HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-62-91 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Filo# rllt, 1055. CV1 Date: July 22, 1991 Res, # Report#: TR-62-91 File #: By-Law# Subject: 1991 GRANT - BOWMANVILLE SANTA CLAUS PARADE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. Report TR-62-91 be received; 2 . That the Santa Claus Parade Committee be awarded an additional grant of $1,000 to be drawn from account number 7007-X-298 Unclassified Admin. - Contingency. 3 . That authority be given to negotiate an agreement with the Santa Claus Parade Committee in a form satisfactory to the Town Solicitor and the Director of Public Works. 4 . That a report and applicable by-law be provided to Council to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign the necessary agreement upon completion of negotiations between the Town and the Santa Claus Parade Committee. 5 . That Mr. Don Welsh, Chairman, Santa Claus Parade Committee be advised of Council 's decision and be provided with a copy of Report TR-62-91. BACKGROUND & COMMENTS 1. 1 At the Council meeting of June 24, 1991, Mr. Don Welsh appeared as a delegation. Wherein he advised that the Santa Claus Parade Committee request of $2,000 for 1991 (per attached TR-49-91) was partly due to insurance cost relating to the parade and a building located on Town property at the Bowmanville Public Works Depot. Subsequently Council passed Resolution #C-410-91: "THAT the delegation of Don Welsh be acknowledged; THAT the grant of $1,000 originally approved through Resolution #GPA- 165-91 be forwarded to the Santa Clause Parade Committee; THAT the request for a further $1,000 grant be referred to the Treasurer for review and a report addressing ownership of the Santa Claus Parade Committee building and related insurance matters 7 2 TR-62-91 Page 2 1. 1 FORTHWITH; and THAT Don Welsh be advised of Council's decision. " 1.2 The legal ownership of the Santa Claus Parade Committee building located at the Bowmanville Public Works Yard (33 Lake Road) was referred to the Town Solicitor for investigation of title. The Town solicitor indicates that there is no document deposited on the Title comprising an agreement, license, or lease to any private individual or committee of individuals for any purpose including the use of it in connection with the operation of the Santa Claus Parade. 1.3 In 1978 Council agreed through resolution #W316-78,to establish a storage building on the site of the Bowmanville Public Works Yard (see attachment #1) and approved the necessary agreement between the Santa Claus Parade Committee and the Municipality to be drawn up (see attachment #2) . 1.4 No record of this agreement was located after a search of the Town's records (Clerks and Public Works departments) . Moreover, the Santa Claus Parade Committee also has no record of agreement with the Municipality pertaining to the ownership and usage of the building located at the Bowmanville Public Works yard. 1.5 The Town Solicitor advises that the agreement that was discussed by previous Council but not implemented, be drawn up between the Town of Newcastle and the Santa Claus Parade Committee. This agreement would include a termination clause in the event the location was needed by the Town in the future. 2 . INSURANCE 2 . 1 Mr. Don Welsh stated that in previous years the cost of insurance for the Parade (liability) and the building and contents was paid by the Chamber of Commerce. However, due to the withdrawal of funding by the Chamber of Commerce, this cost estimated at approximately $800 must now be borne by the Santa Clause Parade Committee. 2 .2 The Town's insurance carrier, Frank Cowan Company Limited, were requested to comment on the related insurance matter. The Town's current policy provides $10 million with a $5,000 deductible for municipal liability insurance and replacement costs with a $10,000 deductible on property insurance. In addition representatives from Frank Cowan do not recommend insuring additional groups independent of the Town. 2 . 3 The Santa Claus Parade Committee is not a Committee or established Board of the Town Council but a separate Committee with independent financial records . 2 .4 Staff propose that the Santa Claus Parade Committee continue to obtain independent coverage so as not to set a precedent for other independent groups, boards and committees seeking Town umbrella coverage. The additional grant recommended should adequately compensate the Committee for this additional cost. TR-62-91 Page 3 Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee _4 Marie A. Marano H.BSc . ,A.M.C.T. Lawrence E. Kotseff, Treasurer Chief A i istrative T r1 REPORT #TR-62-91 ATTACHMENT # 1 Public Works Committee - 4 - September 14, 1978 Mr. Ferguson, Deputy to the Director of Public Works, joined the Meeting. Resolution # W-314-78 Entranceway Moved by Councillor Dykstra, seconded by Councillor Policy & Gray: By-Law: THAT this item be referred to the next Meeting of this Committee and that a copy of the document be forwarded to the Clerk's Department and the Planning Department in the interim, with the Ce request that comments on the Entranceway Policy and By-Law are submitted to the next Meeting of this Committee on Thursday, October 12, 1978. "CARRIED" Resolution # W-315-78 Adjournment: Moved by Councillor Dykstra, seconded by Councillor 12:00 noon Woodyard: THAT this Committee adjourn until 1:45 p.m. "CARRIED" The Committee reconvened at the appointed time Present: Chairman R.B. Taylor, Mayor G.B. Rickard, Councillor R. Dykstra, Councillor E. Woodyard, Mr. J. Dunham. Absent: Councillor A. Gray. Delegation: Mr. George Stephen and Mr. John Pogue of the Bowmanville Santa Claus. Parade Committee were present to discuss the possibility of building a storage facility on the site of the Works Yard in Bowmanville. *** COUNCIL *** Resolution # W-316-78 Santa Claus Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Parade Dykstra: Committee - Building: THAT we recommend to Council that