HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-79-84 fGr. 5?a rJl. _ 4 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE TREASURY DEPARTMENT K. CAMPBELL, C.A., TREASURER 40 TEMPERANCE STREET TEL.(416) 623-3379 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LiC 3A6 REPORT ZO UIE GRMAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISMTICN OCMITTEE MEETING OF SEVITMBER 17, 1984 REPORT ND. : TR-79-84 SUBJECT: SELF-INSURED ]LOSSES RESERVE EXPENDITURE RECQVIVIIa3NDIDAT I ON: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administrative Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That this report be received, and 2. That the loss incurred at the Orono Fire Station #3 ($356.51) be funded from the Self-Insured Losses Reserve. BACKGROUND & CGtMH�T: Memorandum from the Fire Department outlining the damage incurred is attached for Ccamittee's information. Tie claim is below the Town's deductible limit and is, therefore, eligible for monies out of the Self-Insured Losses Reserve. The balance of the reserve as at July 31, 1984 was $20,647.76. Respectfully submitted, r } y fff John R. Blanchard, Deputy-Treasurer. At w�.,aµKrAwco .arm TOWN OF NEWCASTLE MEMORANDUM TO: John Blanchard, Acting Treasurer, FROM: J. Aldridge, Fire Chief. DATE: June 25, 1984. SUBJECT: Fire Station #3 - Orono - Insurance Claim ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On Saturday, June 23, 1984, at approximately 18:30 hrs. three (3) Orono Firefighter Association members were returning their antique fire truck to the station. They had been involved in a parade and fire truck dis- play in the Stouffville area. Returning to Station 3, they opened one of the front apparatus doors and moved the tanker truck out to permit the an- tique truck to be backed in. When backing the tanker truck in, the apparatus door came back down on its own, (malfunction-), hitting the rear of the tanker. No damage occurred to the tanker but the bottom panel of the apparatus door and track were severely damaged. I contacted a service man from Rivett Hardware, who installed the doors, to come and try and make temporary repairs so the building could be secured for the night. He arrived and worked until approximately midnight making repairs. The service man determined the cause as a freak accident. The door pull cord has a spring on the top end. This spring got stuck in the door track keeping contact on the switch, which would open the door and then make it come right back down. Through Rivett Hardware and P.O. #2498, the necessary new parts are being ordered and repairs made. I would ask that you notify the Town's insurance carrier of this accident, and I will forward the invoice to you, when received at this office. I thank you for your assistance in this matter. JA/sr Aldridge, c.c. - D. Johnston, Fire Chief. 4rlminictratnr_ 4R INVOICE No. \ N2eV 12350 '3�a) Rivett Architectural Hardware Ltd. 111 Industrial Dr., Unit 1, Whitby, Ontario LIN 5Z9, Tel. (416) 668-4455, Telex 06-981391 L I 0 -- I C_ 0 nvoice at Fed.Tax No. Terms Dale ered Date Shipped DATE REO'D � 31 �. Cust.Ord/r Np. Prov.Tax No. Salesman F.O.B. Via BIO Reference No. G r• BIO QUANTITY QUANTITY PART N0.AND DESCRIPTION CODE UNIT EXTENSION ORDERED SHIPPED PRICE • J I OFF C y _ �T �0 -L U I L CL EKT V = t � � f• OJ �! 1 1 ' t , L� / c E ► , _SS AA, I . >r Ax I 1 I 1 i 1 1 S�IIi �Ir� i I Adels nI, P.O.�u....D, Batch#.......... Cheque# ........ Amt. �•.. '. 1 1 ............«...................................... I i ................................. ................. 3 PURCHASING DATA: � SUBTOTAL PROV. TAXI j JI R aECEIVED BY NO RETURNS WITHOUT PERMISSION CREDIT PLEASE QUOTE INVOICE NO APPROVAL TOTAL •-� / I f INTEREST CHARGED ON OVERDUE INVOICE = ACCOUNTS AT THE RATE Of 2°, PER MONTH I24°.,PER ANN UMI PLEASE REMIT TO HEAD OFFICE WHITE—INVOICE GOLDENROD—BOOKKEEPING BLUE—BRANCH GREEN—PACKING SLIP PINK—AUDIT 111 INDUSTRIAL DRIVE, WHITBY. ONTARIO L1N 5Z9