HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-38-83 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C3A6 TELEPHONE 623-3379 REPORT TO GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING HELD MAY 16, 1983 TR - 83 - 38 SUBJECT: AES WORD PROCESSING EQUIPMENT LEASE FOR THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended: 1 . that this report be received; and 2. that the lease agreement for the AES Word Processing Equipment be approved; and 3. that the Clerk prepare the bylaw required to authorize execution of the lease agreement. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT The 1983 Budget provided for the lease of word processing equipment within the Treasury Department. The lease is to commence on August 1 , 1983 , with a monthly lease cost of $539.54 for 38 months. Respectfully submitted, KC p K.A. ampbell , C.A. , B.Comm. , Treasurer Attachment: Lease D.M. Homeniuk, P.P. Purchasing and Supply Agent a �" THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW 83-78 being a by-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement with First City Capital Ltd. in respect of a lease for AES Word Processing Equipment. The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and seal with the Corporation Seal, an Agreement between First City Capital Ltd. and the said Corporation, which is attached hereto as Schedule "X". By-law read a first time this Twenty-fourth day of May 1983 By-law read a second time this Twenty-fourth day of May 1983 By-law read a third time and finally passed this Twenty-fourth day of May 1983. Mayor Clerk FFitefdo...__._!_ �a ---- SCHEDULE 'T' to by-law 83 I. I V CAPITAL D, ~ L"D OFF ICE: 12[0 ' 1O55XY. GEORG|AST. DOxl115l. ROYAL CENTRE, VANCoVVER. 8l. JS5 ..c. i" v,ncnuve,. Edmonton,Calgary,z'`^`pcg. L,ndon.Toronto,Ottawa and -Montreal 3 )|T0NAL LEASE TERPN3 FIRST C|TYCAP|TALLTD. Az=hp-1 to and for Ming Fn/! m the /ece orlre,ment. mone »e,+rn F.,s City Ca, u' L!n� ,h' day of [miu" to Purchase ^o'~nrhn� rnphdod Lessee d`�| ,cnbe inde�v� under �� Nam, of Lessee ' t.d |,^^eag/eement. at the expiry of the month ' .' t`e lease o,,nn. the Lessee shall have the option to purchase the Per for the price of8 pavxb!oincash .. ^m.:zaue provincial and federal s,/tu taxes. This option shall by Lonee by giving notice i^ writing to Lessor thirty r/S P- �) days prior to the expiry of the said month. 7 nsf., of title to the Equipment shall tie without warranties or a!o'nnu"n, whomvo,' oid`cr express or 'mplied as to the dun' ' suitability,quality o, condition ofth,'r--nuipment.TFLDptioo . ^n/o"aule. Name cfGuarantor Guo,^�t-o"� - ,e C,!� Gu"'an�o,�, S'gnoun FIRST CITY C�7'TAL L-1 D - Per �� HEAD OFFICE/SIEGE SOCIAL: 777 HORNBY STREET VANCOUVER, B.C. V6Z 1S4 SCHEDULE B/TABLEAU B Attached to and formaig part .t Le ise # betty. ;n Joint A et formant partle ntcg ate du ba.l If --------..--- - .------ -------___-_ entry L^sse—, and FIRST CITY CAPITAL LTD. Lessor ` .et CAPITAL FIRST CITY LTtE locateur RENTALS EX PRESSED He l!'IN ARE «'ECII;ATED OV F IP,T CITY' S RATE FOR T h t ( 3 ) YEAR 'r-!Xi--D RAT% LEASE:; BEIN,, 90 vo as at May 5th . , 1983 RENTALS WILT_ BE ADJUSTED AT LEASE C01,MENCF_MENT DATE TO REFLECT A14Y CHANGES IN THE ABOVE RATE. FIRST CITY CAPIT<.L L T D- CAMTAL "4ST CITY LTEE i.xni—,r —_ ._ ___.__—.--__--.—_ --_ A.nn,:nr.x;G;r-.�r,.,,oS.gn..•urc-r,.c.,v,,. ..___---_. __-_ r'.'n_ .' 1IRSICIty CAPITAL LTD. LEASE No.: HEAD OFFICE: FIRST CITY BUILDING " - -- --- 777 1IORNBY STREET VANCOUVER,B.C.V6Z 1S4 Oftrcos in Vancouver,Edmonton,Calgary,Saskatoon,Winnipeg,London,Toronto.F(amilton,Ottawa.Montreal, Oue.bec Citv.Halifax and St Johns. ISSUIN(i OFFICE ADDRESS. LESSEE'S FULL NAME,ADDRESS — +r — —w --� SUPPLIER'S FULL NAME,ADDRESS- i t //.-11 L- CC',Cr�Ci���rl�::A+ asr 1—hlGc' '/Ov�h./ eI° Aus /L1 .t ;.,S . Gt qiV Si L Uf a' >L/h S/rL►C�aNC t' . 