HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-4-91 UNFINISHED BUSINESS TOWN OF NEWCASTLE J REPORT F i le # Res. # By-Law # (STING: GENERAL PURPOSE & ADMINISTRATION MEETING DATE: January 21, 199 REPORT #: TR-4-91 (ADDENDUM) FILE #: SUBJECT: CLARKE MUSEUM & ARCHIVES BUILDING EXPANSION PROJECT RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That report TR 4-91 be lifted from the table 2. That recommendation # 4. of report TR-4-91 be changed to read: that any further plans/costs relating to the expansion project continue in accordance with the approved 1990 capital budget project and in conjunction with the Town's Community Services Staff and with the Recreation Master Plan Review Process; 3. That the outstanding invoices relating to the capital project, (ie: feasibility and fundraising studies etc. ), amounting to approximately $16,000 be authorized for payment FORTHWITH from the Clarke Museum Capital Reserve Fund; 4. That the Clarke Museum's fundraising account be replenished from the Clarke Museum Capital Reserve Fund FORTHWITH for the capital project costs that were financed from the Clarke Museum approved 1990 operating budget, (approximately $6,000) ; and 5. That the Clarke Museum be notified of Council's decisions. . . . .2 7 t (__ J I Tr-4-91 (Addendum) Page 2 BACKGROUND & COMMENT 1. Report TR-4-91 was tabled at the General Purpose and Administration meeting of January 7, 1991 for a period of two weeks. 2. Subsequent to the G.P.A. Meeting, a meeting was scheduled and held for Friday January 11/91 between the some members of the executive of the Clarke Museum Board, Councillor Frank Stapleton, Joe Caruana, Director of Community Services and the Town Treasurer, Marie Marano. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the contents of the Treasury report and the concerns raised through it. 3. The discussions at this meeting revealed that the feasibility studies, that are recommended for payment above, identified that the two million dollar project referred to in report TR-4-91 is not realistic or feasible for the Clarke Museum at this time. The fundraising component for this size of a project could not be met by the present community for a number of reasons, one being the present state of the economy. 4. In addition the fundraising and feasibility studies identified other factors which have led the Clarke Museum Board to reconsider attempting the project at it's originally approved structure size and cost ($500,000 per the 1990 Capital Budget) . 4.1 Copies of the studies for the project have been left with the Community Services Department and are available for review by Council. 5. The Clarke Museum Board Directors are in agreement with the recommendations as contained in the original report and the changes and additions as contained in the addendum, and will proceed with the project fundraising and confirmation of Government funding. In addition they will co-ordinate the construction aspects of the project with the Town's staff through the Community Services Department. 6. The Clarke Museum has funded the studies to this point from their approved 1990 operating budget and therefore require reimbursement on a forthwith approval to meet the December operating accounts which are now outstanding. . . . .3 TR-4-91 (Addendum Paste 3 7. The Clarke Museum Reserve Fund balance at December 31, 1990 is approximately $67,000. This fund is made up of an original contribution from the Museum in 1988 of $27,000 plus an annual contribution of $7,000 through the Town's Capital Budget process and accrued interest. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, Mare A. Marano, H.BSc. , Lawrence E. �otseff, Treasurer Chief A ministrative Officer J. Cfaruana, Director of Community Services MAM/Pp r TOWN OF NEWCASTLE FILE COPY a MEMORANDUM d TO; M. MARANO, TREASURER FROM; MARIE P. KNIGHT, DEPUTY CLERK DATE: JANUARY 15, 1991 SUBJECT: cLARKE MUSEUM & ARCHIVES BUILDING EXPANSION PROJECT OUR FILE: 35.60.11 At a meeting held on January 14, 1991, Council approved Recommendation #GPA-28-91: "THAT Report TR-4-91 be tabled for a period of two weeks. " a_ Mar' MPK/lb cc: J. Caruana, Director, Community Services TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # r� � t`' ! Res. # _— _-- By-Law # (STING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: January 7, 1991 REPORT #: TR-4-91 FILE #: SUB.ECT: CLARKE MUSEUM & ARCHIVES BUILDING EXPANSION PROJECT RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That report TR-4-91 be received; 2 . That the Clarke Museum building expansion project be administered by the Town in regards to the project costs and construction management; 3. That the Clarke Museum & Archives Board be requested to continue to administer the fundraising aspect of this project; 4. That any further plans/costs relating to the expansion project be put on hold until Council has had the opportunity to evaluate the situation in conjunction with the Recreation Master Plan Review process . BACKGROUND & COMMENTS Through the 1990 Capital Budget process, Council approved expansion to the existing Clarke Museum & Archives building for storage, exhibit, and work space. Construction was to commence in 1990 at an approved cost of $486,000 . The financing of this project was as follows: Ministry of Culture grant $250,000; Fundraising $175,000; Museum's Capital Reserve Fund $54,000; and the 1990 Tax Levy $7,000 . At the beginning of September 1990, the Clarke Museum Board requested a reimbursement of $20,060 from their reserve fund which is consolidated with the other reserve funds of the Town. TR-4-91 Page 2 Historically capital projects on external facilities such as the Museums and the Libraries have been under the direction and control of the respective Boards . However, due to uncertainty with regard to the timing of the project construction and a question on the degree of success of the fundraising component of this project, only $10,000 of the requested $20,060 was advanced to the Clarke Museum. With the $10,000 advance a verbal request was made to the Treasurer of the Clarke Museum Board, to provide the Town with a written update report as to the status of the building expansion project. At the end of October the Treasurer of the Clarke Museum & Archives sent a letter to the Town providing the requested update report. Please refer to Attachment "A" . Attachment "A" indicates that the expansion cost has changed from $486,000 to an estimated cost of $2,000,000 and construction of the addition is to begin early 1991. Due to the substantial dollar value and complexity of this expansion project, it would be in the best interests of the Clarke Museum & Archives and the Town, to have the Town through the Community Services Department coordinate this project. Community Services now coordinate all projects on all other Town owned facilities and have familiarity with the market and tendering process . It would be advisable to have the Clarke Museum Board continue with the fundraising aspect of the expansion project as they proposed under their original financing proposal. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee Malrie A. Marano H.BSc . , Lawrence E. Kotseff, Treasurer Chief Adm'n' strative Officer Josoh P. Caruana, Director of Community Services MAM/L/ges Attachments Attachment xAx OF October 22, - °^++199O ~���ANCE Corporation of the Town of Newcastle 4() Temperance St. BowmanviIle, Ontario RE: Capital Fundraising Campaign Clarke Museum and Archives The Clarke Museum and Archives is currently raising funds towards a building addition which it plans to begin in early 1991 . To this point, our fundraising efforts have focussed on community events, resulting in relatively small financial gains. Our current balance in the fund raising account is approximately $10,500. The Town of Newcastle has committed $35,000 towards the expansion. Total estimated cost of the addition is $23000,000. In July 1990, the museum's Board of Directors voted to hire a firm of fundraising consultants, Fundraising Services Network, to determine whether it would be feasible to raise the required amount ( less the Town's contributions and that of