HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-080-02 "'. . CI~il1glOn REPORT PLANNING SERVICES PUBLIC MEETING Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE '])ce:-OF ~/1-3/b--ZJ~ Date: Monday, September 9, 2002 Report #: PSD-080-02 File #: COPA 2002-008 By-law #: Subject: CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICANT: SEALAND HOLDINGS INC. (GREAT LAKES COLLEGE) PART 7, CONCESSION 2, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-080-02 be received; 2. THAT the application to amend the Clarington Official Plan by Sealand Holdings Inc. be referred back for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report; 3. THAT the Clarington LACAC be requested to review the architectural and historical significance of the existing buildings at Great Lakes College and report back to Council; and 4. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Councii's decision. Submitted by: Davi Crome, M.C.I.P.,R.P.P. Director, Planning Services , '\ (~o..-:- {UCt. Reviewed by\...J Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer CS*DC*df 28 August 2002 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON . 601 '. , REPORT NO.: PSD..QSO-02 PAGE 2 1.0 APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Applicant: Sealand Holdings Inc. 1.2 Agent: N. Barry Lyon Consultants 1.3 Official Plan Amendment: To delete the Community Park designation from the north-west corner of Lambs Road and Concession Street and the Future Urban Residential designation and replace these designations with Urban Residential. To expand the Apple Blossom Neighbourhood Planning Unit to include these lands and increase the population target for the neighbourhood from 4800 to 5750. To amend Table 9-2 to allocate 300 low density units and change the corresponding totals. (Attachment 1) 1.4 Site Area: 42 hectares (105 acres) 2.0 LOCATION 2.1 The subject area to the application is located at 2020 Lambs Road, more specifically, at the northwest corner of Lambs Road and Concession Street, in Bowmanville. (Attachment 2) 3.0 BACKGROUND 3.1 The application for Official Plan Amendment was submitted on June 4, 2002 and was reviewed for its completeness prior to processing. The proposed amendment was not submitted until June 25, 2002 at which time the application was deemed complete and was circulated for comment. A document entitled "Planning and Servicing Rationale Report" was also submitted to support the proposed amendment. 602 REPORT NO.: PSD-080-02 PAGE 3 4.0 SITE CHARACTERISTICS AND SURROUNDING USE 4.1 The entire property owned by Sealand Holdings Inc., covers a total of 42 hectares (105 hectares) and has frontage on both Concession Street and Lambs Road. The Soper Creek is located on the west portion of the site. The central part of the site is occupied by Great Lakes College, which uses the institutional buildings for classroom and residence for its students. The land to the south is relatively flat and is leased and maintained by the Municipality for use by local soccer clubs. The lands north of the buildings are gently rolling with mature trees. A tributary of the Soper Creek bisects this portion of the site in an east-west direction. 4.2 Surrounding Uses North - St. Lawrence and Hudson Railway South - Agricultural and Soper Creek East - Agricultural and Cochrane Tire West - Urban Residential and Soper Creek and associated floodplain lands. 5.0 BACKGROUND REPORT 5.1 The consulting firm of N. Barry Lyon, Consultants Limited submitted a document entitled "The Great Lakes College - Planning and Servicing Rational Report" to support the Official Plan Amendment application. A Phase 1 Environment Assessment is also included in the document. The following is a summary of the report. 5.2 The Great Lakes College has two campus locations, one in downtown Toronto, the other in the Bowmanville. The College intends to consolidate the two campuses and expand the Bowmanville campus to accommodate an additional 200 students. New buildings for classrooms and residence for students and staff will be required over the next 20 years. Conference and retreat facilities, recreational facilities, an auditorium and meeting centres are also contemplated. 603 REPORT NO.: PSD-OBO-02 PAGE 4 The vacant lands to the north and south of the campus building will not be required for the college's purposes. These lands are proposed for low density residential development and are subject of the Official Plan Amendment. The two residential enclaves will have separate entrances from Lambs Road, however, will be connected by a pedestrian trail system through Soper Creek valley. The Report notes that the market for new and resale homes in Bowmanville has been steady, likely due to its proximity to Toronto and the surrounding natural areas. The prospect of ITER and Highway 407 will have a greater demand on more and higher value homes in this area, resulting in greater pressure for the development in Bowmanville. The report notes that the college is a logical place for development. At the present time, the school is serviced with private services. It will be decommissioned and sanitary sewer system will be installed. Sanitary sewer must be extended through the Soper Creek valley from a connection on Barley Mill Crescent. The site is currently serviced by municipal water. Additional supply is proposed from the watermain on Concession Street and from a connection on Guildwood Drive. Proposed storm sewers will convey storm water to a storm water management pond at the southwest quadrant of the property. A 23 metre north-south collector with sidewalks is proposed through each of the proposed residential enclaves, 20 metre local roads and sidewalks are also proposed. The report concludes the following: . The expanded campus with surrounding residential uses offers a mix of compatible use that will create a diverse and vibrant community. 