brochure, the Fire Verification Study, and Heat Utilization. Those monies are offset in the expenditures for projects named: Expenditures: In reviewing the expenditures staff have not noted individual accounts which may be over expended when the activity itself is well within its budget. As Council is aware, the budget is an estimate of expenditures and since it is principally a static document; cannot be expected to project the exact expenditures of all accounts. All of the departments are vi gi 1 ent with regard to their overall budget positions and will make compensating offsets in their spending wherever possible. Any adjustments of major proportions which may be necessary will be brought to Council ' s attention. GENERAL GOVERNMENT: The Finance Department' s salary accounts will be under the budget as short term staff were not hired during the summer period with the exception of the usual summer student. The Unclassified Administration account will be under expended in two main areas; taxes written off and the contingency provision. Taxes written off due to the assessment appeals have been less than anticipated with 30 some appeals to be decided in 1985. Staff anticipate a surplus of approximately - 4 - BUDGET REVIEW TO OCTOBER 31, 1984 TR-90-84 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: - continued Expenditures: GENERAL GOVERNMENT: - continued $120,000 in this account, some of which will be required to offset the appeals referred over to 1985 for decision. The contingencies account currently sits at $102,000 unexpended with charges for the salary settlements for Public Works ($30,000) to be adjusted and the costs associated with the Library to be finalized. Those funds were provided in the budget for the major failure of mechanci al equipment ( ice plant, air conditioner' s) $30,000; unexpected building repairs and staffing costs $50,000; and salary settlements $160,000; for a total of $240,000. At this time, we might anticipate a balance of approximately $50,000 at year end. The Public Works' salary adjustment for the labouring crews has not been made out of this account because of the means by which these amounts are included in the project budgets. Staff will address this adjustment late in the year. Interest on Temporary Loans currently $26,000 unexpended may have a surplus of approximately $20,000 at year end if no further short term borrowing is required prior to year end. Any interest reflected in this account is paid to the municipal reserve funds, as we have not been required to borrow externally during this fiscal year. - 5 - BUDGET REVIEW TO OCTOBER 31, 1984 TR-90-84 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: - continued Expenditures: GENERAL GOVERNMENT: - continued Of the Administrative Building Maintenance accounts, only the Orono Town Hall is over expended in a minor amount. This year represents a year of transition, with hall board being responsible for the maintenance for the greater part of the year and Community Services for the early part of the year. PROTECTION TO PERSONS & PROPERTY: (24% Unexpended) The Fire Department budget is well within its limits with the only areas of significant under expenditure being the salaries. In the administration budget provision was made for the mid-year conversion of the secretarial position from parttime to ful 1 time and this has not been done, as yet. In the halls, the parttime firefighter' s hours for fire calls are down significantly this year. This provision must be made to allow for the unknown. The Department has, successfully, used its parttime firefighters for its fire prevention and awareness program throughout the Town . If these accounts remain significantly under budget at year end, Council may wish to make a resolution to transfer some additional funds to the Fire Department Equipment Reserve to assist in offsetting costs of future improvements. TRANSPORTATION SERVICES: (23% Unexpended) This