HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/16/2015 Cla.r. ington Planning and Development Committee Agenda Date: November 16, 2015 Time: 7:00 PM Place: Council Chambers, 2nd Floor Municipal Administrative Centre 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario 7AInquiries & Accommodations: For inquiries about this agenda, or to make arrangements for accessibility accommodations for persons attending, please contact: Michelle Chambers, Committee Coordinator, at 905-623-3379, ext. 2106 or by email at mchambersCcDclarington.net. Alternate Format: If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator, at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Audio Record: The Municipality of Clarington makes an audio record of Planning and Development Committee meetings. If you make a delegation or presentation at a Planning and Development Committee meeting, the Municipality will be audio recording you and will make the recording public by publishing the recording on the Municipality's website. Copies of Reports are available at www.clarington.net Clarftt011 Planning and Development Committee Agenda Date: November 16, 2015 Time: 7:00 PM Place: Council Chambers 1 Call to Order 2 New Business — Introduction 3 Adopt the Agenda 4 Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest 5 Announcements 6 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting 6.1 Minutes of a Regular Meeting of October 26, 2015 6-1 7 Public Meetings No Public Meetings 8 Delegations 8.1 Ted Meszaros Regarding the Minimum Distance Notification of Amendments to the Official Plan and Rezoning By-laws as it Pertains to Rural Clarington 9 Communications - Receive for Information There are no Communications to be received for information. 10 Communications — Direction There are no Communications for direction. 11 Presentations No Presentations Page 1 Cklriftgt011 Planning nd Development Committee Agenda 9 p 9 Date: November 16, 2015 Time: 7:00 PM Place: Council Chambers 12 Planning Services Department Reports 12.1 PSD-057-15 Heritage Designation Amendment Enfield United Church 12-1 1640 Concession Road 9, former Township of Darlington 12.2 PSD-058-15 An Application by 1494339 Ontario Limited (Foley Group) for 12-18 Removal of Holding Symbol 13 New Business - Consideration 14 Unfinished Business 14.1 Addendum to Application by Zemer Holdings Ltd. to Rezone Lands to 14-1 Report Permit an Apartment Building at 50 Martin Road in PSD-045-15 Bowmanville [Referred from the September 14, 2015 Planning and Development Committee Meeting] 15 Confidential Reports No Reports 16 Adjournment Page 2 Claringtoa Planning,and Development Committee Minutes October 26, 2015 Minutes of a meeting of the.Planning and Development Committee held on Monday, i October 26, 2015 at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers. j Present Were: Mayor A. Foster, Councillor S. Cooke, Councillor R. Hooper, Councillor J. Neal, Councillor W. Partner, Councillor C.. Traill, Councillor W. Woo i Staff Present: D. Crome, J. Gallagher, M. Chambers i 1 Call to Order i Councillor Woo called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. 2 New Business — Introduction Councillor Neal added two new business items, regarding the Energy From Waste, to the New Business — Consideration section of the Agenda. 3 Adopt the Agenda Resolution #PD-046-15 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke r That the Agenda for the Planning and Development Committee meeting of .October 26, 2015 be adopted as presented, with two items regarding the Energy From Waste Facility being added to the "New Business — Consideration" section of the Agenda: Carried 4 Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest I There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest stated at this meeting. _ C 5 Announcements Members of Council announced upcoming community events and matters of community interest. 6 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting Resolution #PD-047-15 i! r Moved by Mayor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper I That the minutes of the regular meeting of the Planning and Development Committee, held on October 5, 2015, be approved. Carried 6-1 Clarington Planning and Development Committee Minutes October 26, 2015 7 Public Meetings 7.1 Application for an Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Applicant: 564069 Ontario Limited Report: PSD-054-15 Paul Wirch, Planner, made a verbal and electronic presentation to the Committee regarding the application. James Coburn, local resident, spoke in opposition to the application. Mr. Coburn advised the Committee that he is concerned with the height of this building. He explained that his property is directly to the south of the proposed building. Mr. Coburn concluded by noting that he is concerned with the driveway being located next to his property, delivery vehicles, and the value of his home decreasing. Jennifer Lemery, local resident, spoke in opposition to the application. Ms. Lemery explained to the Committee that she feels the development is too large for downtown Newcastle. She added that she is concerned that this building is too modern to be located in Newcastle and should not be located next to the historic Massey building. Ruth Knight, local resident, spoke in opposition to the application. Ms. Knight explained that she is not opposed to progress or development in Newcastle. She noted that she believes the history of Newcastle is being compromised with this new development. Ms. Knight continued by explaining that, with recent developments in Newcastle, the traffic has significantly increased. She added that this involves an increase in car, truck, and transport traffic in the area. Ms. Knight noted that she at the public information meeting and this increased her concerns as she learned that the truck traffic will be entering from Beaver Street and not King Avenue. She added that she is also concerned with the values of the properties in this area decreasing as a result of the development. Ms. Knight concluded by asking that the trucks not be permitted to use the proposed Beaver Street entrance and is asking for the interests of the surrounding residents to be taken into account when considering this development. Victor Suppan, local resident and member of the Clarington Heritage Committee, spoke in opposition to the application. He explained that he feels this application is in violation of many of the guidelines of the Newcastle Village Centre Urban Design Guidelines. Mr. Suppan added that he feels that this application is higher than the maximum height requirement of three storeys as set out in the guidelines and the surrounding buildings are a maximum of two or three storeys. He feels that this building will shadow the surrounding buildings, specifically the Massey Building. Mr. Suppan concluded by asking for the building to be redesigned and the guidelines to be taken into consideration. - 2 - 6-2 a Planning and Development Committee Clarington Minutes October 26, 2015 Michael Fry, D.G. Biddle and Associates; spoke on behalf of the applicant. Mr. Fry thanked staff for processing the application. He explained that they are asking for an Official Plan amendment to allow for the five storey building as the Newcastle Village Secondary Plan allow for*a maximum of three storeys. He added that they are also asking for an amendment.to permit a mixed-use. Mr. Fry continued by explaining that a great deal of work has been put into this property and the applicant has put a great deal of effort into maintaining the integrity and history of the area. He added that the applicant is willing to work with the residents to address their concerns and ensure that this development conforms to the appropriate guidelines. Mr. Fry concluded by stating that they will take back the comments of the residents, make some adjustments to.the site plan, and that they look forward to the Zoning By-law Amendment being able to move forward. Mr. Fry advised the Committee that he and Nick Swerdfeger, the architect for the project, are available to answer any questions. 7.2 Application for an Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Applicant: Deborah & Oswin Mathias j Report: PSD-055-15 David Addington, Planner, made a verbal and electronic presentation to the Committee regarding the application. i Beth Meszaros, local resident, spoke in opposition to the application. Ms. Meszaros I explained to the Committee that she is not in favour of the property being used as a j special event venue. She referred to a handout that was provided to members of Committee prior to the meeting. She outlined her concerns to the Committee which included increased traffic, parking concerns, increased noise, and how the events will be policed. Ms. Meszaros added that she believes this type of operation will take business away from existing special event venues in the Municipality: She also noted that the rural roads will not be able to handle the increased traffic-and there will not be adequate parking available on site for venues of over 200 people. Ms. Meszaros questioned whether or not farming on this property is the primary use and who will be responsible for ensuring that farming continues as a primary use in the future. She asked if there will be permits issues for these events and who will be responsible for enforcement. Ms. Meszaros noted that she is also concerned that this property is in a greenbelt and therefore there are greater restrictions for these properties. Ms. Meszaros requested that a definition of agri-tourism be created. She concluded by asking that the property not be rezoned as it does not comply with the Official Plan. E i Gord Werry, local resident, spoke in opposition to the application. Mr. Werry noted that the original application stated that the septic system would be used and the subsequent applications indicated outhouses. He questioned the survey performed on the wells in the area and noted that of the eight wells requested to be surveyed, only five responded. Mr. Werry noted that the reports that were used.dated back to 1995 and that the Meszaros well has been capped for a number of years. He asked if overnight camping f will be permitted and who will be responsible for the'security of these events. Mr. Werry - 3 - 6-3 Claringtoij Planning and Development Committee Minutes October 26, 2015 noted his additional concerns including traffic, emergency response, impaired driving,_ trespassing on neighbouring, increased noise, and light pollution. He concluded by stating he would like this neighbourhood to remain quiet and have a small town feel. Mr. Werry requested that this application not proceed and, if it does proceed, that a report be sent to the Ministry of Affairs and Housing and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA). Steve Weykamp, local resident, submitted a petition to the Committee containing the 44 signatures of residents in the area. Mr. Weykamp noted the main concern of the residents is the increase noise in the area. Annette Weykamp, local resident, spoke in opposition to-the application. Ms. Weykamp explained to the Committee that she was raised on a farm and has experience in beef farming. She advised that Committee that she is concerned that this farm is not operating with the farming,business being primary use. Ms. Weykamp added that, currently a pasture based livestock operation is not viable, and she reviewed the size of farm and number of livestock needed to support this. She reviewed the current practices for processing, storage, and requirements to support grass fed livestock. Ms. Weykamp highlighted the costs associated with raising, processing, and selling of livestock. Ms. Weykamp reviewed the draft definition of agritourism by Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) and the permitted secondary uses. She questions the use of space in the justification report and noted that OMAFRA recommends that a maximum 2% of an agricultural property should be used for a secondary use whereas the proposal has 4%. Ms. Weykamp added that, in this application, 50% of the property will be for a secondary use. Ms. Weykamp concluded by advising the Committee that she agrees with supporting agricultural businesses, educating the public on farming practices, the work involved, and appreciates the need for a secondary use of a hobby farm. She added that she is concerned with the increased noise, traffic, parking, and the general interests of the neighbours need to be protected. Pat Gard, local resident, spoke in opposition to the application. Ms. Gard shares the same concerns as the previous applications. She explained she is specifically concerned with noise resulting from the weddings and special events: Eric Leeuwner, local resident, spoke in opposition to the application. -Mr. Leeuwner noted that he lives directly east of the subject property. He explained to the Committee that he does not want lights installed on the street as it is a rural area.. Mr. Leeuwner added that he is concerned with the wildlife and the existing trees in the area being disrupted. He concluded by advising the Committee that he was concerned with the possibility of the animals being processed at this farm, the size and the noise increase during these events. Mary-Ann Muizelaar, local.resident, spoke in opposition to the application. Ms. Muizelaar advised the Committee that she has a farming background. She added the farming is not a lucrative business, however weddings and special events are a lucrative business. Ms. Muizelaar explained that she feels the applicants are very intelligent - 4 - . 6-4 t 1 Planning and Development Committee ciffingoiff Minutes October 26, 2015 business people and not farmers but they do know enough to make the equation work. She concluded by advising the Committee she is opposed to weddings and special events, she is concerned with noise, one entrance into the property, and that the-primary business needs to remain agricultural. Ms. Muizelaar asked who.will be responsible:for ensuring that the primary business remains agricultural. Rommel Singh Mann, local resident, spoke in opposition to the application. Mr. Singh advised the Committee that he had recently built a home on Morgans Road. He continued by explaining that he recently relocated from the city to a rural.area and is opposed to an event venue being operated in this area. Mr. Singh Mann added that he feels this is not an appropriate agricultural function and stated that this is a greenbelt area. He continued by explaining that he is an environmental science teacher and he teaches his students to protect these areas of land and agricultural areas. Mr. Singh Mann advised that he is concerned with the safety and security of these events. He added that he is concerned with the provision of processing meats and the regulations regarding processing meat.at this facility. Mr. Singh Mann concluded ask by asking that the application not be approved. Bob Clark, Clark Consulting Services, was present on behalf of the applicant. Mr. Clark advised the Committee that the applicant intends to continue the farming business and that this will be a pasture based husbandry. He added that the property is on Graham Creek and recreational uses are permitted. Mr. Clark explained that they have consulted with the neighbours, the appropriate Ministries, and have hired consultants for various environmental screening and site line reviews. He added the necessary hydrogeological assessment has been done and he highlighted these studies. Mr. Clark acknowledged that the records are dated, the labelling needs to be redone on the maps and the site plan needs additional changes. He continued by noting this application is compatible for this area and it is not considered to be prime agricultural land.. Mr. Clark advised the Committee that the access to the site, parking requirements and noise will be addressed. He concluded by stating that he believes the applicant will have the opportunity to share a rural experience.with the public as a result of this application and that is will be far enough away from the neighbouring properties to not cause a disturbance. Mr. Clark advised the Committee he was available to answer questions. Deborah Mathias, applicant, responded to questions from the previous delegations. Ms. Mathias explained that the soybean are not a cash crop but are part of their crop rotation. She explained that they intend to use the meat from their farm at these events. Ms. Mathias noted that she has been certified with the Wedding Planners Institute of Canada. She continued by adding that they want to protect the area and they intend to have the maximum number of animals that can be sustained at one time. Ms. Mathias concluded by adding they intend to incorporate their own meats and local produce at their events. - 5 - 6-5 ClarhWwn Planning and Development Committee Minutes October 26, 2015 Recess Resolution #PD-048-15 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Mayor Foster That the Committee recess for 10 minutes. Carried The meeting reconvened at 9:54 PM. 8 Delegations There are no Delegations scheduled for this meeting. 9 Communications - Receive for Information There are no Communications to be received for information. 10 Communications — Direction There are no Communications to be received for direction. 