HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-86-88 REPORT "#3 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # Res. # By-Law # MEETING: COUNCIL DATE: November 7 , 1988 REPORT #: TR-86-88 FILE #: SUB,JECT: TENDER T88-24, TWO (2) ONLY SLIDE IN SALT AND SAND SPREADER BODIES ( 12 CU . YD. ) RECOMMENDATIONS: 1 -. That this report be received ; and 2 . That the procedure set out in the Purchasing By-Law #82-92 , Section 5 , Paragraph 04 , be waived for this particular transaction ; and 3 . That a purchase order in an amount of $21 , 600 . 00 ( Plus P . S . T . ) , to supply and deliver two ( 2 ) only Slide In Salt and Sand Spreader Bodies ( 12 cu . yd . ) , be issued to Ragl,an Welding and Machinery , Oshawa , Ontario ; and 4 . That the funds expended be provided from the Public Works Equipment Reserve Account #2900-00010-0000 . BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: In September , 1988 , Tender T88-24 was publicly advertised and invited for the supply and delivery of two ( 2 ) only Slide In Salt and Sand Spreader Bodies ( 12 cu . yd . ) , as required by the Department of Public Works . Due to the limited number of companies able to manufacture this type of equipment to the specifications of the Town of Newcastle , as well as others not being able to meet the delivery requirements , there were no bids submitted . Page - 2 - TR-86-88 TENDER T88-24, TWO (2) ONLY SLIDE IN SALT AND SAND SPREADER BODIES ( 12 CU . YD . ) In view of the urgency to have these sanders operational for this coming season , the Public Works Department contacted Raglan Welding and Machinery , Oshawa , Ontario , being the only known local manufacturing company capable of producins these units . A price of $ 10 ,800 . 00 ( Plus P . S . T . ) , per unit has been submitted . See Schedule "A" attached . For information regarding price comparisons from previous years , see memo attached from Mr . Don Patterson , Manager of Operations , marked Schedule " B" . The estimated delivery from Raglan Welding and Machinery is four ( 4 ) weeks . The total funds required are to be drawn from the 1988 Public Works Equipment Reserve Account from which there are adequate funds available . The Treasurer has reviewed the funding requirements and concurs with the recommendation . Queries with respect to Department needs , specifications , etc . , should be referred to the Director of Public Works . After further review and analysis of the situation by the Public Works Department and Purchasing , it was mutually agreed that Raglan Welding and Machinery , Oshawa , Ontario , be recommended for the contract award for the supply and delivery of two ( 2 ) only Slide In Salt and Sand Spreader Bodies ( 12 cu . yd . ) , as required by the Town of Newcastle . The subject firm have performed to the satisfaction of the Town of Newcastle in prior years . Respectfully submitted , Recommended for presentation to Council , j' .R . B Ianc nard , L wrenc'a E . Kotseff , z Treasurer . Chief inistrative Officer . W .A . vans , P . Eng . , Director of Public Works . LAB/hjI Attachments SCHEDULE "A" 4RA GLA N R.R. No. 1, Oshawa, Ontario L1 7K4 Welding Shop Ltd. Telephone (416) 655-3358 Truck & Trailer Equipment Welding & Fabricating Nov. 1, 1988 Town of Newcastle: Quotation on two 12 cubic yard insert sanders as per sample complete with modifications to Newcastle standards provided by Bill Werry. Units will be covered by Raglan's standard 1 year warranty on Raglan produced items; Manufacturer's warranty applies to components. i Price: $10,800.00 each SCHEDULE "B" TOWN OF NEWCASTLE WARANDUM 0 CT T0; Lou Ann Birkett, Purchasing & Supp! FROM: Don Patterson, Manager of Operations DATE; 27 October 1988 SUBJECT; Tender T-88-24 ------------------------------------------------------ The fact that T-88-24 Tender received no bids was somewhat of a surprise to us . Firstly, we ordered two tandem trucks this year which are to be delivered approximately November 1 . Due to the fact that we were assured of these delivery dates , we released--a 1979 and a 1976 truck to the auction which was held in mid-September. Unless we can put these two new trucks on the road, we are going to be short this coming season on two sanding routes . We have contacted Raglan Welding & Machinery, being the only known local manufacturing company capable of producing the product which we require. We took a 12 yard insert sanding box complete to the Raglan Shop and had a confirmed estimated price of $10, 800 . 