expenditure area is the largest within the local municipal budget and since it is largely affected by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications subsidy program, the department uses the following philosophy in spending the funds allocated to it. I I - 6 - '. BUDGET REVIEW TO OCTOBER 31, 1984 TR-90-84 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: - continued Expenditures: TRANSPORTATION SERVICES: - continued (23q Unexpended) 1 . We attempt to meet as closely as possible the spending level established through the M.T.C. subsidy program. Thus, towards the end of the year, it is often necessary to make final adjustments to the program. 2. Through the budget process, Council indicates their wishes with respect to the programs they would like to see completed and we attempt to complete all of the component projects. Through this process some projects have more spent than the budgeted figure and some less. However, the governing theory here is to complete all prof ects approved in the budget by Council . 3. Bearing Points 1 & 2 in mind, adjustments are made to project magnitudes to maximize the return for funds spent. 4. For maintenance activities, the underlying philosphy is to maintain an acceptable level of service, but wherever possible, direct funds from non-permanent type activities to permanent ones. As an example, each year we reduce the amount spent on dust control and substitute surface treatment, which is a permanent repair. This year we spent about $130,000 less on dust control than was budgeted and increased the amount of surface treatment by a similar amount. The number of dust complaints did not increase from previous years. _ 7 _ BUDGET REVIEW TO OCTOBER 31, 1984 TR-90-84 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: - continued Expenditures: TRANSPORTATION SERVICES: - continued (23% Unexpended) In summary, we believe it is fair to say that the Works Department has not adhered stringently to the program established through the budget but has worked within the above framework. The Public Works Administration salary budget has been positively effected by the fact that in 1984 the two members of staff who spend some of their working day on subsidizable activities have had their time charged to those projects. Since this provides more subsidy dollars this is an improvement over prior year' s accounting of those two empl oyees' time. Staff are, also , keeping better records of time spent on development work which can be billed to the developers, as appropriate. Public Works Overhead accounts are in line with the exception of Sick Leave and Separation Pay. In both cases, unforeseen events and long term illnesses were the cause of the overruns. In total , the two accounts are about $17,500 over budget. In the subsidizable activities there have, as stated above, been considerable transfer of funds between activities. Bridge and Culvert Construction is 51% unexpended, with the money being spent on Bridge and Culvert Maintenance - the Jackman Road Bridge being the major restoration, and Hales Bridge repairs just commenced in November. _ 8 _ BUDGET REVIEW TO OCTOBER 31, 1984 TR-90-84 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: - continued Expenditures: TRANSPORTATION SERVICES: - continued <23% Unexpended> Of the major road construction projects, Golf Course Road is underway now (44% unexpended) ; Scugog Street and the Connecting Link in Newcastle are complete except for the hold backs to be released; the King and Division Street Lights are awaiting Regional Works; Scugog Road/Concession 7 has land acqui stion to be done and utility relocations with this project continuing into 1985; Solina Storm Sewers have just bee completed with no changes yet recorded; Cobbledick Railway Crossing awaits approval of the Canadian Transport Commission; Division Street, Orono is complete ($9,500 overexpended) ; Mill Lane (Supplementary Subsidy) is