11 Planning Services Department Reports 11.1 PSD-054-15 An Application by 564069 Ontario Inc.to Construct a 5-Storey, Mixed-Use Building on Beaver Street, Newcastle Resolution #PD-049-15 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Traill That Report PSD-054-15 be received; That the applications to amend the Clarington Official Plan and Zoning By-law 84-63, submitted by 564069 Ontario Inc. for the development of a 5-storey, mixed-use building continue to be processed and that a subsequent report be prepared; That the Durham Regional Planning and Economic Development Department and Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report PSD-054-15 and.Council's decision; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD-054-15 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried - 6 - 6-6 Planning and Development Committee claingtoff Minutes October 26, 2015 11.2 PSD-055-15 Applications by Deborah and Oswin Mathias to Permit Special Events, Farm Tours and Meat Processing and Sales on an Agricultural Property Resolution #PD-050-15 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Mayor Foster That Report PSD-055-15 be received; That the proposed applications to amend the Clarington Official Plan and Zoning By-law by Deborah and Oswin Mathias continue to be processed including the preparation of a subsequent report; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD-055-15 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried as Amended (See following motion) Resolution #PD-051-15 I Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Traill That the foregoing Resolution #PD-050-15 be amended by adding the following after i paragraph two: "That the Clarington Agricultural Committee be asked to recommend a definition of agri-tourism and look at the primary agricultural practices and what secondary agri-tourism businesses fit together appropriately in Clarington." Carried The foregoing Resolution #PD-050-15 was then put to a vote and carried as amended. 12 New Business — Consideration 12.1 Energy From Waste Resolution #PD-052-15 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Partner That the Municipality send the Region a letter, copied to the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (MOECC), requesting the following: a That Clarington staff, Mayor and Members of Council be copied with any correspondence with respect to the current and further acceptance testing, and be advised as soon as practicable and copied with any correspondence sent to the MOECC pursuant to Section 4.5 of the Air Emissions Monitoring Plan; and - 7 - 6-7 Clarington Planning and Development Committee Minutes October 26, 2015 b) That the Region advise Clarington as to the status of the long term dioxin and furan monitoring system, which was to be in operation six months prior to the Commencement Date, pursuant to Section 7.3.a of the ECA and Section 5.7 of the Air Emissions Monitoring Plan. Carried 12.2 Energy From Waste— Cap and Trade Regulations Resolution #PD-053-15 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Partner That the Municipality of Clarington send a letter to the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change, copied to the Region, that the Municipality does not agree with exempting the Energy From Waste facility from provincial cap and trade regulations. Motion Referred (See following motion) Resolution #PD-054-15 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Traill That Resolution #PD-053-15 be referred to the Municipal Solicitor. Carried 13 Unfinished Business 13.1 PSD-050-15 An application by Cowan Buick GMC on behalf of Gerr Holdings Ltd. to permit the Temporary Use of a Vacant Lot for Employee Parking [Tabled from the October 5, 2105-Planning and Development Committee Meeting]. Resolution #PD-055-15 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Neal That Report PSD-050-15 be lifted from the table. Carried Resolution #PD-056-15 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Cooke That Report PSD-050-15 be received; That the Zoning By-law Amendment application submitted by Cowan Buick GMC be approved and the by-law be adopted as contained in Attachment 2 to Report PSD-050-15; 8 - 6-8 I I Planning and Development Committee' Clarington Minutes October 26, 2015 That the Durham Regional Planning and Economic Development Department and Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report PSD-050-15 and Council's decision; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD-050-15 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried 14 Confidential Reports 14,1 PSD-056-15 1679 Highway 2, Courtice — Civic Centre Acquisition Resolution #PD-057-15 I Moved by Mayor Foster, seconded by Councillor Cooke c That the recommendations contained in Confidential Report PSD-056-15 regarding 1679 I Highway 2, Courtice— Civic Centre Acquisition, be approved. Carried 15 Adjournment Resolution #PD-058-15 k Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Traill That the meeting adjourn at 10:44 PM. Carried Chair Deputy Clerk l i i i i I i I' 'r i - 9 - ( 6-9 t Yd an z NE, Planning Services Report If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Municipal Clerk at 905-623-3379 ext. 2102. Report Too Planning and Development Committee Date of Meeting: November 16, 2015 Report Number: PSD-057-15 Resolution Number: Guile Number: PLN Bylaw Number: Report Subject: Heritage Designation Amendment Enfield United Church 1640 Concession Road 9, former Townships of Darlington Recommendations: 1. That Report PSD-057-15 be received; 2. That the recommendation of the Clarington Heritage Committee to amend the designation of Enfield United Church at 1640 Concession Road 9, Darlington; under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act continue to be processed; 3. That the Clerk prepare the required Notice of Intention to Amend the Designation pursuant to the provisions of the Ontario Heritage Act; 4. That depending on the response to the Notice of Intention to Designate, the Clerk either prepare the necessary by-law or report back to Council regarding objection(s) received; and 5. That all interested parties listed in Report PSD-057-15 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 12-1 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD-057-15 Page 2 Report Overview The property at 1640 Concession Road 9 is designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, by By-law 92-82. The building was constructed as a church in 1877 and was used. as a church until 1969. It continued to be maintained by members of the community and used for special events until recently. The United Church of Canada, with the agreement of the former members, listed the property for sale early in 2015. The new owner is proposing to convert the building to a single detached dwelling. Many of the features listed in Designation By-law 92-82 are specific to the former church use. Due to the existing condition of the features and the new use as a residence, the new owner has requested that some of the features be altered or removed. 1. Background 1.1 On June 8, 1992, Council approved Designation By-law 92-82 (Attachment 1) for the property identified as 1640 Concession Road 9 in Enfield under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act. rw y Figure 1: Front view of the former Enfield United Church Enfield United Church was built in 1877 by the Methodist Episcopal Church and became part of the United Church of Canada at church union in 1925. A painted inscription above the front door reads W.E.C. A.D. 1877". The building is typical of small rural churches built in Darlington Township during the late nineteenth century. Frame churches were more commonly built than brick because they could be erected cheaply, but very few survive in good condition. Some original frame churches were replaced with new brick churches as congregations grew or the churches deteriorated over-time and were demolished. 12-2 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD-057-15 Page 3 Enfield United Church.remains relatively unchanged through time, with its original window glazing and clapboard siding still intact. This building is considered to be the best surviving example of a small frame rural church in the former Darlington Township. I Property Location Map(Enfield) L — Subject 4 Site D c- � w —.-J CONCESSION ROAD n I I Gi r I 0164$ *Oa + - -- CONCESSION ROAD 9 '8894 PLN 34.5,2.47 OI 1640 Concession Road 9 f III Owner:Dana Snow 0 1645 Figure 2: Property Location Map Enfield United Church was listed for sale in the spring of 2015 and was sold in the late summer. The new owner has contacted staff and the Clarington Heritage Committee to discuss the process and proposal of converting the building to a single detached dwelling. 2. Provincial Policy _ 2.1 Provincial Policy Statement Section 2.6.1 of the Provincial Policy Statement states that significant built heritage resources shall be conserved. In the PPS.2014, "significant" is defined as a resource that has been determined to have cultural heritage value or interest for the important contribution it makes to our understanding of the history of a place, an event, or a people. "Conserved" is defined as the identification, protection, use and/or management of built heritage resources in a manner that ensures their cultural heritage value or interest is retained under the Ontario Heritage Act. 12-3 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD-057-15 Page 4 2.2 Greenbelt Plan Section 4.4 of the Greenbelt Plan states that municipalities should create inventories of cultural heritage resources and plan for their ongoing protection and appropriate use. 2.3 Ontario Heritage Act The Ontario Heritage Act outlines the process for designation of individual properties under Part IV; Section 29. Amendments to a designation by-law are outlined in Section 30.1 which stipulates the same process under Section 29 applies for an amendment to the designating by-law. Attachment 2 is the proposed designating by-law which would replace the existing by-law. Under the Ontario Heritage Act the property owner is required to obtain the consent for any proposed significant alterations to the building and features listed in the designation by-law or for demolition of all or part of the structure. 3. Clarington Official Plan 3.1 Section 8 of the Clarington Official Plan encourages the conservation, protection and maintenance of cultural heritage structures and fully supports the heritage designation of individual properties under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act. 4. Discussion 4.1 The property at 1640 Concession Road 9 is considered to be the best surviving example of a small frame rural church in the former Darlington Township and is deserving of protection under the Ontario Heritage Act. The building was constructed as a church in 1877 and has continued to be occasionally by the community until the beginning of 2015; it has not had a pastor or congregation since 1969. Rural churches closing due to diminishing congregations is an increasing occurrence and is not specific to Clarington. Similar to rural school houses many former rural churches find new lives and adaptive reuse as residences. 4.2 The new owner attended the October 20, 2015 Clarington Heritage Committee meeting and presented the Committee with an information package outlining the proposed works to convert the building to a residence. The owner and the Committee reviewed each of the designated features and the proposed alterations including the potential impact of the alterations on the heritage value of the building. The owner and the Committee engaged in discussion and idea sharing to reach an agreement so that both parties were satisfied with the proposed alterations. Staff have reviewed the proposal, the Committee's comments and have prepared the, proposed by- law based on the alternations agreed too. A description of the works to be completed are outlined in Attachment 4. .Council concurs with the Committee; the next step is publishing the Notice of Intention in the locally circulated newspaper. Only one advertisement is required. A summary description of the heritage designation/alteration process is attached to this report as Attachment 3. 12-4 i Municipality of Clarington Report PSD-051-15 Page 5 4.3 The Clarington Heritage Committee concluded that the requested alterations were reasonable to alter the former church into a single residential dwelling. The Committee was encouraged by the thought and work-the owner had put into their proposal and offered to be a resource moving forward should the owner require their advice or experience. 4.4 The proposed alterations will have a visible impact on the current interior and exterior appearance of the building. The building was built as a church in the late 1800's and has been used as such since that time. I Any proposed reuse of the building, except as another church, will have-an impact on the building's interior and exterior features. The goal of the Provincial Policy Statement, Ontario Heritage Act, and Clarington Official Plan is to maintain and conserve built heritage. Maintaining and conserving built heritage can take multiple forms including regular maintenance or adaptive reuse. Adaptive reuse allows built heritage resources that have lost their original use to be conserved, maintained and evolve for many more years to come. i The nature of adaptive reuse is a new use for a built heritage resource; it is common that alterations and changes to the built heritage resources occur to allow the re-use. It is essential to capture the key aspects of the built heritage resources importance or value and ensure that is conserved while allowing the new use to function efficiently. While some elements of the existing building, including the original clapboard siding and pews, I will not be maintained, many of the architectural features of the building will be E maintained and renewed. i Staff have reviewed-the proposed alterations and are of the opinion that the alterations maintain the character and heritage value of the building, including key features, while allowing the building to be used as a single detached dwelling. 4.5 Council members may recall that Enfield United Church participated in the 2012 Doors Open and the volunteers who have lovingly maintained it were nominated and received an Ontario Heritage Trust Award in February of 2013 (Attachment 5 is the nomination). F �o Concurrence urrence Not applicable k; 6. Conclusion sion 6.1 The Clarington Heritage Committee and staff are in full support of the proposed amendment to heritage designation of this property. 6.2 Should no objections be received by the Municipal Clerk within 30 days of publishing the Notice of Intention the proposed by-law designating the property will be forwarded to Council for approval. Alternatively if any objections are received, the Clerk will provide a report to Council. k' 12-5 Municipality of Clarington Report (LSD-057-15 Page 5 7. Strategic Plan Application 7.1 Not applicable. Submitted by: Reviewed by: - Eta i . Crome,'MCIP, RPP Franklin Wu, Director.of Planning Services Chief Administrative Officer Staff Contact: Brandon Weiler, Planner, 905-623-3379 ext. 2424 or bweiler@clarington.net Attachments: Attachment 1 — Designating By-law 92-82 Attachment 2 — Proposed By-law (including Schedules A & B) Attachment 3 — Heritage designation process. Attachment 4— Heritage Features and Proposed Alterations Attachment 5 —Ontario Heritage Trust Nomination (Attachment 5 of PSD-038-12) The following is a list of the interested parties to be notified of Council's decision: Dana Snow Victor Suppan Sean Fraser BW/df 12-6' I' Attachment I t® Municipality of Clarington Report PS®-057-15 THE CORPORATION OF TIM TOWN OF NEWCASTLE E'-7AW 92-82 being a by-law to designate the property known for municipal purposes as The Enfield United Chureh, located on fart of Lot A Concession 9,.former Township of Darlington, now in the Town of Newcastle, as a property of historic or architectural value or interest under the Ontario Heritage Act WHEREAS the Ontario Heritage Act,&S.O.1990,e.0.18 authorizes the council of a munkcipaluy to enact by-laws to designate properties to be of historic or architectural value or interest for the purposes of the Act; i WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle has caused to be served upon the owner of the property known for municipal purposes as The Enfield United Church, located on Part of Lot 31,Concession 9,former Township of Darlington,now in the Town of Newcastle and upon the Ontario Heritage Foundation,Notice of Intention to Designate the aforesaid real property and has caused such notice of intention to be published in the Canadian Statesman,a newspaper having a general circulation In the area of the designation, once each week for three consecutive weeks,namely January 8,January 15 and January 22,1992; and i WHEREAS the reasons for the designation of the aforesaid property under the Ontario Heritage Act are contained in Schedule'B"attached to and forming part of ibis by-law; and WHEREAS the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee of the Town of Newcastle has recommended that the property known for municipal purposes as The Enfield United Church,part of Lot 81, Concession 9,former Township of Darlington,now in the Town of Newcastle,be designated as a property of historic or architectural value or interest under the terms of the Ontario Heritage Act; and WREREAS no notice of objection to the proposed designation was served upon the Clerk within the period prescribed by the Ontario Heritage Act. