HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-103-91 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE I REPORT F le # F)9,a,_7. Res. # _ By-Law MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: November 18, 1991 REPORT #: TR-103 -91 FILE #: SUB.FCT: TENDER NW91-40, BOWMANVILLE RECREATION COMPLEX - LANDSCAPE WORKS - PHASE I RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report TR-103-91 be received; 2 . THAT Andrew Timar Landscaping Ltd. , Norval, Ontario, with a bid in the amount of $238, 175 . 30 being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender NW91-40, be awarded the contract for the Bowmanville Recreation Complex - Landscape Works, Phase I, as required by the Department of Community Services; and 3 . THAT the total required funds in an approximate amount of $271,550 . 30 ($238, 175 . 30 contract + $33, 375. 00 design and construction administration) , be drawn from the Community Services Capital Budget, Account #7603-00001-0516 . BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: Tender specifications were provided by Cosburn Giberson Landscape Architects for the Bowmanville Recreation Complex - Landscape Works, Phase I . Page - 2 - TR-103-91 TENDER NW91-40, BOWMANVILLE RECREATION COMPLEX - LANDSCAPE WORKS - PHASE I Subsequently, bids were received and tabulated as follows: Bidder Total Bid Amount Andrew Timar Landscaping Ltd. $292,359 . 89 Norval, Ontario Eyeview Landscaping & $318, 131.57 ** General Contracting Inc . Willowdale, Ontario Ron Robinson Limited $345,669 . 68 Oshawa, Ontario ** Bid Amended - Extension Error Note: Mopal Construction Limited, Scarborough, Ontario was rejected due to no Agreement to Bond was included in tender submission. In an effort to include as much work as possible in this tender, for the dollars available, a provision was made in the specifications for the deletion of items, if necessary. As the low bid is substantially over the budget allocation of $275,000 .00, it is proposed that the following items be deleted from the contract: Item Contract Value Concrete Platform at Summerhouse Location $ 10,600 .00 Concrete Block Wall 5,959 . 80 Ledgerock (portion of) 7,500 . 00 Site Furnishings 9,830 .00 Sodding 11,650 . 00 Supply of Topsoil 5, 100 . 00 $ 50,639 .80 G.S.T. Adjustment 3,544 . 79 $ 54,184 .59 The low bidder has agreed to the deletion of these items from the contract without invalidating the unit prices for the balance of the work. The deletion of these items reduces the contract value to $238, 175 . 30 . l ', Page - 3 - TR-103-91 TENDER NW91-40, BOWMANVILLE RECREATION COMPLEX - LANDSCAPE WORKS - PHASE I The total required funds in an approximate amount of $271,550 .30 ($238, 173.30 contract + $33,375.00 design and construction administration) will be drawn from the Community Services Capital Budget, Account #7603-00001-0516, as reflected on page 172 of the 1991 Capital Budget. The Treasurer has reviewed the funding requirements and concurs with the recommendation. Queries with respect to department needs, specifications, etc . , should be referred to the Director of Community Services . After further review and analysis of the bids by Purchasing, Cosburn Giberson Landscape Architects and Community Services, it was mutually agreed that the low bidder, Andrew Timar Landscaping Ltd. , Norval, Ontario, be recommended for the contract for the Bowmanville Recreation Complex - Landscape Works, Phase I. Although the subject firm have not previously performed for the Town of Newcastle, they do come highly recommended as outlined in the attached letter from Cosburn Giberson Landscape Architects, marked Schedule "A Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, Ma i Marano, H.B.Sc . , AMCT. , Lawrence/E �Kotseff, Treasurer. Chief A i strative Officer. J.P. aruana, Dire