00 to manufacture the unit as specified. Raglan Welding have, in the past, rebuilt sanding boxes for us and done a creditable job . For price comparison, London Machinery quoted us in 1987 $7, 725 . 00 plus tax to supply a 6 yard insert sander; in 1981 Maglar Equipment (now bankrupt) quoted $7 , 900 . 00 for a frame mount 6 yard sander. The product being quoted by Raglan is a 12 cubic yard insert sander. We recommend that we proceed with Raglan Welding for the purchase of two 12 yard sanders at $10, 800 . 00 each and include a 12 month warranty on same. /2 Lou Ann Birkett - 2 - 27 October 1988 We have attached support data being the quotes referred to earlier, along with a report from Bill Werry, copies of the no-bid tender, photographs of the 6 and 12 yard sanders present . Would you please prepare a report for G.P . & A. ' s next meeting. Sincerely kLdI4��_ Don Patterson, C .E ,T . Manager of Operations DP :ph Enc. CC : W. A. Evans W. Werry K. Rand J�,vri II IYl 11 Ell Tt M Jy� .d 1� CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT J.W.Dunham,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1 JO TEL.(416)263-2231 Messrs. Maglar Equipment Limited, 1005 Pattullo Avenue, P.O. Box 1116, WOODSTOCK. Ontario. N4S 8P6. November 16, 1981. Attention: Price Waterhouse Limited & Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. Dear Sirs: Re: Maglar Equipment Limited - In Receivership. We are in receipt of your correspondence dated November 9, 1981, regarding the accounts receivable of Maglar Equipment Limited. The Town of Newcastle's account with the Company is in respect of equipment, as per the attached Purchase Order No. 14039. We would point out, however, that, to date, we have not received an invoice in respect of this item. If you will ensure that an account is rendered to the Town, we will ensure that the total amount payable is forwarded with the least possible delay. ThanIing you for your attention to this matter. ;ours truly, V. H (Mrs. ) Secretary to J. DUNHAM. Director. cc: K.A. Campbell, C.A. , Treasurer. R. Baker, Accounting Clerk. CORPORAT10k. OF THE TOWN ®, NEWCASTLE Public Works Department,Hampton,Ontario 416:263-2231 LOB 1JO Maglar Equipment Limited PURCHASE ORDER TO 1005 Pattullo Avenue, 14039 P.O. Box 1116, WOODSTOCK. Ontario. This Number Must Appear on all N4S 8P6. Invoices,Correspondence. CHARGE TO ACCOUNT No. Please enter our Order for the following and deliver as requested. Quantity Description Price 1 4.5 yard ML 4. 5 FE Salt Spreader c/w 12.5 h.p. Engine and Cab Starter 6,670. 00 I No. 1 Deliver To Contact Bill Ashton. 416: 263-2231 Foreign Exporters Must Supply Invoices as Required by Canadian Customs CORPORATI OF TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Date: September 25, 1981. Per. • irector purchasing Agent MAGLAR EQUIPMENT LIMITED 1005 PATTULLO AVENUE, P.O. BOX 1116,WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO N4S 8P6 TELEPHONE (519) 539.8596 August 28,1981 . Town of Newcastle , Hampton, Ontario. LOB 1 JO Attention: Bill Ashton Dear Sir: We are pleased to provide the following quotation on our salt spreaders suitable for installation on single axle trucks. 1 only 4.5 Yard ML 4.5 FE salt spreader c/w, 12.5 H.P. engine and cab starter $6670.00 1 only 6 Yard ML 6 FE salt spreader c/w 20 H.P. engine and cab starter 7900.00 The above prices are F.O.B. our factory. F.S.T. exempt, P.S.T. extra. Subject to prior sale. We trust the above is as requested and look forward to the opportunity of serving you further in this regard. Yours very truly, MAGLAR- EQUIPMENT LIMITED, Larry Magill, President. LM/cb Encl. RECEIVED SEP 2 1981 WuF,:.b UCPT. TOWN OF NEWCASTLE MNGLNR EQUIPMENT LIMITED 1005 PATTULLO AVENUE, P.O. BOX 1116,WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO N4S 8P6 TELEPHONE (519) 539-8596 i November 9, 1981 Town of Newcastle Wks. Dept. Hampton, Ontario Dear Sirs: Re: Maglar Equipment Limited - In Receivership We are writing to advise you that pursuant to its registered general assignment of accounts, the