HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-65-91 °"""'�'-� TOWN OF NEWCASTLE r REPORT File # Res. # By-Law # METING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: July 22, 1991 REPORT #: TR-65-91 FILE #: SLI&ECT: TENDER NW91-21, MILL STREET BOAT RAMP AND PARKETTE, PHASE II RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That Report TR-65-91 be received; 2 . That Deeb Wallans Corp. , Brighton, Ontario, with a bid in the amount of $138,082 .43 being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender NW91-21, be awarded the contract for the Construction of Mill Street Boat Ramp and Parkette, Phase II, as required by the Department of Community Services; 3. That Alternate #1 (planting) in an amount of $10,675 .39 and Alternate #2 (electrical/lighting) in an amount of $19,429 . 06 be included as part of the contract award; and 4 . That the total required funds in an amount of $172,693 . 66 ($138,082 .43 contract + $10,675. 39 Alternate #1 + $19,429 .06 Alternate #2 + $4,506 . 76 design and construction administration) , be drawn from the Community Services Parkland Development Capital Budget Account #7603-00001-0516 . BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: Tender specifications were provided by Daniel J. O'Brien and Associates Ltd. for the construction of Mill Street Boat Ramp and Parkette, Phase II. Page - 2 - TR-65-91 TENDER NW91-21, MILL STREET BOAT RAMP AND PARKETTE, PHASE II Subsequently, bids were received and tabulated as per Schedule "A" attached. As part of the tender submission, bidders were requested to price three (3) alternatives, as follows: Alternate #1 - Planting Alternate #2 - Electrical/Lighting Alternate #3 - Replace Limestone Walk to Pier with Boardwalk The General Conditions of the tender specifications provided that these alternatives may or may not be included as part of the tender award. It is proposed that the project award include Alternate #1 (Planting) and Alternate #2 (Electrical/Lighting) , in the amounts of $10,675 . 39 and $19,429 . 06 respectively. Other associated costs are $4,506 .78 for project design and construction administration. The total required funds in an amount of $172,693 . 66 ($138,082 .43 contract + $10,675. 39 Alternate #1 + $19 ,429 .06 Alternate #2 + $4,506 . 76 design and construction administration) , will be drawn from the Community Services Parkland Development Capital Budget Account #7603-00001-0516 and are within the total budget allocation of $180,000.00, as reflected on page 170 of the Capital Budget. The Treasurer has reviewed the funding requirements and concurs with the recommendation. Queries with respect to department needs, specifications, etc . , should be referred to the Director of Community Services . After further review and analysis of the bids by Purchasing, Daniel J. O'Brien and Associates Ltd. and Community Services, it was mutually agreed that the low bidder, Deeb Wallans Corp. , Brighton, Ontario, be recommended for the contract for the construction of Mill Street Boat Ramp and Parkette, Phase II. ,' 16 Page - 3 - TR-65-91 TENDER NW91-21, MILL STREET BOAT RAMP AND PARKETTE, PHASE II Although the subject firm have not previously performed for the Town of Newcastle, they do come highly recommended as outlined in the attached letter from Daniel J. O'Brien and Associates Ltd. , marked Schedule "B" . Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, ie Marano, H.B.Sc. , AMCT. , Lawre c Kotseff, Treasurer. Chief A nistrative Officer. J.P ruana, Di ! for of Community Services . LAB/hjl Attachments SCHEDULE A BID SUMMARY TENDER NW91-21 MILL STREET BOAT RAMP PARKETTE PHASE II Bidder Total Bid Amount Deeb Wallans Corp. $138082 .43 Brighton, Ontario Novacor Construction Ltd. 147681.40 Queensville, Ontario Bennett Paving and Materials Limited 154089 .68 ** Oshawa, Ontario Concord Tree Farm Ltd. 154422 .40 Schomberg, Ontario Rutherford Contracting Ltd. 154727. 35 Gormley, Ontario Vic Priestly Contracting Limited 157792 .79 Aurora, Ontario Ron Robinson Limited 172103. 91 Oshawa, Ontario Bud's Contracting 179936 . 07 ** Stoney Creek, Ontario Union Interlocking Stone Inc. 183121. 02 ** Concord, Ontario ** amended bid - calculation error 07/11/91 1:: 59 a 416 985 8509 DANIEL Q' BRIEN P. 01 SCHEDULE "B" July 11th, 1991 . I)u111e1 J. O'Brie n A.44001ATBS I:1'l). LANDSC:AI11:ARC11I'1'1}CTS' The Town of Newcastle Ab Temperance Strut Dowmanvill.e, Ontario L1C 3AG Attention: Lou Ann Birkette , Purchasing and Supply Agent RO: Mi11. Street Boat. Ramp and Parkete. , Pha<le II Tender No . NW 91-21 We have reviewed the bids of Mill Street Boat Ramp and Parkette, Phase II and find Deeb-Wallan.s Corporation ' s bid of $138 , 062 . 43 to be fair and reasonable and we recommend that the contract be awarded to this corporation. We have received a list of re£er- oncos from Deeb-Wallan. Corp. and feel that they will be able to carry out the construction of this project as designed . In addition, we recommend that the project be constructed to include Altornate Price No . 1 (planting) and Alterrlat(= Price No. 2 ( lighting) . We feel that constructing the boardwaa.k to the pier (Alternate Price No . 3 ) in lieu of the planting or lighting would not be suitable. Due to the rough terrain to the pier , the limestone walk iaill be more appropriate than the boardwalk and a boardNiallt witbout other ammenities ( ie . benches , lights etc. . ) would not have the impact requirod to validate spending sucli money on it. Tile impact receivod from the lighting and planting around the launch area will bl? much groater and will ' finish-off ' the parkette . Sincerely , DANIEL J . 01Bk1EN & ASSOCIATFS LTD. Per . oe '14 /tal O ' Brien, Landscape Architect . 719 INU MAK1' 'i'ltlil'!',I't)k'C I'I,itlt�',t!h'TAIti<? LflI,i If7 TEL,(416)988-4466 06/27/91 11 : 56 $ 416 985 8509 DANIEL O' BRIEN P. 06 )U MERIN rnir,err nt+ ..luhe 24 , 1991 06hial J . 016HIRn '!80 Mary 8tre s't Port Parry , Onta.r.io L.9 L. 157 Att. ntioni Oani'el J. 'O' Drie n RE; Ma l i•,5,treet Parke'.tte Town' of Newcastle Deer Sit' Wei era, ple;4g;i3d;' to b'e, oonsidared• for,•,thp ce'nBt,ruot'iOn* 'of, the . Mill'. S`tree F'>9r e31ate We supply to,'•y4u;':,e list' of re.fare'nces fo,r, your" ihforma'Cion: HistoriCQ11y, DoSign8te3d n0s.Jdenoe R8novl!�tiOti*?`• Addition 5 •Situ Improvements• Won Beet Reanovetien to ,e Historic Bwi,.10ing . 