ongoing at this time; Baseline Road Design is ongoing at this time; Perry Street, Hampton is ongoing and we expect an over expenditure of about $20,000; Concession Street, Lot 1 and 2 , Darlington is complete with a $40,000 over expenditure. With the other adjustments in this budget we do not expect these reallocations to be cause for alarm in the overall analysis of Public Works spending. Road Maintenance has several aspects which may be performed late in the year being ditch maintenance, brushing and tree removal , catch basin and storm sewer maintenance. A great deal of brushing was done this past summer with a crew of students. Hardtop Maintenance and Loosetop Maintenance should be reviewed in conjunction with each other. It is the department' s practice to do as much permanent road maintenance as possible as opposed to dust control . - 9 - BUDGET REVIEW TO OCTOBER 31, 1984 TR-90-84 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: - continued Expenditures: TRANSPORTATION SERVICES: - continued (23% Unexpended) To that end, the funds expended for surface treatment exceed the budget by $129,300, while dust control costs are $151 ,900 less than budget. Public Works reports that there were a limited number of complaints because of the reduction of dust control applications. In the long term the use of municipal funds for a more permanent road surface is much more cost effective than the use of dust control . Both the paving contract and the gravel crushing contract are ongoing at this time. Winter Control is $87,000 unexpended which should provide a reasonable budget for that activity before year end if the season does not come in too soon. The Street Lighting maintenance account for the Bowmanville, Orono, Newcastle System is currently $10,400 over budget. This budget is provided by the Newcastle Hydro Electric Commission and in conversation with the Manager, he indicates that there are no particular areas which have caused the overrun. This will impact adversely on the area rate in 1985. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES: (21% unexpended) Garbage Collection and Disposal costs in the special service areas are within budget, with the Bowmanv i l l a area benefiting from the cost savings of using students during the summer months. The contract services are being tendered again in the 1 ater part of 1984. - 10 BUDGET REVIEW TO OCTOBER 31, 1984 TR-90-84 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: - continued Expenditures: CEMETERIES: (22% Unexpended) These operations are within budget with no problems anticipated. The project involving the abandoned cemetery on the Hydro lands is complete now and will be paid soon. RECREATION AND CULTURAL SERVICES: (26% Unexpended) On the whole the Community Services Department' s activities are in line with expectations. The net operating position of each identifiable operation as of October 31st 1984 is shown below against the net operating position per the 1984 budget. Net Operating Net Operating Position Position Oct 31st 1984 1984 Budget Deficit<Surplus> Deficit<Surplus> Park Maintenance $148,169 $192,686 Orono Park 18,500 17,905 Adult Fitness (151220) ( 1,240) Senior Citzens 228 300 Adult Swimming ( 1,706) 260 Bowling 519 590 Hockey 1451861 2,410 Newcastle Hockey 15,481 141,050 Swimming (11$ 30) (5,870) Newcastle Figure Skating 4,618 1,650 Swim Team 634 1,650 Bowmanville Arena 409933 899545 Darlington Sports Centre 142,552 204,084 Baseline Community Centre - - Newcastle Pool 9,702 19,735 Orono Pool 1151125 15,532 Newcastle Fitness Centre 47,663 71,314 Total 426,729 624,601 i I cad - 11 - BUDGET REVIEW TO OCTOBER 31, 1984 TR-90-84 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: - continued Expenditures: RECREATION AND CULTURAL SERVICES: (26% Unexpended) Of the above operations, Senior Citizens, Bowling and Hockey will be funded through the Municipal Grant Program in 1985. The Hockey program will show a