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORONATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The property known for municipal purposes as The Enfield United Church located in Part of Tot 81,Concession 9,former Township of Darlington,now in the Town of Newcastle,which is more particularly described in Schedule"A"which is attached to and forms part_of this by kav,is hereby designated as a property which has historic or architectural value or ; interest under Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act,R.S.O.1990,c.0.18. •2. The Solicitor for the Town of Newcastle is hereby authorizer)to cause a copy of this by-law to be registered against the property described in Schedule"A"hereto. [ 8. The Town Clerk is hereby authorized to cause a copy of this by-law to be,served'upon the owner of the property described in Schedule"A"hereto and on the Ontario Heritage Foundation. The Clerk also is authorized to cause notice of the passing of this by-law to be published in the Canadian Statesman,.a newspaper baling general circulation in the area of the designation, once each week for three consecutive weeks. i F $y-law yead a fast and second time Sth day of June 1992 By-law read a third time and frnaIIy passed this 8th day of June 1992 I MAYOR CLEM 12-7 SCHEDULE'X TO BY-LAW 92-82 Fart of Lot 31,Concession 9,im the geographie'T'ownship of Darlington, note in the Toviu of Newcastle,in the Regional Municipality of Durham, designated as D'art 1 on Plan of Survey of record deposited in the Land Rogistx Office for the Laud Registry Division of Durham (No.4:0) as Plan 4OR-14155. 12-8 SCHEDIM".S" TO BY-LAW 92-82 i The Enfield United Church located on Part Lot 31, Concession 9,former Township of Darlington now in the Town of Xewcastle,has a very significant historical and architectural value of interest to the Town of Newcastle and its people in that the church bunt in 1877,is considered to be the best surviving pxample of a small frame rural church to be found in Darlington Township. Exterior � 1. Clapboard siding, j i 2, Double hung Gothic windows of coloured and etched glass; and i 8, The Gothic arched window above the front door. Interior 1. 6 inch pine floor boards; 2. Sponge grained wainscotting; 3. fine coat rack; • I 4. The pews; 5. The Gothic arched window frames; 6. The pine construction of the choir loft and pulpit with its newal post and bannisters; and 7. The choir bench. i i I i t 12-9 Attachment 2 Municipality of Clarington To Report PSD-057-15 The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington By-law. No. 2015-xxx being a by-law to designate the property known for municipal purposes as 1640 Concession Road 9, Municipality of Clarington as a property of historic or architectural value or interest under the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 0.18 Whereas the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O., 1990, c.0.18 authorizes the Council of the Municipality to enact by-laws to designate properties to be of historic or architectural value or interest for the purposes of the Act;.and Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality-of.Clarington has caused to be served upon the owner of the property known for`rmunicip*L"purposes at 1640 Concession Road 9, Municipality of Clarington arid.-upon the Ontario,, Heritage Foundation, Notice of Intention to Designate the aforesaid.�rreal property and hfas 'caused such Notice of Intention to be published in the Claringtori"This Week, a newspaper:having general circulation in the area of the designation on ; pnd Whereas the reasons for the designation.of the a, oresaid,.property under the Ontario Heritage Act are contained in Schedul'e'."A" attached to 'arid:-forming part of this by.-law; and Whereas the Clarington.Heritage; Committee._has:recommended that the property known for municipal purpose, 640 Concessions Road 9' Municipality of Clarington be designated as a property:of historiQ r.- interest value or under the Ontario Heritage Act; and Whereas.:n notice of objection 0 the proposed designation was served upon the Municipal'',Clerk within the period prescribed b.y the Ontario Heritage Act; Now therefore the:council of the:::corporation of the municipality of clarington hereby enacts as follows: 1. The property known:'for.:rriunicipal purposes at 1640 Concession Road 9 which is more particularly described in Schedule "B"which is attached to and forms part of this by-law, is hereby designated as a property which has historic or architectural value or interest under Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.,0.18. 2. The Solicitor for the Municipality of Clarington is.hereby authorized to cause a copy of this by-law to be registered against the title to the property described in 'Schedule "B" hereto. 12-10 I I 3. The Municipal Clerk is hereby authorized to cause a copy of this by-law to be served upon the owner of the property described in Schedule "B" hereto and on the Ontario Heritage Foundation. The Municipal Clerk also is authorized to cause notice of the passing of this by-law to be published in the Clarington This Week, a newspaper having general circulation in the area of the designation. 4. That by-law 92-82 be Repealed. By-law passed in open session this th day of , 2015 C. Anne Greentree, Municipal Clerk Adrian.Foster, Mayor I 12-11 Schedule 'A" - to By-law No. G�1 Description of Property Former"Enfield United Church", 1640 Concession Road 9 in Part Lot 31, Concession 9, former Township of Darlington. Enfield United Church is-a one-storey structure on the north side of Concession Road 9, west of Enfield Road. The frame building incorporates simplistic elements of the Gothic Revival style. Statement of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest The property's physical cultural heritage value lies in it being an excellent example of a rural frame church in former Darlington Township in the mid to late nineteenth century. The one- storey building includes simplistic elements of Gothic Revival including the pitched front gable roof, central door, arched windows and arched transom window:above the front door. Also of note on the interior of.the building are the pine coat rack,-;the original pine floor boards, the pine constructed choir loft,'the sponge grained wainscoting, and the:choir bench. The property's cultural heritage value lies in its association with Darlington:.:Township's early rural settlers, their way of life, the building mateda* Is:and construction styl4found during the nineteenth century. The building was built in 1877 by..the Methodist Episcopal"Church and became part of the United Church of Canada'at church,union n-1925. Xpainted Inscription above the front door reads "M.E.C. A.D:71877". The building is typical of small rural churches built in Darlington Township during the mid to late nineteenth..cerntury. The building is considered to be the best surviving example:of a'small.frame rur5kchurch in the former Darlington Township. The property's contextual cultural heritage value:lies irfits location within the rural landscape in the hamlet of Enfield; it was a.site of community importance and social gatherings in.former Darlington Township during thb" mid to late nineteerith:-century. Description of "e.fitdge Attributes` Key attributes'of:Elie structure that reftectAs values as an example of a rural frame church in Caalington d.uring.the mid to lat6`hinbteenth'.eentury include: Exterior: White wooden clapboard siding; The double hung Gothic Windows: niith coloured and etched glass on the east, west and south; and The Gothic arched window above the front door. Interior: - 6 inch pine floor boards; - Sponge grained wainscoting; - Pine coat rack; and - The pine constructed choir loft; and choir bench (modified to family room) 12-12 Schedule 'B' to By-law 2015-xxx Legal Description Pt Lot 31, Con 9 (Darlington), Being Part 1 on 40R-14155, Municipality of Clarington, Regional Municipality of Durham 12-13 Attachment 3 to Municipality of Clarington Report PS®-057-15 (3,ectioti 219 of the Ontario Heritage Act)' G_�i�ia]Cr;FrC�cs?d € Cctr,,,d crr-nom u_7 MHC Cruel Clercis1m: Fruz d F 6M d— r ed}rF F d r5at i Nour-a C4 toleol7-rs to Nsirge, 1..pfwd an gyCPT'r 2.SqvA or,CHi r*-n_IuP--r �3crti�r,s pan• days? �� _ n r�trd is I s4 re�iru CRS F�a a ad r—,a*, I Ox%dN-e SCR Ccvnd umider CRS Repext Das5�uikVb&&pEsdis tv„aedM.W-v,-A-d k{{ 1..v r-dMgru-"vases 2 Swied on OW _Putdishaiinnzwpp-r 1.Sewed a-,Cf;ary C-iru 1 SMW CR CI3 3.Fu+,`slelilmm.-TGoa r PrCc�-rrf rr_t air taCl and T�L*A;J r+�st rs l Pr[f'-q, 6ss d Crl a7r�2sLr Designating Heriiage Prapertis• 12-14 Attachment 4 to Municipality of Clarington Report PSD=057-15 Heritage Features and Proposed Alterations Original Clapboard Siding The owner is proposing to remove the original clapboard siding, replacing it with a new wood siding that would be the same colour as the original siding (white) and approximately the same width to maintain a similar appearance. The original siding in poor condition overall. It is falling off in some sections and has had carpenter ant infestations. 'The owner indicated that the new siding will also allow for better insulation. The committee requested that the painted date of the church construction above the front door. to be saved, and displayed if possible, and would like the date to be re-established on the new siding.-The owner indicated no objection to this request. Double Hung Gothic Windows The owner has concerns that the existing double hung gothic windows of coloured and etched glass are in need of repair and are not well insulated. The proposed works include cleaning and repairing.the windows as required.-The owner is proposing to add.new three piece storm windows,which would be wood framed, with a screen on the bottom.portion on the exterior of the existing windows. The storm windows will provide added insulation and protection to the existing windows and the screen will allow the windows to be opened in the summer time. The committee's concern with the new storm.windows is that they should maintain the value and appearance of the current windows. The committee agreed the wood frame construction should help acliieve this. New..Door and Window on'North Side of Building A new door and window are proposed for the existing rear wall (north side) of the building, behind the former pulpit.. The owner has been working to source windows and doors that are of a similar style to the existing on the building. In addition to the new door and window, the existing side door would be replaced and the existing front doors refinished as they are in poor condition. Neither of the doors are designated features. The committee asked that the new door and-window at the rear of the property be of a style similar to the existing windows on the front and side of the building, understanding that an exact match may not be possible. It was indicted that if the window and.door were not an exact match it would not significantly harm the appearance of the building as it is the rear of the building and not visible from the,street. The committee offered to provide sources the owner could explore for doors and windows. Pine Coat Rack The coat rack will be maintained but will be shifted to the right of the current location, directly in front of the double doors, to create an entryway for the dwelling. The heritage plaque would " remain on the coat rack as it currently is. The committee had no concerns with this request. E f 12-15 Pews The owner is proposing to remove the existing pews. The pews are approximately 18 to 20 feet in length and occupy the majority of the interior of the church. The owner discussed integrating the pews into other elements of the new house (i.e. cabinets) if possible or trying to find another organization that could use them. The committee requested that one of the pews be integrated into the space, even if the pew needs to be altered from the current length. The owner indicated that they had no objection to this request. Choir Loft, Pulpit and Newal Post and Bannisters, Pine Floors and Wainscoting Currently, the side door leads to the cellar from the outside. The choir loft and bench will be maintained with a modification that will allow the side door to access the main living space. The choir loft, bench, floors and.wainscoting will be reduced to align with the door. No other alterations to the pine floors or wainscoting are proposed beyond normal maintenance. The newel post and bannisters will be removed as they are in poor condition and have not been maintained over time. Currently there are no spindles making the bannister rail very unsafe. The committee had no concerns with the removal of the bannister or the alterations to the choir loft, bench, floors or wainscoting to facilitate an entrance from the side door into the main living space. The alterations were viewed as minor with the majority of features being maintained. Additional Proposed Works In addition to the interior and exterior renovations of the existing building a new detached garage and deck are proposed. The deck would run the length of the rear of the building and a portion of the west side of the building. The detached garage would be located on the west side of the building. . The committee asked that the proposed deck be constructed of wood and not composite to blend with the exterior of the building. The applicant had no objection to this request. 12-16 I Attachment 5.to Municipality of C larington Report PSD=057=15 DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIESIAC IEVEMENTS OF ENFIELD UNITED CHURCH VOLUNTEERS Enfield United Church was built in 1877, and was at the heart of community life for ninety'three years. Built as a Methodist Episcopal Church, it became Enfield United Church after the 1925 Act of Union joined the Congregational, Methodist and Presbyterian congregations into one United Church of Canada. Church activities were always well supported by volunteers—the United Church Women, Sunday School, Young Peoples Group, the choir—as was the maintenance of the structure of the frame building. In the early 1950's the Church and sheds behind it were rejuvenated by demol.ishing half the sheds, rebuilding those that remained and re- roofing the church. New Chancel furnishings (Communion Table, Cross, Font, Lectern, and Pulpit) were designed and hand crafted by Fred Samis in 1960. In 1962, a full basement was put under the church and a modern heating system installed. This was achieved through great financial sacrifice on the part of some community families. Sadly, as expenses rose it became too great a task for the pastoral charge to support a full time Minister and, in 1969, Enfield United Church was forced to close. But a core group of volunteers refused to let the church fall into disrepair and decay. i I Over the past forty three years, some ninety families and individuals have continued their efforts to support this beloved building. Through Quilt Sales, Penny Sales and direct donations, funds have been raised to keep the church heated and open for occasional community activities, (in 2012, one of these activities was participation in I Doors Open Ontario). Services are held twice a year, to standing room only. The.grass is cut regularly and gardens are weeded. The windows are kept clean, and the white frame exterior of the church is carefully tended, with flaking paint scraped off and repainted regularly,And every year, the life size Nativity Scene (which had been created by the church's Young Peoples Group in 1952) is erected at the side of the church for all to enjoy. In 1992, the building was designated a Heritage Property by the Municipality of Caarington. In part, the designating by-law reads— "Enfield United Church'remains relatively unchanged, with its original glazing and clapboard siding still intact. It is considered to be the best surviving example of a small rural frame church in the former Township of Darlington". As a frame church that has been officially closed for forty three years,.its' very survival is unusual. That it has not only survived., but remains in pristine condition, is a stirring testament to the drive and commitment of this wonderful group of volunteers. This year the Enfield United Church was open for over 150 visitors during Clarington's Doors Open, the volunteers there with displays and memorabilia from the Church. I 12-17 i Clarington Planning Services Report If this information is required in,an alternate accessible format, please contact the Municipal Clerk at 905-623-3379 ext. 2102. Report To: Planning and Development Committee Dane of Meeting: November 16, 2015 Report Number: PSD-058-15 Resolution: File Number: ZBA 2015-0023 By-law Number: Report Subject: An ,Application by 1494339 Ontario Limited (Foley Group) i for Removal of Holding Symbol Recommendations: I i It is respectfully recommended that the Planning and Development Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That Report PSD-058-15 be received; 2. That the application submitted by 1494339 Ontario Limited (Foley Group) to remove the Holding (H) symbol be approved; 3. That the By-law contained in Attachment 1 to remove the Holding (H) Symbol for lots fronting on to Daiseyfield Avenue be passed; 4. That once all conditions contained in the Official Plan and Zoning By-law with respect to the removal of the (H) Holding Symbol for the balance of plan of subdivision 18T-90003 are satisfied, a By-law authorizing the removal of the (H) Holding Symbol will be forwarded to Council; i 5. That Council's decision and a copy of Report PSD-058-15 be forwarded to the Region of Durham and the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation; and 6. That all interested parties listed in Report PSD-058-15 and any delegations be advised of k Council's decision. C 12-18 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD-058-15 Page 2 Report Overview The purpose of this application is to remove the Holding Symbol for the lands within Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision 18T-90003. The Holding is proposed to be done in two phases. Phase 1 allows for the creation of two semi-detached/link lots fronting on Daiseyfield Avenue, phase 2 will remove the Holding Symbol from the balance of the subdivision once the Owner has entered into a subdivision agreement with the Municipality of Clarington. 