604 REPORT NO.: PSD-OBO-02 PAGE 5 . The development would be unique and harmonious with Soper Creek's landscape and the campus, but would not be isolated given the residential development to the west and future residential development proposed to the south. . The re-designation would be consistent with the Regional Plan's Living Area designation. . The existing sanitary sewer and water supply infrastructure and distribution provides sufficient capacity to serve the development. . The planned expansion of the Bowmanville campus and growth of the college's population will create activity and strengthen the site's presence in the neighbourhood, as well as stimulate local retail commercial uses and services. 5.3 Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment The consulting firm of Shaheen and Peeker Limited Consulting Engineers was retained by the proponent to undertake a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment. The purpose of Phase 1 ESA is to identify potential sources of contamination. The reports notes, that given the age of the structures (1930) and the probability that there has not been significant improvements to the buildings, its likely that there are areas of contamination on the site. Some potential sources that may be present include: . building materials containing asbestos; . heating oil and coal used to heat the structures; and . four transformers likely containing PCB's are on site but are not being used. 605 REPORT NO.: PSD-OSO-02 PAGE 6 6.0 OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES 6.1 Durham Reqional Official Plan 6.1.1 The lands are designated as Living Area and Major Open Space with indication of Environmental Sensitive Area within the Durham Region Official Plan. Land designated as Living Area are predominately used for housing purposes. Public and recreational uses are also permitted in the Living Area designation. 6.1.2 Section 5.3.14 indicates any amendment to designate a supply of land for development must be undertaken as part of a comprehensive five year review of the area municipal official plan. It must also include an analysis demonstrating the need for additional land and shall conform to the Region's 20 year servicing plan. The proposed official plan amendment to redesignate additional lands for residential development is not part of a comprehensive review of the Clarington Official Plan and therefore does not conform to the Durham Region Official Plan. 6.2 Clarinqton Official Plan 6.2.1 The lands south of the buildings are designated Community Park in the Clarington Official Plan. The area associated with the Soper Creek and its tributary are designated as Environmental Protection. The balance of the lands are designated as Future Urban Residential. Community parks are intended to serve the recreational needs of a series of neighbourhoods, providing outdoor and/or indoor recreational facilities. These parks shall be between 4 to 12 hectares in size, connect to future trail systems, and shall be provided at a standard of 0.6 hectares per 1000 persons of population. The Bowmanville Urban Area has four designated Community Park sites. This Community Park site is approximately 12 hectares. 6.2.2 The Clarington Official Plan has designated lands for urban development to the year 2016. Lands not required for residential purposes within the time frame of the Plan have been identified as Future Urban Residential. The subject lands are outside the area identified by the Official Plan as being required for residential 606 REPORT NO.: PSD..QSO-02 PAGE 7 development by 2016. Section 5.3.5 of the Plan states that the redesignation of lands from Future Urban Residential to Urban Residential Area can only be considered in the context of a comprehensive review and update of the Official Plan undertaken by the Municipality. 6.2.3 Map C1 of the Clarington Official Plan identifies the Natural Features and Land Characteristics for South Darlington. The Soper Creek and its tributary running through the site are identified as a Cold Water Stream and the floodplain area is identified as Hazard Lands. In accordance with Section 4.3.8. of the Official Plan, the presence of these natural features require that an Environmental Impact Study (EIS) be undertaken. 