HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-62-89 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 1 uN�,E' REPORT File Res. # By-Law # METING: GENERAL PURPOSE & ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: July 3, 1989 REPORT #: TR-62-89 FILE #: SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR FUNDING BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS CENTRE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That report TR-62-89 be received; and 2. That the request from the Bowmanville Business Centre for funding in amount of $6,800.00 not be approved; and 3. That Mr. Garth Gilpin be advised of Council's actions. BACKGROUND & COMMENTS: At a regular meeting of Council held on June 27, 1988, Council passed Resolution #C-492-88. Said Resolution approved funding in the amount of $6,500.00 as requested by Mr. Garth Gilpin in his correspondence dated June 15, 1988 (per attached) . Mr. Gilpin noted in his letter of June 15, 1988 that the annual maintenance of these trees will be budgeted by the Bowmanville Business Centre in subsequent years. Moreover, the Bowmanville BIA 1989 Budget totalling $80,000.00 (per attached) was passed by Council via Resolution #C-273-89 on April 10, 1989. A provision for landscaping had been alloted within this budget at $10,500.00. 710 TR-62-89 Page 2 It is anticipated that this provision will cover the tree-maintenance program within the downtown core. In addition, consideration should be given to the fact that the approved 1989 BIA Budget is $20,000 higher than the 1988 allocation. Consequently, staff recommends that at this time the request for funding by the Bowmanville Business Centre be denied. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee a arano, H.B.Sc. La rence otseff Treasurer Chief Ad n trative Officer JMR/ges Council Minutes - 8 - June 27, 1988 t Reports Resolution #C-491-88 { Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Hamre THAT Resolution #C-490-88 be amended as follows: "l. THAT Condition of Draft. Approval #16 be amended by adding the words 'to urban standards' after, the words 'Concession Street' ; and 2. THAT Condition of Draft Approval #36 be amended by adding words 'to urban standards' after the words 'Mann Street' ." "CARRI ED" Report #4 Resolution. #C-492-88 Request For Grant Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by .Counci,llpr Hubbard. Bowmanville .B.I.A. 35.60.8. 1.. That Report TR-53-88 be received; and 2. That the request from the.Bowmanville :Business Centre for funding' in the amount of $6,500000 be approved;. and 3. That these funds be drawn from the Administrative Improvement Reserve Fund; and . 4. That Ms. C' Col:lacott be advised of Council's actions. "CARRIED" Report #5 Mayor Winters made a' declaration of interest with respect- to Confidential Report Admin 11-88; vacated his chair- and . refrained from discussion and voting on the subject matter. Mayor Winters indicated -that he-is the owner. of land.in the subject area. Deputy Mayor Cowman assumed the chair. Resolution #C-493-88 Property Matter Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Hamre THAT the recommendations contained in Confidential Report Admin 11-88 be approved. "CARRIED" . Mayor Winters reassumed the chair. - 712 BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS CENTRE BOVPMAN�'ILLE �,,,•_,z.,_,,. -. :_ .- _ ., _ .. _w P.O. BOX 385 BUSINESS CENTRE. QQ BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Y �'•- L1C 30 1988 06 15 t Mr. David W. Oakes Town Clerk Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 Dear Mr. Oakes After several years of neglect , the 95 trees in the Downtown streetscape area require immediate major atten- tion, including 4 dead tree replacement, trimming , fer- tilizing , and the removal of. imbedded wires, at a cost of $8, 500. Unless action to correct this problem is taken this year, the trees will not likely survive another J winter. The annual maintenance of these trees wil be budgeted by ourselves in subsequent years in the amount of $2 ,000 per year based on 1988 dollars. Our concern requires a satisfactory inancin arrange- ment 9 9 ment for the spending of the $8, 500 immediately, for this major unbudgeted expenditure. A grant of $6, 500 • from the Town of Newcastle, or an interest-free loan spread over 3 years is seen to be a reasonable method of resolving this situation. j Your immediate attention to this request would be very much appreciated. - Yours very truly I Garth Gilpin I Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager I pc C. Collacott J Chairman of Landscaping 713 COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTION D-4 BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS CENTRE 0 0 a o BOWMANVILLE P.O. BOX 366 sUSINESS CENTRE BOWMANVILLE, ONT. . LIC 3L1 1989 01 13 JAN 12 1989 Mrs . Patti Barrie T01AA 011 NE.n-ICASTLE Town Clerk CLERK rf APARTMENT Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Dear Mrs . Barrie It was moved at the recent meeting of the Board of Manage- ment. held on January 10, 1989: THAT the following be the Budget for the year 1989: Administration $ 8,000.00 Promotion 25,000.00 Parking 16, 500.00 Landscaping 10, 500.04 Capital Works 20,000.00 Total $80,000.00 Because this total amount of $80,000.00 is above the limit' set by the existing By-law, it will require an amendment to this By-law before this budget. can' be accepted by Council . If there are any questions or concerns regarding this matter,, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours very truly AAAL Garth Gilpin Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager i 1 714