1. Application Details 1.1 Owner: 1494339 Ontario Limited (Foley Group) 1.2 Applicant: 1494339 Ontario Limited (Foley Group) 1.3 Proposal: Removal of Holding (H) Symbol from: "Holding - Urban Residential ((H) R1) Zone "Holding - Urban Residential Exception ((H) R2-71) Zone"; "Holding - Urban Residential Exception ((H) R2-72) Zone"; and "Holding - Urban Residential Exception ((H) R3-40) Zone". 1.4 Area: 6.3 ha 1.5 Location: Part Lot 31, Concession 3, former Township of Darlington 1.6 Within Build Boundary: No 2. Background 2.1 On October 20, 2015 an application was submitted requesting that the Holding (H) Symbol be removed from the lands included in Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision 18T- 90003. The subject lands were draft approved in March 2011. Extension to Draft Approval was granted June 2014. The subject lands were originally considered together with a plan of subdivision on the lands abutting to the east. Since draft approval the developer has been building out 40M-2528, to the east, as phase 1 of his development and is currently working to finalize a subdivision agreement with the Municipality of Clarington for the subject lands as phase 2. 3. Staff Comments 3.1 The Holding (H) symbol is a provision enabled by the Official Plan to ensure that certain obligations have been considered prior to development and redevelopment of lands. This includes: servicing,'access, protection of natural areas, measures to mitigate the impact of development, submission of required studies, execution of agreements and any other requirements as may be deemed necessary by Council including the implementation of the policies of this plan. Council must be satisfied that the provisions of the Official Plan are met prior to removing the Holding symbol and no building permits can be issued. 12-19 i Municipality of Clarington Report PSD-05315 page 3 3.2 A small triangular portion of the lands zoned (H) R1 were intended to meld with Block 36 of 40M-1954 to create two semi-detached/linked dwellings, four units in total. All requirements for the removal of holding related to the two semi-detached/linked lots have been satisfied and the "H" can now be lifted. Figure 1: Key Map N Lands Subject To Removal Of - Holding Phase II L R S T s 10 II III s ' W 1 � I -30 W � , 3 L B i 3 S O 0 4 u. 16 - 3B _ I m - I 3 J 25 _ rr I I Lands Subject To Removal Of Block 36 On Registered Holding Phase I Plan 40M-1954 w DAISEYFIELD AVENUE W °_ OW ° - � ZBA 2015.0023 � I 3.3 The applicant is working with staff to complete a subdivision agreement for the balance of the lands. At such time the agreement has been executed to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services, and the appropriate security has been received a second by-law removing the "H — Holding" prefix from the balance of the lands will be brought forward for Council's approval. 3.4 Property taxes are current. However, a recent reassessment has led to additional back- dated taxes owing. These will be collected prior to the second phase of lifting the `H' symbol. 12-20 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD-058-15 Page 4 4. Concurrence Not applicable 5. Conclusion 5.1 In consideration of the comments noted above, approval of the removal of the "Holding H)" symbol for Block 67 of 40M-2528 as shown on the attached By-law and Schedule (Attachment 1) is recommended at this time. 6. Strategic Plan Application Not applicable. C Submitted by: _ Reviewed by: '�L� Dav-c 'J. Crome, MCIP, RPP Franklin Wu, Director of Planning Services Chief Administrative Officer Staff Contact: Carlo Pellarin, Manager of Development Review, 905-623-3379 ext. 2408 or cpellarin(a_clarington.net Attachments: Attachments: Attachment 1 - Zoning By-law Amendment to Remove `H' Symbol The following is a list of the interested parties to be notified of Council's decision: Mark Foley CP/df 12-21 Attachment 1 to Municipality of Clarington Report PSD-058-15 The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington By-law 2015- being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend By-law 84-63, as amended, of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington to permit the development of two residential lots on the subject lands; Now Therefore Be It Resolved That the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. Schedule "4" (Courtice)" to By-law 84-63, as amended, is hereby further amended by changing the zone designation from: "Holding-Urban Residential Type One ((H)R1) Zone"to "Urban Residential Type One (R1) Zone" as illustrated on the attached Schedule "A" hereto. 2. Schedule "A" attached hereto shall form part of the By-law. 3. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of passing hereof, subject to the provisions of Sections 34 and 36 of the Planning Act. J By-Law passed in open session this day of , 2015 Adrian Foster, Mayor C. Anne Greentree, Municipal Clerk This is Schedule "A" to By-law-2015- , passed this day of , 2015 A.D. ADELAIDE AVENUE MALLORY STREET III IIII ~ III IIII ' z w --- Q --- ---- 0 o LL --- ---- MALLORY STREET' ---- DAISEYFIELD AVENUE w c��FY O ZO 0 l�, SAO AFT . Zoning Change From"(H)R1"To "R1" Adrian Foster,Mayor Courtice o ZBA 2015-0023 a Schedule 4 C.Anne Greentree,Municipal Clerk 7 UNFINISHED BUSINESS Im 7 hV Rw� R, Planning ices Report If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Municipal Clerk at 905-623-3379 ext. 2102. Report Too Planning and Development Committee Date of Meeting: November 16, 2015 Addendum to Report Number: PSD-045-15 Resolution Number: File Number: ZBA 2014-0013 By=law Number. Report Subject: Application by Zenner Holdings Ltd. to rezone lands to permit an apartment building at 50 Martin Road in Bowmanville Recommeii`ildaUonso i f 1. That Report PSD-045-15 be received; 2. That Addendum to Report PSD-045-15 be received; 3. That the Zoning By-law Amendment application submitted by Zemer Holdings Ltd. be approved as contained in Attachment 2 to Addendum Report PSD-045-15; 4. That once all conditions contained in the Official Plan with respect to the removal of the (H) Holding Symbol are satisfied, including a site plan agreement that provides for: a) A driveway location that aligns opposite to Hartwell Avenue, being the location of future traffic signals; b) Construction and maintenance of a temporary sidewalk along the east side of Regional Road 57 from the subject site to Aspen Springs'Drive if the development proceeds in advance of the reconstruction of Regional Road 57, including the recommended signalization of Hartwell Avenue; c) Dedication of lands east of the development area to allow for a future public pedestrian connection to Rhonda Park (approximately 0.6 hectares); d), Undertaking and implementing a scoped Environmental Impact Brief that addresses the proposed storm sewer connection and provides standard mitigation measures; and e) An appropriate design and provision of easements to facilitate shared access connection between the approved.entrance and a minimum of four parcels to the north I the By-law authorizing the removal of the (H) Holding Symbol be approved; 14-1 Municipality of Dlarington Addendum to Report PSD-045-15 page 2 5. That the Durham Regional Planning and Economic Development Department and Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Addendum Report PSD-045-1.5 and Council's decision; and 6. That all interested parties listed in Addendum Report PSD-045-15 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 14-2 ' Municipality of Clarington I, Addendum to Report PSD-045-15 page 3 Report Overview . This is an addendum report to a recommendation report considered by the Planning and Development Committee on September 14, 2015. Since then, Staff have had further discussion with the applicant regarding three of the conditions for the removal of the (H). Holding Symbol; specifically: 1. The construction and maintenance of a temporary sidewalk from the site to the signalized intersection at Aspen Springs Drive and Regional Road 57; 2.The pedestrian.connection from Regional Road 57 to Rhonda Park; and 3. Requiring the submission of an Environmental Impact Study update for the sewer connection. In addition, the applicant had concerns with the Zoning By-law which required that the fourth storey of the building to be set back from the front facade of the building. I Additional information has also come forward relating to the widening and reconstruction of Regional Road 57 and.the installation of signals at Hartwell Avenue. Staff is of the view that j the entrance to the site should be realigned to be opposite Hartwell Avenue. Approval of the application is recommended subject to the revisions noted in this report. 1 . Background 1.1 *At the Planning and Development Committee meeting held on September 14, 2015, the applicant's planning consultant appeared as a delegation regarding PSD-045-15 (Attachment 1). Issues relating to the trail connection from the development to Rhonda Park, requirement for an update to the Environmental Impact Study and stepping back the building were raised as concerns. The Planning and Development Committee and Council referred the matter back to staff to resolve the issues with the applicant. . I 1.2 Subsequent to the meeting, the applicant also looked for clarification on the construction and maintenance of a temporary sidewalk from the site to Aspen Springs Drive. 1.3 Since the last Planning and Development Committee, the Region of Durham held a second Public Information Centre on October 27, 2015 for the Regional Road 57 Environmental Assessment. The Region presented alternatives that include the future . signalization of Hartwell Avenue and Regional Road 57. Engineering Staff support this direction, however, the impact of signalization and possible future center median that will restrict turning movements, together with the entrance to the north end of the site, is undesirable. 1.4 Planning and Engineering Staff, the applicant and his consultant discussed the items in detail and the following is an overview of staff recommended changes to the Zoning By- law Amendment'. I 14-3 Municipality of barington Addendum to Report PS®-045=15 Page 4 20 Discussion 2.1 Pedestrian Connection from Regional Road 57 to Rhonda Park The potential for a public pedestrian connection has been further reviewed by Engineering and Parks staff. Following a preliminary review of grades, the lands to the east of the development area (building, landscaping and parking areas) could be used for the location of a full public pedestrian connection in the future. The connection cannot be in a straight east-west alignment but rather would have to zig-zag between the park and the future sidewalk on the east side of Regional Road 57 to achieve a maximum slope of 5%, which is an accessibility standard. The applicant has agreed to dedicate the rear of the property, those lands to the east of the development area, having an area of approximately 0.6 hectares (Figure 1) The dedication of the lands would allow the construction of the trail in an alignment that is appropriate given future grades of the development area on the subject lands, and should other lands to the north be necessary to construct the preferred alignment. Although the dedication is not typical parkland, it abuts the park and provides a future trail connection for the Municipality. Staff believe, that in this situation, said dedication should relieve the applicant from the required cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication otherwise required. Figure 1: Illustration of lands to be dedicated 42 Proposed RHONA PARK 4 fs Retaining (6 Walt ................ ..............� Conceptual Trail connection a •a Lands To Be Dedicated /STREY d N APARTMENT ,a (Approx.0.6 ha) R, UN1.1 eu p1 uuirsl O Q O J Q Z O O w ly s 00 ( Nc) N CD Cil C') m cal CSI Ct1 ZBA 2014-0013 O 14-4 Municipality of C9arington Addendum to Report PSD-045-15 Page 5 Determining the alignment is not possible at this time. The subject lands will require site plan approval during which time final grading for the development area will be established. Consideration will also be given to how proposed grading'for the subject lands will impact the grading of lands to the north. The site plan process will result in an understanding of grading, final site layout and building design, at which time staff can work toward a final alignment of the pedestrian connection. j i Further, while the lands to the east of the development area would be dedicated to the Municipality of Clarington, Staff will work with the owner to possibly accommodate some or all of a future public connection through the development area, if feasible. 2.2 Requirement for an Environmental Impact Study The original draft by-law required the applicant to provide an "Environmental Impact Study" to address the storm sewer easement connection. The terminology was confusing to the applicant. The intent of the condition is that the applicant's consultant complete.a report addressing the proposed design of the storm sewer connection to determine its . feasibility, impacts and mitigation techniques. The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority also requested mitigation techniques for the development as a whole. "These could include requirements for sediment and erosion controls, stockpiling of fill, and limits of grading to name a few. As it is not a full study, the wording has been revised to require a scoped Environmental Impact Brief to minimize any confusion. 2.3 Future Signalization of Hartwell Avenue The recent information provided by the Region of Durham from the Regional Road 57 Environmental Assessment indicates that Hartwell Avenue and Regional Road 57 will be signalized in the future with a long-term plan for a centre median north of Hartwell Avenue. Based on the proposed access at the north limits of the site, a future centre j median would result in right-in, right-out only turning movements which is undesirable for a 4-storey apartment building. This would be exacerbated in the future as the access to the apartment building is intended to also serve as a shared access as lands redevelop to the north. At the time of preconsultation in 2011, signalization of Hartwell Avenue was not j contemplated by the Region of Durham. Four years have passed, and as a result of the j completion of the Environmental Assessment to date, signalization is now being recommended. Clarington Staff are supportive.of signalization. The Engineering Services Department are not supportive of the access.location as proposed by the developer based on the recommendations evolving from the Regional Road 57 EA. This is based on the functionality of the access from a land use perspective in the long term development of the east side of Regional Road 57. Engineering staff are of the opinion, based on the traffic information currently available on this segment of Regional Road 57 and in consideration of the safety of both pedestrians and vehicles that will be generated from a development of this type, that it is necessary that this access be relocated and aligned with a signalized Hartwell Avenue intersection. 14-5 Municipality of Dlarington Addendum to Report PSD=046-16 page 6 In consideration of the comments from Engineering Services it is recommended that a further condition of removing the "(H) Holding symbol' include relocating the access to the site to align with Hartwell.Avenue to the satisfaction of the Regional Works Department and Clarington Engineering Services. The applicant does not agree with this change in the driveway location. 2.4 Construction and maintenance of a temporary sidewalk to Aspen Springs Drive Providing a safe pedestrian crossing at a signalized intersection at Hartwell Avenue and Regional Road 57 is the preferred solution, however timing of the signals may not coincide with the subject development. Staff will consult with the applicant and the Region of Durham through the site plan process to derive a solution that will provide suitable pedestrian connections while considering costs and timing. Staff have reviewed this issue internally and maintain the same position as provided in Section 11.4 of PSD-045-15 (Attachment 1). The applicant will be required to satisfy Engineering Services requirement to: ® Construct a temporary municipal sidewalk northerly from the site to Aspen Springs Drive; • Maintain this sidewalk until Regional Road 57 is reconstructed to a full urban standard, including signalization at Hartwell Avenue; and • Be responsible for snow clearing and winter maintenance of the future temporary sidewalk. The owner will have an on-site snow removal company maintaining the apartment site and that contractor can also maintain the connection up to Aspen Springs Drive. The construction and future maintenance of this temporary connection will be further reviewed through the site plan process and there would be provisions contained in the site plan agreement between the owner and the Municipality. 