Canadian Imperial. Bank of Commerce on November 6, 1981 appointed Price Waterhouse Limited as its Agent to collect the accounts receivable of Maglar Equipment Limited. We have also been appointed Receiver Manager of the co;apany by the Bank pursuant to its general security agreement and are continuing to operate the company. Our review of the records of the company indicate that an amount of $7,136.90 was owing by you as at November 6, 1981. We will be forwarding to you an up to date statement of your account. Your prompt attention to this matter is appreciated. If you have any questions concerning your account please contact Ian McIntosh at 519-539-7033 or Steve Wilson at 519-679-9160. Yours truly, Agent for Canadian Imperail Bank of Commerce Receiver and Manager of MaglaL Equipment Limited J.S. Wilson, Vice President JSW*dr R .�� .. . ... NOV WOE;, TOW14 OF tAwIED `� TOWN OF NEWCASTLE MEMORANDUM TO: von Patterson, Manager of operations FROM: Bill Werry, Leadhand Mechanic DATE: October 13, 1988 SUBJECT: SANDER INSERTS In recent years we have used frame mounted sanders for sanding and salting equipment. Installation involved removing the dump box and mounting the sander on the truck frame, and installation was done between the first and middle of November. once we had installed the sander, we could no longer use this truck as a dump truck until the middle of March or later of the following year. Upon researching sanders that can be used without removing the dump box, we came up with two options: A) a two-way dump box or B) a box insert sander. We tried the two-way sander, which.we have four in service at the present time, and found the two-way sander not to be the best. We also purchased three box inserts, two 12 yard and one 6 yard, and found the box insert to be the most efficient for our operation. The box insert can be installed or removed in 30 minutes, providing us with a dump truck year round. After purchasing the 12 yard insert sander, we found the sand width was to wide to fit in the dump box without modifications. This year we tendered for two more 12 yard insert sanders and London Machinery is the only company that manufactures this type of sander. London's tender came in "No Bid" because of it being late in the season, and tender required a few changes in the width of the sander. At this time we needed to find a fabrication shop who could build us our two sanders. Raglan Welding was contacted and agreed to custom build the sanders to fit our boxes, with about four weeks notice. Yours truly, Bill Werry *} mr TELEPHONE 749-3705 TELEX 065-27190 PETWIN INDUSTRIES LIMITED P.O. BOX 1152, STATION B., WESTON, ONTARIO M9L 2R9 • I u REPRESENTING REPRESENTING BOAC OF CANADA LIMITED INDUSTRIAL POWER SWEEPER "INC;SEAORAVE LIMITED 6 INDUSTRIAL BRUSH DIVISION Salt and Sand Spreaders I I, Town of Newcastle 2 September 1981 40 Temperance St. , Bowmanville, Ont. L1C 3A6 Attention: Mr. W. Ashton ,7dhtlemen: Petwi'n Industries Limited are pleased to announce we have been appointed by King Seagrave Limited as their Sales Representatives for the .Salt and Sand Spreader Equipment Division. Our responsibilities will include Tenders for new equipment, factory re-furbishing for existing equipment and processing your orders for all replacement parts required for maintenance. A parts distribution service will be established in Weston Ontario, and will stock all items most frequently replaced. We look forward to continuing to service your account and supply your requirements for King Seagrave products. Yours truly,. PETW�N I "DUS RIES •LIMITED J. trie SAX s M ager JJP:vh Encl. P.O. Box 187 Woodstock, Ontario Canada, N4S 7X2 Tel. (519) 537-6624 QUOTATION Telex 064-74128 i TO: Date: August 28, 1981 Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance St. , BCW7gaW=, Ontario Attention of: Bill Ashton LSC 3A6 Gentlemen: Replying To Your Valued Inquiry Of August 27, 1981 We Are Pleased To,Quote On Your Requirements As Shown Below ITEM QUANTITY DESCRIPTION PRICE AMOUNT A 1 King Nbdel K342 frame mounted 4� cu. yd. sander,cable controlled (manual) ocmplete with 12.5 H.P. engine $6,745.00 B Freight charges to Newcastle $ 350.00 Delivery front Stock PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE FEDERAL SALES