the Ontario Government) from private sources in the Town of Newcastle and other parts of Ontario. The consultants' fee is approximately $17,700' This money is to be paid from our capital reserve fund, held by the Town of Newcastle. At this point, the consultants have not completed their study, and the final results are unknown' The board believes that the final report will help us to realistically evaluate the viability of our building addition project. Yours sincerely, / Kathryn Dennis, Treasurer Clarke Museum and Archives Board of Directors nnti 0001 CLARKE MUSEUM& ARCHIVES Town of Newcastle P.O.Box 152 Old Kirby School Road ORONO, Ontario Hwy.351115 at Reg.Rd.9 LOB IMO KIRBY,Ontario 416-983-9143 CLARKE MUSEUM CAPITAL EXPANSION PROGRESS UPDATE 1989 Council approval for Board of Directors to proceed with Buiding Project . - Terms of Reference first submitted to Ministry of Culture for approval . Meeting with Heritage Branch officials in August 1989 to discuss project. Five sets of Revisions to Terms of Reference between August 1989 and June 1990. Fifth Revision accepted by Ministry of Culture 20 June , 1990. - 23 June 1990 application, based on Terms of Reference for Expansion, submitted to Field Services , Ministry of Culture for a C.F. I.P Grant under the Feasibility Study Sector. (C. F. I .P. - Cultural Facilities Improvement Programme) . - 12 July 1990, Board of Directors engaged the consulting firm of Fundraisers Service Network to conduct a capital campaign preparation programme for the project. This is a preliminary study to examine the market base in this area , establish key donors of substantial amounts and determine the feasibility of raising two million dollars from the private sector in this area. - 12 July 1990, in accordance with Ministry of Culture Regulations , Terms of Reference tendered to four Museum Consulting Firms . (Frank Wolman & Associates ; Sears & Russell ; Lord Cultural Resources; Canadian Cultural Resource Consultants . ) 13 August 1990, *Board of Directors engaged the firm of Sears & Russell , Consultants to conduct and prepare a complete feasibility study based on their submission. The completed study with architects plans , including all financial projections and the Funding Report from F .S .N ' s study are to be presented to the full council by the Board of Directors upon completion (-early Winter) . ~ 21 August 1990, -Board of Directors re-engaged the Museums architect, Jon Hobbs , of Peterborough to work with Sears & Russell to prepare preliminary and final plans for the Feasibility Study. Jon Hobbs was the architect who was engaged in 1985 to work on the original expansion study that was presented to council For motions to engage these firms please see Addendum, Board Minutes, 13 August 1990 item 6(b) . Z , . . .2/expansion update/cont . Feasibilty Study current status ; needs Analysis Study comleted ; Statement of Intent including Mission Statement , Theme Statement and Development and Operating Objectives completed . Next phase , Financial and Cost projections in November. Architectural Plans will be drafted in December upon completion of Feasibility Study and assessment of all financial resources . Construction is scheduled to begin in the Spring of 1991 • ADDENDUM I r' `�Y y � P nnn n n CLARKE MUSEUM& ARCHIVES Town of Newcastle P.O.Box 132 Old Kirby School Road ORONO,Ontario Hwy.351113 at Reg.Rd.9 LOB IMO KIRBY,Ontario 416-983-9243 August 13 , 1990 The regular monthly meeting of the Clarke Museum Board was held at 7: 30 p.m. on August 13 , 1990. PRESENT: Board Members: Derek Barnett, Donna Robins, Norma Lee, Helen Schmid, Nancy Scott, Suzanne Westheuser; Chairman: Helen MacDonald; Curator: Mark Jackman; Treasurer: Kathryn Dennis; Recording Secretary: Anne Bickell ; REGRETS: Catherine Staples; ABSENT: Councillor: Diane Hamre, Frank Stapleton; ** 80 ** 1. Moved by Donna, seconded by Derek, that the agenda be adopted after amendments. Carried. #6 to be changed from Finance\Fundraising Committee Report to 6 (a) Personnel Committee Report and 6 (b) Building Committee Report. ** 81 ** 2 . Moved by Derek, seconded by Donna, that the 1990-07 minutes be adopted after amendment. Carried. The amendments being add Ray Dickson on Pg. 5 for the retirement presentation from the Town of Newcastle This award was presented by Councillor Frank Stapleton on December 4 , 1990 at the Clarke Museum & Archives. The plaque with the Town of Newcastle crest was awarded to him for 19 years of services with the Clarke Museum & Archives board. On it said "Presented to Ray Dickson for your many years of dedicated service to the Clarke Museum & Archives" . Pg. 1 change Major to Mayor Marie Hubbard. Pg. 2 Larry to be known as Larry Kotseff. 2 3 . BUSINESS •ARISING FROM THE MINUTES: 3 (a) . ROAD NAME CHANGE: It was reported that there where two objections from councillor' s from Oshawa with concerns about the Oshawa Ski Club. It is led to believe that this will be a dead issue. ** 82 ** Motioned by Derek that the museum send a n � representative to the 449glanal meeting to request that the Road Name Change issue be lifted C from the table. Seconded by Helen S. Carried. 3 J.A.S.C.O. : In July Helen M. and Donna met with Mr. Cooper d Mr. Cooper is just sorting through the papers. They received som items such as jewel and silverware cases, old price lists and p otographs. There will be more ' to come at a later date. October 22, 1990 there will be an auction at J.A.S.C.O. of all the equipment and goods that are left. �>3 ARM OURIES: Mark sent a letter to Larry Kotseff telling our erns and requesting information written and verbally from him this matter. We now have 3 van bodies in our yard for storage due to the shortage of space. 3 (d) .--FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE• The Fundrasing Committee has had the first working meeting with F.S.N. and another one to be called soon. 4 . TREASURER'S REPORT: August 13 , 1990 Bell Canada Telephone $ 110. 28 Mark Jackman Teaching Mat. 59 . 39 Mark Jackman Truck Rental 200 . 00 Orono Weekly Times Office Supplies 1148 . 79 Lange's Photo Lab Developing 12 .90 Rolph Hardware Spotlight/lock 22 . 43 Rolph Hardware Locks 17 . 26 Grand and Toy Exhibit Supplies 137 . 68 Troy Young Mileage 162 . 50 Troy Young Mileage 54 .75 Newcastle Lumber Paint for Exhibits 28 .71 Newcastle Lumber Exhibit Supplies 85 . 56 Canada Post Postage 156. 00 Orono Fuel & Lumber Building supplies 137 . 64 Elliott Auto Parts 3 Used van bodies 3240. 00 Anne Bickell Honorarium 175 . 00 Fund Raising Services Consulting Fees 5900 . 00 Newcastle Salvage Moving of van body 100. 00 Maureen Remington Artwork for History 50 . 00 Xerox Canada Oversize Paper 174 . 09 History Unlimited Gift shop Cookbooks 161. 10 $12 , 117 . 79 4 Programming provided: block printing and typesetting names mystery kit recycled papermaking candle making temporary cabin display on pioneer wash day and log cabin construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CURDS Volume 2 Issue 3 Envelopes 111 * . 04 = 4 . 44 Additional flyer: Stamps 111 * . 78 = *86.58 Paper 111 * . 02 = 2 . 22 Paper 600 * . 04 = 24 . 00 Xerox 222 * . 02 =_A. 44 Staples 300 * . 005= 1. 50 6. 66 Xerox 1200 * . 02 = 24 . 00 plus prod. cost 140. 52 140. 52 147 . 18 Revenue $150. 00 less production cost $147. 18 = $2 . 82 profit. 6 (a) . PERSONNEL COMMITTEE• Donna reporting that Mark will be taking time off in October * 1990. ** 84 ** Motioned by Donna that Troy Young should recei— an Honourarp,rAof $100. 00. Seconded by Derek. Carried. 6 (b) . BUILDING COMMITTEE: ** 85 ** Motioned by Derek that the Building Committe recommend that Sears and Russell Consultant's do a feasibility study for the Museum building expansion and that it start immediately for a sum of $18, 000. 00. Seconded by Donna. Carried. TREASURER TO REVIEW TO BE FINANCIALLY READY ** 86 ** Motioned by Derek that he is recommendincg to hire Jon Hobbs as the architect for the building expansion at 10 % of the total cost of the building expansion. Seconded by Donna. Carried. 7. AD-HOC MUSEUM & ORAL HISTORY COMMITTEE REPORT: Derek showed us the sketch for the Museum History Booklet done by Maureen Remington.