for of Community Services. LAB/hjl Attachment ' i 1,1.'0 8,,91 08: 49 2: 416 475 5930 r_.0s GIB 02 Scheel uI e A COSBNaN GIBERSO November 7, 1991 Town of Newcastle Community Services Department 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1 C 3A6 Attention: Mr.J. Cameron Dear Mr, Cameron: Re: Bowmanville Recreation Complex Phase I NW-9140 Contract Award PLoject Fite: 90.760 Further to our recent discussions, we are writing to confirm our reconunendations for the selection of a contractor to carry out the above noted contract works. As you are aware, A, Timar Contracting Ltd. offered the lowest bid ($292,359.89) of the three acceptable bids submitted. We have worked successfully with Timar on a number of occasions in the past and this experience, ;;along with the list of references provided, gives us confidence in recommending them to perform the work of this contract. We are aware of the construction budget limitations for this phase of the project and we realize that the present contract price is in excess of this figure, In light of this fact we sug- gest that the following modifications be made to the contract to bring it within the limits of the budget available. o?IQ I&deleted Contract value 3.2 Concrete platform at summerhouse location ].0,600.00 3.6 Concrete block wall 5,959.80 3.10 Ledg rock (portion of) 7,500.00 4.0 Site furnishings 9,830.00 5.6 . Sodding 11,650.00 5.7 Supply of topsoil 51100.00 Sub total 50,639.80 GST adjustment 3.544.79 Total amount deleted 54,184.59 Resultant contract price $238J75.31 7270 Woodbine Avenue / �? Suite 100,Markham,Ontario L3R 469 Tel.(410)475-4988 Fax4.75�5930 11/08/91 08:49 a 416 475 5930 Cos GIB 03 November 7, 1991 File: 90,760 Page 2 The scope of these deletions has been discussed with Mr. Timar and he indicates his company's willingness to proceed with this contract incorporating these modifications. Once you have had an opportunity to examine the modifications suggested, please forward your instructions and we will prepare the contract agreement for signing. Yours truly, COSBURN GIBERS N LANDSCAPE ARCHI.TECTS Bruce K. CJsburn, 0A- L A. Partner, Landscape Architect BKC/blh �i encl. c.c. - Ms. L. Birkett, Town of Newcastle Mr.A. Timar,A.Timar Contracting < f" 7 • � a moo. _ _ o �. _ -r _ _ ._c ult: kt4 11/07/1991 14, 44 FROM ANDREW C. TIMAR LTD. TO COSSURN/GIB. P. 01 ANDREW TIM AR LANDSCAPING LIWTED TiA . (416)W-2942 FAX: (416)-U46-2946 Mail,P.O.Box 201.Nt VA4 OnWio,LOP IK0 LOCA770N110333 w04MN CHURCHa.L BLVD,BRAIvtt't'GN., ONTARIO November 7, 1991 Coburn oiberson consulton•ts Inc. 7270 Woodbine Ave. Suite 100 Markham, Ontario L39 09 Attention t Mr. Bruce •3©hnson, O.A.L.A,#' Dear Bruce: As Per your request, ple&00, fs id thou following lint of major contracts from fly-past . fqw y*ark• ; If you .require any further :i,nformeltjon dQn't hasitate to Call. Fours Sincerely, ' . Frank Willi-amt aupervi.aQr 11/08/91 08:50 $ 416 475 5930 Cos GIs 05 P• 02 il/07/1991 14:45 FROM ANDREW 0. TIMOR 00, TO CO5BURNi016,. 1,�ST OF M%jog. CONTRACTS lggl nESMI,'PTION wWNEA . �tayal• A&cot `.Can¢Q 'apt. , �ec,:tge., renor Trus k i:fe Cori ). 44 �ear�r�tQ (ariul�.fa Re&l E9,1ate Golf Course ArmpgrS one Retaj' $ng 'Wa►11s �t-.'.(ClubhQugo') ,reyatone mi ltva Str$etscap,ing> Woott fi d.�e 34 Realty , r a ikl and .Store Znts�aric :ivic Centre • Str� tiG: P �►, Gateway Pr4Pert�.sn at ' L?niC. p8 Grf � g1A�g�ouri$'. Dev�14'pinen��c , ti .. : - �' . y ?f prampt°n Fak X a c' ;t�riia it pity. WQ.0d I o . Red ,xritian . �ra� �ea Limited G�orq porn kii ir.ketp3 act d 1,C,I, properties stretsGa►pi;i?g. city of Burlin5tan UowntOWw gton' Northgrn Teleoom ,' : , ` Cos 6 1 8 06 , AwN 1990 DESCRIPTION, Minto .Construction Minto, plaza., Toronto 4rn# i. utps 'and .,;.. Pst.rr;�L��r:r��; .T4�wr�Y��ut��s,•:. Ht �km t:cst7 .. .: '' • . , .. n3 n �.. . �sc 9,.Wd,,t.3s:, O� Jand ' Ret-aicximg ' ► ' ., .. i k�ri q.. Val eyviow" r -toe*apinq, 1rampton . 