substantial deficit in 1984 because the transfer of this program to the Bowmanville Minor Hockey Association for the 1984-85 season was not anticipated at the time of the 1984 budget preparation. Since this is a seasonal program, al l regi stration revenue Is received and recognized in the accounts each fall . In the 1984-85 season the Bowmanville Minor Hockey Association has received this revenue, therefore, our accounts will record expenditures related to the end of the 1983-84 season and no offsetting registration revenue. The Newcastle Hockey program and Newcastle Figure Skating have both experienced a decline in registration this season and this will have an adverse impact on the year end net operating position. Staff are continuing to meet with those groups regarding the transfer of those programs to the volunteer sector. The Bowmanville Arena' s feasibility study ($25,000) is only now at the consultant selection stage and probably will not be undertaken until early 1985. The Darlington Sports Centre' s expenditures are not yet reflecting the total cost of the American exchange in the debenture payments. Al so , some capital works which were budgeted to be completed under an Employment Creation program did not take place because the programs were not approved. - 12 _ BUDGET REVIEW TO OCTOBER 31, 1984 TR-90-84 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: - continued Expenditures: RECREATION AND CULTURAL SERVICES: (26% Unexpended) The two outdoor pools have experienced some cost savings this year due to the use of the granular chlorine from the 1983 inventory. These facilities are being changed from granular chlorine to liquid chlorine in 1985. The liquid chlorine has a shorter shelf life, so therefore it wi l l be purchased on a weekly basis in 1985 and we will not inventory this material . In addition, the Newcastle Pool has not yet been billed for its 1984 water useage. The net operating position of the Newcastle Fitness Centre in 1984 and 1985 is felt by staff to be more indicative of normal operations than prior years. There has been a slackening of interest in the use of the facility and rentals have declined , principally due to the loss of the School Board regular useage. This pattern was anticipated by staff since the facility has been open for four years and has lost some of its glamour appeal . PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT: (37% Unexpended) These accounts are in line with our expectations, with the major expenditures for OMB hearings to come within the next month and the costs related to the mapping study principally to be carried on into 1985. Several minor non-recurring programs are included in this budget area being the Tourism Development Project, Port Granby Monitoring Committee and Newcastle Bicentennial Committee. f- - 13 - BUDGET REVIEW TO OCTOBER 31, 1984 TR-90-84 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: - continued Expenditures: PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT: (37% Unexpended) The Tourism Development Project includes costs to complete the brochure and for the operation of the office in the early part of the year. Ontario Hydro contributed $15,000 towards the cost of the brochure. The only expenditures recorded for the Port Granby Monitoring Committee are related to staff time. Since this is all overtime, the secretarial services for the Committee could be much more economically met by the hiring of parttime person. This matter should be reviewed during the 1985 budget discussion. The Newcastle Bicentennial Committee has a net position at this time of $238 surplus. There are still funds to be returned related to the sale of the coins. LEVIES: (19% Unexpended) The final instalments for the school board levies have yet to be paid. 3(C-) - 14 - BUDGET REVIEW TO OCTOBER 31, 1984 TR-90-84 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: - continued Summary: This budget review indicates