6.2.4 Map E2 of the Official Plan identifies the Neighbourhood Planning Units for Bowmanville by name, boundary and population target. The subject lands are not identified as part of a neighbourhood plan, nor its is assigned any population target. The Apple Blossom Neighbourhood is located west of the Soper Creek and north of Concession Street. It has been allocated a population target of 4800 persons. The proposed amendment would extend the boundary of the Apple Blossom Neighbourhood to include the subject area and increase the population target to 5750 persons which is the equivalent of 300 residential units. 7.0 ZONING BY-LAW CONFORMITY 7.1 Within the Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended those lands associated with the Soper Creek and its tributary are zoned "Environmental Protection (EP) Zone". This zone does not permit the construction of any buildings or structures and all structures are to be setback a minimum of 3 metres from the EP boundary. The balance of the lands are zoned "Urban Residential Exception (R1-10) Zone", which permits a private school. An 607 REPORT NO.: PSD-080-02 PAGE 8 application to amend the Zoning by-law would be required prior to any residential development should Council approve the amendment to the Official Plan. 8.0 PUBLIC NOTICE AND SUBMISSION 8.1 Public Notice was given by mail to each landowner within 120 metres of the subject site. Public Meeting signs were installed on both Concession Street and Lambs Road frontages. 8.2 There have been a number of inquiries regarding the proposed Official Plan Amendment. Many individuals are concerned that development will be permitted in the Soper Creek floodplain, that trees would be cut down and the creek would be diverted resulting in the destruction of fish and wildlife habitat. Many are opposed to deleting the Community Park stating that the increasing population in Bowmanville will require more parkland in the future. Other individuals have expressed concern regarding the loss of historical significant buildings to accommodate new homes. The property was used as an internment camp for German Officers in World War II. Staff also received a letter in support of the proposed amendment from the land owner at the northeast quadrant of Lambs Road and Concession Road 3. The site is within the urban envelope in the Clarington Official Plan. It also offers an attractive neighbourhood adjacent to the Soper Creek valley 9.0 AGENCY COMMENTS 9.1 Comments are outstanding from the following departments and agencies: . Region of Durham Planning Department . Region of Durham Works Department 6GB REPORT NO.: PSD-OSO..Q2 PAGE 9 . Central Lake Ontario Conservation . St. Lawrence and Hudson Railway 9.2 The following agencies offered no objections to the proposed amendment: . Clarington Emergency and Fire Services . Region of Durham Health Department The Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board offered no objection to the proposed Official Plan Amendment, however, will provide additional comments once the number of units and housing types are available. The Separate School Board offered no objection to the proposal, however, requested that adequate sidewalks are incorporated into the development. Veridian Connections also had no objections, however, noted existing service to the site inadequate and must be upgraded to accommodate the proposed development. 9.3 The Municipality of Clarington Community Services Department objects to the portion of the site that impacts upon the Community Park designation. An indoor recreation complex complimented by outdoor recreational component is contemplated for this Community Park. If the site loses its current designation, an alternate site within the vicinity would be required. 9.4 The Municipality of Clarington Engineering Department offered comments with respect to the elimination of the Community Park, Future Urban Residential areas and schematic street pattern shown on the concept plan. The Engineering Department strongly recommends that the municipality retains the Community Park designation on the subject lands. The site's proximity to 609 '. . REPORT NO.: PSD..QSO-02 PAGE 10 existing and future residential neighbourhoods, to the Soper Creek valley and its topography make it ideal for indoor and outdoor recreational facilities. The Engineering Department also notes that Concession Street East, Lambs Road and Highways NO.2 are the only roads to provide a connection between the subject lands and the developed portions of the Bowmanville Urban Area. At the present time, the majority of the works required to urbanize adjacent municipal roads as well as other infrastructure works has not been included in the Municipality's Development Charge By-law and it is not anticipated that these works will be included in the foresable future. Prior to actual development taking place on the site the applicant must submit a number of studies to justify the development, including: . A Servicing Report that identifies all of the urban services, both internal and external, necessary for development of the subject lands. The impacts on existing municipal roads and the need for watermains and sanitary sewers and future road reconstruction should be addressed. . A Transportation Study that identifies traffic volumes, both vehicular and pedestrian that will be generated by the development. The study must determine impacts on existing municipal transportation infrastructure, including Concession Street East, Lambs Road and Highway NO.2 and determine what improvements will be required to facilitate the development. . A Sub-watershed Study that assesses the impacts of development on the watershed. The study must identify what stormwater management facilities are required and their size, and demonstrate that downstream erosion within the Soper Creek watershed will not be further aggravated by development of the subject lands. 