TAX I�xtrn i f applic ® F.O.B. PROVINCIAL SALES TAX I�Xt ra i f applicable Yours very truly, We thank you for the above inquiry and promise your order our very best attention. < A. R. Cross CANADA'S BUItncR OF QUALITY EQUIPMENT TOWN OF NEWCASTLE eDRANDUM TO: Mr. Walter Evans, Director of Public Works FROM: Lou Ann Birkett, Purchasing and Supply Agent DATE: October 14, 1988 SUBJECT: TENDER T88-24, TWO (2) ONLY SLIDE IN SALT AND SAND SPREADER BODY With respect to the above noted tender, please be advised that there were no bids submitted. For information purposes, I have attached copies of the "Notice of No Bid" forms that indicate the various reasons for a "No Bid". Please advise me of any further action you would like taken .in this regard. Yours truly, Lou Ann Birkett, Purchasing and Supply Agent. LAB/hjl Attachments cc/ D. Patterson, Operations Manager i (;�'r�lr:ti -�^ 1. .Y�.-..,-.--..r._..-._....-.-_� ' !qv(•:;/i f�li�!•lli7ii ri:4n � THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF N&CASTLE N 0 T I C E T O A L L B I D D E R S IF TENDER BID SUBMISSION IS MAILED: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE OFFICE OF THE CLERK 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 IF TENDER BID SUBMISSION IS HAND DELIVERED: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWASTLE OFFICE OF THE CLERK 152 CHURCH STREET BOWMAWILLE, ONTARIO L1C 1T6 h THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Page 1 of 10 PURCHASING OFFICE Tender T88-24 TWO (2) ONLY SLIDE IN SALT AND SAND SPREADER BODY - 12 CU. YD. FRONT DISCHARGE ALGOMA COR-TEN STEEL CONSTRUCTION CONTENTS: SCHEDULE (A) GENERAL CONDITIONS PAGE 2 - 3 SCHEDULE (B) SPECIFICATIONS PAGE 4 - 7 SCHEDULE (C) PRICING SCHEDULE PAGE 8 SCHEDULE (D) INFORMATION SHEETS PAGE 9 - lU CLOSING TIME & DATE: 12:00 NOON (LOCAL TIME) FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1988 NOTICE TO BIDDERS - LATE BIDS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED, BUT RETURNED UNOPENED TO THE RESPECTIVE BIDDER - BIDS NOT SIGNED ARE SUBJECT TO REJECTION - BIDS MUST BE TYPED OR IN INK - ERASURES OR NOTICEABLE CHANGES MUST BE INITIALLED BY THE BIDDER - BIDDERS MUST NOT INCLUDE RESTRICTIVE OR CONDITIONAL STATEMENTS TO ALTER THE FORMAT OR INTENT OF THE TENDER - THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED • TENDER OPENING MEETING IS SCHEDULED TO TAKE PLACE IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE CLOSING TIME AND DATE IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM OF THE FORMER BELL BUILDING, 152 CHURCH STREET, B%MANVILLE, ONTARIO, AND INTERESTED BIDDERS ARE INVITED TO ATTEND. • ALTHOUGH TWO (2) COPIES OF THE TENDER HAVE BEEN ISSUED, ONLY ONE (1) IS REQUIRED FOR YOUR BID SUBMISSION. • TENDERS MUST BE RETURNED ON THE FORMS PROVIDED AND IN THE ENVELOPE PROVIDED CLEARLY MARKED AS TO CONTENTS, PRIOR TO THE CLOSING TIME AND DATE. a Page 2 of 141 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Tender T88-24 Purchasing Office Schedule (A) GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. Equipment or accessories not specifically mentioned but necessary for the supply of a completely operational unit equipped as specified will be considered included unless otherwise specified by the bidder. 2. Dealer markings or transfers are not to be applied to this equipment, unless otherwise approved by the Purchasing and Supply Agent. 3. Prior to the tender award, should it be deemed necessary, equipment tendered must be made available for viewing and inspection by the Town of Newcastle Director of Public Works or his delegate. 4. Equipment tendered must be universal in that it is compatable to Town of Newcastle existing vehicles. 5. All bids shall be open for acceptance for a period of thirty (341) days after the closing time and date. After this time elapses, the bid may only be accepted with the consent of the successful bidder. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 6. All tendered prices to exclude installation. Delivery cost to the Town of Newcastle Public Works Depot, Taunton Road, Hampton, Ontario, to be shown as a separate item. Installation to be shown as a separate item as indicated on the attached pricing schedule. The Town of Newcastle reserves the right to include installation and/or delivery with the award of this tender or to make alternate installation arrangements. If installation to be by Town of Newcastle, units must be supplied as a complete assembly. SALES TAX 1. Sales Tax status will be indicated on the pricing schedules, therefore, tenderers must bid accordingly. 