that the budget is being well controlled by the various departments and that there should be no areas of particular concern, at year end. Respectfully submitted, K' 0"tL -c Kathryn A. Campbell , C.A. ,B.Comm., Treasurer *gf Attachment 7D ao^-i1-84 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE CHART OF ACCOUNTS BY FUNCTION _ PAGE ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION PRV.YR.ACT ACTUAL COMMITTED BUDGET UNEXPENDED 7 GENERAL LEDGE„ TOTAL - TOWN TOTAL BALANCE SHEET t J 1001 BANK 622886.23 1002 - - INVESTMENTS 2500000.00 1003 CLEARING ACCOUNTS 207785.60- 1100 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE GENERAL 55463.29 1102 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE SUBDIVISIONS � p,pp 1104 HYDRO AGREEMENTS 3616.74 -110:; -___.._.....FEDERAL-ACCOUNTS--RECEIVABLE ______.__ . .._ ---_..___ _.-- --. 33630.00 - - --_ 1106 PROVINCIAL ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 12875.00 - 1107 OTHER MUNICIPALITIES ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE p,pp Ii ! E ! t LR - FUNI 7020.31 lilt DUE TO / DUE FROM RESERVES 0.00 1112 DUE TO / DUE FROM - CAPITAL FUND 0.00 ACCRUED INTEREST RECEIVABLE V 0.00 - TAXES,PENALTY & INTEREST 1150 CURRENT YEAR 1629381.45 1151 FIRST PRIOR YEAR 585642.20 SECONi D--PRIOR-YEAR___.__.___--"-___ �� �___.___ . -_.- 339i71.94_. 1153 THIRD PRIOR YEAR 157047.89 LS,PENALTY & IqTEREST 271124 3.48 1155_ ADDITIONS_ TO TAXES 5191.18 PROPERTY ACQUIRED-'FOR' TAXES 248.42 1170 ALLOWANCE FOR BA LI DEBTS 52390.:. 76- 1200 PRE-'PAID EXPENSES 48142. 5 12b - iGP 1't\G , L- 1'G Yl 1300 INVENTORY 220061.20 __.._TOTAL ASSETS _ __.___..._.___ _ _. __. __. __-__ _ . -__-._ ._._.-- --------_---_- _ _ 5987395.60 } LIABILITIES 2001 SHORT TERM LOANS 2002 DEBENTURES DUE & PAYABLE 0.00- 2003 "_........ _.- �19584.92 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE- 6744.28- 2004 LEVIES PAYABLE 130280.91 2005 ACCRUED ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 153153.26- 186565.50 2007 CHARGES FOR BENEFITTING LANDOWNERS ----- - -- - - -- - -- 7 2008 LONG- TERM -LOANS-- 186565.50- .2010 _ DEDUCTION CLEARING ACCOUNTS-_- '- -_.__ _ -_.__.__. .._. : __ .__ _._ _. - 40849.70- 2015 - DEPOSITS HELD _ ._ ^ � _.. _ --- - --- 307892.36- ------- ------- -- - --- -- - - - - 2020 DEFERRED REVENUE _-- __ _ 4630.38- -- - --. - - \ 08-11-84 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE CHART OF ACCOUNTS BY FUNCTION PAGE 2 r ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION _PRV.YR.ACT ACTUAL COMMITTED BUDGET UNEXPENDED TOTAL LIABILITIES - :900 RESERVES 1709813.35- 2499-___.___. __ __._ SURPLUS"-/ ItEFICIT--'--- _.._. ________ _ . _ -..._..- _�- _ .__- ___4437$4:78`= ___ -. _-r._.__..___---405244:00=-3$494:78_._ 9Z=_____ TOTAL TOTAL BALANCE SHEET 3231114.74 405244.00- 3636408.74-897X 3001 SURPLUS ACCOUNT 0.00 3003 EXCEPTION ACCOUNT 0.00 RESERVE FUNDS J - S-i 1 5001 RESERVE FUND TRANSACTIONS EXP 549384.26 130637.65 REV 2832362.80- 2783187.52- 22 08:50 _-__-.-- NET 2282973.54- 2631341.37- ) ' JUIAL RLSERVi-- i-UND6 G *4y6by.Z6 16063/.6z) REV 832362.80- 2783187.52- 2652384.58 NET REVENUE (EXPENDITURE) REVENUE ___..____- TAXATION REVENUE"__._.____.__�_._._..,_...,. ..____....._._,__.__,.__.__�_..__ .-d._.__�___-�_.___.__..__ j TAXATION-REGULAR 6!00 RESIDENTIAL / FARM TAXATION REV 11601222.96- 12446778.77 1448906.00- 2127.23- OX j 6101 COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL TAXATION REV 2542766.37- 2626011.27- 2625781.00- 230.27 OX 6102 ___ ____._____ ..- BUSINESS TAXATION "_______ RECT-:797797365=_1009351.25=_ - _ 1008783 00 568: 5 Ox TOTAL TAXATION-REGULAR REV 15121962.98- 16082141.29- 16083470.00- 1328.71- OX TAXATION-SUPPLEMENTARY 6103.. - -------_ _ RES. % FARM" SUPPLEMENTARY- TAXES __ ._ ___REV_._.-"30241.35=� 10985-.14 6104 COMM. / IND. SUPPLEMENTARY TAXES REV 37112.49- 77560.94- 6105 BUSINESS - SUPPLEMENTARY TAXES REV 24589.30- 39605.28- TOTAL TAXATION-SUPPLEMENTARY REV 91943.14- 106181.08- _ __._..