HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-78-91 r° TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ell REPORT File #;- Res. # By-Law # hEUING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: September 9, 1991 REPORT #: TR-7s-91 FILE #: SECT: QUOTATION Q91-10, RUBBERIZED FLOORING RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That Report TR-78-91 be received; 2 . That Centaur Products (Ontario) Inc. , Orillia, Ontario, with a total bid price of $10,494 .56 be awarded the contract to supply and install Rubberized Flooring at the Darlington Sports Centre, as required by the Department of Community Services; and 3. That the required funds be drawn from the Community Services approved 1991 Capital Budget, account #7606-00002-0501. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: Quotations were publicly advertised in all four (4) area papers. Subsequently, bids were received and tabulated as follows: Bidder Total Bid Amount Centaur Products (Ontario) Inc . $ 17, 194 . 04 Orillia, Ontario Stradhill Flooring Ltd. $ 26 ,337 .56 Oshawa, Ontario * amended bid - calculation error Page - 2 - TR-78-91 QUOTATION Q91-10, RUBBERIZED FLOORING As part of the General Terms and Conditions, the total area requiring flooring was divided into the following three (3) areas: Price Area "A" - Two (2) Dressing Rooms approx. 820 sq.ft $ 5,207 .00 Area "B" - Hallway approx. 986 sq. ft. $ 6,261. 10 Area "C" - Front Washroom, Stairs approx. 726 sq. ft. $ 4,601. 10 $16,069 .20 G.S.T. Extra $ 1, 124. 84 Total $17, 194. 04 In addition, bidders were advised that the Town of Newcastle reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantity by twenty-five percent (25%) without invalidating the unit prices bid. Funds in the amount of $10,000 .00 were provided for in the Community Services Department approved 1991 Capital Budget, Account #7606-00002-0501, as reflected on page 161, item 2, of the Capital Budget. It is therefore proposed that only the following areas be completed: Price Area "A" - Two (2) Dressing Rooms approx. 820 sq. ft $ 5,207 .00 Area "C" - Front Washroom, Stairs approx. 726 sq. ft. $ 4,601. 10 $ 9, 808. 10 G.S.T. Extra $ 686.56 Total $10,494 .56 Note, although this proposal reduces the quantity by slightly over the twenty-five percent (25%) , the low bidder has confirmed that this is acceptable. The total bid price of $10,494 .56 is over the budget allocation of $10,000 . 00 . However, adequate funds are available from this account as a result of under expenditure on the tempered glass (actual $9,865 .59, budget $15,000 . 00, page 161, item 3, 1991 Capital Budget) . The Treasurer has reviewed the funding requirements and concurs with the recommendation. Queries with respect to department needs, specifications, etc . , should be referred to the Director of Community Services . l Page - 3 - TR-78-91 QUOTATION Q91-10, RUBBERIZED FLOORING After further review and analysis of the quotes, it is respectfully recommended that Centaur Products (Ontario) Inc . , Orillia, Ontario, be awarded the contract to supply and install Rubberized Flooring at the Darlington Sports Centre. The subject firm have previously performed satisfactorily for the Town of Newcastle. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, r e Marano, H.B.Sc . , AMCT. , Lawrence Kotseff, Treasurer. Chief A nistrative Officer. /r t J.P Caruana, Director of Community Services. LAB/hjl i i