2.5 Stepping back the Fourth Storey A provision of the Zoning By-law Amendment required the building to be "stepped back" at the fourth storey. This is also referred to as creating an angular plane. Establishing an angular plane can be done for various reasons, including reducing shadow impacts from buildings on adjacent properties, including along sidewalks, and'to provide a transition between low rise buildings and taller buildings. The applicant suggested the provision was too restrictive and could impact unit yield based on his preliminary building design. Given the future redevelopment possibilities along Regional Road 57 which would permit buildings up to 4 storeys, the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment no longer requires the building to be stepped back. 14-6 Municipality of Clarington Addendum to Report PSD-045-15 Page 7 3. Concurrence I Not Applicable 4. Conclusion II In consideration of all agency, staff and public comments, and further discussions with the applicant, it is respectfully recommended that the application to rezone the subject lands to permit an apartment building be approved as amended to eliminate the angular phase requirement for height and to amend the holding conditions as outlined above. 5. Strategic plan Application The recommendations contained in this report conform to the Strategic Plan and will contribute to providing a variety of affordable housing types. I Submitted by: Reviewed by: DaV rome, IVICIP, RPP Franklin Wu, Director of Planning Services Chief Administrative Officer Staff Contact: Anne Taylor Scott, Planner II, 905-623-3379 ext. 2414 or ataylorscottp_cl a rington.net I Attachments: Attachment 1 — Report PSD-045-15 Attachment 2 — Proposed Zoning Sy-law Amendment I I - l i r 14-7 Municipality of Ciarington Addendum to Report PSD-045-15 Page 8 The following is,a list of the interested parties to be notified of Council's decision: John Passalacqua Michael Fry Colleen Lush Rose and Norman Watkins Michelle Hardwick Jennifer Crespo Suzanne Barnes Jeff Guthrie Ruth Kolisnyk Dean Jacobs Catherine Dahlke, Drew Donmoyer, Cooper Donmoyer Henry Kortekaas Associates Inc. Gary Scott Ray Fadavi Rick Vanderkooi A Stones Throw Pub & Grill Physio Can c/o Brenda The Little Hair Shop c/o Joanne Bob Wine Jackie H. Snyder Joseph &Antoinette Passalacqua Christina Tourigny Ralph Tukker Rachel Smida CP/ATS/jp/df 14-8 Attachment I to Municipality of Dlarington Addendum to Report PSD-045-15 Planning ices Report' If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please'contact the Municipal Clerk at 905-623-3379 ext. 2102. Report To: Planning and Development Committee Date of Meeting: September 14, 2015 Report Number: PSD-045-15 Resolution Number: File Number: ZBA 2014-0013 By-law Number: I Report Subject: Application by Zemer Holdings Ltd. to rezone lands to permit an apartment building at 50 Martin Road in Bowmanville Recommendations: 1. That Report PSD-045-15.be received; 2. That the Zoning By-law Amendment application submitted by Zemer Holdings Ltd. be approved as contained in Attachment 1 to Report PSD-045-15; j 3. That once all conditions contained in the Official Plan with respect to the removal of the (H) Holding Symbol are satisfied, including a site plan agreement that provides for: f) Construction of a temporary sidewalk along the east side of Regional Road 57 from the subject site to Aspens Springs Drive if the development proceeds in advance of the reconstruction of Regional Road 57; g) Construction of a trail, publicly accessible if feasible, to provide a pedestrian connection for this development to Rhonda Park, the interior of the neighbourhood i f and ultimately a connection to the downtown; h) An Environmental Impact Study addressing the proposed storm sewer connection to Rhonda Boulevard and the pedestrian trail; and i) An appropriate design and provision of easements to facilitate shared access connection between the approved entrance and a minimum of four parcels to the north the By-law authorizing the removal of the (H) Holding Symbol be approved; 4. That the Durham Regional Planning and Economic Development Department and Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report PSD-045-15 and Council's decision; and 5. That all interested parties listed in_Report PSD-045-15 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 14-9 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD-04515 Page 2 Report Overview This is a recommendation report on a rezoning application by Zemer Holdings Ltd. to permit an apartment building containing 71 units at 50 Martin Road in Bowmanville. The proposed zoning by-law amendment would permit an apartment building on the subject lands. The zoning by-law will create a suitable building envelope for the apartment building with site specific regulations including vehicular and bicycle parking, amenity space, relationship to Martin Road and maximum height. Since a site plan application has not been submitted or approved, there will be additional conditions imposed for removing the Holding (H).symbol relating to pedestrian connectivity, environmental impacts, urban design and shared access arrangements. 1 . Application Details 1.1 Owner/Applicant: Zemer Holdings Ltd. 1.2 Agent: D.G. Biddle &Associates Ltd. 1.3 Proposal: To rezone the lands from the existing Urban Residential Type One (R1) Zone to an appropriate zone to permit the requested use. 1.4 Area: 1.3 hectares. 1.5 Location: 50 Martin Road (Regional Road 57), Part of Lot 14, Concession 1, Former Town of Bowmanville (See Figure 1). 1.6 Within Built Boundary: Yes 2e Background 2.1 Zemer Holdings Ltd. purchased the subject lands in June 2011 and a pre-consultation meeting was held with staff and agencies in August 2011. The rezoning application was initially submitted April 7, 2014. It was subsequently revised and additional information was submitted allowing the application to be deemed complete in August 2014. . 2.2 The applicant hosted a Public Information Centre on December 3, 2014. A summary of the comments heard at Public Information Centre is included in Section 7 of this report. 2.3 The Public Meeting under the Planning Act was held on January 19, 2015. Since that time, the applicant prepared a revised submission to address staff, agency and public comments. The.revisions include modifications to parking and amenity space, and the' building envelope was revised slightly. The revised servicing plan illustrates a new storm sewer extending easterly down the slope and through Rhonda Park to connect to an existing stormwater management facility. 14-10 Municipality of Clarington Report PS®-045-15 Page 3 Figure 1: Site Map 26 s3..._ 62 m N or N /V 105 d. 61 ii TREWIN LANE 103 a c9 v cJ 30 a n n a o i 101 � dcn NN 99 C 34 97 LO 95 p 38 93 39 Q Rhonda Park 92 91 107 z 105 0 42 103 Aspen W 991 Springs 46 Rom�9 86 ti Plaza y.. 84 95 81 91 �>oho°a s� pJ°)J>> Q 79 89 " ° ° Blaisdale > W 87 g;o woomau ila Montessori 77 School aJ J o�) 75 HARTWELLAVENUE o , 80 ail = 0 73 ily,J ° , v O 79 `- = 71 Aspen 75 Springs Std O MM mmNNN NN � � {{ oeOm N 67 73 44 DOREEN CRESCENT 71 co 46 M 65 69 p 48 M M (�N N N N N r 108 58 63 106 52 104 56 59 5� 102 65 Lo rn 5a ti ti ti m p�i 3 100, 54 53 63 6p 8 52 51 ZBA 2014-0013 2.4 The preliminary site plan submitted with the application illustrates a proposed 71-unit apartment building fronting onto Martin Road. As the site slopes significantly to the east, the preliminary building plan has a walk-out basement with a fagade of 4 storeys along Martin Road, and 5 storeys at the rear(east side) of the building (See Figure 2 — Preliminary Elevations). 2.5 The following plans and studies in support of the application have been received and are reviewed in this report: • Planning Justification Report • Traffic Impact.Brief • Environmental Impact Statement • Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment • Functional Servicing Report • Geotechnical Report 14-11 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD-045-15 Page 4 Figure 2: Preliminary Elevations } ri c f 71 ��" I r7� r � � s F7 r— r67 F t7l f k All ; A lu III I WEST ELEVATION 1 �' a a� I r17i I f rl � ; P i IL � � I��� �.IIJLIQ_� -- � , I 'I; 7t i I ,J)� i 11 144-2,4 a I J EAST ELEVATION .f I U-11 -- - - I i f NORTH ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION 3. Land Characteristics and Surrounding Uses 3.1 A single family dwelling is located on the subject lands. The dwelling is located on a plateau adjacent to Martin Road, also referred to as Regional Road 57. The site slopes significantly to the east approximately 15 metres. The slope is vegetated. 3.2 The surrounding uses are shown in Figure 3 and outlined below: North: Single detached residential units on existing semi-rural lots South: Semi-detached dwellings along Doreen Crescent East: Blaisdale Montessori School and Rhonda Park along Rhonda Boulevard West: Retail and service commercial uses; existing low density residential 14-12 Municipality of Clarington Report PS®-045-15 Page 5 Figure 3: Aerial Photograph illustrating surrounding uses Fires I. VU '^_ 4 '} .T_imY,ortons/' F; 1� 4 O t` t •Car Wash� _ � ., y Future GO , �`�'• ' StaUo_n Site; � �i ��P _ �TRE� lfl IAN i7 NJ 0. •.�. () , o .¢ Rhonda POW,]It= 1AWR�NCE'G VITR FRY CRES 01 z ` i' z `'f ;4 �� Blaisdale 1 - 0 ,;_ zo, ' o Sub e , , k Montessori i I-IARTWELLAVENUE ' Prop by scbgol. Q' ., yp 12Z Won= 1 _ DOREEN SC Mm CREENT O ;-W Piaza TI CANDLER CT ' } NYCASTI_E_.DR_ PRE T�NW/!ffDR' i" Ir 4e Provincial Policy 4.1 Provincial Policy Statement The Provincial Policy Statement identifies settlement areas as the focus of growth. Land use patterns shall be based on densities and a mix of land uses that efficiently use land, resources and infrastructure. Opportunities for redevelopment and intensification are encouraged, and natural features shall be protected. Municipalities must provide a variety of housing types and densities, and a range of housing options that are affordable to the area residents. Healthy and active communities should be promoted by planning public-streets to be safe, meet the needs of pedestrians,foster social interaction and facilitate active transportation and community connectivity. Compact and diverse developments promote active modes of transportation such as walking and cycling. The subject application is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement. 14-13 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD-045-15 Page 6 4.2 Provincial Growth Plan The subject lands are within the defined Built Boundary. Population and employment growth will be accommodated by directing a significant portion of new growth to the built up areas through intensification and efficient use of existing services and infrastructure. The development of complete communities is encouraged by promoting a diverse mix of land uses, a mix of employment and housing types, high quality public open space and easy access to local stores and services. New transit-supportive and pedestrian-friendly developments will be concentrated along existing and future transit routes. A minimum of 40 percent of all residential development occurring annually within each upper tier municipality will be within the built up area. The proposed development will contribute to intensification within the built boundary. 5e Official Plans 5.1 Durham Regional Official Plan Within the Durham Regional Official Plan, the lands are part of part of the Urban System and designated Living Area. Part of the subject lands are identified as having a Key Natural Heritage Feature. The site has access to a Type A Arterial Road. Living Areas incorporate the widest possible variety of housing types, sizes and tenure to provide living accommodations that address various socio-economic factors. Living Areas shal'I be developed in a compact form through higher densities and by intensifying and redeveloping existing areas, particularly along arterial roads, and develop with particular consideration for supporting and providing access to public transit. By 2015, and each year thereafter, urban areas across the Region shall be planned to accommodate a minimum 40% of all residential development occurring annually through intensification within built-up areas. Development or site alteration is not permitted in key natural heritage and/or hydrologic features, including any associated vegetation protection zone, as determined by an Environmental Impact Study. Type `A' Arterial Roads are designed to move large volumes of traffic and predominantly serve inter-regional and inter-municipal trips, with rigid and progressive access control. They have a_right-of-way width between 36 and 45 metres. Private access points are generally located a minimum of 200 metres apart in Urban Areas. Mixed use and higher density developments are permitted with shared access points. On-street parking is not permitted and/or prohibited during peak periods. The flow, at speeds of up to 70 kilometres per hour, is uninterrupted with the exception of at signals. Type `A' Arterial Roads connect with freeways and arterials and may serve as regional transit spines. The application conforms to the Durham Regional Official Plan. 14-14 i Municipality of Clarington Report PSD-045-15 Page 7 5.2 Clarington Official Plan The lands are designated Urban Residential and are within the Waverley neighbourhood. The housing target for the neighbourhood identifies approximately 75 intensification units 'by the year 2016. The proposed apartment building is an example of intensification. Intensification units encompass all density types. The development conforms to the housing and population targets of the Official Plan. A woodland feature is present on the sloped area of the site. An Environmental Impact Statement reviewing the sensitivity of the feature and anticipated impacts of development was submitted in support of the application. i Martin Road (Regional Road 57) is a designated Type A Arterial Road which provides a high level of services and operating speeds. One private access is allowed for every 200 . metres. Urban.Design policies encourage a high quality public realm, and give priority to sustainable design, including environment-first principles, walkability, land efficiency, compact and connected communities and resource and energy efficiency. Attractive and safe communities are encouraged to create a sense of place and a diversity of built form. The built form should facilitate active transportation and public transit. i The application conforms to the Clarington Official Plan. 6e Zoning By-law The subject lands is currently zoned Urban Residential Type One (R1) under Zoning By- law 84-63. The submitted application to amend the Zoning By-law is necessary to implement the proposed apartment building use. 7. Summary of Background Studies 7.1 Planning Justification Report, D.G. Biddle &Associates Limited, July 2014 . i The report reviewed the proposed.use of the subject site against Provincial, Regional and Municipal planning policy and concluded that the proposed apartment use is appropriate for the site and neighbourhood from a planning perspective. The report gives an overview of the submitted supporting studies and highlights that detailed design plans will be submitted with the site plan application. The report determines that site development will not have a significant negative impact on i the surrounding natural environment or adjacent land uses and the existing arterial road will adequately handle any increase in traffic. The apartment use will be a benefit to the Bowmanville Urban Area in providing a broader choice in housing for residents. 14-15 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD-045-15 Page 8 The report concludes that the proposed rezoning application and site development is consistent with current Provincial, Regional and local planning policy and represents good planning. 7.2 Traffic Impact Brief, Tranplan Associates, January 2014 The report found that the future site-'generated traffic will have no appreciable impact on the surrounding road network. The entrance for the site is recommended at the north end of the property and constructed to current Region of Durham standards for a residential entrance to a multi-lane arterial road. The full movement site entrance will require only one inbound and one outbound lane. The new internal site roadway will be constructed to meet local and regional standards and will include a sidewalk to support pedestrian connectivity. All signage and pavement markings are to be constructed in accordance with standard design guidelines. 