HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-76-91 w'""'LU""'� TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # Res. # By-Law # MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: September 9, 1991 REPORT #: TR-76-91 FILE #: SUB.ECT: TENDER NW91-28, COURTICE SOUTH HEIGHTS PARK - PHASE I RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That Report TR-76-91 be received; 2 . That P. Gabriele & Sons Ltd. , Woodbridge, Ontario, with a bid in the amount of $251,617 . 02 being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender NW91-28, be awarded the contract for Courtice South Heights Park, Phase I, as required by the Department of Community Services; 3 . That the optional basketball court (portion of Phase II) in the amount of $10,593 .00 be awarded pending the available funding; and 4 . That the total required funds in an amount of $273,307 .02 ($241,024 . 02 Phase I contract + $14,460 .00 landscape architect design + $7,230. 00 tender specifications and supervision + $10,593 . 00 optional basketball court - Phase II) , be drawn from the Community Services Parkland Development Capital budget, Account #7603-00001-0516, FORTHWITH. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: Tender specifications were provided by Cosburn Giberson Landscape Architects, for Courtice South Heights Park - Phase I, as required by the Department of Community Services . _7 ' ') Page - 2 - TR-76-91 TENDER NW91-28, COURTICE SOUTH HEIGHTS PARK - PHASE I Tender NW91-28 was publicly advertised in all four (4) area newspapers, with bids being submitted as per Schedule "A" attached. The tender specifications were divided into Phase I and Phase II . Bidders were advised that Phase II was to be considered as optional and that any or all parts of Phase II may or may not be initiated. Included in the total bid price of $241,024 . 02 is a contingency in the amount of $20,000 . 00. Although, this amount should be adequate, there is some concern with respect to the amount of top soil actually on site. As this will not be determined until construction actually commences, it is recommended that the optional basketball court in an amount of $10,593 .00 be awarded after the condition and amount of top soil is known and subject to funds being available. The total required funds are as follows: Phase I Contract $241,024 . 02 Landscape Architect Design 14,460.00 Tender Specification and Supervision 7,230 .00 Phase II - Optional Basketball Court 10,593. 00 $273,307 .02 The required funds will be drawn from account #7603-00001-0516 as reflected on page 173 of the approved 1991 Capital Budget. Note, the excess expenditure will be offset by the additional developer's contribution of $45,292 .50 in excess of the budgeted value of $56,000 .00 reflected in the budget which has been received and credited to account #6760-X-X (Contribution Capital - others) . This brings the total amount of funds available to $279,792 .50 (Lot Levy $178,500.00 + $101,292 .50 Developer's Contribution) . The Treasurer has reviewed the funding requirements and concurs with the recommendation. Queries with respect to department needs, specifications, etc. , should be referred to the Director of Community Services. Due to the nature of the contract in that much of it is seasonal, ie. tree planting, etc. , a forthwith approval is requested. r L Page - 3 - TR-76-91 TENDER NW91-28, COURTICE SOUTH HEIGHTS PARK - PHASE I After further review and analysis of the bids by Purchasing, Community Services and the architect, Cosburn Giberson it was mutually agreed that the contract be awarded to the low bidder, P. Gabriele & Sons Ltd. Woodbridge, Ontario. Although the subject firm have not previously performed for the Town of Newcastle they have satisfactorily completed several projects for Cosburn Giberson, as outlined in the attached letter marked Schedule "B" . Also attached is a memo marked Schedule "C" from Mr. J. Cameron. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, i Marie Marano, H.B.Sc . , AMCT. , Lawrence Kotseff, Treasurer. Chief A istrative Officer. J. P aruana, Dire for of Community Services . LAB/hjl Attachments SCHEDULE A BID SUMMARY NW91-28 COURTICE SOUTH HEIGHTS PARK Bidder Total Bid Amopunt Phase I P.Gabriele & Sons Ltd. $241,024.02 * Woodbridge, Ontario Decstar Contracting Limited 265,416.20 * Weston, Ontario Ron Robinson Limited 275,035.06 * Oshawa, Ontario Gateman-Milloy 275,368.29 * Kitchener, Ontario U. Fiorini and Sons Limited 282,466 .00 * Concord, Ontario Rutherford Contracting Ltd. 289,944 .95 ** Gormley, Ontario Oshawa Garden Service Limited 296,456 .25 Brooklin, Ontario McLean Peister Limited 317, 127 .23 Kitchener, Ontario Mopal Construction Limited 345,870.00 Scarborough, Ontario * GST Amended ** Bid Amended - Extension Error Itl1.I4IV) Fax 475-5930 SCHEDULE "B" COSBURN CIBFRSION 7,7c . August 19, 1991 Ms, L. Birkett Town of Newcastle Parks and Recreation Department 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario MC 3A6 Dear Ms, Birkett: Re: Courtice South Heights Park Contract Award Project File: 2Q.75-6 This letter is to confirm receipt of the package of tender copies for the above project. Having reviewed these tenders and your anal sis of the bads subnutted, we would recom- mend that the Town of Newcastle engage P.yCabriele and Sons (as the lowest bidder at $241,024.02 including G.S.T.) to perform these works. We have dealt witlx P. Oabriele and Sons on past projects and found them to be competent general contractors for the construc- tion of parks of this type and scale. Most recently, they have completed a community park in the Town of'Whitby containing similar facilities , and both our firm and the Town were most pleased with the project, Currently, P. Gabriele and Sons is constructing a community park and high school sports complex for the Town of Pickering. This project is proceeding on schedule with good quality of workmanship, We request that you keep us apprised of your Council's approval for this project so that con- tract documents and a construction schedule can be finalized. If we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Yours truly, COSBURN GIBERSON DSCAPP,ARCHITECTS ce K. Cosburn, O.A.L.A. Partner, Landscape Architect BKC/blh SCHEDULE "C" THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Memorandum CS91662 To: Lou Ann Birkett, Purchasing and Supply Agent F James D. Cameron, Operations Superintendent rom: August 16, 1991 Date: Tender NW 91-28 - Courtice Hts South Park Subject: ------------------------------------------------------------- We have reviewed the tender documents with our consultant Cosburn Giberson Landscape Architects (see attached) and we recommend that P. Grabriele and Sons the low bidder be awarded the contract for Phase 1 in the amount of $241,024.02 . Through negotiations with the local developer he has requested that he be relieved of grading and drainage responsibilities and has paid as requested $45, 292 .50 for those responsibilities to be included into the Town's contract. Previously the developer had agreed to pay in addition $56000 towards the parks development and was included in the $234,500.00 approved on page 173 of the 1991 Capital Budget. A cheque in the amount of $101,292 .50 ($45292.50 and $56000) has been deposited in revenue account 6760-X-X. The total dollars available for this project is ($234,500.00 plus $45,292.50)$279,792.50. The site has been left in a difficult condition. The base information on the availability of top soil on site etc. has been supplied by the consultant of the developer. As a result we may require some funds for contingency should the conditions prove to be more severe than anticipated. Phase II of the project was tendered in such a way that all or a part could be awarded. . Subject to confirming the need for use of the residual funds for contingency we propose to issue an extra to allow the building of the basketball court for $9,900.00.+(-51 In summary we propose the funding as follows: Expenditures Dollars Available Phase I Contract 241,024. 02 Landscape Architect design 6% 14,460. 00 Specification & supervision 3% 7,230 . 00 Extra subject to contingency need 9,900 . 00 + c.sr Totals 272,614 . 02 279,792 .50 ,693.00 2 - In consultation with the Treasurer we request approval to overspend the Parks Capital account 7603-1-516 as required with offsetting revenue in 6760. Should at the completion of the project any residual dollars uncommitted in account 6760 remain the remaining funds be reimbursed to the Parks lot levy account from which the majority of funding has been taken. JDC/tw attachment i