HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-100-91 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE & ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File# Date: November 18, 1991 Res. # Report#: TR-100-911--iie#: By-Law. # Subject: DEVELOPMENT CHARGES COLLECTION ON BEHALF OF REGION OF DURHAM Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That report TR-100-91 be received, 2 . That Staff be authorized to collect Development Charges on behalf of the Region of Durham in accordance with the Development Charges Act, 3 . That the funds received on behalf of the Region of Durham be remitted to the Region in accordance with the Development Charges Act and the procedures to be set out by the Region of Durham, 4 . That the Town of Newcastle accept only cash or certified cheques as payment for Development Charge Levies . 5 . That any interest generated from the funds collected, accrue to the Town's general fund, 6 . That the Town's Legal Advisor be requested to investigate the possibility of transferring by agreement, the collection responsibility for upper tier levies directly to the Region of Durham, and 7 . That the above be approved FORTHWITH 2 TR-100-91 Page 2 Background 1. The Region 1. 1 The Region of Durham's Development Charge by-law will be in effect on November 22, 1991. The Region has the authority under the act to collect for hard services such as water and sewer but the collection of levies for soft services on behalf of any upper tier municipality has been legislated to the lower tier municipalities under section 9 and 10 of the Development Charges Act. 1.2 The Area Municipalities must collect the waste disposal and general purpose (Administration and Police) development charges on behalf of the Region of Durham. 2. Procedures 2 . 1 The Region of Durham has developed remittance and information forms which they are suggesting be used by the municipalities . 2 .2 The form is to be completed for each building permit to be issued and is to be included in the Region courier. 2 . 3 The Region will complete a section of the form which will identify for the Municipality the amount to be collected on behalf of the Region. 2 . 4 The form will be sent back to the Municipality by Region courier. 2 .5 The Municipality will collect the development charges before the issuance of any building permit. 2 . 6 The Region estimates the turn around time to be three days . In Staff's discussions with the Region we haves indicated that we are concerned that this time frame may be somewhat optimistic. 3. Timing and Collection 3 . 1 The Regional levies to be collected by the Municipalities are 100% payable upon the issuance of the building permit. 3 .2 The levies collected must be remitted to the Region of Durham on or before the 25th day of the following month. 3 . 3 There is no requirement under the Act to remit any interest earned, and it is recommended that the interest accrue to . . 3 TR-100-91 Page 3 the general fund to help offset the administrative cost of the collection procedures . Regional Staff have informed Staff of the Area Municipalities that they consider the interest accumulation a reasonable trade off to any administrative charge that otherwise might be considered. 4. November 22/91 4 . 1 November 23, 1991 is the effective date of any by-laws passed under the Development Charges Act, however, given that this is a Saturday, the Region has chosen Friday November 22, 1991 as the effective date of their Development Charges by-law. 4 .2 A forthwith approval is therefore requested in order for the Municipality to be in a position to collect levies by cash or certified cheque only. 5. Looking Ahead 5 . 1 There does not appear to be any provision under the Act for the Region to collect the soft service development charge even though they have the authority to collect for hard services . 5 .2 In considering the administrative time involved in the process, it would be more efficient to the Area Municipalities and to the Upper Tier Municipalities if each could collect on their own behalf, and it is therefore recommended that Mr. Hefferon investigate the possibility of an agreement which could accomplish this . Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, ITA M. Maran6, H.BSc . , AMCT Lawrenc Kotseff Treasurer Chief A ,inistrative Officer o PA*_O�- &JA, Franklin Wu, M.C. I.P. Director of Planning and Development MAM/PP