1 7.3 Environmental Impact Statement, Niblett Environmental Associates Inc., November 2013 The applicant's environmental consultant assessed the woodland and surveyed the property for species at risk. The woodland is an isolated feature and lacks connectivity to other features in the larger urban landscape. There are no other associated, natural heritage features present, and the woodland is not a sufficient size to be determined significant. The consultant determined that there is no suitable habitat for any species at risk on the property. While the woodland feature is not deemed significant, the report highlights that the building envelope for the apartment building will be outside the woodland. The site plan to be submitted should retain as much tree cover as possible. 7.4 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment, Geo-logic Inc., December 2013 The property was found to have a low risk of existing soil contamination and is suitable for future residential development. No further soil investigation is warranted. 7.5 Functional Servicing Report, D.G. Biddle & Associates Limited, July 2014, revised March 2015 The report confirms that there are existing water and sanitary services along Regional Road 57 that can accommodate the proposed development. Regional Road 57 does not currently have storm sewer services within the right-of-way. The report provides preliminary details for a storm sewer connection through Rhonda Park. Stormwater quality controls will be achieved by an oil/grit separator and Low Impact Development techniques. Stormwater quantity will be managed by detaining stormwater on site prior to discharging through Rhonda Park. The detailed design during the site plan process will also implement erosion and sediment controls. 14-16 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD-045-15 Page 9 7.6 Geotechnical Investigation Report, Geo-logic Inc., January 2014 The report provides details of subsurface soil and groundwater conditions on the lands and provides geotechnical recommendations regarding earthwork construction, re-use of existing soils as backfill material, foundation and slab-on-grade design, service installation, pavement design and slope assessment. .The consultant confirmed that the slope is considered stable at a maximum grade of approximate 5:1 (horizontal grade: vertical grade) and determined further slope stability study is not required. 8. Public Submissions Prior to the Public Meeting under the Planning Act, the applicant held a Public Information Centre on Wednesday, December 3, 2014 at the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Facility. Nine members of the public were in attendance, in addition to the applicant, the applicant's Planning'Consultant, Clarington Planning Staff, and the Ward 1 Local Councillor. The Public Meeting under the Planning Act was held on January 19, 2015. Public Notice of the complete application and the public meeting was given by mail to each landowner within 120 metres of the subject site and a public meeting sign was posted on the subject lands. Eight residents contacted staff regarding the application with concerns and or objections, however no members of the public spoke at the Public Meeting. The following i comments were collected during the public consultation phase: • Traffic congestion, pedestrian safety and lack of signals at Hartwell/Highway 57 i • Density and built form is not in keeping with existing area • Property values may decrease • Concern that the units would be subsidized/geared to income • Privacy concerns • Fencing would need to be installed • Impacts to environment and existing vegetation • Grading and drainage implications • Development would increase noise impacts to neighbourhood • Questions relating to eventual improvements to Highway 57 (Regional undertaking) • Too little parking provided • Driveway is too small • Building would impede views to the west • Owner to north requests privacy fence and minimal disruption during construction • Positive impact to area businesses and the downtown • Offers an affordable housing choice • Development would help to improve the lifestyle of residents in the community . • Increases property values along Martin Road • Built form and architectural treatment should be compatible with existing character • Concerned about piece-meal approach to development on the east side of Martin Road j 14-17 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD-045-15 Page 10 9. Agency Comments . 9.1 Regional Planninq and Economic Development Regional Planning finds the proposed use is consistent with Provincial planning policies and conforms to the Region of Durham Official Plan. The site is connected to municipal water and the sanitary sewer must be extended from Hartwell Avenue across Regional Road 57. A road widening must be provided. Regional Works has reviewed the Traffic Impact Study and the access to the site is to be located at the north limit of the site as shown on the site plan. Shared access points for lands along the east side of Regional Road 57 must be considered. The site design should consider pedestrian connectivity and relationship to Martin Road in more detail. The Region also notes that the grading of the site should be revised to avoid high retaining walls which would prevent any shared access arrangements with properties to the north. Regional Health Department has no objections provided the development is serviced by municipal sanitary sewer and municipal water. Durham Region Transit has no objection. 9.2 Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority The Conservation Authority does not object to the application and accepts the general assumptions of the stormwater management plan, and is satisfied that a suitable storm sewer connection is feasible for this development. Water quality and quantity, grading, overland flow and erosion control can be finalized at the detailed site plan stage. The Conservation Authority accepts the findings of the environmental consultant but requests that standard mitigation measures be prepared to minimize impacts to the feature and its function and that the environmental consultant provide an evaluation of the area to be disturbed for the storm sewer connection and should consider compensation planting. The additional work required by the environmental consultant can be finalized at the site plan stage. 9.3 . Kawartha Pine Ridqe District School Board The local Public School Board has no objections to the application. Students would attend Waverley Public School and Clarington Central Secondary School. Since the Public Meeting, the school board has confirmed that students along Martin Road are bussed to Waverley Public School. 14-18 i Municipality of Clarington Report PSD®045-15 Page 11 E j 9.4 Other Agencies r Veridian, Canada Post, Enbridge and Rogers have provided no objections. Technical comments provided have been forwarded to the applicant. 100 Departmental Comments 10.1 Engineering Services The Engineering Services Department highlights that Regional Road 57 is under the authority of the Region of Durham. Access and servicing must be approved by the Region. Engineering Services is generally satisfied with the principle of extending the storm sewer easterly down the slope and through the park to the stormwater management pond and is willing to consider granting an easement for construction and maintenance in favour of the applicant.. Further discussion is required with respect to the detailed design which can be addressed at the site plan stage. A restoration planting plan will be required. c Providing suitable pedestrian connections/sidewalks will be a condition of approval from j the Municipality of Clarington in the event that the eventual reconstruction of Regional G Road 57 has not occurred prior to development of the subject lands-. Engineering requests that the developer construct a temporary municipal sidewalk northerly from the site to Aspen Springs Drive which will provide for a signalized pedestrian connection. The developer will be required to cover the costs of maintaining this sidewalk until Regional Road 57 is reconstructed to a full urban standard. Other matters to be resolved prior to final-approval include cash in lieu of parkland, entrance illumination and provision of dedicated snow storage. 10.2 Emergency and Fire Services Fire and Emergency Services has no objection to the rezoning and advised that the Fire Route must be shown on the site plan should approval be granted.. They request clarification on whether the building will be sprinklered. This will be dealt with during site plan approval. 10.3 Operations Department The Operations Department has no objection and provided comments that can be implemented at the site plan approval stage should the rezoning be approved. 10.4 Buildinq Division The Building Division has no objections. 4 I 14-19 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD-045-15 Page 12 11. Discussion 11.1 The subject lands are within the urban area and the Official Plan policies support the requested use. Provincial and Regional intensification policies are also supportive of the development. 11.2 Built Form and Density The proposed apartment building is an example.of intensification. The proposed development will be four storeys high facing Martin Road which is considered a medium density development built form. The site density complies being 58 units per hectare. This is appropriate given the site's location along a major arterial road and in an area where lands will be available for redevelopment over the longer term. The development conforms to the housing and population targets of the Official Plan. The proposed Clarington Official Plan 2015 identifies lands on the east side of Regional Road 57 as a Local Corridor and the apartment use will continue to conform to the policies that promote higher densities, transit oriented development, redevelopment and intensification. While specific design guidelines and/or a secondary plan for this local corridor have not been considered, Staff are satisfied that this development is an appropriate form of intensification. Future development along the east side of Martin Road, between the subject lands and the railway, require parcel consolidation and will be more long term. The preparation of design guidelines and/or a secondary plan for local corridors will take place once the new Official Plan policies are in place. However, the development will allow for a shared access point on the east side of Martin Road. The maximum height for a local corridor is 4 storeys therefore the proposed building will be consistent with future intensification projects along Regional Road 57. The proposed zoning by-law would place the subject lands in a site specific Urban Residential Zone (Attachment 1) that will require both minimum and maximum yard. setbacks for the building, and balconies, to maintain an appropriate distance between the building and the road. The maximum permitted height of the building will be 17.5 metres which is measured from the lowest point of grade to the top of the flat roof. 11.3 Piece-meal Development of Corridor Promoting a piece-meal approach to developing the corridor was raised as a concern, however, as mentioned in Section 11.2, the subject development will set the stage for future redevelopment opportunities to the north. The development is at the south end of the strip of lots that have redevelopment potential and is significantly larger. This development will serve as an anchor leading into the corridor, leading to the future GO Transit site and both the Bowmanville West and East Town Centres. This site is 1.29 hectares in size, while the parcels to the north, 15 in total, range in size from 0.1 to 0.4 hectares, with-a depth of approximately 50 metres. The smaller parcels are expected to take longer to assemble and redevelop. The neighbouring parcels could accommodate multi-residential uses at a smaller scale. Redevelopment of the existing 14-20 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD-045-15 Page 13 lots with traditional and stacked townhouse units and smaller apartment buildings would complement the proposed apartment building. To address the concern of promoting a piece-meal approach to development, Staff have prepared a preliminary concept showing one possible layout that would meet the objectives of the new Local Corridor policies and provide limited and shared access points through a lane system. The concept demonstrates that the subject lands are of a sufficient size to accommodate the proposed use, does not rely on other parcels to fully develop, nor does the proposed development negatively impact the development potential of other lands in the area. That being said, establishing an opportunity for a shared access point with adjacent lands will be a requirement for the subject application and is further discussed in the following sections. FIGURE 4: Preliminary Concept showing Shared Access and Driveways - - m - O rc K -- O TRFMN LANE GS I— 0401 I Pf o r — i 4 � I I Proposed Site i[ O LW tea, J oiY'J ttrenwr%•ray il 1 a ZRA 20M-OD13 14-21 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD-045-15 Page 14 11.4 Pedestrian and Vehicular Access to Regional Road 57 The findings of the traffic study have been accepted and the development will have no appreciable impact on the surrounding road network. The entrance at the north end of the property is supported by the Region of Durham and they identify that opportunities for shared access points should be encouraged. The Region of Durham is currently undertaking an Environmental Assessment for Regional Road 57. The study commenced in December 2014 and the first Public Information Centre was held in March 2015. Pedestrian safety and connectivity at Hartwell Avenue was raised by attendees as a concern. Next steps in the process include another Public Information Centre with the release of a document outlining the preferred options, and background on the alternatives, prior to final approval of the Environmental Assessment document. The Environmental Assessment is expected to be finalized in late.2015/early 2016. The Environmental Assessment will provide direction on long term pedestrian facilities along Regional Road 57. The applicant will be required to satisfy Engineering Services requirement to construct a temporary municipal sidewalk northerly from the site, on the east side of Regional Road 57, to Aspen Springs Drive which will provide for a signalized pedestrian connection. The developer will be required to cover the costs of maintaining this sidewalk until Regional Road 57 is reconstructed to a full urban standard. 11.5 Pedestrian Connection to Rhonda Park The subject lands are on the periphery of the neighbourhood but without ready access to the internal facilities such as Rhonda and Waverley Park, Waverley Public School and the Blaisdale Montessori School. It would also provide a more convenient walking route to the Downtown. It would be desirable to allow for public access from the internal neighbourhood as well to access transit and other amenities on Regional Road 57. The site grades make the construction of a public trail difficult, within the constraints of this property. This may be considered further and in particular, in consideration of future properties being redeveloped. However, at the very least a private pedestrian trail should be required to provide the residents of this building access to Rhonda Park. This matter will.be examined in more detail as the site plan is prepared. 11.6 Servicing Water and sanitary services are available along Regional Road 57. Stormwater can be accommodated by extending a storm sewer easterly down the slope and through Rhonda Park and outlet to the existing stormwater management facility in the park. Although the principle of this option is not opposed, prior to determining the final details, an update to the Environmental Impact Study is required to assess impacts and propose suitable compensation. 14-22 i i Municipality of Clarington Report PSD-045-15 Page 15 i 11.7 Conditions to be Satisfied Prior to Removing (H) Holding Symbol Planning Staff have considered withholding the recommendation on the Zoning By-law Amendment until the findings of the Environmental Assessment are released and approved. However, staff are satisfied that adding site specific conditions to be satisfied prior to removing the (H) Holding symbol is an appropriate planning tool to ensure the orderly development of the lands. This will allow the principle of the development to be approved. The Official Plan has provisions for applying and removing the Holding Symbol pursuant to the Planning Act. Among other matters, the policies allow holding provisions to be used to ensure measures are in place to protect natural areas; measures are in place to mitigate the impact of development; and, the submission of any other requirements as may be deemed necessary by Council including the implementation of the policies of the I Official Plan. Staff recommend that in addition to the standard conditions for removing the (H) Holding symbol such as entering into a development agreement and satisfying all financial obligations, the following conditions must also'be satisfied, through the site plan agreement: a) Construction of a temporary sidewalk along the east side of Regional Road 57 from the subject site to Aspens Springs Drive if the development proceeds in advance of the reconstruction of Regional Road 57; b) Construction of a trail, publicly accessible if feasible, to provide a pedestrian connection for this development to Rhonda Park, the interior of the neighbourhood and ultimately a connection to the downtown; c) An Environmental Impact Study addressing the proposed storm sewer connection to Rhonda Boulevard and the pedestrian trail; and d) An appropriate design and provision of easements to facilitate shared access connection between the approved entrance and a minimum of four parcels to the north the By-law authorizing the removal of the (H) Holding Symbol be approved; 11.8 Other Site Plan Related Matters The applicant and their consulting engineer have been notified that the preliminary grading plan and surface parking layout is unacceptable. The plan indicates the parking lot would be contained by retaining walls as high as 3 metres. This would severely limit E; any opportunities for a shared driveway connection with lands to the north. The grading j plan needs to be revised to be sympathetic to existing grades both on and off site. f The site plan process will allow the applicant to work towards satisfying the site=specific provisions for the removal of the Holding Symbol and to consider all other.site plan review t 14-°23 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD-045-15 Page 16 Items Including final building design, landscaping, entrance and site lighting, The agreement will also contain provisions requiring a cash in lieu of parkland payment. 