- TOTAL-TAXATION REVENUE — � - -- REV 1"5?3390 2 �2=3618$.�^�:3T--"-""..___.._.__..-. "160^03470.06= 1048.:��.37-- 1X- j 6107 OTHER TAXATION REV 103342.19- 63337.64- 107544.00- 44206.36- 41X 6108 lLLLi-'l-iUNE - REV J iJ J. - - JJ a - 1666J.10 J - 6110---- - --- -- - PAYMENTS IN- LIEU OF-TAXES--- --"-- -----_ REV-- .- 434901.67------ 431358.46------------..----.445260.00- - --1390.1.54- 3X _ 6200 UNCONDITIONAL GRANTS REV 553984.00- 583446.00- 554873.00- 28573.00 5X- - - . . SPIECI F1C GRANTS -""`- - _...___ - .. _._.-... _ - REV 2363836.43=--1203070.05=--`"- ___ -2106100.00- 903029.95- 43X r08-11-84 TOWS 0- NEWCASTLE CHAriT OF ACCOUNTS BY FUNCTION . . ^----- \ _ PAGE 3 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION PRV.YR.ACT ACTUAL COMMITTED BUDGET UNEXPENDED -FEES E ' UHARGES 6400 FEES AND SERVICE CHARGES REV 352187.:4- 296441.48- 329605.00- 33163.52- 10X 6401^ _ FEES & SERV. CHGS. OTHER- MUNICIPALITIES REV 33^0539.60- 92869.63- --- - - 7500.00- 85369.63 ***Z- TOTAL FEES h SERVICE CHARGES REV 690726.84- 389311.11- 337105.00- 52206.11 15Z- OTHER REVENUE 6500-_ __.. _ ._ - LICENCES & PERMITS REV 114213.30- 171033.42- 91500.00- 79533.42 87X- 6510 RENTS 6 CONCESSIONS REV 398021.84- 299813.15- 384150.00- 84336.85- 22X 6520 FINES REV 1646.00- 1144.00- 2000.00- 856.00- 43X 6b.30 'G CO & INIEi-1 ESI - 'E .Z - 280816.Y2- J - J .r 15Z- 6540 INVESTMENT INCOME REV 215700.03- 176324.79- 139900.00- 36424.79 26Z- 6550 SSUBDIVIDER CONTRIBUTIONS REV 0.00 -656C_.___-._ . _ ___._---- SALE" OF"ASSETS_ - MATERIALS __-- .. _--._ REV--- - - 28649.59-L- 20602.85- 28050.00 7447.15- 27X TOTAL OTHER REVENUE REV 1064950.02- 949735.13- 890600.00- 59135.13 7X- CONTRIBUTIONS _.. 6bd0__._.-___ ___ __.. .CONTRIBUTION FROM-RESERVES __- _.___ _ .__ -._ . ..REV- 10000.00- 12000.00- __ 12000.00- 0.00 OX 6650 CONTRIBUTION FROM RESERVE FUNDS REV 24468.23- 20529.08- 99570.00- 79040.92- 79X 6660 CONTRIBUTION FROM CAPITAL FUND REV 0.00 'UCEE D0 ;-ROM LONG TERM -HURROWINU REV 18/876.66- J 6. - 6700 CONTRIBUTION FROM OTHER BOARDS REV 3000.00- 6760 CONTRIBUTION FROM OTHERS - CAPITAL REV 34963.85- 3105.00- 300500.00- 297395.00- 99X TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS REV 257308.74- 39207.42- 412070.00- 372862.58- 90X Li 0 FROM UlHERS - UPERA11ONS REV 2 .J - .2 - TOTAL REVENUE REV 21025841.22- 20248293.49- " � �� > 2129202.00- 1043728.51- 5X EXPENDITURES GENERAL GOVERNMENT MAYOR AND COUNCIL 7002 MAYORfS OFFICE EXP 46809.57 40859.64 50315.00 9455.36 19X 7003 MEMBERS OF COUNCIL EXP 53164.97 51875.47 64821.00 12945.53 20X TOTAL MAYOR AND COUNCIL EXP 104974.54 92735.11 115136.00 22400.89 19X ADM I"n3ISTiiATIVi=DEI`FiRT­MENTS- 7004 ADMINISTRATOR EXP 861 87.30 77696.38 97428.00 19731.62 20X 7005 L rih 0 DEPARTMENT EXP 135661.64 115586.07 4 0 2. 24775.93 18Z 7006 -- FINANCE DEPARTMENT ------.-- -- EXP 322132.65- -- 250399.76 -- _ _ . __- 323946.00-- 73546.24 23X 7007 UNCLASSIFIED ADMINISTRATION EXP 3221 80.93 236674.32 597641.00 360966.68 60X 700 PURCHASING - _ EXP 54333.86 47677.00 58181.00 10504.00 18X '} TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENTS 'EXP 920496.38 728033.53 1217558.00 489524.47 40X `J �8-11-84 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE CHART OF ACCOUNTS BY FUNCTION PAGE -_. 4._ ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION PRV.YR.ACT ACTUAL COMMITTED BUDGET UNEXPENDED I 1/00y ACCOUNTING SERVICES PHOJECI EXP 1 1302.61 1 7014 - STUDENT ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM EXP 7667.28 7 ""ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING MTNCE-.---­-­- 702-0 MTNCE. - TOWN HALL EXP 27542.92 23756.20 28881.00 5124.80 18x /021 MiNCiz.. - HAMHIUN HALL 1` 14116.6/ V2 . JJ J. 52 7422 MTNCE. - ORONO TOWN HALL EXP 11246.45 1347.35 1035.00 312.35- 30x- 7023 MTNCE. - POLICE & FIRE BLDG. EXP 66669.16 57932.54 94452.00 36519.46 39x 7024_____.. .-- ---_.___MTNCE:_-- BECC' BUILDING EXF-_..__ 21413.06- 18300.56 - --- - -- - -23744.40._--_.