HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-12-91 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT Fi le # Res. # By-Law # MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: February 4, 1991 REPORT #: mR_„_g 1 FILE #: ACT' TENDER NW90-51, ROOF REPAIRS, COURTICE FIRE STATION #4 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 . That Report TR-12-91 be received; 2 . That Heather & Little Limited, Toronto, Ontario, with a bid in the amount of $22,725 . 00 being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender NW90-51, be awarded the contract, for Courtice Fire Station #4 Roof Repairs, as required by the Department of Community Services; and 3 . That the funds be drawn from the Community Services 1990 Capital Budget, Account #7029-00004-0501. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: Tender specifications were provided by Totten Sims Hubicki and Associates Ltd. , for Courtice Fire Station #4 Roof Repairs, as required by the Department of Community Services . Tenders were publicly advertised in all four (4) area newspapers . Page - 2 - TR-12-91 TENDER NW90-51, ROOF REPAIRS, COURTICE FIRE STATION #4 Subsequently, tenders were received and tabulated as follows: Bidder Total Bid Amount Heather & Little Limited $ 22,725 .00 Toronto, Ontario Bothwell-Accurate Co. Ltd. $ 23,813 . 00 Toronto, Ontario Solar Roofing Sheet Metal Ltd. $ 23,985 . 00 Toronto, Ontario Semple-Gooder Roofing Limited $ 28,970 .00 Rexdale, Ontario Note: Two (2) other tenders were submitted by Dufferin Roofing Co. Ltd. and Atelier Roofing, however, were rejected as an "agreement to bond" was not included with their submission. The required funds in the amount of $22,725 . 00 will be drawn from the Community Services 1990 Capital Budget, Account #7029-00004-0501 and are well within the total budget allocation of $48, 000. 00, as reflected on page #143 of the 1990 Capital Budget. The cost for design and contract preparation is estimated at $5,000 . 00, which brings the total required funds to $27 ,725 . 00 . The Treasurer has reviewed the funding and concurs with the recommendation. Queries with respect to department needs, specifications, etc . , should be referred to the Director of Community Services. After further review and analysis of the bids by Purchasing, Totten Sims Hubicki and Associates Ltd. and Community Services, it was mutually agreed that Heather & Little Limited, Toronto, Ontario, be recommended for the contract for the Courtice Fire Station #4 Roof Repairs . See attached letter from Totten Sims Hubicki and Associates Ltd. , marked Schedule "A" . 1 j �' Page - 3 - TR-12-91 TENDER NW90-51, ROOF REPAIRS, COURTICE FIRE STATION #4 The subject firm have previously performed satisfactorily for the Town of Newcastle. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, r a ie Marano, H.B.Sc . , AMCT. , Lawrenrdainistrative Kotseff, Treasurer. Chief Officer. J.PC ruana, Director of Community Services . LAB/hjl Attachment -� 1-1 ha — - T 1_1 E 1 0 _ i T O 4- E t•a = I t•1 : . ►-1 I_I F: I 1_ h==: I P _ 0 SCHEDULE "A" G.L. TOT7EN B.Sc. P.Eng. A.E.SIMS B.A.SC„P,Eng, J.M. HUSICKI B.A.Sc., OkA,P.Eng. R.L.WINDOVER M.Sc., P.Eng. CONS•NTS TOTTEN SIMS HUHICKI ASSOCIATES((TV81))LNFrED 1W HOPKINS STREET,WHITBY,ONTARIO associates tsc� CAHADA,Ltk 2p3 tot ten Sims �111� i1 k1 S$►OGic�tE�S (416)694-9363 PIC e6t}-D221 January 17th, 1991 The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Dowmanville, Ontario L10 3A6 Attention! Mrs, 'Lou Ann Birkett Re! Reroofing Project Courtice Fire Station No. 4 Town of Newcastle TSH Project No, 22-13025 Dear Lou Ann; As requested in your fax of January 16th, 1991, we have reviewed the tender submitted by the low bidder for the above noted project. The low bid was submitted by Heather & Little Ltd. in the amount of $22,725.00. The work consists of the removal of the existing flat roof system and replacement with a new insulated roof system. The details of the work are based on Drawing No. 1, Roof Plan and Details dated September 1990 and the specifications prepared by TSH. The law bidder for the work, Heather & Little Ltd, is well known to TSH and are qualified to carry out the reroofing work. TA* fax transmittal to us included Page 16, Tender Form, Page 1$, the Information Sheet and the Agreement to Bond as filled in by Heather & Little. These documents were filled In in accordance with the tender requirements. Based on our review of the tender submission by Heather & Little, we would recommend that the Town accept the tender in the amount of $22,725.00. I trust that the above is satisfactory for your requirements . Please contact us if you have any questions or if we can be of further assistance. Yours very truly, C. R. Howson, P. Eng, ORB/an ENGINEERS ARCHITECTS AND PLANNERS