1989 Bull•sville .Historio slQciety Approxfmnte ..:,Value . Additior, - $175 ,OOO. 00 t Qndsbgp i ng $ 14S ,000 , 00 Gregg Gordan Arohitobt Gregg Gordon 61�=966-9055 HeertXaPd;Envirnnmentsl I�esigr, ,613-86�-3178 . Ontario' Houesifi8 Corporgtioti', NarthumbarA;ari'd, County Howsing Authority, apo 01;v1'e' Streelt Cubour.g•, •. pntar•i,o Att t • Er, iQ-,Hbimdbm A1G-.37 -•0151 -0H- 1 CnIbo'rna site xmpravetnerlt's $5 ,;000 -o0 w I1�SD) . OH-3 Brighton site Impr.oii,wmente $12 , aoo . 00 ( 1989) • Agriaultur,e ' Cgn'ada - ' Smithfield Fxpesrime'ntel Farm 'Chemimjml Storage Building $250 ,000 ,.00 • Grese�r�GalYowey Ardh'iteots 5 Cnginesar� • Pnterborough OfTloo .w Charles Woad 705;-7435780 (A v.0.IIM M, IMU11'fU�,UF7hRIU KOS 1110 018/476 MU f 1 o,ury•-:.- rr. u.,v,cn ,sw r,!r,,•:,.•„ r.•r nvr,or ne*,v,r, r, r,rc e,r,p4 r.y..,., 06/27/91 11 : 57 a 416 585 8564 DANIEL 4' BRIEN P. 07 < i, u r o If A.r : u h Ministry of Natural Re,sourGOs Fpr'rie` Provincial. Park Maintenance Building,. $100 ,000 ,00 Lao Krytatal Chief Maintenance Msnager. 1-800-267-7901 M.ini'etr-y of Government. 5e.rvioea (on Going) Kemptville , Doter-I() , 613�258�8�55 Vioc or Huohes,` projeot Inspector Kitchen Addition 'to •Cornwall Jail A0pt-9ximete ,.Co,st $ 510 , 000 . 00 Ministry of Gove'rnme,nt Services (On 'Going') es -repr'esente by ' Sh alt6 G zabaok Aro,hiteots Ray Zaback" , 610=546-D771 ' Handicapped Public A'GOoos! bi 1 ity • , Project consists of `various,- waehroom renovations 6 four new concrete whee:lohair ramps . $238.,000.00 Ontario 'Housing .Qorporstion (On, Going ) Kingston Houein'g Authority New Elevator on •8ix .S.toresy Apartment, .Buil'ding 6 Re-furbishing of Existing Elevator ` e40, 000 , 00 Ed, Dowdy. Maintesnanaa Monager 698--5RB_5591 I invite .you •to call our bonding company ss ropraeanted by Morris 9 ',Mackvn'zie in' To,ront,o at' 416,595-9699. and ask for 5heil,e Thompeon . My personal Garepr eiooe graduation from Seneca College of Applied Arts 6 Technology es ' a Civil Engina'eri,ng Te,chnalogist in 1963 has bQen that I worked for' W , V , . Wallans Contracting for five yeq'rs as a Project ManaOer/Estitnetor . Along with mnmy other , projent,s , ,I wMs dirmctly involved in the Armagh 8 . Prioe perk which was €a $9541000 :00 Watar•front Landscape Developmant Project in 19$6 for the ,City of Brockville , I we$ also involved in e $ 150 ,000 , 00 Site Improvement Contract for Ontario Housing in Neponee in 1985 , The larpnBt project I was rasponsi.ble for wee approximately 9;400 , 000,. 00 for a Lactura Theatre for. . DeFenae Construction Cmnsda at Fort Frontenac In Kingston , Ontario . P.M.uuX',Su ux,!si„u�.:NIAI a KuK:uo c:a,;�s.cwcti 06/27/91 11 57 S 416 985 8509 DANIEL O' BRIEN F.08 Y left W . V . Wallane Contracting Ltd . in the aprino of 1986 and incorporated 6s 'D&'mb-Wal•l,ar�sl Corporation and commenced operating 'which we have oompleted . over 3.5 mlll. iao dollars of� Carltracte ainoe� our inception . We have shown a wide variety of , work• that Oeeb- Wmllens Corporation is able to Gonetruot . .We feel' that our- ' expertise in gove+rnme,nt; pr,ojapts allows 'our fink, to give the Town of Nelivoaat•la the 'beat, results in the conet:ruotian of the Mill Street P8irket;t e , - Yours truly , ' . Olaf allans C . E . T : P sidenVt L1aeb-Wallane Corporation JW/dw � d2 ❑ 1'.0.llUX P7U Ukltilu,!V',US1 U(fU kUR IHU ,d7U!11�3NiB I