HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-48-83 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LiC3A6 TELEPHONE 623-3379 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON July 18, 1983. TR-83-48 SUBJECT: Budget Review to June 30, 1983. RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended: 1 . That this report be received for information. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: It is appropriate at this time to make Committee and Council aware of the financial position of the Town versus 1983 budget allocations as at June 30, 1983. Council has been provided with a summarized report of revenue and expenditures by function to June 30, 1983. Staff have reviewed each revenue and expenditure budget area noting only the areas of concern. Budget areas to which no reference has been made are considered to be operating within the constraints and guidelines of the 1983 budget. The General Government expenditures are presently shown as 61% unexpended which is considered reasonable as at June 30, 1983. These costs are comprised mainly of salaries, building maintenance and administration supplies. The following comments are made on various accounts within this expense classification. Administration Workmen's Compensation is over budget due to a reassessment by the Board, which relates to 1982. This reassessment is applicable to all departments within the Town and therefore Workmen's Compensation Board is over-expended in total throughout the budget. Advertising, promotion costs R/M Office Equipment are over budget due to unforeseen expenses. Staff training is over budget due to costs associated with recent communications seminar at Durham College and other previously approved staff training. These deficiencies will be absorbed within the administration budget. . . ./2 - 2 - Budget Review to June 30, 1983. Administrative Buidling Maintenance Repairs and maintenance supplies - buildings, for Town Hall , Hampton Hall and Orono Buildings have all exceeded budget due to increased cost of supplies and in particular renovations which were completed at the Hampton Hall . In addition, two new vacuum cleaners were purchased and charged to this account in Town Hall and Hampton Hall , for the cleaning of the rugs. Protection to Persons & Property This area comprises the funtions for the Fire Department, By-Law Enforcement, Building Inspection and Animal Control and is presently 71% unexpended at June 30, 1983. This percentage results mainly from the fact some projects have not been undertaken as yet (vehicles and heavy equipment purchases, building construction Orono Fire Hall ). The following comments are made on various accounts within this expenditure classification. Fire Department - Administration Films, records and prints are over budget by 2% at this time, however, other accounts within the Administrative section are expected to come in under budget and offset this over expenditure. Transportation Services Transportation Services is 76% unexpended at June 30, 1983, with the principal reasons being the number of Public Works construction projects which were not undertaken during the first half of this year, i .e, bridge