2. All prices must exclude Federal Sales Tax and provide Ontario Retail Sales Tax extra where indicated unless otherwise specified. 3. Certification as to the Town's tax exempt status will accompany our order(s) to the successful bidder(s) . QUESTIONS 1. Questions concerning General Conditions or specifications must be communicated to the Town's Purchasing Office for clarification. Any material changes resulting from inquiries will be documented in writing to the bidders prior to the closing time and date. 2. Bidders are requested to make all inquiries prior to the last Friday preceding the closing date. 3. Person to contact: Mrs. Lou Ann Birkett Purchasing and Supply Agent (416) 623-3379 Ex. 267 Page 3 of 10 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Tender T88-24 Purchasing Office Schedule (A) GENERAL CONDITIONS IMPORTANT NOTICE All questions contained in this brochure must be answered by the Bidder. The complete brochure will be returned as your Tender submission. A duplicate set of Tender Forms are attached and may be retained for your records. If your submission on any item does not conform in every detail with the specification as written, you are requested to explain the deviation in the "Specify" column, or on a separate sheet, if a column is not provided. Delivery of merchandise or equipment not completely equipped as per specification or our approved equivalent will not be accepted. t Page 4 of 10 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Tender T88-24 Purchasing Office _ Schedule (B) SPECIFICATIONS Purpose and Utility of Specification: While the purpose of the specification is to indicate certain minimum requirements in the way of capacity, strength, construction and other details their use is not intended to relieve the Town of all responsibility in the selection of equipment which may be considered most suitable for the service involved. In other words, even though proposals are received based on furnishing equipment which may meet the minimum requirements indicated, it is not intended that this alone shall limit the contract award to be recommended, but that, other factors shall be considered together with any experience the Town may have had with equipment of the same type or manufacture. Intent of Specification: The specification included herein describes the type, size, design, and construction of equipment which is felt necessary to meet the performance and service requirements of the Town. Bidders desiring to quote on equipment which deviates from these specifications but which they believe to be equivalent from the standpoint of capacity, size, construction, and performance, both as to individual component parts and the completely assembled units, are requested to submit alternative bids on the equipment which so deviates. Any and all alternate bids which are submitted will be given due consideration. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Page 5 of 10 Purchasing Office Tender T88-24 SPECIFICATIONS SCHEDULE (B) SPECIFICATIONS CONFIRM PLEASE SPECIFY ITE24 YES NO NO. 1. MAKE: operation Make: design and opera Sand spreader body g model: must be approved by the Town of Newcastle. Mo 2. CONSTRUCTION STEEL: Steel shall be 10 gauge Algoma Cor-Ten except for the following areas: Hopper floor shall be 3/16" abrasive resistant steel and the apron shall be replaceable. The chassis shall be 3/16" and brake formed. There shall be 4 lifting bails. ;{ 3. HOPPER: Hopper shall be made of rectangular design. Specify Width: Top width shall be 84". Hopper shall be sufficiently tapered on all four sides; front and rear 65 degrees, sides 441 degrees. Must fit inside 86" box. Hopper shall be suitably braced on each side A discharge gate shall be provided at the front of the hopper equal to the full width of the conveyor. Maximum gate opening shall be sufficient to allow full rated discharge of material to conveyor and shall be several positive intermediate settings between