HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-89-83 ,NLSDa'L yyOWLEDGE I ( •,J CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LiC3A6 TELEPHONE 623-3379 REPORT TO GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING HELD DECEMBER 5 , 1983 TR - 83 - 89 SUBJECT: TENDER T83-23, COLLECTION OF HOUSEHOLD AND COMMERCIAL REFUSE RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended: 1 . that this report be received; and a 2. that Regional Reclaimers , Newcastle, Ontario with a bid of $2,764.92 per month being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions , and specifications of Tender T83-23 be awarded the contract to provide garbage collection services as required by the Town of Newcastle; and 3. that the funds expended be drawn from the 1984 Public Works budget. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT Tenders were publicly advertised and called for the Collection of Household and Commercial Refuse for the former Village of Orono, Orono Estates , and former Village of Newcastle as required by the Department of Public Works. Tenders were received and tabulated as follows: Bidder Bid Amount Regional Reclaimers $2,764.92 per month Newcastle, Ontario T. Puckrin & Sons Ltd. 3,225.60 per month Whitby, Ontario Phil Groeneveld & Sons 4,140.30 per month Bowmanville , Ontario After tabulation and review of the bids by staff , it was agreed that Regional Reclaimers be awarded the contract. The rates for collection did not change from the preceding year. NOTE: ATTACHED for reference: Conditions of garbage collection contract & memo to K. Campbell . Respectfully submitted , Kathr A. C , B. Comm. Tre re� R. G. Dup s , P. Eng. KAC/RGD/lb Director of Public Works ��° � ' Page 2 o� 14 The (�o[yorxLion of the Town of Newcastle ---- --- ^ Tender 2Jn~ T63-23 , Purchasing Office. Schedule , A General Conditions 1 . The Tender Form , on the forms provided , shall be completed exactly as required , and shall be returned sealed in the Tender envelope attached hereto . 2 . Teoderore abnII furnish all information requested and fill in all blanks on the Tender Form and should any uncertainty � requisite iufv,xu^ivu will be given by the Purchasing and Supply Agent of the Town of Newcastle . 3 . Tender Forms shall he completed in a legible manner without alterations or er8nVrns . Incomnlete tenders iIl nbt be considered. ^ 4 . Incorporated Companies must attach Corporate Seal and Signatures of proper officers shall be affixed . 5 . ?Codoru may uut be submitted by telegram, telephone or orally . G . Jate tenders will not be accepted . BID DBPOOIg, The Tender shall be accompanied by u Bid Deposit in the form of a Certified Cheque , Bank Draft , Money Order Or Cash payable to "The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle" . The Bid Deposit obuIl be submitted according to the following schedule . Total Amount h1 Bid Minimum D it Required $201000. 00 or LESS $1 ' 000. 00 $30 , 000. 01 to $50 / 000^ 00 $2 ' 000. 00 $50 . 000. 01 to $100 . 000 . 00 $5 /000. 08 ^ $100 . 080. 0I to $350 , 000 . 00 $ O ` OOO . 00 $3500000. 0I to $500 , 000. 00 $251000 . 00 $500 , 000. 01 Lo^ $I , 000 . 000. 00 $50, 000 . 00 $1 , 000. 000. 0I to $2 ' 000 ' 000 . 00 $100 / 000 . 00 $3 ' 000 . 000 . 01 or OVER $2001000. 00 Page 3 of 14 The Coi,porat ion of the Town of Newcastd Tender No. T83-23 Purchasing Office Schedule ( A) (Cont ' d) General Conditions BIDDERS INVESTIGATION : It is the responsibility of the tenderer , prior to submitting a bid , to investigate and review the areas of the specified locations ( as outlined on the map attached hereto) in order to satisfy himself as to the details and conditions of the tender, as hereinafter described . No claim for extra payment will be allowed for work or difficulties encountered due to lack of information . DEFINITION OF CONTRACT : The work required to be done by the contractor under this contract comprises the collection of any or all "Household & Commercial Garbage & Refuse" within the defined limits as set out in Schedule "A" attached hereto . CONTRACTORS ' LIABILITY : The contractor , his agents or representatives , and all workmen and persons employed by him , or under his control , including sub-contractors , shall use due care and attention to ensure that no person or property suffers injury or loss ( including death) and no rights ( including inventions , industrial , property or patpnt rights) are infringed as a result of , or by reason of the execution of , the works or operation of the contractor under this agreement , or the existence , location or condition of any vehicles , machinery , plant or materials used therein , or due to the failure , neglect or omission of the contractor , or any of the persons set out above , to do or perform any or all of the acts or things agreed to be done or performed under this agreement , and the contractor shall be solely responsible for all damages by whomsoever claimable in respect of such loss , injury or infringement of rights . The contractor shall assume the defence of , indemnify and save the Town of Newcastle , it ' s agents , officers and employees , harmless from all claims , demands , loss , damages , actions , suits or other proceedings ( and any costs or expenses thereby incurred by the Town ) by whomsoever made , brought or prosecuted in any manner based upon , occasioned by or attributed to any such loss , injury or infringement . Page 4 of 14 The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Tender No . T83-23 Purchasing Office Schedule ( A) (Cont ' d) General Conditions INSURANCE : The contractor shall take out , with an Insurer licensed to carry out business in Ontario , a comprehensive Policy of Public Liability and Pr6perty Damage Insurance , acceptable to the Town of Newcastle , providing insurance coverage in respect of any one person and any one accident to the extent of at least $1 ,000, 000 . (ONE MILLION DOLLARS) exclusive of interest and cost , against loss or damage re- sulting from bodily injury to , or death of , one or more persons and loss of , or damage to , property , and such Policy shall name the Town of Newcastle as an additional insured thereunder and shall protect the Town of Newcastle against all claims for all damage or injury ( including death) to any person or persons , and for damages to any property of the Town , or any public or private property result- ing from, or arising out of , any act or omission on the part of the contractor or any of his agents , workmen , employees or persons under his control , including sub-contractors , during the execution of this Agreement . The contractor shall deposit with the Treasurer of the Town a certified copy of the Policy or Certificate thereof . The Insurance coverage abovementioned shall remain in full force and effect throughout the terms of this Agreement . WORKMEN ' S COMPENSATION : The contractor shall , at all times , pay or cause 'to be paid any assessiiient or compensation required to be paid pursuant to the Workmen ' s Compensation Act , The contractor shall hold harmless the Town of Newcastle from any claim under the provisions of the said Act . DISPOSAL: The contractor shall be responsible for the disposal of collected garbage and refuse , at a facility licensed by the Province of Ontario and designed for the purpose of waste disposal , The contractor shall provide , with his monthly invcices , verification acceptable to the Town , of sites where the refuse has been deposited. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS : The contractor shall comply with all applicable Federal , Provincial , Regional and Municipal laws , statutes , regulations and by-laws . Page 5 of 14 Thc. Cor•po , ion of the Town of Newcastle Purchasing Office Tender No . T83-23 Schedule ( A) (Cont ' d) General Conditions PAYMENT : Payment: to the successful ter_derer , by the Town of Newcastle , will be made molith.ly , in the month following the performance of the services provided under the Terms of this contract . DURATION OF CONTRACT : The services required herein will be for a period of one year , commencing January a', 1984 and expiring December 29 , 1084;. SURETY The Town reserves the right to request surety in the amount not exceeding $10 , 000 (ten thousand dollars) from the bidder together with an acceptable recognized reliable financial or bonding institution . The form of surety will be determined by the Town for guaranteeing due performance and maintenance of the contract . AMENDMENTS TO CONTRACT The 'Town reserves the right Lo award this, tender In whole or in part by the areas specified . Fach area may be amended by ridding o r d(' t 0�t i nt; to the c10ia L I'tic t an ainoun t not exceedi.nl, 25°l, of the value tendered. In all cases , any amend- ments� required by the Town will not invalidate the terms and prices of the bid . I nc uirieS' For .further details concerning specifications and explanations of collection areas please contact Mr . David T. Gray , C.E .T. , Deputy Director Public Works . (416 ) 2632231 . SCHEDUEE "[3_ Page 6 of 14 SPECIF1CATiONS Tende.: No. 183-23 1. GENERAL: The contractor will be responsible for the collection, and transportation to the disposal area, of: HOUSEHOLD & COMMERCIAL GARBAGE upon award of the contract. The contractor shall be responsible for all costs of equipment , and the maintenance thereof, for labour. , materials, disposal charges and all overhead and profit, to provide for the collection of all items specified. 