and culvert construction and road construction. The following comments are presented here regarding the Public Works budget. Road Construction - Holt Road (Ontario_ Hydro) This project will not proceed during 1983. A report will be submitted to Council by the Director of Public Works on the status of this project. Hard Top Maintenance - Sweeping Darlington This activity is presently over expended by 131% and is being investigated by Public Works. It is felt that some of these costs should be reallocated to other activities, possibily sweeping Orono, where a budget exists but no costs to date. . . ./3 - 3 - f Budget Review to June 30, 1983. Road Maintenance - Loose Top Gravel Patching - Bowmanville This activity has expenditures, but no budget was provided for this activity within Bowmanville as it was not seen as a requirement at budget time (total expenditure $3,864.01 ). Other Fencing - Orono This project is over expended by 351% due to past commitment recognized in 1983. A separate report WD-65-82 with regard to this project was submitted to Council and approved. Off Street Parking Maintenance - Snow Removal This activity reflects costs incurred to date, but no budget figure. Upon investigation, it was found that these costs should be changed to Darlington snow removal and the required transfer has been made. General Comment: It should be noted that no reliable cost trends had been established from prior years which could be used as a basis for establishing 1983 budget figures and thus fluctuations have occurred with regard to some activities. It is felt that by using 1983 as a base year, subsequent budget calculations will reflect more accurate calculations for these various activities within Public Works. Culture and Recreation Culture and Recreation is 55% unexpended and appears to be on target regarding the majority of its programs. The only program requiring comment at this time is figure skating which is presently over expended by 5%. However, revenue generated from figure skating is also in excess of budget by 25%, therefore, it is anticipated this program will be within budget. Council will recall that this program in Bowmanville has been transfered to the Club for the '83/84 Season. In conclusion, staff feel the budget performance is within reasonable levels. Any reallocation of funds which might be required later in the year will be submitted to Council for consideration and approval in the fall budget report. . . ./4 - 4 - Budget Review to June 30, 1983. Further, staff felt that any reallocations required can be accommodated within the present budget structure by a change in program emphasis or delay in minor capital expenditures etc. At this time, no reallocation of funds to meet unanticipated results are foreseen. Respectfully submitted, Kathryn A. Campbell , C.A. , B.Comm. , Treasurer KAC/slg ACCOUNT NU'�BER ACCOUNT DESCRIPT ;ON - { HART OF ACCOUNTS $Y FUNC N TIO — F`�'U. Yv. '.CT TOTAL LIABILITIES ACTUAL COM41TTED BUDGET U►4rxPr �DrO 29f7Q 74'3740^. .1A- 839858.03- 2999 SURPLUSS / DEFICIT 9.. 