610 REPORT NO.: PSO..QSO-02 PAGE 11 . An Environmental Impact Study will be required that identifies the potential impacts on the open space areas and works requires to mitigate impacts of development. The Engineering Department also noted that the street pattern shown on the conceptual plan should more closely resemble a grid pattern. The proposed cul- de-sacs should be eliminated and all collector roads must have a minimum width of 26.0 metres. In conclusion, the Engineering Department states that the proposed amendment is premature and should not be endorsed. They also object to the removal of the Community Park designation. 10.0 STAFF COMMENTS 10.1 This application proposes to redesignate lands designated as Community Park and Future Urban Residential to Urban Residential. The approval of the proposed amendment would allow for plans of subdivision to be submitted and residential development to occur. Both the Regional and Clarington Official Plans provide for additional residential lands to be designated in the only context of a comprehensive review of the local Official Plan. Moreover, the designation of additional lands shall be based on demonstrated need for designating additional residential lands and recognize the phasing of development in accordance with the Region's 20 year servicing plan. The applicant submitted a report to support the amendment, however, it does not adequately justify the need for more residential lands or why these lands should be chosen for residential development over other lands designated as Future Urban Residential in the Bowmanville Urban Area. 611 . '. REPORT NO.: PSD-OSO-02 PAGE 12 10.2 A Community Park designation is required in east Bowmanville in order to service the recreational needs of future residents. There are four Community Parks designated to serve the planned population of 65,000 persons at the build out of in the Bowmanville Urban Area. While one community park is constructed in West Bowmanville Community Park (Garnett B. Rickard Complex) and lands are being acquired for future development of a South Bowmanville Community Park, both the North and East Community Parks are anticipated for development at a later date. The North Bowmanville Community Park, located at Concession Road 3 and Liberty Street, is also the subject of an Official Plan amendment application to remove the Community Park designation. These lands were recently sold and staff are investigating whether the new owners intend to pursue the application. 10.3 The Municipality of Clarington Engineering Department notes that providing full urban road infrastructure to the site is not within the Municipality's Development By-law and not anticipated in the foreseeable future. As such, the proposal is considered premature. 10.4 The Clarington Official Plan requires the submission of an Environmental Impact of the proposed development on surrounding natural heritage features. An EIS has not been submitted, however, the applicant is aware that one is required to further evaluate the application. 10.5 The applicant is proposing low density residential development to the north and south of the College. A concept plan depicts 300 residential units. Prior to consideration of a Plan of Subdivision for the subject land, a sub-watershed study will be required. The sub-watershed for the area encompasses lands with the Urban Area to the north, east and south of the subject site and drainage basin of the two tributaries that flow into Soper Creek. The exact boundaries 612 , , REPORT NO.: PSD-OSO-02 PAGE 13 would be defined by the Municipality, Central Lake Ontario Conservation and by the developers and landowners who would contribute to the Study. The preparation of a Subwatershed Plan for the Soper Creek is to be undertaken by the Municipality and likely co-operatively financed by all major landowners in the sub-watershed due to the costs of such a study. 10.6 Members of the public have raised concerns about the proposed amendment concerns are summarized in Section 8 of the report. The following has been prepared in response to their concerns. · Development in the Floodplain and Destruction of Fish and Wildlife Section 14.4.2 of the Clarington Official Plan does not permit development on lands designated as Environmental Protection. In no case would the development setback be less than 5 metres. In the Planning and Servicing Rationale Report, the applicant does not propose any development in the floodplain. . Community Park As noted in Section 10.2 a Community Park has been planned on the subject lands to serve the east portion of the Bowmanville Urban Area. Staff concur with the resident's concerns regarding the loss of this park site. . Historical Siqnificance of the Site The site was originally constructed for use as a Boy's Training School for