2. DEFINITIONS: Terms used throughout the contract documents are herein defined: (a) "Town" means the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. (b) "Collectable Refuse" - means waste which is abandoned or discarded from a household, church or comnercial place of business, and consists of ashes, garbage or other refuse, .including:- (i) containers such as crockery, dishes, glass- ware bottles, plastic containers and cans. (ii) paper, cardboard, packaging and clothing. (iii) any other materials and articles as would normally accumulate at a Household, church or commercial place of business, but shall not include: (A) weighty or bulky materials and articles, as defined in 'Household Rubbish' . (B) "Non-collectable Refuse" as hereinafter described. (c) ''Commercial" - means a place of business, other than a household, church or industrial plant, and includes any hotel, motel, restaurant, shop, store, shopping centre, service station, office., institution and public building. , (d) "Contractor" - means any person who has agreed with the Town to perform and carry out the collection and removal_ of garbage and refuse, within the term, of this Agreement. �uKe7 oƒ l4 SCHEDULE "8" ---- ---' ----------- Tender No . T83-23 2 . Definitions, continued. . . ' (e) ,Cacbagex - means all kitchen and table waste, of animal or ^ vegetable origin, resulting from the preparation or consump- tion of food in u household, church or commercial place of business. » (t> HouaeholJ" - means u dwelling unit, situate in u building or portion thereof, and used as a place of residence, and includes u dwelling unit situate in u single-family dwelling, and in a aumi-dcLuchuJ° duplex, apartment, townhouse or other multiple dwelling. (Q) ''Household Rubbish" - muuum weighty or bulky materials or appliances such as stoves, refrigerators and other such appliances, bedsprings, mattresses, furniture, large rugs, non-collapsible boxes, crates and barrels, bathtubs, water tanks, bicycles and any other materials and ]urge articles which would normally accumulate at a household , but are not included in "Collectable Refuse". � (h) ''Non-Collectable Refuse" - shall include the following: (i) Manufacturers' or Industrial waste. DzyIoaiveo or any highly flammable or volatile substances of any nature whatsoever. Liquid or gaseous wastes and pathogenic wastes from hospitals. (iv) Caustics and acids. ' (v) Poisons, pesticides and herbicides. (vi) Radioactive materials. � (vii) Septic tank pumpinXa, caw sewage, sludge and industrial process sludge. (viii) Infected materials, including Jreauiu&a and bandages. (ix) 0rAuulc material which has not been drained of all liquids. ' (x) Carcasses, or parts thereof, of any animal or other creature, save for 6nou fide kitchen and ^ table waste. (A) Live animals or birds. (xiii) Hay, straw or manure. (xiiii) Any materials which have become frozen to u container and cannot be removed therefrom by `|'1nA^ Page � of 14 _-_- . ' Tender 0o. T83-23 2. DEFINITIONS: ^ (xvi) Stock of any wholesaler or retullez. (zv) Broken plaster, lumber or other wastes resulting from construction, alteration, repair, demolition ` or removal of any building or structure, except from individual residents and in quantities of less than 40 (forty) pouuto per approved receptacle. (xvl) Discarded trucks, automobiles and other vehicles and any parts thereof or accessories thereto, including ticeu, (xvii) Tree Lcuoka` aLmuyo and branches. (rviil) Fence and fencing materials. 2. CONTRACTOR'S DUTIES: In accordance with the uwuc6 of the Contract, the contractor shall provide: / (i) A NEEKLY collection of those items listed in Section 2, items (i) , (ii) and (iii) . (li) A SPECIAL COLLECTION in the 8yKI0C of each year, at o time to be specified by Council . : CHRISTMAS TKC8 collection, at an appropriate Lime, to be specified by Council. 4. XF AND CARE: The contractor shall at all times provide, fully maintain and ^ operate a'sufficieoL number of packer vehicles to perform the collection services herein specified. All equipment operated by the contractor shall he kept clean and in proper and safe working condition at all times. ' 5. CUMJNIC&7IONS' The contractor shall maintain an office and telephone, accessible by the T.onn at aIl times during normal working hours so that any com- yluiuCa in respect of the collection services may be received and processed by the said contractor. 6. HANDLING 6 yLACE8ENI OF COLLECTABLE MATERIALS: ' ?be contractor will, in general, be required to pick up any collectable materials from the oLraeL curb, or adjacent to the travelled portion of the street, in front of residences and in ucban are'/m, Generally, Xud`agu will only be collected on or along roads assume(] by the Town; however, certain "yci.vatux roads may be y|/ac1fiod by Council. IN- SCHEDULE B" Page 9 of 14 Tomdor No . T83e 23 6. HANDLING & PLACEMENT OF COLLECTABLE MATERIALS, continued. . . (iii) All returnable containers shal.l be returned to the position from which they were taken by the contractor and any covers shall be left immediately adjacent to the garbage containers. (iv) The contractor is responsible for ascertaining that due care and concern is exercised in the handling of garbage containers in order that they are not damaged, or otherwise abused, in accord- ance with GENERAL CONDITIONS, Item 2 (Contractor's Liability) . 7. HOLIDAYS: (i) When a holiday is observed by the contractor, collection shall be accelerated so as to be completed within the relevant calendar week. The contractor shall notify, and obtain the approval of, the Town of his intended day of collection in lieu of collecting on a holiday. (ii) The Town 'still notify the public of any changes resulting from holidays, either by newspaper advertising or by individual handbills. H. SCHEDULING: The 'Town would prefer that as little change as possible takes place in scheduling; should changes be necessary at the outset of this Contract, the 'Town shall be responsible for advertising same imrediately prior to the commencement of the Contract. For the duration of the Contract period, any further change (s) requested by the contractor must first be approved by the Director of Public Works, following which the public shall be so advised, by the contractor, of the change(s) by newspaper advertising or ' by individual handbills, at the contractor's expanse. 9. ROUTES: The contractor shall provide the Director of Public works with his proposed routes for collection, and shall obtain approval of same. 10. PREPARATION OF MATERIAL FOR COLLECTION: The contractor shall not collect any collectable refuse or garbage unless it is found > > a prescribed mann_. , as detailed in the following: (i) A non-returnable plastic bag, securely tied, having a capacity of not more than 2 .75 cubic feet, and composed of material not less that 1, mil. gauge, and a total weight, when full, of not more than 40 (forty) pounds. A non--retu.nable cardLoard cari_on, with top flaps turned in, or securely tied, to cover the contents and weighing, when full, n.o* more than 40 (forty) pounds. SCiII;i�ULI: " � Page 10 of 14 Tonder No. T83-23 10, PREPARATION OI'' MATERIAL FOR COLLEC`I'TON, conti.nued. . . (iii) A returnable receptacle, manufactured for the purpose of storing garbage or refuse, and having a height not in excess of 30 (thirty) inches and a diameter not exceeding 18 (eighteen) inches. (iv) Newspaper, magazines and other paper in printed or sheet form, shall be tied securely in bundles, having a weight not to exceed 40 (forty) pounds. (v) Brush, tree, garden and lawn cuttings shall be placed in plastic bags or cardboard cartons, securely tied, or compacted and tied in bundles, having a weight not to exceed 40 (forty) pounds and dimensions not to exceed 3 (three) feet. (vi) Cardboard cartons, crates and other packaging shall be flattened, compacted and tied in bundles, having a weight: not exceeding 40 (forty) pounds and no dimension exceeding 3 (three) feet. (vii) Ashes shall be cold and shall be placed in con- tainers, as specified in (i) and (ii) above. (viii) Certain items of "Collectable Refuse", such as larger, used, plastic containers, picture .frames, etc. , will not require packaging. 11. AMOUNTS FOR COLLECTION: (i) The number of containers and bundles of HOUSEHOLD r COLLECTABLE REFUSE is limited to 6 (six) approved containers. (ii) The number of containers and bundles of COMMERCIAL COLLECTABLE REFUSE, placed for collection from any church or commercial place of business, shall be unlimited, providing the materials are prepared for collection as specified in Item 10 (above) . 12. BY-LAW: All germs and conditions contained in this Contract are in conformity to By-Law 78-34. 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