fully open and dosed positions, and designed so that spillage does not occur with the conveyor stopped. The discharge gate shall be adjustable from Specify: the upper left corner of the hopper. A clean-out opening shall be provided at the Specify: rear of the hopper. Hopper length shall be 164. Specify: S Maximum length shall be 168. pecif : THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Page 6 of 10 Purchasing Office Tender T88-24 SPECIFICATIONS SCHEDULE (B) FITEM SPECIFICATIONS CONFIRM PLEASE SPECIFY YES NO CAPACITY: Hopper capacity, water level, shall be 11.65 Specify: cu. yd. 5. CONVEYORS: Sand spreader shall be designed with one Specify: longitudinal conveyor, conveying the sand from the bottom of the hopper to the spinner Conveyor chain shall be C-188 combination Specify: chain (steel and cast iron) , detachable link pin every 10 feet with 3/8"xl 1/4" steel flat bar. There shall be a Chevron chain on the con__ .,_ Specify: veyor to give a proportional and constant feed of material to the spinner disc, regardless of conveyor speed. 6. SPINNERS: A single distributor spinner shall be hydrau ically driven. Material shall be fed to distributor disc which shall be mounted directly ahead Specify: of the rear wheels on the left side just behind the truck cab. Spinner height shall be adjustable from 141" Specify: to 24". 7. CONTROLS: Controls shall be a• standard two knob fluid control valve with 12 setting dust proof dials for independent spinner and conveyor control c/w on-off lever. The operator must be able to start and stop flow of the material instantly at any time from in the cab. i THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Page 7 of 10 Purchasing Office Tender T88-24 SPECIFICATIONS SCHEDULE (B) ITEM SPECIFICATIONS CONFIRM PLEASE SPECIFY NO. YES NO 8. CONVEYOR CHUTE: The salt chute shall be mounted in between Specify: the frame rails of the truck chassis or conveyor feeding the distribution spinner Discharge opening must not plug due to snow or slush on the highways. 9. PARTS BOOK: Parts book and service manual shall be supplied 10. LADDER: A metal non-skid ladder shall be supplied at the left hand rear corner of the spreader. 11. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM: The salt spreader shall be driven by the crank-shaft driven hydraulic pump, supplied by the Town. All drives shall be hydraulic and large Specify: volume motors All hydraulic couplings shall be of the quick-disconnect type for easy removal of the spreader for summer operation. All hydrualic lines from cab to rear of sander to be supplied. The gear box shall be a 25:1 gear reduction Specify: with bronze gear. 12. PAINT: The body shall be sand blasted inside and out before the paint is applied. Body shall be painted with an approved zinc rich primer with a minimum 3.5 mil. dry film thickness on the inside and the outside of the body, finishes in two coats of Highway I Yellow. h SCHEDULE (C) Page 8 of 10 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Tender T88-24 PURCHASING OFFICE TENDER FORM Sealed Tenders for goods and/or services listed below,submitted on the forms and in the envelope provided,will be received by the office of the Clerk,Cor- poration of the Town of Newcastle,40 Temperance St.,Bowmanville,Ontario,LiC 3A6,until the closing time and date indicated hereon. 12:00 Noon (Local Time) CLOSING TIME AND DATE(Local Time). .Fri.day., .Qcto.ber..7.,. .1.988 . ...TENDER NO... .....T88.:24....................... REF./PURCHASING AND SUPPLY AGENT..Lo.0.Ana..Bir.I ett. ......... ........DATE....52pt.ember..14.,..19$8............ Phone(416)623.3379 Tenders are invited for the following goods/services and/or projects specified herein and associated documents,plans and specifications.Complete in full, all blanks where provided and return one copy and/or set in the envelope provided.Bid deposits and/or agreement to bond,if required,must accompany tender sub- mission under same cover and envelope. All tenders must comply in accordance with regulations,terms and conditions setforth in all tender documents.Successful tenders must accept terms and conditions of subsequent official purchase order issued by the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle,unless otherwise