11.9 Staff have reviewed all public comments and all concerns have been addressed to the extent possible:The concerns of the public will continue to be taken Into account during the site plan review stage, Staff will consider additional elements such as screening through landscaping and fencing; window placement; and location of loading areas, etc. in response to concerns of neighbouring residents. 11.10 The applicant proposes to increase the height of the mutual property fence between the subject lands and the lots fronting onto Doreen Crescent,from the maximum permitted 2.1 metres to 2.4 metres. This solution is premature until a formal site plan application is received and there Is a full understanding of all items such as grading, building design, and landscaping. 11.11 All taxes owing to the Municipality of Clarington have been paid In full. 12. Concurrence Not Applicable 13, Conclusion In consideration of all agency, staff and public comments, it is respectfully recommended that the application to rezone the subject lands to permit an apartment building be approved, 14. Strategic plan Application The recommendations contained in this report conform to the Strategic Plan and will contribute to providing a variety of affordable housing types, • 1Q Submitted by: Reviewed by D vid , Creme; MCIP, I2PP Franklin Wu, Director of Planning Services Chief Administrative Officer Staff Contact:Anne Taylor Scott, Planner II, 906-623-3379 ext, 2414 or ata lorscott@olariiigton net 14-24 f Municipality of Clarington Report PSD-045-15 Page 17 Attachments: Attachment 1 — Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment The following is a list of the interested parties to be notified of Council's decision: John Passalacqua Michael Fry Colleen Lush Rose and Norman Watkins Michelle Hardwick Jennifer Crespo Suzanne Barnes Jeff Guthrie Ruth Kolisnyk Dean Jacobs Catherine Dahlke, Drew Donmoyer, Cooper Donmoyer j Henry Kortekaas Associates Inc. Gary Scott Ray Fadavi Rick Vanderkooi A Stones Throw Pub & Grill Physio Can c/o Brenda The Little Hair Shop c/o Joanne Bob Wine Jackie H. Snyder Joseph &Antoinette Passalacqua Christina Tourigny Ralph Tukker Rachel Smida i DJC/CP/ATS/SN/df t r 14-25 Attachment 1 to Municipality of Clarington Report PSD-045-15 Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington By-law 2015- being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend By-law 84-63, as amended, of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington for ZBA 2014-0013; Now Therefore Be It Resolved That, the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. Section 15.4 "SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS — URBAN RESIDENTIAL TYPE FOUR (R4) ZONE" is hereby amended by adding thereto, the following new Special Exception: "15.4.40 URBAN RESIDENTIAL EXCEPTION (R4-40) ZONE Notwithstanding 3.16 a., 3.16 c., 15.2 a., c., g., h., and i. on those lands zoned "R2- 82" on the Schedules to this By-law shall be subject to the following zone provisions: a. Regulations for Apartment Buildings i) Density (minimum) 50 units (maximum) 75 units ii) Yard Requirements (minimum) a) Front Yard 6 metres to building; 4 metres to balcony; b) Interior Side Yard 7.5 metres c) Rear Yard 7.5 metres iii) Yard Requirements (maximum) a) . Front Yard 9 metres to building;. 7 metres to balcony 14-26 iv) Yard Requirements Exception Notwithstanding 15.4.40 a. ii) and iii) where a building exceeds 10.0 metres in height, the minimum and maximum front yard requirements shall increase in direct proportion to the increase in building height above 10.0 metres. v) Building Height (maximum) 17.5 metres vi) Indoor Amenity Space (minimum) 2.0 square metres/unit vii) OutdoorAmenity Space (minimum) 4.0 square metres/unit viii) In addition to the requirements of 3.16 e., a minimum of 0.25 spaces per i unit shall be provided for visitor parking. ix) Bicycle Parking Spaces (minimum) 25% of the required parking spaces x) Notwithstanding 15.4.40 a. viii) above, a maximum of 10% of the required parking spaces may be tandem parking spaces. Each tandem parking space shall be a minimum of 2.75 metres wide and 11.5 metres long and shall be equal to 2 parking spaces. All other spaces shall be a minimum of 2.75 metres wide and 5.7 metres wide, unless designated accessible parking spaces. i A) The provisions of Section 3.1 j. (iv) continue to apply, except where they are in conflict with the yard requirements for a balcony as specified in Section 15.4.40 a. ii) and iii). I 2. Schedule '3' to By-law 84-63, as amended, is hereby further amended by changing the zone designation from: "Residential Type One (R1) Zone" to "Holding - Urban Residential Exception ((H)R4-40) Zone" as illustrated on the attached Schedule 'A' hereto. 2. Special Provisions for Removal of the (H) Holding Symbol i In addition to the general provisions of the Official Plan with respect to the removal of the (H) Holding symbol, Council shall only enact a by-law to remove the (H) Holding Symbol from the R4-40 Zone once the following additional site specific conditions are fulfilled: 4 a) Construction of a temporary sidewalk along the east side of Regional Road 57 from the subject site to Aspens Springs Drive if the development proceeds in advance of the reconstruction of Regional Road 57; b) Construction of a trail, publicly accessible if feasible, to provide a pedestrian connection for this development to Rhonda Park, the interior of the neighbourhood and ultimately a connection to the downtown; C) An Environmental Impact Study addressing the proposed storm sewer connection to Rhonda Boulevard and the pedestrian trail; and i i "14-27 d) An appropriate design and provision of easements to facilitate shared access connection between the approved entrance and a minimum of four parcels to the north 4. Schedule 'A' attached hereto shall form part of this By-law. 5. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of the passing hereof, subject to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act. By-Law passed in open session this day of , 2015 Adrian Foster, Mayor C. Anne Greentree, Municipal Clerk 14-28 This as.Schedule "'A" to By-law 2016- . passed this day of , 2015 A.D. z w 0 0 w 0 J F— Q Z U 0 z w z O m HARTWELLAVENUE I I i DOREEN CRESCENT CANDLER CT Zoning Change From"R-1"To"(H)R4-40" C I Adrian Foster,M ayor C.Anne Greentree,Municipal Clerk I BoVl rnanxdfle ZBA 2014-00 13 TAM 11 EDUU I I I 14-29 I Attachment 2 to Municipality of Clarington. Addendum to Report PSD-045-15 Corporation of the.Municipality of Clarington By-law 2015- being a By-law to amend By-law 84=63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend By-law 84-63, as amended, of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington for ZBA 2014-0013; Now Therefore Be It Resolved That, the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. Section 15.4 "SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS — URBAN RESIDENTIAL TYPE FOUR (R4) ZONE" is hereby amended by adding thereto, the following new Special Exception: "15.4.40 URBAN RESIDENTIAL EXCEPTION (R4-40) ZONE Notwithstanding 3.16 a., 3.16 c., 15.2 a., c., g., h., and i. on those.lands zoned "R2- 82" on the Schedules to. this By-law shall be subject to the following zone provisions: a. Regulations for Apartment Buildings i) Density (minimum) 50 units (maximum) 75 units ii) , Yard Requirements (minimum) a) Front Yard 6 metres to building; 4 metres to balcony b) Interior Side Yard 7.5 metres c) Rear Yard 7.5 metres iii) Yard Requirements (maximum) a) Front Yard 9 metres to building; 7 metres to balcony 14-30 iv) Building Height (maximum) west building facade 13.2 metres v) Indoor Amenity Space (minimum) 2.0 square metres/unit vi) Outdoor Amenity Space (minimum) 4.0 square metres/unit vii) In addition to the requirements of 3.16 e., a minimum of 0.25 spaces per unit shall be provided for visitor parking. viii) Bicycle Parking Spaces (minimum) 25% of the required parking spaces. ix) Notwithstanding the requirements of 3.16 e, a maximum of 10% of the required parking spaces may be tandem parking spaces. Each tandem parking space shall be a minimum of 2.75 metres wide and 11.5 metres long and shall be equal to 2 parking spaces. All other spaces shall be a minimum of 2.75 metres wide and 5.7,metres wide, unless designated accessible parking spaces. x) The provisions of.Section 3.1 j. (iv) continue to apply, except where they are in conflict with the yard requirements for a balcony as specified in Section 15.4.40 a. ii) and iii). 2. Schedule `3' to By-law 84-63, as amended, is hereby further amended by changing the zone designation from: i "Residential Type One (R1) Zone" to "Holding - Urban Residential Exception ((H)R4-40) Zone" as illustrated on the attached Schedule `A' hereto. 3. Special Provisions for Removal of the,(H) Holding Symbol I In addition to the general provisions of the Official Plan with respect to the removal of the (H) Holding symbol, Council shall only enact a by-law to remove the (H) Holding Symbol from the R4-40 Zone including a site plan agreements that provides for: a) A driveway location that aligns opposite to Hartwell Avenue, being the location of future traffic signals to the satisfaction of the Region of Durham Works Department and the Clarington Engineering Services Department; b) Construction and maintenance of a temporary sidewalk along the east side of Regional Road 57 from the subject site to Aspen Springs Drive if the development proceeds in advance of the reconstruction of Regional Road 57, including the recommended signalization of Hartwell Avenue; c) Dedication of lands east of the development area to allow for a future public pedestrian connection to Rhonda.Park (approximately 0.6 hectares); d) Undertaking and implementing a scoped Environmental Impact Brief that addresses the proposed storm sewer connection and provides standard mitigation measures; and e) An appropriate design and provision of easements to facilitate shared access connection between the approved entrance and a minimum of four parcels to the north. j 14-31 4. Schedule 'A' attached hereto shall form part of this.By-law. 5. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of the passing hereof, subject to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act. By-Law passed in open session this day of , 2015 Adrian Foster, Mayor C. Anne Greentree, Municipal Clerk 14-32 - This is Schedule "A"' to -I aW 2015- ssed this day 9 � a. Gl z i= - w n n Lti 0 tY < z >`3 0 fy 0 m 1ARTWELLAVENUE f DOREEN CRESCENT CANDLER CT Zoning Change From"R-1"To"(H)R44T Adrian Faster,Mayor C.Anne Greentree, Municipal Clerk JJL l /7 tZf(1WILL1 T St31��F'ta93 All Y ZEP 2W4-W13 _ - - SCHE77Ul63 14-33 Clarftwn Memo Clerk's Department If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. To: Mayor Foster and Members of Council From: Anne Greentree, Municipal Clerk Date: November 13, 2015 Subject: Planning & Development Committee Meeting Agenda — November 16, 2015 — Update File: C05.Planning & Development Committee Meeting Please be advised of the following amendments to the Planning & Development Committee agenda for the meeting to be held on Monday, November 16, 2015: 8 Delegations See attached Final Agenda - Attachment#1 8.4 Dana Snow, Regarding Report PSD-057-15, Heritage Designation Amendment Enfield United Church 1640 Concession Road 9, former Township of Darlington Attached please find the proposal and architectural drawings for Enfield United Church, 1640 Concession Road 9. - Attachment#2 12 Planning Services Department Reports 12.2 PSD-058-15 An Application by 1494339 Ontario Limited (Foley Group) for Removal of Holding Symbol Correction to Attachment #1 to Report PSD-058-15 (Page 12-22 of Agenda) Please be advised of the following correction in paragraph one: To permit the development of"two" residential lots on the subject lands instead of "t Ive" as refere ced in the attachment to the Report PSD-058-15. n Gr nt e, M icipal Clerk CAG/mc C. F. Wu, Chief Administrative Officer Department Heads ATTACHMENT # TO UPDATE MEMO ciff-M4011 Planning and Development Committee Agenda Date: November 16, 2015 Time: 7:00 PM Place: Council Chambers, 2nd Floor Municipal Administrative Centre 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Inquiries & Accommodations: For inquiries about this agenda, or to make arrangements for accessibility accommodations for persons attending, please contact: Michelle Chambers, Committee Coordinator, at 905-623-3379, ext. 2106 or by email at mchambers(c�clarington.net. Alternate Format: If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator, at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Audio Record: The Municipality of Clarington makes an audio record of Planning and Development Committee meetings. If you make a delegation or presentation at a Planning and Development Committee meeting, the Municipality will be audio recording you and will make the recording public by publishing the recording on the Municipality's website. Copies of Reports are available at www.clarington.net CJaringt011 Planning and Development Committee Agenda Date: November 16, 2015 Time: 7:00 PM Place: Council Chambers 1 Call to Order 2 New Business Introduction 3 Adopt the Agenda 4 Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest 5 Announcements 6 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting 6.1 Minutes of a Regular Meeting of October 26, 2015 6-1 7 Public Meetings No Public Meetings 8 Delegations 8.1 Ted Meszaros Regarding the Minimum Distance Notification of Amendments to the Official Plan and Rezoning By-laws as it Pertains to Rural Clarington 8.2 Michael Fry, DG Biddle & Associates, Regarding Addendum to Report PSD-045-15, Application by Zemer Holdings Ltd. to Rezone Lands to Permit an Apartment Building at 50 Martin Road in Bowmanville 8.3 John Passalacqua, Regarding Addendum to Report PSD-045-15, Application by Zemer Holdings Ltd. to Rezone Lands to Permit an Apartment Building at 50 Martin Road in Bowmanville 8.4 Dana Snow, Regarding Report PSD-057-15, Heritage Designation Amendment Enfield United Church 1640 Concession Road 9, former Township of Darlington 9 Communications - Receive for Information There are no Communications to be received for information. 10 Communications — Direction There are no Communications for direction. Page 1 Clariflgt011 Planning and Development Committee Agenda Date: November 16, 2015 Time: 7:00 PM Place: Council Chambers 11 Presentations No Presentations 12 Planning Services Department Reports 12.1 PSD-057-15 Heritage Designation Amendment Enfield United Church 12-1 1640 Concession Road 9, former Township of Darlington 12.2 PSD-058-15 An Application by 1494339 Ontario Limited (Foley Group) for 12-18 Removal of Holding Symbol 13 New Business - Consideration 14 Unfinished Business 14.1 Addendum to Application by Zemer Holdings Ltd. to Rezone Lands to 14-1 Report Permit an Apartment Building at 50 Martin Road in PSD-045-15 Bowmanville [Referred from the September 14, 2015 Planning and Development Committee Meeting] 15 Confidential Reports No Reports 16 Adjournment Page 2 ATTACHMENT # TO UPDATE MEMO INTERIOR ALTERATIONS &ADDITIONS CONVERTING A CHURCH INTO A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING Date: November 16, 2015 Property Owner: Dana Snow Contact Information: 905-537-2282, dana @danasnow.com Subject Property Address: 1640 Concession 9, Clarington, LOB 1 BO Objectives: To turn the building formerly known as the Enfield United Church into a single family residence by providing modern amenities yet preserving as much of the heritage appeal and character of the building as possible. Proposed Alterations (according to Schedule "B"to By-Law 92-82) EXTERIOR 1. Clapboard siding r _ Problem 1: The wooden clapboard siding is rotten in many spots (especially along the bottom), and in other spots it is warping and popping out, causing pieces to actually fall off the building when the wind blows hard enough. Also, the building is not currently insulated whatsoever. Proposed Solution—Option#1: Blow insulation into the walls from the attic. Cover the existing clapboard in high quality vinyl siding that closely emulates the original clapboard siding. Install new soffit/fascia/eavestroughs as needed. This would protect the original clapboard siding underneath while improving the overall look of the building. Proposed Solution—Option #2: Remove existing clapboard siding. Insulate, and install vapour barrier and sheathing. Install new 6" (with 4 7/8"-5"face)V-Joint Wood Siding. Install new soffit/fascia/eavestroughs as needed. 