1 _ TOTAL TOTAL BALANCE SKEET �bf'4?x' '17" 447�U1 .31- 445592.,,^,L1- �23�• 'i RESFRVE FUN(`5 4455g2opo- 9K 33731 , 76- '- �4= 5f)Cp RFSERVF FUND PALANr.F SHEET 501[]1 RESF'RVE FUND TRANSACTIONS 171�c71r 6' ?7°�372Z ."17 F.xP 40l 9`� :R4 84052 .29 Pry ?Z 34` ' •2A - ?15943!,99- 2274! .AI 21661 .63 TOTAL RESERVE FUNDS NF T 17>�R71 � .�.3- 2C53722.07- EXP 44 RFY �014cp a � b' 84D5z •�9W -1i gq43 MFT 427 . 5UU2 RESERVE FUNDS -OTHER EXP n.DO Q RF"V 26 ,F°P .3n- D Dn:,300• NF T 76 nP .31) 0 oa.oa NET REVENUE (EXPENDITURE ) ?•0D REVENUE TAXATION REVEMUr TAXATION-FEGULAR 61D[l RESIDENTIAL I 6102 11 t / NSUS TAXATION' 1047.F'?. . .76- 11608724 .25- 1 alUa SUSINESSATAXATI$NSTR;AL TAXATION M7943 •3b- 2543f37,11- I25+01 355.00- 2357.2! -� TOTAL TAXATION-REGULAR '?dI 7ts ,pb - 978ga•3 - 9T91'5 . 33 �_ TAXATION-SUPPLEMENTARY 13587I�'r' •3E'- 1 '5130119 .56- 0 15127749.7D' 237 . x.6 ,z 6113 RFS. / FARM SUPPLFMENTARY TAXES 6184 COMM. / IND • SUPPLEMENTARY TAXES P191*11 .40, �i QlpS 8t)SINfSS - SUPPLEM1 1',4?4 - .. 0 j NTARY TAXES 0 TOTAL TAXAT;O"SUPPLFMENTARY 0'07 4-��, , TOTAL TAXATION R!F:VE,,4UE 107 00- 13�P°Fn"s .36- 13C)l19 .56- bIRB OTtiER TAXATIO?: 51 15127749.�?D• 237`). `sS TELEPHONE REVENUE 1L''��J,f, . .i�7— 101444 •7a- PA i 6200 YHFNTS IN L IFU OF TAXES 2 711, 7 .?C- 146n51 .10- 03 527.00- 2f 77• ?2- -7� F300 UNCONDITIONAL GRANTS 69 36311 ;x.73- 4a20P•RD- 194156.90- 5 * SPECIFIC GRANTS s4n63Q .OD- 2`70294.lr 4 IRi5'Li0- ,385492. 27- X17 ^ 215,) .6P- 699654 .33- S 41 0• - 25 2Cl2g.D(1- 1237 .4- 1�X ——— —— — ———— — — — ———— — -- _ — - - — — ----------- - ----- —_-- -- -- - - -- - - ------- - - --- -- ------- - - ----- - ---- -� _ 05-07-83 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE (NA T OF ACCOUNTS U �1 PA C 4 ' ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION PRV. YR. bCT ACTIVAL COMMITTED BUDGET UNEXPE4DED v) FEES C SERVICE CHARGES a - • - 5401 FEES G SERVO CNGS. OTHER MUNICIPALITIES 1166 .66- x.'00 115!3Q, 1i1- 175r100r10- 1'1C1'� TOTAL FEES C 5FRVICE CHARGES 4035W) .59- 152423.18- 31840001,0- 165475.92- fi?Y I � OTHER REVENUE 6590 LICENCES F. PERMITS 1?Rfirf. .37- 59967.17- 82500,on- 2n532. 93• 651G RENTS C CONCFSS1t3N► 376(142 .32- 201452 .1p1• 393800,00- 182347• '99• 4�ia � 652r F INES ii 1 626 .n0- 994 ,'13- gz3 , ti�?.�00- 2.3y06 �;C}- 27 1`�`t bsop INYE ME NT INGOMEREST ON TAXES M118 ,95- 13f1374.�7• 1D�l D.pU- 78525.K3- 72 i 6350 SUBOIVTDER CONTRIBUTIONS DAD 65617 SALE OF ASSETS - MATFRIAL.S 29533 .60- 13669094• 22109.00- 9431002- 38 TOTAL OTHER RTVFNUE 1'1030!'7 .'15- 453346.69- 792300,00- 336953. 32- 41Y CON TR I BUT IONS T 22 qp �} �l ¢ QQ 0650 CONTR JOUT;ON FROM RESERVES SFUNDS l l0�376 .93• 16193.64• 23815.00' +16951.16- 74DC 6661) CONTR BUTTON FROM CAPITAL FUND 0.0 6670 TF ffi FR` REGION OESENTURR PROCEEDS [I. 67!:0 CONTRIBUTION FRO4 THFR FOARD 1 5367 .87- 17. 67613 CONTRIBUTION FROM OTHERS - CAPITAL 19676 .71 - 5413• 348375000• 347626687-1010% TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS 401690 .00- 16641897- 381420.00- 364779.03• 96% 6770 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM OTHERS OPERATIONS RFV 450.17 - 6900 TRANS ER FROM SURPLUS N T •0 6900 MISCELLANEOUS NET .990 TOTAL REVENUE (� pp NET 1897B7A9 .lb- 17QOT236.53- 20551537:0t?• 3544 DE-47" HN EXPENOTTURE3 GENERAL GOVERNMENT ' i MAYOR AND COUNCIL II 2 �}ggZqq pppp ++�� pp66 �`= 7003 MEMBFRS OFF COUNCIL ExA 4(6' �+7.�11 9401. 3 122 .00 31 I9.b4 I F TOTAL. MAYOR AND COUNCIL EX1~ 1016671 .f1A 52390*3n 109515.01 57124 . 76 2y AOMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENTS TU04 ADMINISTRATOR EXP 7676026 43099.97 37573:09 44473:U3 514 7UD5 CLERK 'S DEPARTMENT EXP 1TR4o7 3? 64697s`53 � 9475 Q 73777. 5 53% 7006 FINANCE DEPARTME 41' EXP 3 1917 .95 15005401. 31952.010 181867. 9 55N 70017 UNCLASSIFIED AOMINTSTRATIOH EXo 706316 .22 123722 ,10 415415600 291692. , 70% � I l � ——— — ——— —— — — —— — ——— — —— — — ————————— — — — — ——— — ———— —— — —— ———— —— — — — —— — -- ---- -- - TOWN OF NEWCASTLE CHAPT OF ACCOUNTS BY FUNCTION t>A If's F ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Pr�V.Yr . PICT A C 7 UA L COMMITTFD PUOrFT U 14 E X P E'4 D Fb 7r1Ug PURCHASING EXP .15894497 5?61g.nn 26724. '3 5 1 TOTAL AOMINISTPATIVE DCPARTmrNTS E Xrl 1,173 4 f-1� .75 407499 ,64 1026034*D() 6 1 !'.53 '36 7 FJ 0 9 ACCOUNTINr, SERVICEc, PROJECT F--y n 6 3 r) "10 2''947. t35 ADMINISTRATIVE 9 U I L 0 1 NG M T!IC F 7n?tl MTN(,F . - TOWN HALL FXP 477-49 38 1239H ,47 26975,00 14676* 1.13 54; A L L F xc, 7 9 t)4 ,SO f . 7 o I TNCE FiA,' 01 13 2 C 7022 mTNCE , - ORONO BLO�,So FXP A;> 6441 * 13 13 1 -s -112:3 MTHCE , - POLICE r FlrfF qLIDG . r-f I f. 151171 ,47 69 4 " ,4. '13 4'Q 7 7024 MTNCE . - BELL BUILDING FXP ippir­ .29 10767*66 2b 0 15.rn 15247* 34 59% TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING MTNCF , EXP 1'55541 .66 5354303 14 3 a 5 4 .D 0 9r"IM 1), 6? 311 7075 BUILDING E PROPERTY RENOVATION PROJECT EXP 21679.77 71045*00 44365* 23 59% TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT E: XP 1939,99q 149 540464 ,19 1376749*00 3362� 30 fil t1l It PROTECTION TO PERSONS & PROPERTY 7102 FIRE TFPARTMFNT FXP 54 p AF16 Sri 224U4904 917944 .0 693694 . 1 7f,X 7103 BUILDING INSPECTION ryn r47477 ,69 53659 *17 1111230 57453.9 5< 7104 BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT EXP 13660 .14 20705*05 41957.08p 21751 *95 5 2 X 71015 ANIMAL CONTROL FXP 7R f,r`C�, .6 2 39561olS 8 077:r 44515s65 r. 3 TOTAL PROTECTION TO PERSONS r PROPERTY EXP 7K5545 .24 317675 . 11 1155101 .00 f+17625. A9 71 `: TRANSPOr-'TION SERVICES PJFILIC WOVKS PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION & OVFRHEAD PUBLIC WORKS - ADMINISTRATION EXP 1717r-q .615 25767941 258 30.00 7: 54 1�ly ­77U3 PUBLIC WORKS - OVEPHEAD EXP 106 6 4 fl e 79 162180.3 324 M 00 M945 6-7 63V TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION & OVER Fxp 47P4rl ,44 22795f.le79 552164o00 354213o21 S117 PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION t MTNCEO 7204 PUBL WORKS - BRIDGE t CULV RT CONSTs EXP 2669.94 0 2483,0606 -04 721,15 PUbLH WORKS • Q,)Ar) C,0NS7PUCWN EXP 19 7 f Flr� .44 28561 ,79 16�_610118 :r 1647431, 71 f 7296 BRIDGE E CULVERT MAINTENANCE Exv 2�939.05 1 97969095 I'll 72t)7 PC.AO MAINTENANCE Fyr, 14- 636 ,99 2WR D 72 13 72U8 HARDTOP MAINTENANCF Exr3 1119E bfs .117 389R nloo 269 31 : 9D f>'? 7 2 U 9 ROAD 11AINTENANCE L 00SF TOP F x p 76 ILI 0 192M 76 5?? 