juvenile delinquents in the 1930's. It was converted into a German Prisoner of War Camp for German Officers during World War II between 1941 and 1945. It returned to its previous use as a Boys Training School until 1979. The site sat dormant for sometime before it was occupied by a Sarah Lanken School and subsequently sold to Members of Christ Assembly who leased it to the Catholic School Board until purchased by 613 .. . REPORT NO.: PSD-OSO-02 PAGE 14 Great Lakes College in 1998. The site and it's structures are part of the Municipality's inventory of significant historical resources by LACAC. It is suggested that LACAC further investigate the feasibility of designating some buildings on this site under the Heritage Act. 11.0 CONCLUSIONS 11.1 As the purpose of this report is to satisfy the requirements for the Public Meeting under the Planning Act, and taking into consideration the outstanding comments, and the information that is still outstanding to further review the proposal and, it is respectfully requested that this report be referred back to staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Proposed Amendment Attachment 2 - Key Map Attachment 3 - Concept Plan 614 . . REPORT NO.: PSD-080-02 PAGE 15 List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Mr. Mark Conway N. Barry Lyon Consultants Ltd. 3 Church Street, Suite 100 Toronto, ON 5E 1 M2 Mr. Gary Ku, President Sealand Holdings Inc. 323 Keele Street Toronto, ON M6P 2K6 Rob Hall 161 Guildwood Drive Bowmanville, ON L 1 C 5C9 Barry Majoor 193 Guildwood Drive Bowmanville, ON L 1 C 5C9 Debbie Alldread 131 Guildwood Drive Bowmanville, ON L 1C 5C7 Terry Witherspoon 181 Sprucewood Crescent Bowmanville, ON L 1 C 5H3 Kevin McCarthy 143 Sprucewood Crescent Bowmanville, ON L 1 C 5H4 615 Lynn Philip Hodgson 467 Fralick's Beach Road Port Perry, ON L9L 1B6 Bowmanville, ON L 1 C 5H3 Scott Thomas 139 Sprucewood Crescent Bowmanville, ON L 1 C 5H4 Dean Prebble 131 Sprucewood Crescent Bowmanville, ON L 1 C 5H4 Brad Doyle 51 Soper Creek Drive Bowmanville, ON L 1 C 2K7 Reg and Angie Ball 177 Sprucewood Crescent Bowmanville, ON L 1 C 5H3 Victor W. Rudik Associates 1855 Rosebank Road Pickering, ON L 1V 1 P7 Cindy Lewis 103 Sprucewood Crescent Bowmanville, ON L 1 C 5H5 Add to Report PSD-080-02 .~~'Vl and hL:eiM R..dik Deborah Landry J.om and Ruby Smith ob and J9aane Hall Graham and Sheryl Queen Brent and Janet Fletcher Steve and Deanna Williamson ISS5 R __Bank Rd,..ni.1 :r:iag, OMMie LlY~ 99 Sprucewood Cres., Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 5H5 119 Sprucewood Cres., Bowmanville, Ontario LI C 5H5 .-- I A rGuild ~ .. 'Dr., BfJu .Np:ille, O~~~Q llC ""'0 165 Sprucewood Cres., Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 5H4 115 Sprucewood Cres., Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 5H5 147 Sprucewood Cres., Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 5H4 " . (l j 402.95 402.86 SPRUC +1 ('oJ i' (0 ('oJ """ I """ """ OJ ('oJ """ "-III 11111111111111111 ATTACHMENT 1 o <( o a::: (/) III :::!: :5 I"') L{) """ """ o ~ II COPA 2002-008 Clarington Official Plan Amendment Owner: Sea Land Holding Corp. 616 PURPOSE: BASIS: ACTUAL AMENDMENT: IMPLEMENTATION: INTERPRETATION: ATTACHMENT 2 AMENDMENT NO. TO THE CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN The purpose of this amendment is to replace the "Future Residential" and "Community Park" designation with the "Urban Residential" designation. The basis of this amendment is an application from the property owner. The Clarington Official Plan is hereby amended as follows: 1. By amending Map A3 - Land Use Bowmanville Urban Area as shown on Schedule "A" attached hereto. 2. By amending Map E2 - Neighbourhood Planning Units Bowmanville Urban Area as shown on Schedule "B" attached hereto; and, 3. By amending Table 9-2 Housing Targets by neighbourhoods as shown on Schedule "" attached hereto. The provisions set forth in the Clarington Official Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan, shall apply with respect to this amendment. The provisions set forth in the Clarington Official Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan, shall apply with respect to this amendment. '" 617 . .. JUN-25-02 07:58 FROt.l- 7-723 P.03/05 F-545 Schedule A - . . , . c f ~ .... c . :@ Lands to be redesignated from "Future Residential" and "Community Park" to "Urban Residential" ., .. .. @ .. . @ I ~ DEFERRED BY . .~ lHE REClON OF OURHAM 618 '. '. . JU~:25-02 ' 07 :58 FROM- T-723 P 04/05 F-545 Schedule B =-- I I I I I CONCESSION ROAD 3 ".----- I I I I 9 KNO (540 ) CONCESSlON '" Lands to be Added to the "Apple Blossom Neighbourhood Planning Unit" I I j3 ..~ 14 WAVERLY (4200) 1 2300) $1 Ii! ~ _LINE R<Wl ~y ofOl t o 200 1-00 600 &xJ tl'\ 200 '" I I I I I I I I I ~1 s' ~I I ON1i1RIO MAP E2 NEIGHBOURHOOD PlANNING UNITS BOWMANVlLLE URBAN AR~ 619 '. 'JUNl.Z5-0Z. 07:59 FRO~ T-m P 05/05 F-545 Schedule C _T~~4~""'" i ~~ _UniIo I -.oil..... c.nooI NOltl -- T"'" '- .......... If.... -.. N;po ""'- HI MolnCcololl_ . . . . no' '00 .50 toq """""'"'- . . . . . J50 '50 H' - 11.. ,,. . . . .oa ,<00 H' N_ ,n. ... . . . 7~ .... , N5 c_ S50 ... . 110 . .. nJS '" - ... '00 0 . 0 .. 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