HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-98-91 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE -/yam• , , REPORT File # 5 7, G� Res. By-Law # MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: November 18, 1991 REPORT #: TR-98-91 FILE #: SUBJECT: TENDER NW91-38 Supply and Installation of Ball Diamond Lighting - Orono Park RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report TR-98-91 be received; 2 . THAT Ron Robinson Limited, Oshawa, Ontario, with a bid in the amount of $86,670 . 00 being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender NW91-38, be awarded the contract for the Supply and Installation of Ball Diamond Lighting at Orono Park, as required by the Department of Community Services; 3 . THAT the total required funds in an amount of $89,570 . 00 ($86,670. 00 contract + $2,900. 00 design and construction administration) , be drawn from the Community Services Parkland Development Capital Budget Account #7603-00001-0516 . BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: Tender specifications were provided by Kurrent Electrical Systems for the Supply and Installation of Ball Diamond Lighting at Orono Park. Page Two TR-98-91 Tender NW91-38 - Supply and Installation of Ball Diamond Lighting Orono Park Subsequently tenders were advertised and received as follows: BIDDER TOTAL BID AMOUNT Ron Robinson Limited $105,930. 00 Oshawa, Ontario $ 86 ,670 . 00 Alternate Bid Independent High Voltage $116 ,900 . 00 Courtice, Ontario George Moore Electric $124,029 .36 Bowmanville, Ontario $115,333 .25 Alternate Bid Bankwell Electric Limited $127,223 . 00 Bowmanville, Ontario As part of the General Conditions of the Tender Specifications bidders were advised that alternate bids would be considered provided that drawings were submitted to the consultant for approval, at least 48 hours prior to the tender closing. The consultant, Kurrent Electrical Systems, have advised that the alternate bid submitted by Ron Robinson does meet with the specifications and lighting criteria. See letter attached marked Schedule "A" . Other associated costs are estimated at $2,900 .00 for the design and construction administration. The total required funds in an amount of $89,570 . 00 ($86,670 .00 contract + $2,900 . 00 design and construction administration) , will be drawn from the Community Services Parkland Development Capital Budget Account #7603-00001-0516 and are within the total budget allocation of $110,000.00 as reflected on page 178 of the 1991 Capital Budget. The Treasurer has reviewed the funding requirements and concurs with the recommendation. Queries with respect to department needs, specifications, etc. , should be referred to the Director of Community Services . After further review and analysis of the bids by Purchasing, Kurrent Electrical Systems and Community Services, it was mutually agreed that the low bidder Ron Robinson Limited, Oshawa, Ontario, be recommended for the contract for the Supply and Installation of Ball Diamond Lighting at Orono Park. Page Two TR-98-91 Tender NW91-38 - Supply and Installation of Ball Diamond Lighting Orono Park The subject firm have previously worked satisfactorily for the Town of Newcastle. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, ie Marano, H.B.Sc . , AMCT. , Lawrence/E Kotseff, Treasurer. Chief Admi istrative Officer. (1- 41 J. Ca na,. Dire ,t or of Community Services LAB:ss Attachments (4) i "SCHEDULE A" U J2 IT E L E C T R I C A L '�' D S Y S T E M S � OCT 29 1991 TOWN Of NL':•rCA'-Ti E Community Services Dept. October 29 , 1991 The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Community Services Department, 40 Temperance Street, BOWMANVILLE, Ontario. L1C 3A6 ATTENTION : Ms . Lou Ann Birkett Purchasing and Supply Agent Re : Ball Diamond Lighting for The Town of Newcastle Orono Park ORONO Ontario . Dear Ms . Birkett : Our firm has reviewed the list of bidders as requested in your memorandum dated . October 18, 1991 , our comments and recommendations are listed below in order of preference . Ron Robinson Limited Ron Robinson ' s alternate bid of $86, 670 . 00 consists of the Hubbell Lighting System and Stress-Crete poles . The Hubbell system meets with our specifications and lighting criteria as well as provides the best lighting uniformity of all lighting manufacturer submittals . This alternate also appears to be the lowest received . Ron Robinson ' s original bid of $105, 930 . 00 consists of the Halo Lighting System and . Stress-Crete poles as specified in the contract documents . The Halo System provides the second best lighting uniformity of all lighting manufacturer submittals . This bid appears to be the second lowest received . Independent High Voltage Independent ' s bid of $116, 900 . 00 consists of the Halo Lighting System and Stress-Crete poles as specified in the contract documents . The Halo System provides the second best lighting uniformity of all lighting manufacturer submittals . This bid appears to be the fourth lowest received . 172 King Street East, Suite 304, Oshawa, Ontario L1 H 1B6 (416) 432-6892 t 1 George Moore Electric Moore Electric ' s alternate bid of $115, 333 . 23 consists of the G .E . Lighting System and Stress-Crete poles. The G . E . System meets with our specifications and lighting criteria . However, would not recommend the G . E. Systems due to very sharp changes in the outfield lighting levels. When a ball travels through areas of increased or decreased illumination, it will appear to accelerate as it passes from light to dark areas and decelerate as it passes from dark to light. areas . This could cause a potentially dangerous situation . In addition to the above this system was fourth on the list of manufacturer submittals for lighting uniformity and appears to be third lowest bid received . Moore Electric ' s original bid of $124, 029 . 36 consists of the Halo Lighting System and Stress-Crete poles as specified in the contract. documents. The Halo System provides the second best lighting uniformity of all manufacturer submittals . This bid appears to be fifth on the list of bidders . Bankwell Electric Limited Bankwell Electric ' s bid of $127, 223 . 00 consists of the Hubbell Lighting System and Stress-Crete poles . The Hubbell System meets with our specification and lighting criteria as well as provides the best uniformity of all manufacturer submittals . This bid appears to be the highest of all bids received . Kurrent Electrical has worked on previous contracts with Ron Robinson Limited, George Moore. Electric and Bankwell Electric Limited . Each of the contracts involving these firms were handled in a very timely and efficient manner . Since Kurrent Electrical Systems does not. have any contract. experience with Independent High Voltage we are unable to comment on their expertise . I would also recommend that prior to signing this contract, the Town ensures that the lighting system, if other than Halo, consists of a 42 fixture layout. y CZ Trusting the above is satisfactory and meets your requirements, I remain . Yours truly, KEITH SEVERN KURRENT ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS C . C . Joseph Caruana, Director of Community Services ✓ Nick VanSeggelen, Community Services f •1 t jOU 05 '91 10:54 R OH ROB I flSON/RUBB I ES 031 P71,21 463 TAUNTON RD. EAST OSHAWA 576-1100 ;PBHAV A. ONTARIO L1H 7K5 FAX 432-1374 RUN ROBINSON LIMITED EQUIPMENT RENTAL November 5, 1991 Corporation Of The Town Of Newcastle 40 Temperance street sowmianville, Ontario L1C 3A6 ATTENTION: Mr. Nick yansanrrA��n RE: Orono Ball.field Light' 1 T Dear Sir, This is to confirm that our alternate proposal includes 42 fixtures. Txusting this meets with your requirements. Yours truly, .RON ROBIN,SON LIMITED 1 !!�� Ronald D. Robinson RDR:rac r sewers walermains roads