7210 WINTER CONTROL EXP I� -87027 JR-8512*73 65% 7211 SAFETY DEVICES Fxv 991 ,17 16,R8880 320rl�sq3 51 , �4 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS C014STPUC.TION r MTNCF * EX0 1P 2 f, 4 4 82IQ4?1 .55 3545500.00 2721!5194'4 77'' 7212 MISCELLANEOUS FXr 14 77 R .90 54643 ,46 2 8 8 figo.nn 233149.04 7 05-07-83 T014N OF NEWCASTLE r"ART OF ACCOUNTS 9Y FUNCTION ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION PPV. YV. ACT ACTUkL COMMITTED EUDGFT U`FYPF `4D;:r TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS FXP 1!?0?2b4 .7A 1104542 .90 4416254*00 3311711 . 2' 75'±: ROAD MNICEo- OTHERS CONNECTING LINKS 7213 BO«HANVILLF - r-0'4N CTING LINK EXP 217..^q .76 273v,,97 27C��C,!.:^. 0 242t1 .` .�+ 7214 VILLAGE OF NF riCASTL E - CONl ;ECT I NG L INIK E xr? rya )7 .h�1 1 34.56 11 �� TOTAL C,",N iECTING Llt:KS F y P 11 11.1 .41 49',74 .5S 2p1 0:0 Pfil ? 14 :. ?. 7215 iEGIONAL ROADS 14, 17 (t~OwrLLE E 09ZON') ) E. xn 6,711 .97 ilill .15 75CO.D0 ,s47, 95 TOTAL RQA0 MNTCE: .- OTHERS EXV ?IF71.1 .3E 572 + .63 4550^.00l 3%77 ?. 37 ' 7�, 7216 HANOI TRANSIT EXP 25Rnyr .00 10!�01,30'.70 1700t'1.0?D E IUIPtIENT FLFET 7217 FQUIPMENT FLEET - OIS7RICT I EXP 4451t`s. 11 7218 EQUIPMENT FLEET - DISTRICT 2 FXa 34330 ,32- RFV f�44J7 .39- NFT 3 OT7.'lb- 7219 EQUIPMENT FLEET - nI STRICT 3 EXP 4 e+31 :11 6 RF`V 7 737. 5: 7270 ' EQUIPMFNT FLEET OVFRHF'AQ FXp 34806.72 284Zq.93 NFT Ifs42Q. 3 i 1 TOTAL EQUIPMENT FLEET EXP RFV 2375�i7dpzzpppp 2 : - NFT 97347.33- T224 WORK FOR OTHERS EXP 42 046 1Qd�'1 ,pQ 9579.`54 969 7zZ5 PARKING ENFORCEMENT FXP ?i6?7 .62 105B*31 2R(i i3.^0 1r13n5. 6� 491 7230 STREET LIGHTING EXP 161616 41 59747.71 1'S MXO. pp 97 79. 29 5'X 7Zr+t% CROSSING GUARDS EXP 7f�3C'� .3^ 13259.93 Z�96�. tT 11707. 17 4+ r TOTAL TPANSPORTION SERVICES ¢ 1266716 .49 1344974 .23 4691430snO 3346,455. 77 711'. RV 237547,82- NFT 126671 t. .410 110742.16.41 4691430.00 3594nD3. `,9 766 ENV IRONHENTAL SERV ICES 7301 STORM SEWER MTNC_ . r CAPITAL CINST . EXP ?6; 1 .17 9543 .67 b;0p 0. ?0 51'.455. 33 14: 73UZ GARBAGE COLLECTION - NFWCASTLE EXP 7629.27 170(10.0() 7370. 73 55t GARBAGE COLLECTION C DISPOSAL 7303 GARBAGE COLLECTION - HOWMANVILLF EXP 24457X .61 123609.3 281173.Qp 157560. 64 56Y 7304 GARBAGE COLLECTION - OPONO FXP 151 'x? .?f? 6721:'.61 1600 .p n: 7')* 39 °:P i D5•[17-83 - -`- - TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ---------- [KART OF ACCOUNTS BY FUNCTION ---- - - x, PAGE ACCOUNT NuM!BFR ACCOUNT DESCRIPTiAN PRV. YR. nCT ACTUAL COMMITTER BUDGET U?;ExPF:NDr:D TOTAL GARBAGE COLLECTION & DISPOSAL FXP 259699 ,91 130329.97 297170.170 1(�bbs40.g3 °)61%1, ��� 73U6 LGC L IMPROY M _ , E TOTAL EtJVIr�tTNt3ENTAL SERVICF_ 5 EXo ZE141C13 .T8 147512 .91 391680.0D 244177.09 52.1.1 HEALTH SERVICES 74C!? CENETFRY MINCE . a01JNANV1lLElROrJpHEAi' FXP 59A7a .72 2994 . 5 744Q!S.C1() 53421. 95 77X 74L 4 0THc7R CF METEF I E 5 EXP 11545 .31 16L1.,_0 � . f 15?. . �n.na l i;��Jti 7. r,t[� .;6f TOTAL H ALTH SEPVICFS EXP 71461 .03 75144 .95 R96n5400 6346041?5 71% RECRFATION f CULTURAL SERVICES 7603 PARKS,FACILITIES SERVICES AINTENANCE ADMINISTRATION FXP 12R 93 �J4 1 +61Kpp ��Q1?1 1'3��9 COQ 1737214 99 Rv X 7bf.)q AO�ULT PROGRAMS EXP 54AP .2 323316 A1q.f1Q 3541 . 84 "( 7605 YOUTH PROGRAMS EXP 1'33065 .76 62723 .13 IM'3Q.00 745D6•87 °,49 FACILITIES-RECREATION L CULTURE 7b)7 OTHERIFACILITIfE�.'S-CULTURE£ErRECRFATIO�; EXP z D 72 ;74 1C?39 �.