HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-97-89 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE J, e J REPORT File # Res. # By-Law # MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: November 20, 19 8 9 REPORT #: TR-97-89 FILE #: SUBJECT: TENDER T89-37 SKATEBOARD PARK AND BALL DIAMONDS BOWMANVILLE RECREATION COMPLEX RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following; 1. That report TR-97-89 be received; 2. That Ron Robinson Limited, Oshawa, Ontario, with a bid in the amount of $134,961.00 being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of tender T89-37, be awarded items 1 (Field Drainage) , 3 (Waterworks) and 4 (Electrical Services) , forthwith, as required by the Department of Community Services; 3. That the funds be drawn from the Community Services Lot Levy Account #7603-00001-0516; 4. That the funding required for item 5, fine grading and seeding of ball fields be addressed through the 1990 Capital Budget deliberations; and i Page 2 5 . That Item #2, the skateboard park be reconsidered in the 1990 Capital Budget. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: Tender specifications were provided by Phillips Barratt Kaiser for the construction of a Skateboard Park and Ball Diamonds at the Bowmanville Recreation Complex, as required by the Department of Community Services. Tenders were publically advertised in all four (4) area newspapers as well as in the Daily Commercial News . Subsequently, tenders were received and tabulated as follows; Bidder Total Bid Amount Ron Robinson Limited $ 398,466 .00 Oshawa, Ontario Harold R. Stark $ 442,000.00 Oshawa, Ontario Dagmar Construction Limited $ 507,000.00 Markham, Ontario The total funds allocated for this project, in the 1989 Community Services Capital Budget is $170,000 . 00. (Bowmanville Recreation Complex $120,000. 00 and Skateboard Park $50,000 . 00, page 174) The high prices are partially attributed to the fact that contractors in this area are not familar or experienced with the construction of a skateboard park. There is only one other known facility such as this in all of Canada, therefore there is little means of cost comparison. Due to the fact that all bids received were Page 3 substantially over the allocated budget, all 3 bidders were invited to participate in a post tender addendum. This addendum required that the bidders breakdown their total bid amount into 5 catagories listed on the attached Schedule "A" . As the original total bid amounts were public knowledge the bidders were advised that the total of these breakdown prices must equal or exceed the tendered price of each tenderer. It was also stated as a condition of this addendum that the Town of Newcastle reserved the right to proceed with any or all of the work based on the price breakdown. The results of the post tender addendum are as follows; Total Bid Total Bid Amount Bidder Amount Items 1, 3, 4 Ron Robinson Limited Oshawa, Ontario $398,466 . 00 $134,961. 00 Harold R. Stark Oshawa, Ontario $463,620. 00 $223,072 . 00 Dagmar Construction Limited, Markham,Ontario $507,000.00 $233,000 . 00 Other associated costs are estimated at $15,000 .00 for Engineering Services, which brings the total required funds to $149,961. 00. It is proposed that only items number 1, 3, and 4 be awarded at this time, and that the funding for item number 5 be addressed through the 1990 capital budget deliberations . It is also proposed that item number 2 be reconsidered in the 1990 Capital Budget. Due to the approaching winter season a forthwith approval is requested. 7 2 Page 4 The Deputy Treasurer has reviewed the funding requirements and concurs with the recommendation. Queries with respect to department needs, specifications, etc. , should be referred to the Director of Community Services . After further review and analysis of the bids by purchasing, Phillip Barratt Kaiser and Community Services, it was mutually agreed that the low bidder, Ron Robinson Limited, Oshawa, Ontario, be recommended for the contract for items 1 (Field Drainage) , 3 (Water Works) and 4 (Electrical Services) . See attached letter from Phillip Barratt Kaiser, marked Schedule "B" . The subject firm have previously performed satisfactory for the Town of Newcastle. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, CL / /� I /,.Tohn Rze t renc E� Kotseff �Dd`puty Treas r`e'r Chief A< istrative Officer � t J. uana, Dir ,ctor, Community Services LAB/cr Attachments 727 Attachment A POST TENDER ADDENDUM SKATEBOARD PARK AND UNDERGROUND SERVICES CONTRACT T89-37 Tenderers are requested to break out prices for the following parts of the work: COST ($) 1. Field Drainage including storm sewers swales - . sub drains. 2. Skateboard Park including shotcrete and topping - earthworks for skateboard area paving. 3. Waterworks - tie in to existing - supply main to valve chamber - valve chamber complete - irrigation systems. 4. Electrical Services. 5. Fine grading, ball fields and all other work. TOTAL $ The total of these breakout prices must equal or exceed the tendered price of each Tenderer. It is understood that the Town of Newcastle may request the Contractor to proceed with any or all of the work based on the breakout prices. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. COMPANY AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE 'I h '9 08' 34 FAX 416 81321 3583 P B K EN I N E E R 1 NEWCASiTLE Attachment B Phillips Barratt Kaiser Enolrl0f3r!t,Q L-(I "60 sou tnSprvicp R,-,aq a d,2 L 7 N J 7,rq Noven-iber i j1989 THE CORPORA110N OF TfM TOWN CW NEWCASTLE 40 Temperance Street bowmanviue, Ontario AW,,ihou: Ms. Lott Ann Birkett Dear N/ladam: Referenc.e: Contract T.,89-37 This lert," i-s, to COnfLrM that the fi-rM of Ron Robinson Ltd quaii:-!,11�u to V1--.u7iu the work, - ou the above COrltract and we have reviewed his teLL theff) ill urder, t Yours VC r\, —iv, PHILLIPS BARRkyr KAISFp, ENGtN-F,r!'iaNG YTr), BA. "Proule., P.Eng,, MCSC F er of' Facffiti es 729