__ 5439:-44-- 23x 7026 MNTCE.- ORONO ARMOURIES EXP 6700.27 7910.00 1209.73 15Z IUIAL ADMiNiSIHAJiVE BUILLUNU I . EXF 140766. w J . 5321�e.ol 612 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXP 1185462.98 953394.24 1512227.00 558832.76 37Z PROTECTION TO PERSONS & PROPERTY FIRE DEFARIMENI J .J 4/3601./­.: 3J ... 23n. 7103 BUILDING INSPECTION EXP 113570.07 95759.99 113534.00 17774.01 16Z 7104 BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT EXP 43966.97 38147.67 49793.00 11645.33 23Z 710a--- - ANIMAL CONTROL - - -__ ..._____. . _.._ _ EXP._.._._ 92779".48____ 81157.20i­ _. ___.. .-92240-:00`--- _11082.sG- 12Z j TOTAL PROTECTION TO PERSONS & PROPERTY EXP 1160674.08 688366.58 869149.00 180782.42 21Z TRANSPORTION SERVICES _._.. PUBLIC WORKS----- PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION & OVERHEAD 7202 PUBLIC WORKS - ADMINISTRATION EXP 343945.49 202385.00 272457.00 74472.00 26x 7203 PUBLIC WORKS - OVERHEAD EXP 339367.84 277145.38 297101.00 19955.62 7x TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION & OVER EXP 643313.33 479530.38 569558.00 90027.62 16x F- BLl {l J UUNSIRUGliUN & MiNUL. 7204 PUBLIC WORKS - BRIDGE & CULVERT CONST. EXP 9778.46 9362.82 18000.00 8637.18 48x PUBLIC WORKS_ ROAD CONSTRUCTION_ _ ._____. EXP 972720.85 - -- 343480.35-"-- -'-----------1142000.-00'--- 298519:6526x _7.^_06 BRIDGE & CULVERT MAINTENANCE EXP 125313.18 94782.73 145000.00 50217.27 35x .� 7207 ROAD MAINTENANCE EXP 277869.77 170516.75 219000.00 48483.25 22x 7209 ROAD MAINTENANCE - CLOOSETOP7 EXP 656428.76 455914.73 725000.00 269085.27 37x 7210 WINTER CONTROL EXP 229541.31 410602.36 498000.00 87397.64 1Sx 721`1-_.-._ . . ..-- SAFETY DEVICES________.._ _. ..___ .__. .-._ _ _- _...EXP 69576.51 _ -- 55798.89 -- 67500.00------ 11741.i I 17X } TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION & MTNCE. EXP 2810163.58 2627449.05 3274500.40 647050.95 20X 7212 MISCELLANEOUS EXP- 128983.62 182040.00 53016.38 29Z - . - TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS ___.___ ._ ___ .__..__.__-_�---- .._ _ . _ EXP 3702840-:68 3235963.43 - 4026058 00- 79007-4-.9Y 2 M 08-11-84 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE CHART OF ACCOUNTS BY FUNCTION PAGE 5 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION PRV.YR.ACT ACTUAL COMMITTER BUDGET UNEXPENDED 7 - R .- UTHERS 7213 NEWCASTLE/BOWMANVILLE CONNECTING LINK EXP 9804.92 21552.88 39000.00 17447.12 45'" 7215---- - _ REGIONAL ROADS 142&17 (BOW°LLE & ORONO) EXP 3535.41 4207.87 7500.00 3292.13 44X 7 TOTAL ROAD MNTCE.- OTHERS EXP 13340.33 225760.75 46500.00 20739.25 45X 7216 HANDI TRANSIT EXP 16900.00 31713.00 34600.00 2887.00 8X EQUIPMENT FLEET 7217 EQUIPMENT FLEET - DISTRICT 1 EXP 105597.27 REV d - NET 103273.39- 7218 EQUIPMENT FLEET - DISTRICT 2 EXP 68351.37 REV 116606.01- NET 48254.64- 7219 EQUIPMENT FLEET - DISTRICT 3 EXP 112497.27 REV J - NET 129016.67- } 7220 EQUIPMENT FLEET OVERHEAD EXP 50627.77 REV __ .. 125.00- NET 50502.77 lUTAL EQUIPMENT -E X F, 637o73.68 REV 567115.61- j NET 230041.93- 7224 WORK FOR OTHERS EXP 339542.75 83771.61 10000.00 73771.61-738Z- 7225 PARKING ENFORCEMENT EXP 23186.97 21664.80 19983.00 1681.80- 8X- 25 biR EXH 113311.yli J J.J 8 163Y20.00 16175.58- 1t - 7240 CROSSING GUARDS EXP 23632.67 22580.64 26625.00 4044.36 15X __._ ..., TOTAL TRANSPORTION SERVICES--_. _ EXP 42 92 82 1.39 3908623.11 - -- _ 42976$6.00 389062.89- 9X REV 567115.61- NET 4292821.39 3341507.50 4297686.00 956178.50 22X ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 7341' - --- STORM SEWER MTiNCE.--& CAPITAL CONST. -'- EXP 95915.881 56299.25 50000.00 6299.25- 13X- _ GARBAGE COLLECTION & DISPOSAL 7302 GARBAGE COLLECTION - NEWCASTLE EXP 17638.53 11$61.00 17300.00 5439.00 31X 7303 GARBAGE COLLECTION - BOWMANVILLE EXP 253667.92 217507.91 288854.00 71346.09 25X 7304--- . GARBAGE COLLECTION = ORONO_ - - EXP 14865.10 13155.18 16300.00 3144.82 19X TOTAL GARBAGE COLLECTION & DISPOSAL EXP 286171.55 242524.09 322454.00 79929.91 25Z 7305 -- LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS - -- --- EXP 18165.90 17605.84 - - - 17561.00--- 44.84- OX - - ----TOTAL ENVIRONMENTAL SEiiVCES -- --`-"----_ _...