� 4 I32 0.pp0 ?31691. 5 � 2194. 0:Rfl) 115545. . 1 g � TOTAL FACILITIES-RECRFATION E CULTURE EXP 69,586ri .97 32.ID32.52 717660.00 396627.39 fiSx GRANTS 76fs8 GRANTS - LIBRARY EX" 7775FA 0p 143823 0q 76019 GRANTS - MUSEUM EXP761!h .Q[} 2417pp:1U 2Z6702Q 12346'3� CTD0 4nK 7610 RECaEATIONAL C CULTURAL SERVICE 5-GRANTS EXP J2 (^? . 21t1U7.35 2TtJ , �77 5 q0LhJS 19X 7611 RECREATION L CULTURE - GRANTS EXP 28 74 .601 38295170 40395*00 ?�0�j*no 5 I TOTAL GRANTS EXP 3506' 1 .60 227925.33 358678.00 130732•:45 36X TOTAL RECREATION C CULTURAL SERVICES EXP 1'35f1465 MY SOS497.99 1596053.00 790565.01 50% PLANNING L DEVELOPMENT 7702 PLANNING E DEVELOPMENT - ADM!INISTRATION EXP 111670.34 256510.00 144A39. 46 56% 77114 PLANNING 6 DFVF. OPMENT-COM+AITTEF OF AO.1• EXP 11f1 ?.x .70 312 .17 9132.tip 5811.03 �!�Y 7705 PLANNING 6 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES EXP i CC 43 . 3 4 +►99 S6 7706 P 6 D - PROPERTY STANDARDS C04MITTFE FXV 54�; 3 49789,C) 1A03. 44 4X 77017 LACAC HERITAGE CONITTEE T ' D 1,. 71 .5p� 4 47A9.L1 X1567, 46 5A 77F)d TOURISM DFVELOPMENT PROJFCT EXP 166:11 R 2Af�1n.CQ 1717?. 7709 PORT GRANBY MONITORING COMMITEg TV IQ?.;7R 7710 �' BOWMANVILLF B .I . A . !WAIN STkFET PROGRnrt Exc� 12411:3 .;?. 7711 NEWCASTLE 8. I.4• MAIN STREET PROGRAM EXP 100010 TOTAL PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT EXp 241PP3 .44 299649661 348544.00 4AP,94 . 39 14 It ,a D5.0T-83 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE CHART OF ACCOUNTS BY FUNCTION. PAGE t ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION) PRV. YR . .tCT ACTUAL COMMITTEp BUDGET UNEXPENDED �} LEVIES 78G3 L V FS - SECONDARY SCHOOL EXa 3?g7�+r'¢ .5� 1925057,5D 385Q115.() 19 • \ 7804 LFVI 5 • ELEMENTARY SCCHOOL EXP 1675. 15 9 210467p.5 4219341 D 21 4& 0� 5 ''} t 7805 LEVI�5 SEPARATE SCHOOL EXP 2373p'+ .n3 14'-465 :5R 284595,n_ 14412':,, 5D TOTAL LEVIES F X� 10?DIP47 .67 5654943 .50 11347968.00 5693024 . 5(7 �• TOTAL FXPE-NIDITURFS EXP 1F"I'APO, 7 .n4 915; 641 59 • 209971 29.C'D 11 R4 (341;7. 1 56°"s RFV 237547.32- NFT IF,^11nf 7 .D4 5919093 .77 20997129,00 12 to)79D35. 23 x8>•: TOTAL NET REVENUE ( EXPENDITURE ) RXV 16x13067 .04 9156641 .59 20997129*00 11841.34. 7. 41 56X TT p39497,5 - 11 NFT 129 5 2I :12• IQ�138�4Z.76- 204j�j992*6 103 34:77 **�9 g g 22 p 6 K TOTAL GENERAL, LEDGER TOTAL TOWN RFV 124 45.) :5a 24#41993;9?- 20997129.00 11756435. 12 56X 171999P? 64- 68 27b0.Q7- 20997129.00- 1 164368.93* 67% NFT 3024V4("# :34 - R.!lp KUSE UMS BOWMANV ILLS MUSEUM 80NMANVILLE MUSEUM 5900 MUSEUMS C ARCHIVES-BOWMANVILLE EXcl 0904 REVENUE REV r;• p 9975 OALANCE SHEET - ROWMANVILLE MUSFUM '1.D 707 AL SOWMANV ILLF MUSEUM R£V 1:).7 NFT O.QD CLARKE MUSEUMS CLARKE MUSEUM UU E D 9004 REVBNU 6 ARCHIVES-CLARKE REV 9005 BALANCE SHEET R fQ1. Q TOTAL CLARKE MUSEUM FV °.80 D• NFT �D .Y — ———————————_ — ———————---—--————————————————————————————————————————— —�. ,� Dg•QT•89 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE CHART OF ACCOUNTS BY FUNCTION PAGE 8 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION PRV* YQ. 4CT ACTUAL COMMITTED BUDGET UNFXOFNDFD TOTAL MUSEUMS RFV ©e �.- NFT 0.0D TOTAL GENERAL LEDGER TOTAL EXP 16459,09?