2 EXTERIOR 1. Clapboard siding Problem 2: Lack of access and view from proposed main floor living area. Proposed Solution: Installation of a window and a door on the back wall, which would require cutting two openings in the clapboard, with access to rear/side deck. The window and door will either be: a) custom-made by a craftsman, b)antique and period-appropriate, or c) one of new construction (samples to be shown at Oct. 21/15 Heritage Committee meeting). There will be a gothic window mounted above as with the front door, which again will be either antique and period-appropriate, or custom-made if required. 2. Double hung Gothic windows of coloured and etched glass i Problem 1: Paint is flaking and caulking is peeling, which compromises the integrity of the wooden frames. Proposed Solution: Scraping, sanding and refinishing/painting of the frames, with application of new caulking. Problem 2: Single pane glass has very poor insulation value and there are currently no screens, which allow insects to enter building when windows are open. Proposed Solution: To install wood frame screen/storm windows on the exterior. These will be custom-built by a craftsman to match the design of the existing windows (see example below or http://www.hoffmeyersmill.on.ca/web/hoffmeyers.htm). 3 3.The Gothic arched window above the front door Problem 1: Paint is flaking and caulking is peeling,which compromises the integrity of the wooden frames. Proposed Solution: Scraping, sanding and painting the frame,with application of new caulking. INTERIOR 1. 6 inch pine floor boards I Problem 1: Floor boards have become worn with time. Proposed Solution: To sand and refinish floor boards. Problem 2: Interior renovations will require some minor disturbance to some floorboards, ie. affixing new walls and fixtures into floorboards. Proposed Solution: To disturb the floorboards only where completely necessary. Problem 3: The proposed master walk-in closet will be where the existing staircase to the basement is located, thus it will only have the pine floor boards in part of the closet. Proposed Solution: Installation of a floor covering to make the flooring in the closet uniform. 4 2. Sponge grained wainscotting Problem 1: Wainscotting has become worn with time. Proposed Solution: To sand and refinish wainscotting. Problem 2: Interior renovations will require some minor disturbance to some wainscotting, ie. affixing new walls and fixtures into wainscotting, Proposed Solution: To disturb the wainscotting only where completely necessary. 3. Pine coat rack I Problem 1: The position of the coat rack is not ideal for proposed interior renovations. Proposed Solution: To move coat rack towards the front door 24", and towards the east wall approximately 36'. The coat rack will remain otherwise intact, with Heritage Plaque remaining in place. 4. The pews i 4 1 Problem 1: Inability to carry out proposed renovations with existing pews in place. Proposed Solution: To remove the pews and donate them to the community and/or repurpose some of them and/or their wood back into the property as potential custom kitchen cabinets, a harvest table and accompanying benches, and a bench for the entrance vestibule. 5 5. The Gothic arched window frames r - Problem 1: Window frames have become discoloured with time. Proposed Solution: Sand and refinish window frames. 6. The pine construction of the choir loft and pulpit with its newal post and bannisters MMO I 1 R 2 Y 4 1 r Problem 1: There are no longer any spindles, so bannister is more like a useless rickety railing at this point as it is only attached by a bed rail-type bracket at each end. Proposed Solution: Removal of the bannister. Railing will be re-purposed into the new stairwell, if possible. Problem 2: The addition of a staircase is required to allow access from the main floor to the existing side door. Proposed Solution: To disturb the pine step to the altar only as much as required to create the staircase. 6 7.The choir bench Problem 1: The addition of a staircase is required to allow access from the main floor to the existing side door. Proposed Solution: To alter the choir bench only as much as required to create the staircase. Other Proposed Alterations (to Non-Protected Items) EXTERIOR 1. Front Door II II Problem: The exterior of the front doors is currently painted white with dull-ish brown highlights. Proposed Solution: To sand and restore to a natural wood state (similar to existing interior finish). 2. Side Door/Basement Windows I► ■ Problem: The existing side door is constructed of a flimsy hollow wood material and has little insulation (or aesthetic)value. 7 Proposed Solution: To replace with a new wood or wood-look 4-panel door with glass insert(sample to be provided at Oct. 21/15 Heritage Committee meeting). Problem: Existing basement windows are single-pane,wood-frame, circa 1970's windows that offer little thermal or historical value. Proposed Solution: To replace with new vinyl-clad "slider"type basement windows. 3. Garage Problem: There is currently no garage and homeowners will expect a garage or to be able to build a garage. Proposed Solution: To build a 20'x 24' garage,with siding to match the approved siding material of the main building and steel roof to match the existing church roof. Side entry door will match approved side entry door of main building. The two garage doors will be as tasteful as possible with an attempt to match the overall look of the main building (sample to be provided at Oct. 21/15 Heritage Committee meeting). 8 LOCA110N PLAN 1 ISSUED TO HERITAGE COMMITTE OCT-,201!5 L0 T 3 1 SITE PIN 26740-0028 LEGEND Fence Rail Fence ■ denotes Survey Monument Found O 0.35 ❑ denotes Survey Monument Set Post and Wire Fence on Line E/w 18(1183) SIB denotes Standard Iron Bar Fence's IB denotes Iron Bar 0.Line 18(1183) N70 4310"E (Pi &M) 25.15 (20.12 D1) M ry o — M denotes Measured m� �a 1.57 P1 denotes Plan 40R-14155 n Frame o 0, D1 denotes Instrument DN2702 Out House (doted August 1877) 14.38(M) 319 i' 1183 denotes HY Gr nder Ltd. O.LS. ' (14.42 PI) (Pi&M) �- Vinyl Ciad Garage NN �� ... �N m PART 1, PLAN 40R-14155 d PIN 26 74 0-002 7 PIN 26 74 0-0028 #1840 1.33 PIN 26740-0026 1 Storey Q PROJECT-.1640 CONCESSION 0�INITED CHURCH Frame church v INTERIOR ALTERATIONS S ADDITIONS c O m C O N C E S S I O N 9 a 20,5ID a. a1 a Q FOR:DANA SNOW 13.71(P7&M) Porch (P-M) cy CN O Fence Z °v N Fence CI: e� XNe sm PLAN 0.3S (20.12 01) `�� v� 0.3S Q On Line£/W S18(1183) 24 O.1W 2 ©.73(Pi &M) S/B(1183) 20.38(Pl&M) !8(7183) 55.13(SET Pf) N7043*10T(pi &M) 75.51 (PI) (75.44 DI) LOCATIOWNEWCASTLECWHNGTON,ONTARIO SCALE-1:200 OCTORER4015 ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN CONCESSIONS 8 AND 9 DRAWN BY-UL Qp (KNOWN AS) CONCESSION ROAD 9 DESIGNED BY-3.N. PIN 26 740-009 0 LOCATION PLAN is i ISSUED TO HERITAGE COMMInE OCT-2015 L 0 T 3 SI PIN 26740-0028 LEGEND Fence Roll Fence ■ denotes Survey Monument Found ® 0.3s / ❑ denotes Survey Monument Set Past and wire Fence On tine E/w 0(1163) SIB denotes Standard Iron Bar Fence's IB denotes Iron Bar On LMe FPART N70'43'1 '"E CPI &I M) 25.15 {20� f 20-� M denotes Measured 1.57 P1 denotes Plan 40R-14155 ` 1, PLAN 40R 14155 a s o, D1 denotes Instrument DN2702 IN 26740-0)27 New ock wood deck m (dated August 1877) 3.2 1183 denotes HY Grinder Ltd. O.L.S. 3.19 (14.42 P1) 11.2 (P7&M) u- vinyl Clad N��.q1_ ^�� Garage 0 N 3 PIN 26740-0028 #1640 7-3 1 storey PIN 26 740-0 026 New Detached house PROJECTd640 CONCESSION SIINITED CHURCH c detached garoge o INTERIOR ALTERATIONS S ADDITIONS 7. \ rn S CON C S I N o g o 201516 1. 0 3 5. t o Z a' p O) 0' FOR:DANA SNOW b 3.58 61 61 Porch (PI&M) cl N Fence Fence Q PROPOSED SITE PLAN 0.3S (20.12 01) 0.1w © 4 On Line E/W S/r, 2¢,73(P7 &M) 518(1183) 20.38(P7&M) 'B(1183) 55.13(SET P7) 75.51 (Pf) (75.44 D7) N7O 43'10"E(Pl&M) LOCATION:NEWCASrIbCLARINGTON,ONTARIO SCM.E1000 OCTOBER-2015 ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN CONCESSIONS 8 AND g DRAWN BY.M. (KNOWN as) CONCESSION ROAD 9 DESIGNEDBY.B.IL pat PIN 26 740-009 0 1 WUlD f01t NCWT10ECAWI(rt�L OaTOlER,2015 WINDOW BLOCKED TO BE OPENEP� 1 50'-1 1/2' 1� Revisions ate p FURNACE 1 R ROOM 6'4"X9'8" EXISTING BASEMENT V I I I V I I I COLD ROOM 7'8"X6'5" O O O O V I I I V I I I ___________ O1 ___ V I I I KITCHEN 105"X12'8" Proje t�1640 CONCESSION 9 ac'-11 1/2' INTERIOR ALTERATIONS& ADDITIONS ELECTRICAL BOARD P—j—t No.201579 Fors DANA SNOW Drawing TIt1e,EXISTING BASEMENT PLAN EXISTING BASEMENT PLAN Locatiom NEWCASTLE-ONTARIO Sc¢leYt6=14T' Date,OCTO6ER7II15 Draw-by-8H Drawing No. esi9-1 by.9H. Pura a y. A•3 1 p]Bf➢EOIIMPItlI'�GE fAYYRIII OGTOOQRj015 Revlslons Dote I I I I I FURNACE ewr ROOM BED ROOM2 _LJ_l_L1_J_ 64X98" ! 152"X9W' STORAGE CLOSET 5'6"X6'8" I I I I I i l l l l I I i l l l I i l l l i I I I !STORAGE ROOM C O CLOSET O C Ul AUNDRY 78"X6,5" -------------------------- 0'5"X6'4" ----------------------------------- --- ------------------- j BED ROOM 177"X10'8" ❑ C W ".J—t.1640 CONCESSION 9 WET BAR INTERIOR ALTERATIONS d '�? PROPOSED 26 ADDITIONS ) �1 LIVING ROOM 19'10"X22'8" ELECTRICAL WASH ROOM ProJ-t N-2015.19 10'5"X6'0" BOARD Fors DANA SNOW D—wing Tiae�PROPOSED BASEMENT PLAN �ZPROPOSED BASEMENT PLAN L—tl—NEWCASTLE-ONTARIO S—Ll Mn 1'-0' Dote.00TOBERaI5 Drnwen by-an Drowing No, esigned by-BH. pprove A y, A-4 1 ISweOfalxPM�GE W191IRiE �d�1s Revlslons Oate D 1 R y FRONT MAIN EXISTING ALTAR "— —g PORCH ENTRANCE CHURCH 10'4"X22'70" ... '. .. 7'2"X16'0" 30'0"X22'10" Project,1640 CONCESSION 9 INTERIOR ALTERATIONS d ADDITIONS -- _—— Project 14-2015"19 For DANA SNOW Drawing ntie-EXISTING FIRST FLOOR" EXISTING FIRST FLOOR-CHURCH CHURCH xxwrlu•.ra• L—tl—NEWCASTLE-ONTARIO S—Le13116 t'-0' Dnte-OCTOSERQ 15 Drowen bye fl Drowing No, e5igned by,5H. Ppr—e y, A-5 usuen waROUrnae eovrma ocroavm5s 17'-3112* B.B.Q.DECK 9'8"X16'11" Revisions Dote 88. C W.I.C. KITCHEN 52"X6'2" MASTER BED ROOM O 18'2"X12'5" 14'6"X11'11" O _ Dw CLOSET L i BREAKFAST DECK ISLAND ---- U 9'8"X23'2" ---------- z y_S —U FRONT MAIN �� �_--Q....................`J FAMILY ROOM —6— — PORCH —EF77kANZE ---------- -10'4���'10a------ 3'8"X8'0" 5'2"X16'0" I BATH I 7'6"XTO" CLC'�SET Project,1640 CONCESSION 9 INTERIOR ALTERATIONS 3 j DINING ROOM ADDITIONS zi �f Project No 2015.19 ri For DANA SNOW Drawing TltteYROPOSEO FIRST FLOOR- DETACHED HOUSE Locntl—NEWCASTLE-ONTARIO PROPOSED FIRST FLOOR-DETACHED HOUSE xvc3/IC.tU• Scnte,3116•=1'f DotoDC(09ERa15 Drowen bye IIR Drowing No esigned bye BA. pprcve y, A-6 1 IAUm fOI YP RAGE fAYYRTQ OCtaEEYMiS 9 2 9 2 Revlslo ate STORAGE i ALTAR CHURCH MASTER BED ROOM, BATH ROOM R Praject,1640 CONCESSION 9 INTERIOR ALTERATIONS& _ ADDITIONS i GRADE GRADE Protect Nw2015-18 For'DANA SNOW FETING HALL BED ROOM2 BED ROOM1 Drawing Trote.EMSTING SECTION&PROPOS SECTION A-A EXISTING SECTION � PROPOSED SECTION A-A-THROUGH BED ROOM oca+aon.NEWCASTLE-ONTARIO w�-vic-iv wwanc�rm ScnleM6•=1'P Do te-0LT98FA.'A15 D—.-by.BA Drawing No. esigned by.SM. carave y. A-7 1 IJYIEY fOYMPA1t1aEfAYYf[IQ OGiOGFA,2015 12 evislon ate o� i NEW LIVING R OM Project 1040 CONCESSION 9 INTERIOR ALTERATIONS 6 ADDITIONS GRADE Project No.-2015.19 For DANA SNOW EW LIVING ROOM Drawing Tltte,PROPOSED SECTION B-B �\ PROPOSED SECTION B-B-THROUGH LIVING ROOM L—ti—NEWCASTLE.ONTARIO vnwuu+.ra • SCnteWFal.-0' Dote,OCTOBERmZ05 Drawen by-BH Drawing No. esigned b y.". pprove ■y. A-$ i WVED(OY MEtIfIWE LOYYRM OCIOEEIt$Ot5 evlslon ate 9� WOOD SIDING - 4f2 _— PROPOSED t1NYL SIDING 000000 NEW O O VINYL slulNC Project-1640 CONCESSION 9 INTERIOR ALTERATIONS 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 ADDITIONS P—Ject No"2015.19 PROPOSED SOUTH EEVATtON �LSTING SOUTH EEVATION -ra• U sY.wr.ra• Fors DANA SNOW Drawing Tltte,E%ISTING&PROPOSED SOUT ELEVATION L.-ti—NEWCASTLE-ONTARIO Scnte,118=^-0• DnteOGTO8FRN15 D--by-BA D-1,,Ig NO. Designed by 9N. pprove y. A-9 1 IJJVED tOF M0Yf1GEfAYMfR� OTNEi,MiS evlslon me C] ❑ 9 11 EXISTING WOOD SIDING k\ REPO ED VINYL SIDING Il Project 1640 CONCESSION 4 NEW INTERIOR ALTERATIONS& VINYL SIDING ADDITIONS Project No.2015-19 For DANA SNOW EXISTING NORTH ELEVATION PROPOSED NORTH ELEVATION Drnwing Tltte,Exl$TIN6&PROPOSED NOFMTI wive.ra' `-'-vr ia• ELEVATION L.cntl—NEWCASTLE.ONTARIO ScnlellB=^-0' Date,OLTOBEMNS Drnwen bye BN. Drawing No. es,gned by,BH. PProve y, A-10 1 pAi!➢f011NWMGE GOYYIIT6 OC[OlEly2p15 1�`� � � Revisions Oote TING WOOD SIDING � EXISTING EAST ELEVATION ' wenre•.ry Project 1640 CONCESSION 9 INTERIOR ALTERATIONS& ADDITIONS P-ject No 2015.19 Fors DANA SNOW Drawing TltteZ(ISTING&PROPOSED EAST ELEVATIONS ROFCSED NNYL SIDING Locntlon NEWCASTLE-ONTARIO Scales 118=*-0' Dote-OCTOBER. M Drnwen by.flit Drnwing No. es�gned bye BH. PROPOSED EAST ELEVATION p p-6 by. A-11 smr:uam•s 1 15i11lYtW YPARAGEfAYYRI[C pLtppEY,MiS C] �� � � ` RevLlons Date EkISDNG WOOD SDING It It � EXISTING WEST ELEVATION w�us-rn `WINDOW EIpCKEO TO DE OPENED PraJ--,1640 CONCESSION 9 INTERIOR ALTERATIONS& ADDITIONS P—J—t No.2015-19 For,DANA SNOW Drawing naeZUSTING&PROPOSED WEST ELEVATIONS PROPOSED _ VINYL SIDING Location.NEWCASTLE.ONTARIO ScnleilB=^-0' Date-OOTOBER.2015 47 \ Drawen bye ILK Drawing No. esigned bye BE. PROPOSED WEST ELEVATION A-12 su�tlr-r,v PProve y Handouts/Circulations Planning & Development Committee Meeting ■INNII Illll ■ INIIIN �■�! IIIIIIII■ ��■ tllllllll■ ;��■ ��■ 1�IIIIIIII � INIII ��■ ;.■�■ '■IIIIIIII■ l ■� 1■■� I�!� 1■ �■ 1■ 1■ I■!� ■INNII El 1E L7 f IINI INI IN ?IIIIIIII■ ��■ ��illlllll■„ IIIIIIII ■ININ IIIIIIII■. El ® `I !1 I■■� I■■ �� 1� 11 ! 1 1■ It I■!1 ■INNII IIIIIIII INIfIN■ IIIIIIII■ ��■ IIIIIIII_ „, . ININII � ■ ,�IIIIII_■ �IINIIII■ ■ . .�." . i■■: s■�. 'llllllll' ' 1■ i■■1 �♦■1 �♦■1 �i�t �"1 �t■1 �1■1 �"1 WEST ELEVATION tw �� �■ �IlllNq■ ■NINIII■ ■ ■ ■�■ ■IIIIIIII■_-s .IIIIIIII. .IIIIIIII. rllllllll■ ..��■ _ ��■. , IIIIIIII■ 1!!1 1■ ■ ■1 KI ■!!■ ■■■ I��1 It It 1■■1 El��IIIIIIII■ ;�glllll■ �IIIINII■ 111111 .IIIIIIII .IIIIIIII IIIIIIII■ IIIIIIII■ ■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ J■ 1 I■■� - �� �IIIIIN■� 1� �■ 1111NI�11■ �IIIIIIN� E■ IIIII� ;IIIIIIII■ ■IIIIIIII■ �IIIINI� ,IIINIII■; . , ■IIIIIII■ y' ■ININN■ {■■■■ ■■■■ 1■■1 � �� 1■■I' 1 1■ 1■ �i �Iluligl . 1� ,.Ilquu� .uuuu� NIIINI �I1ugl1. �u111u1. EAST ELEVATION I i rwi NORTH ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION Kr.r PLAN ly d —- - —J, ,a t yHI Subject Lands PITS I MIT SI IMMARY i - - -- -- - _ - -- _.J p � _ I A ��U SEMENT ND i_EVEL SECOND.THIRD 8 - ---- - — - — I LEVEL FOURTH LEVELS sa --i _ ®825 sq It 2 BEDROOM Fo� 760 sq.ft.1 BEDROOM UNIT UNIT 600 sq.ft 1 BEDROOM UNIT � --�— TOTALS 52 -825 sq.ft. -2 BEDROOM UNITS TOTAL 11 -600 sq.ft. -1 BEDROOM UN TS TOTAL 8 -760 sq ft. -1 BEDROOM UNITS TOTAL 71 TOTAL UNITS - i PARKING SUMMARY i REQUIRED PARKING 1 SPACE/1 BEDROOM UNIT=19 ',-- �rr— J_ I 125 SPACES/2 BEDROOM UNIT=65 y f— —� -_ - i 94 REQUIRED TOTAL SPACES _IF _—� i 84 SPACES PROVIDED(Ind.2 BARRIER-FREE SPACES) I'I VISITOR PARKING SUMMARY 10 REGULAR VISITOR SPACES p• .;�T 2 BARRIER-FREE VISITOR SPACES L 'vR' FR7•.r ;YT nr .4 .. 12 TOTAL SPACES r>,z 'pp i I 1 i SETBACK UNEa' I I — _ S HEFLR TO OETM1iL 3:lOW FOR OOHNWA DIRU x b•v i E f�'.y OF PROPOSE)STORM SEWER TO RHONOA BOULEYAR6 n 1�•y .+ Tj_ f - > g t7 4 STOREY > - APARTMENT BUILDING -_ (71 UNITS) zzz i r 1 j--' - �s PROPOSED 4 S10REY APARTMENT 115) NG ` (71 UNI15) ti _ J r t c +-E I i SCI'BACK LNL I iT ALLOWnNGE REO'U I I II I I I I EXISTING PARK COW s/W X 1 =_ EX/SrING RFSiDfNTAL IBIOOtn_ROAU - - r-p4 73.tD2 27.560 ALLOWANOE REO'�D I N 69'1"!'Q�• F — N 72'30.00"E 50:292 a nwANO wsu , v — _ j-0 - v, w'.x P.flE IM. Q - r 1J > p r aer > EI � �-; I _ i I Il r` --I. i - - ... _.- � c ...•,." PARK LAND DEDICATION DILATION AREA 5900 s q. .(0.590 I ha.) _ I I PROPOSED 4 STOREY APARTMENT BUILDING 1 1i _ . (71 (NITS) �, 1 1 _ 1 -- 4 SETBACK LINE � ...< ` 10•'PlCa Z.«.4 Iw<au PaVnv rcrv�[ - •1 flCnr,� __�I _, <.. I I s4.109 • -. � Pa�r.,r utvcP I \ aapo[ASTRN aa5B1lJ(IM.) — 18.00 CE FEO'0 I, ALLOWPN Pa,.cr nHCe I I I I FXISrn✓GI PESIDENTAL I I I I I I I I 1, 1 t Se9menr4 ! 9v I `� _ - ��•I f � �r . I ae�ld , 1 I1 !I!1 1 lM I� i• 4 Ik `44` f-4 1� (/' , :I� l s!,ljr'� — It+ �' M � I 1 ; ��!^ .•� — —. � ' i, is { __ — _ _ ! Ifll .—! .Segment 3 1 Segment 3 II i i i 1 p wragmem 2 --_ ` _. � 111111 a p Broom,... sPd Clarington Central e401 Sr Secondary School t King St W B a W ITS a n v i I!e Walman Bowmanville Garnet B.Rickard Supercentre � a Canadian Tire Recreation Complex n a� 6 kIp9 Cineplex Odeon oei`a QurejPSr SrF yCttl9St� P a p l e G r 0 v a_ Clarington Place Cinemas ` i Bev's Flowers n 57 °t ■ Watson Farm Market _ „ 3 Queen St N 9 Lakeridge Health St ptiPte Fell A rn �10 01 b. a O h,�'i r Jane St 4 �¢N N <,A, 01p, � N O N O` � std N n '°s oolri"7 Sy�4 Wr � y t S Aa parka' 0 9P h pvC to q� o I= - CartutrietaD� Vs °�� Grbarde pie 9 r ; `oficombe.Oj Sase\t�,epd 3 �5e\\itC p'd W , tk St 00e v -- N 9i o Tim Hortons& m m o� tlYJ Holiday Inn Express� gasetinep &Suites Clarington... Clarington Honda �y 9ry 6a5e�tne m 3 e�oea � a "6,N 17 a S SU`jice N 401 - a Go -gle