application be made to the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority to establish a storage building on the site of the Bowmanville Works Yard, in a suitable location, to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. T C "CARRIED" r-- REPORT #TR-62-91 ATTACHMENT #2 t , Public Works Committee - S - September 14, 1978 COUNCIL *** Resolution # W-317-78. Santa Claus Moved by Councillor Dykstra, seconded by Mayor Parade Rickard: Committee: THAT, upon approval of the application by the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, the necessary Agreement between the Santa Claus Parade Committee and the Municipality be drawn up. "CARRIED" Chairman Taylor thanked Mr. Stephen anti, Mr. Pogue for their presentation to the Committee. Delegation: Mrs. E. Corby appeared before the Committee to request improvements to the access road into their property, being Lot 34, Concession 6, former Clarke. Resolution # W-318-78. Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Woodyard: THAT Mrs. Corby be heard. "CARRIED" Mrs. Corby told the Committee that, during the spring of the year, the road was almost if not completely broken up and impassable and asked that steps be taken to correct the situation before the coming winter. Resolution # W-319-78. Lot 34, Moved by Mayor' Rickard, seconded by Councillor Concession 6, Dykstra: Clarke: THAT this matter be referred to the Director of Public Works in regard to improvements to the road in question, and that he report on the progress of same to the next Meeting of this Committee. "CARRIED" Mr. L. Simpson, By-Law Enforcement Officer, was present for discussion on the proposed Snow Removal By-Law. 7 0 C THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File# SANTA Date: June 17, 1991 Res.# Report#: TR-49-91 File#: By-Law# Subject: 1991 GRANT AWARDED - BOWMANVILLE SANTA CLAUS PARADE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. Report TR-49-91 be received for information. BACKGROUND & COMMENTS . At the General- Purpose and Administration Committee meeting of June 6th, 1991, Committee directed the Treasurer to review and report on the Budget information regarding the awarding of the Santa Claus Parade grant for 1991. This was in response to the delegation of Mr. Don Welsh from the Santa Claus Parade Committee. 2. The Santa Claus Parade submitted a request in the amount of $2,000 to the N.C.S.A.B. for 1991 budget consideration. N.C.S.A.B. recommended that the grant be approved as requested. During .1991 budget deliberations, through resolution #GPA-165-91, the grant was awarded as $1,000. (A copy of the resolution is attached as attachment #1) The comments made to the N.C.S.A.B. are documented in the attachments to budget report CS-12-91. A copy of the appropriate page from this report is attached .(attachment #2) for reference. 3. The grant made to the Bowmanville Santa Claus Parade in the previous budget year - 1990 was $500. 4. If Council wishes to consider awarding the 1991 grant as requested, there are sufficient funds available in the contingency account #7007- X-298. pespectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee Mari A. Marano H.BSc. ,A.M.C.T. Lawrence E. Kotseff, Treasurer Chief Administrative Officer Attachments ATTACHMENT # 1 G.P.& A. Minutes - 3 - March 8, 1991 Resolution #GPA-163-91 Moved by Councillor Wotten, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT Report CS-12-91 be received; THAT the Grant Recommendations as presented in Schedule I of Report CS-12-91 be approved; and THAT the Newcastle Community Services Advisory Board and the applicants be informed of action taken by Council. "CARRIED AS AMENDED LATER IN THE MEETING" (SEE FOLLOWING AMENDING MOTIONS) Resolution #GPA-164-91 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Stapleton THAT the recommended N.C.S.A.B. 1991 grant in the amount of$500. for Community Services Order be deleted from Schedule I of Report CS-12-91. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-165-91 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Stapleton THAT the recommended N.C.S.A.B. 1991 grant for the Santa Claus Parade be decreased from $2,000. to $1,000. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-166-91 Moved by Mayor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hamre THAT the recommended N.C.S.A.B. 1991 grant for the Lions Community Centre be increased from $0 to $12,000. "CARRIED" X06 PAGE APPLICANT INTENT OF GRANT 1990 GRANT 1991 REQUEST COMMENTS ' Bowmanville Minor Hockey Assoc. - to support minor hockey prog. 2,500 5,000 - trying to keep registration costs (Toros) - offset operational costs such reasonable for community Paul Robinson as ice fees, equip. repairs - 1989 deficit 3,774 (operational) 623-3884/(8)571-1211 and purchases - 24,550 bank balance (Mar.12/90) Newcastle Aquatic Club - to offset pool and facility 1,250 4,455 - must fundraise 15,900 in order Louise Aasen costs to reduce deficit (budget does 623-4768/(B)623-8161 not include grant request) - currently participating in fundraising activities Santa Claus Parade - operating expenses for 1991 500 2,000 - project n 2,000 deficit from Don Welsh Santa Claus Parade (Bow. ) 1990 parade 263-2325 - without grant, project deficit in 1991 - do try to get donations from local businesses and organizations but amounts are declining Newcastle Parent/Child Resource - offset development of new 375 7,000 - new program to provide support Centre program initiative, purchase "(as Mom's to Mothers, Fathers 6 children Corrine Allin of equipment, fac. rental group) - intend to be Town-wide project 987-5145 - also seeking funding from other - organizations & through fund- raising activities Heritage week '91 - operation of community wide 25,000 - 1989 grant supported 1989 6 Cher Letooze Heritage Celebration ( 1989) },f.25. 1990 program 6:23-9142 - approx. 4,000 surplus exists from above grant - Bruce 6 Fleurette sit with this committee > H n M 0 > n y H H C n 0 Z M n '=7071 H n cc y N Cn 0 � N r N kD r