__�--,------EXF'. 400253.215- 316429.18 390015.00 73585.82 19X -.. TOWN OF NEWCASTLE CHART U Tl -" AR 0 F ACCOUNTS BY FUNCTION ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION F'RV.YR.ACT ACTUAL COMMITTED BUDGET UNEXPENDED 7402 CEMETERY MTNCE. - BOWMANVILLE/BONDHEAD EXP 67121.07 74740.93 7404 _ ___._ _ OTHER CEMETERIES - -- - -- - 89381.00 14640.07 16X EXP 11982.35 __12075:01--_ -_..._ .___.__---_- 0000.-00 �----� 7924.49_ 40Z -'TOTAL HEALTH SERVICES EXP 79103.42 86815.94 109381.00 62565.06 21X RECREATION & CULTURAL SERVICES 7602 COMMUNITY SERVICES - ADMINISTRATION" EXP 226078.60" 195280.98 ---____ 230032.00 - _ c 7603 F'ARKS FACILITIES MAINTENANCE 34751.02 - 15X 'j 7604 ADULT PROGRAMS EXP 177917.27 219891.00 41973.73 19X EXP 7025.01 6777,76 10030.00 3252.24 32X J � i K FACILITIES-RECREATION & CULTURE .... . .. ... .... 7606 ARENA Zt SPORTS FACILITIES EXP 493024.51 402285.04 255 7607 FOOL FACILITIES 239081.00 52143.96 39X EXP 38026.47 287469.42 2 �., 39081.00 J�011.58 22X TOTAL FACILITIES-RECREATION h CULTURE EXP 711050. 589354.46 3 98 896510.00 307155.54 34X j 7608 GRANTS - LIBRARY EXP 267283.00 280250.00 280650.00 0.00 OX 7609 NET 267283.00 280650.00 280650.00 0.00 OX GRANTS - MUSEUM EXP 24000.00 25200.00 25200.00 0.00 OX --MUNICIPAL GRANTS-CULTURAL' _.__ -.._.._. 7611 EXP...... . i5000:00-. ^` 23222:48-`____._.___.___-____-_...- 1575006_-`"�" MUNICIPAL GRANTS-CIVIC EXP 900,00 17400.00 17400.00 0.00 OX 3 7612 MUNICIPAL GRANTS-RECREATIONAL EXP N L ,n O 3133350.00 31350.00 0.00 OX TOTAL GRANTS EXF' 307183.00 370257.48 372765.00 7.5^ �_..._. :-J.. _ 0.40- _-.. ._.- _ -.. ..� NET 307183.00 370257.48 372785.00 2527.52 iX N M ct 1 7z-jvv.uv J .TOTAL RECREATION CULTURAL SERVICES J .41 1428327.36 1873748. 4X 00 445420.64 2_ _- -- NET 1368959.41 1428327.36 1873748.00 445420.64 24X a t- cL 7702 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT - ADMINISTRATION EXP 236414.13 199401.07 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT-COMMITTEE OF ADJ. EXP 3214-.83----- - 6687.13 _ 34810.00 143408.93 42X __ -__- - .- 7705 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 10075.00 -- 33$7.87 'J4X 7706 EXP 44302.67 49240.57 49305.00 14.43 OX F' h D - P'ROP'ERTY STANDARDS COMMITTEE cXF' 288.66 2240.49 4. 6495.00 4254.51 66X 7708 TOURISM DEVELOPMENT- PROJECT EXF 34747.90- -- 17403.35 --.___._ . -__ 3821 0 7709 _ - .. 0- 13587.35-355Z- PORT.__-..----�_.. PORT GRANBY MONITORING COMMITEE EXP 100.00 503.66 t[EWCASTLE B.Z.A: (iAlr! STREET-PT;OGRAM 7711 EXP 37876.66 5756.617 TOTAL PLANNING h DEVELOPMENT EXP­ 363944.85 281282.87 412506.40 131223.13 3 2X 08-11-84 TOWS! OF NEWCASTLE CHART OF ACCOUNTS BY FUNCTION! PAGE 7 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION PRV.YR.ACT ACTUAL COMMITTED BUIIGET UNEXPENIIED i2 NEWCASTLE BICENTENNIAL COMMITTEE EXP 12 2.12 LEVIES 7802 LEVIES - REGION OF DURHAM EXP 3020554.83 3081551.00 3130067.00 48516.00 2X 7803 LEVIES - SECONDARY SCHOOL EXP 3873061.84 3296111.25 4394815.00 1098703.75 25X . iL - ELEMLINIARY SCHOOL . 32/6/74.25 4371699.00 1092924.75 25 7805 LEVIES - SEPARATE SCHOOL EXP 283066.55 252021.75 336023.00 84001.25 25X -__" " TOTAL LEVIES EXP 11410694.06 9908458.25 12232604.00 2324145.75 19X TOTAL EXPENDITURES EXP 20261913.45 17584459.65 21697316.00 4112856.35 19X REV 567115.61- 0.00 NET 20261913.45 17017344.04 21697316.00 4679971.96 ?2X TOTAL NET REVENUE (EXPENDITURE) EXP 20261913.45 17584459.65 21697316.00 4112856.35 19X 3 REV 21025841.22- 20815409.10- 21292022.00- 476612.90- 2X NET 763927.77- 3230949.45- 405294.00 3636243.45 897X TOTAL-GENERAL LEDGER TOTAL - TOWN EXP 20811302.71 17715097.30 21697316.00 3982218.70 18X REV 23858204.02- 23598596.62- 21292022.00- 2306574.62 11Z- 5883499.32 405294.00- 6288793.32-***X NEi 3 1.31- _..