11VRQ Group lndas tri#Z.: Subdivi�i r� .Woodl.v •. Restoration; wobrid ! Pens REA2ty Mok.r�son wa cad of. Re$t0ration,. `C�akv r:l d Toronto Transit commission " $Catboxo.uo.'Ga.re Facility Goldman Group sL9-81 caitle Hill .Tpwnriom�s, -To,rQpt© . .$ubA viaion:, Town of PlArkham Park..,Daytj6p4ent Sorbar p G,rou ltd tr�,ai Street: 36api ig, Valu..bran.. ii.r&nkarl Church cht doh propexty, Hrampton. tgyal. Fsxk Homes woadYat�r� Rar�k Towt�.tacue,es 1 �• -- tirit •.� � : . . h�i� zss�uga�. . c� Obnstruoti,on ; A1."A, TOwers. .coxi'd4s, ftarboV?M9 4, ►ratnalea LimIted st dret acee::.6 Park..bevelopm�a;rc ' pi.cRe.r. ,aOd' '..Brampto t.. Stid�l stra"al;`.,�qommer6 41 '.Peveli>'} nt , .Bx,at t 144� 3oges�:� Hig,.. �r�m t p can SOX&* Ceti hri _ P , �F., Mad . . Names.:, Yx ztmrkort, Fick-&ring Unionville Alle-Y Park Homes St-reet F lai InV, Vaughan 4 - y UU_11/07/1991 1416 FROM AN C. LTC). TO COSSURN/018, A. 05 -OWN.tR 188 D�SC�xF'x,�4�N • ' ' s2:4,ma4ea Limit:** vario.US Model •NOM4 nevQlopments 5t'ree-tscalptcrg & Park: c6nstr0"0ti'0n.1: �rnx�tr�1 Industrial Subdiwjaian .� , ,g ait�:ixiSF lv#tx r.kh6m and Brampton Valley Park Homes Str 'Otscap4C9. , Woodbridge Town of Markham Senator fumes Str.ets.0Wng.., Au r,ora 1�#nto dnatruot .c ri 11C�g�: ma" TW�:n- Tower Bps bf:ise #31�igg. Sca.rborouc,�n . ; 1987 Bramalea Limited u.The. „ •Si.e�sa, .•.�enc�c�.. Apt. Bldg.' • 4 ,�$:�c�r•'�o•�troia�'1• •�Erld.ttaR:ris,.�,'� ;F �,c��� . . xo.�. Ra�,t�itze�ttt :�.G�ii►pu�•/`��.�iza ' . . k�s�._:Subclivisions },'' 10:. �'j�t�ree�a,��►•�ing the 1Ard its,',Brampt. tZ)° . . Minto Coa*truction Tw3tk:TOwex Bldg bo l gh - ai.11.gote Estates Subd 'vi , si��i .;�tra'�rt»o$p�:ng r Y�,��+db�ids�e•. A. grotty Group i1�p��. Nisi a .`D .veto. ent� Stre6tzt!ap ng� Brampton; 1986 Armbro Gosntruction Res•,i0nuai =Subd3vi i n 17ev�::/: 1tj t4L2 $zamalqa Limited Co iUa reia.l f, x3�dus8r iai :�es,rdiirltia� Stxbdivi:�i•�at1; �pova,��c, ant•aj,��i�,ic��ri�i.g:.�i�ia •. : . I3rarnptQn City of Brampton Four Seasons Homes xc3e0ti,a.I ;$ubdiVisia.nlVt�ut�,rzr, Hi-Rise Structures Tr�wt'ibf�u a ,Fic .ec �! eWm tikE .t : .. .; 0xvi lle Domes Fert btQc : & 5tonegate f el I'd i� za3 ..S.lzbdiv :s or t���x �#8me,s;..�, xim�.e��orkjrt:i�s,i;�>s�.�r�a ... _ • Ralph Brothers construction Re3identia,l.. Subdi.v.Saic�njMa�r#ch��y. Rdsset Brothers construction GleaTille T6.wnhou.sp: /G�etsr.9oto•Wn Valley Park Homes "GhexxybrQak ,•E4tat'estr ResidenIji-- i1 Subdivi.ai,��'n Voughan ; a a. C . y 11 . JL D Y♦ . Y i � �. _u .. _ u a - _ 11/07/1991 14146 FROM ANDREW C. TIMAR PTO. TO COSBURN/6191 P.04 OWNER 1985 PaSCRIPTION City of Brampton � Parks, Developmoftt•/Str,ee't P:Lant': ng Dramalea Limited C41t1Mercial Three Hivh:ar;ise Deve'1Qprne nt. 1�z4zmaloa & AselfordY-Martin Ltd. "kivieral! High-rise. Luxury condo iinium. . Complex/ottai wa. PranX J* Cox Ltd. Ccxrntn r.c�iz�1 Indust ial 8151 a. am •/, pert• Rice Construction Ltd, Hallmark Plioe Condominium. Damptoq Xi-Rise Structures Inc. Nswmarke•t• Co-;�ap Townhouse llroiect Venturon Dev. Corp, Subdivision 'Street 216 n tinq/)9e.-a'iript;Qn.,.', 1984 ; City of Brampton Street Tree:•F* atttt�.tig _ • City of MisaJasauga Straet Tree. 8ramalea Limited Pe►riland., ;s£reet$,0.e,ge r , High>4:iaii**,:r.. :$d�FtS.' 'Of€'fe, d' ciwrihoiza. : Pool$ amptori:' .. Aetro Toronto Condo. Corp. 'Highr.i.se 8eno.vati0jj�/jVq rth yo, .k' ... 1983 3raMal.ea Limited Hig4ri e, Condominium, Par k' ;a`*ve:,.' it=' and 4ndustri41.. B1,49.0,../Dramptf�x�. : �ity of Brampton StFes Plaratir�g renturan Development Corp. Street k 7 s f; is anti 14 ,aneff Properties Brarm ton p '- l�ev � 4rk' e.laken.t .. "ictoria Woods Development Corp. sslea. Psvi3, �a t/SGzc k Q ql g