7' �C�1f fiwr✓vit,lt J< C/S PERSON TOCONTACT .C.1 %,IC�,a� N� v 'ELBE `A3_33 SUPPLIER'S SALESMAN TEL. QUANTITY DESCRIPTION OF EOUIPMENT PRICE � _S••rrt�rt t c..s � �JD��IZ 1'/�tl�'yfJ « _----_------- -- -- -- -- ---•-- ----- c 0 .'ri C^Ai_ /11-1 4-CVeit1V�L77_iZ, � TOTAL PRICE 4.,A rl / k Sit 1 k�ai71 ` —_ FEDERAL TAX DELIVERY DATE PLACE OF DELIVERY Ou:\ ,�. �! j �/d JZ/'4titNVC 4 7/LL/�S✓ Z -- — a TOTAL COST LEASING PARTICULARS TERM RENTALS DUE _RENTALS TAX TOTAL RENTAL T_ER_M-1 NA_L_RE_NT_ALS —RENEWAL TERM NUMBER AMOUNT NUMBER AMOUNT -- .i OF$ YEARS AT $ PER YEAR EACH DUE ON PAYABLE MONTHS IN ADVANCE' EXCLUDING TAX RENTAL COMMENCEMENT ANNUALLY IN ADVANCE SEE ATTACHED SCHEDULE-6-WI Cff FORMS AN INTEGRAL PART40F THIS DOCUMENT. -- - --- �cxx'XxxcXX.xx�xXXxxXXXXXX !XXXXXXXXXX-c xxxq(x-xmx)tkxNxx9("XO(K*X�cXXXXXXXXXXXXX'XXXx)wx4m crxxxxxm XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX lxxxxXlX xlxlxxxkxxxxnx"i*xx�x.xxxxm,xx*Xwxxxgt)pxxrAxx*KxWA,vx)mx%xm,xxr*xxxxrX Xxxxkxx�x,c r�xo(xm IXXXXXXX')eXXIXlxroxxxxxxxlxxxlxxX•xmx9oxim*xx XXXxxxx-xxxxxxXX-XXXXXXXX,XX*xx(xxxx,erxx*X)txxx*X xx- ;�3 ��c�xxxX)"* xxxx-xxnxx)PcxxxX*XM)MXXIKXX"Xn(XXXXIX)=Xxxx)exx mxxxn PLACF: OF REDELIVERY TO LESSOR: — LOCATION OF EOUIPMENT�IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE uDRESS: 0ItIC,IN:•L TERM C(7tMENCES AND FIRST RENT PAYMENT DUE SUBSEOUENT—RENT PAYMENTS COMMENCE '- 19 19 MON rH DAY --_YEAR_ _MO_NTH DAY YEAR LEASE AGREEMENT — -- - — --- --- - - -- --- rr rnt ma,: ,t�y and behveen First City Capital Ltd..(herein referred to as the lessor)and the Lessee named above(referred to as the Lessee). A IT NE_: ` E t H Tn,tt onsuteration of the covenants hereinafter contained including those on the reverse hereof,the Lessor and Lessee have mutually 1. LEASE: Lt�,:.or hereby leases to Lessee,and the Lessee hereby hires and leases from Lessor the equipment described above,together with ar,y acc,�;:_I :es rel,:trnc thereto or affixed thereon(herein referred to as the Equipment). 2. TERM: Tr ; ;ease r:;'or an original term commencing on the date specified in the Leasing Particulars above and unless sooner terminated as -,.:. .,:the e�piry of the nurnt,er of months indicated under the heading"Term"in the Leasing Particulars above. 3. RENT: Lo: !.hal r,ay as rent to the Lessor for the equipment during the original term in advance in lawful money of Canada the number of anti.:t the times shoe n in the Leasing Particulars above.The rent shall be paid to the Lessor at First City Building,777 1fornby V6Z V;4. Ii 4. TERMINAL RENTALS: The number of terminal rentals to be prepaid, as set forth in the Leasing Particulars above. it any, shall t>e paid to l,s>•• : L,S>,. en.7;,te of comrnencement of the original term Such terminal rentals,when paid to Lessor•shall be deemed to have been received by Jez; :.t nor as a security to compensate Lessor for any damages it may suffer by reason of a breach by L essee of any covenant or con- .;:'as a torah on ptetmanary for the execution thereof,and shall remain the absolute property of Lessor,shall not be refundable to sr.,•,•:.,d r any c umstances but shalt be apolied by Lessor against the subsequent rentals in reverse orcer of their maturities if this Lease remains r,for, r.rL7 t'yc�:C':,K1nlg 5. PROVINCIAL SALES TAX: Lesser s_na'l pay to Lessor on and with each rental.the amount of provincial sales ta.v,if any,thereon at the rite air M,„arhe frbr, tlma t.7 t:7 e Pro;nc al sales t::x at the rate now applicable on the amount of each renta.cs as set forth above 6. INTEREST ON OVERDUE PAYMENTS: Lessee shall,without notice,Pay Interest at the rare of 241 per annum on any overdue in,lament of 'it .,n.:,,p,,:, •,n't• I,I o;,c;e f orn Lessor.at t•e same rate on all other amounts required to be paid by Lessee nereW,der and which shall have been p.tld 7. USE: L W:;,•t '"AL us-!thcf Equipment In a careful and prudent manner and not for any unfa:vftli purcnse and Shad at Lessee's experSQ Comply ;h ,,• .: cc n'nrri t._, ;:'I fece'al• prov,nclai• municipal and other laws. orernances and regulations ,n ant "ay relating to the possession, use or uIt c•: c t th• c_.t„cment S. NON-CANCELLABLE: Tn s Lease c rnnot be cancelled or terminated except as expressly prowdcd r•2reln (SEE REVERSr SIDE FOR CONTINUATION OF TERMS&CONDITIONS OF TruS LEA:;EI P. Date Executed by Lessee FIRST CITY CAPITAL LTD. Natn,•of Lc.:,,'r• -- --- Per \.. Author:ed S,,:naturo Title Per X - = CIS A,.tno ,:eC Su:natc.•., Title