HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-6-84 _ CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE TREASURY DEPARTMENT u CAMPBELL, C/\, TREASURER ^o TEMPERANCE STREET TeL.(416) 623'3379 oOVVMANV|LLs. ONTAn0 uonAs REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 6^ 1984. REPORT NO. ; TR-6-84 SUBJECT: TRANSFERS TO RESERVES FOR YEAR END ____________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATION: It i3 respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee r8CVm08Od t0 Council the following: l. That this report be received; and 2. That approval be given for the transfer of UO8Xp8Od8d funds provided in the 1983 fiscal year for the following capital aCqUiSti0DS and projects Which were incomplete or not received \ as at December 31, 1983 to the General Capital R838rV8: 8k' �/ TR-6-84 - 2 - RECOMMENDATION: cont'd. . . ORONO FIRE HALL: $ 62,000 Construction contract and consulting 3,500 Furniture & Fxtures per FD-1-84 2,500 Project co-ordination - J. Hayman per ADMIN-42-83 32,975 Tanker Truck purchase and equipping 1,400 Fire Dept. Communications Equipment 8,725 Fire Department Turnout Gear 10,000 Fencing at the Orono Works Yards 1,000 File storage unit for Treasury 7,600 East Beach Land Title Matter 46,850 Newcastle Public Library Heating Renovation & Consulting 3,200 Bell Bldg. Renovation & Furnishing $179,750 TOTAL ------------------------------------------------------------ BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: The projects and acquistions incomplete at year end are detailed below with anticipated dates of completion, where available. TR-6-84 - 3 - BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: ORONO FIRE HALL: (Feb 1984) $54,500 Costs to complete construction 7,500 Consulting fees 3,500 Furniture and fixtures 2,500 Project co-ordination TANKER TRUCK: (Feb 1984) $24,550 Costs to complete the purchase 2,900 Truck lighting and radio 600 Air Compressor 2,500 2 Scott air masks 925 Hose 1,500 Nozzles, Hand tools & extinquishers $ 1,400 Fire Dept. Communications Equipment not yet received (May 1984) Fire Dept. Turnout Gear (1984) $ 8,725 Once the Fire Marshall ' s office approves of the gear to be purchased, the department will purchase same. 4 TR-6-84 - 4 - BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: cont'd. . . $10,000 Fencing at the Orono Works Yards (Spring 1984) This work was left until too late in the season and the early inclement weather precluded the initiation of this work. $ 1,000 File Storage Unit (Feb. 1984) This storage unit for payroll records is back ordered by the manufacturer and should be available in February 1984. $ 3,200 Bell Building Renovations & Furnishings (Feb 1984) This work is substantially complete but unbilled. NEWCASTLE PUBLIC LIBRARY (Feb 1984) $44,850 Renovation costs to complete 2,000 Consulting fees EAST BEACH LAND TITLE MATTER $ 7,600 This property matter is taking considerably longer to clarify than originally anticipated and therefore is carrying over into 1984. $179,750 TOTAL Respectfully submitted, ,rf Kathryn A. Campbell , C.A. , i` Treasurer *gf