stipulated.The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders must comply and conform to all regulations,terms conditions and instructions specified in By-Law#82.96 of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICES Prices tendered shall be payable in Canadian Funds,F.O.B.destination,including Federal Sales Tax applicable,unless otherwise Indicated.Ontario Retail Sales tax,It applicable,shall be quoted as a separate item. I/We hereby agr e to supply the following Salt and Sand Spreader Bodies; required by the Town of Newcastle in accordance with all terms , con, itions and specifications herein stipulat d for the following prices tendered: Two (2) Only Slide In Salt and Sand Spreader Body - 12 cu- yd_ Front Discharge $ $ Algoma Cor-Ten Steel Construction Plus Ontario Retail Sales Tax $ TOTAL BID $ Total Cost to Deliver Above Equip ent $ NOTE: If instillation to be by Town of Newcastle above must be s pplied as a complete assembl . OPTIONAL: NOTE installation on Town of Newcastle ehicles may or m y not be a part of this tender, Bidders are requested to quote installation as a separate item Total cost to install above equipment $ Plus Ontario Retail Sales Tax $ TOTAL INSTALLATION COST $ GUARANTEED DELIVERY OR COMPLETION CASH DISCOUNT DATE AFTER OFFICIAL RECEIPT OF ORDER...................................AND TERMS.................................... ORIGIN OF GOODS: GOODS TO BE SHIPPED FROM: CITY & COUNTRY..................../.................... CITY &COUNTRY ..................../............. ....... The undersigned,tenderer agrees to supply and deliver all goods and/or services for price(s)tendered to the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle in accor- dance with all terms,specifications and conditions specified herein. FIRM NAME:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: (Tenderer) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ADDRESS: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PRINT NAME: . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. POSTALCODE. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TITLE. TELEPHONE(. . . .) . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DATED r. SCHEDULE (D) Page 9 of 10 Tender T88-24 'rHt: CORPORATION OF THE' 'TOWN OF NEWASTLF purchasing Office INFORMATION SNEF:r BIDDER'S REFERENCES Year Description of Contract Name of Organization Contact Person Telephone Number value of Contract Year Description of Contract Name of Organization Contact Person Telephone Number value of contract Please provide detail as to bidder's financial responsibility, (Banker, etc.) , References, Auditor's Name and Address, etc. SCHEDULE (D) Page 10 of 10 Tender T88-24 -S! CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ,E PURCHASING DEPARTMENT ?: 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C3A6 TELEPHONE 623.3379 NOTICE OF "NO BID" QUOTE/TENDER#: CLOSING DATE: IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ THIS It is important to the Town to receive a reply from all invited bidders. There is no obligation to submit a quotation, however, should you choose not to bid, completion of this form will assist the municipality in determining the type of goods or service you are interested in bidding on in the future. INSTRUCTIONS If you are unable, or do not wish to bid on this quotation please complete the following portions of this form. State your reason for not bidding by checking yes or no in the applicable line or by explaining briefly in the space provided. It is not necessary to return any other quotation documents. Just return the completed form in the enclosed quotation return ' envelope prior to the official closing date. Yes/No 1. We do not manufacture/supply this commodity 2. We do not manufacture/supply to this specification 3. Unable to quote competitively 4. Cannot handle due to present plant loading 5. Quantity/job too large 6. Quantity/job too small 7. Cannot meet delivery/completion requirements 8. Agreements with distributors/dealers do not permit us to sell direct 9. Licensing restrictions Other reasons or additional comments: Yes/No Do you wish to bid on these goods/services in the future? For the Municipality use only. Do not Company Name: write in this space. Address: Telephone: Position: