HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-60-83 REPORT #6 KNdNLLD(;[ WS� CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE q 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LiC3A6 TELEPHONE 623-3379 REPORT TO COUNCIL AUGUST 24, 1983 TR-83- 60 SUBJECT: TENDER T83-16, ORONO FIRE HALL RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended: 1 . that this report be received; and 2. that Ellren Construction Ltd. , being the lowest responsible bidder, meeting all terms, conditions , and specifications of Tender T83-16 be awarded the contract to construct The Orono Fire Hall as re- quired by The Town of Newcastle; and 3. that the recommendations contained within Totten Sims Hubicki's letter dated August 18, 1983 (attached) as restated below be approved , bringing the total contract cost for Ellren Construction Ltd. 's bid to $309,025.00. Ellren Construction Ltd. Base Bid $342,525.00 Less deletions a) Painting Room 113 (Apparatus Ba "° $ 1 ,100.00 b) 150mm watermain and rant $ 4,400.00 c) Asphalt paving west of the building $ 11 ,000.00 Revised Stipulated Contract Bid $326,025.00 Less Reductions a) Region of Durham water connection fee $ 2,000.00 b) Continjency Allowance $ 15,000.00 ($ 17,000.0 REVISED CONTRACT PRICE $309,025.00 4. that the estimated allowance for consulting fee, disbursements , inspection , testing, advertising etc. from Totten Sims Hubicki be approved at $32,000.00; and 5. that the funding for the total costs of The Orono Fire Hall Project being $341 ,025.00 be funded as follows : -2- 1983 Budget Allocation $310,000.00 Town of Newcastle Lot Levy Reserve Fund Community Services $ 20 000.00 Working Capital Reserve $ 11 ,025.00 $341 ,025.00 6. that the items deleted from the contract be referred to the 1984 Capital Budget for discussion at that time. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT Tenders were publicly advertised and called for the construction of the Orono Fire Hall as required by the Town of Newcastle. Plans and Specifications were provided by the consulting firm Totten Sims Hubicki of Whitby. Tenders were received and tabulated in accordance with Schedule "A" attached. fter review and analysis of the tenders it was mutually concluded by the Consulting Engineer and Town Staff that Ellren be awarded the contract to construct the Orono Fire Hall as tendered, subject to the proposed deletions. Respe tfu >ly submitted , D.N. Smith , M.C. I.P. , Chief Administrator Officer K.A. Camp ell , C.A. , B.Comm. , Tre surer Hayman , *esm Fire Chief Schedule "A" Tender T83-16, Orono Fire Hall BIDDER GRAND TOTAL Ellren Construction $ 342,525.00 Thornhill , Ontairo Gerr Construction Ltd. $ 360,900.00 Bowmanville, Ontario Partak Limited $ 361 ,300.00 Cobourg , Ontario Winvalley Construction Ltd. $ 374,900.00 Whitby, Ontario Bowman Construction Ltd. $ 386,805.00 Bowmanville, Ontario asis Construction Ltd. $ 389,600.00 Bowmanville, Ontario