HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-051-02 .-it<' c . ~ CflJIillglOn REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Report #: PSD-051-02 707 File #: SBA 2002-001 r;/1I-2tji'-O 2 By-law #:claJ,? -7%' Date: Monday June 3, 2002 Subject: SIGN BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION APPLICANT: WILLSONIA INDUSTRIES LIMITED RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-051-02 be received; 2. THAT the sign by-law amendment application submitted by 1307309 Ontario Limited, on behalf of Willsonia Industries Limited to permit a second ground sign on a property with a height of 3.20 metres and a total sign area of 1.92 square metres, be APPROVED; 3. THAT the attached by-law be APPROVED by Council; and 4. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. d~~~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer Submitted by: Reviewed by: Davi rome, MCIP, R.P.P. Director of Planning Services RH*L T*DJC*sn May 24, 2002 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-0830 616 c . REPORT NO.: PSD-051-02.doc PAGE 2 1.0 LEGISLATION 1.1 Section 207 of the Municipal Act, Subsection 146 allows Council to authorize amendments to the Sign By-law, if in the opinion of Council, the general intent and purpose of the by-law is maintained. 2.0 BACKGROUND AND PROPOSED AMENDMENT 2.1 On April 15, 2002, 1307309 Ontario Limited (Burger King), on behalf of Willsonia Industries Limited, submitted a sign by-law amendment application to permit a second ground sign on a property with a height of 3.20 metres and a total sign area of 1.92 square metres. The brick base would architecturally match the fencing pillars that exist along Highway 2. 2.2 The subject lands are located at 105 Clarington Boulevard in Bowmanville (see Attachment 1). The property, owned by Willsonia Industries Limited, contains the Cineplex Odeon cinemas, East Side Mario's restaurant, and Burger King restaurant. Site access is also available from Highway 2 and Uptown Avenue. 2.3 The sign by-law currently permits only one group identification sign on each property. This may be in the form of a pylon sign with a maximum height of 7.5 metres and a maximum sign area of 7.5 square metres on a ground sign with a maximum sign area of 3.75 square metres. The existing pylon sign for Cineplex Odeon cinemas was subject to a sign by-law amendment application in 1996 under the Municipality's former sign by- law. Council approved an increase in height from 6.1 metres to 6.35 metres with an area increase from 9.29 square metres to 13.94 square metres. This sign was erected along the Highway 2 frontage. 617 L ~ REPORT NO.: PSD-051-02 PAGE 3 2.4 In addition to the wall and directional signage approved for the Burger King restaurant, a ground sign along Highway 2, with a sign area of 0.84 square metres on a 0.46 metre high base, was approved for Burger King through site plan approval of their building. 2.5 The existing Burger King restaurant is located on the north side of Highway 2, but framed by Ken Hooper Memorial Fire Station to the east and by the East Side Mario's restaurant and Cineplex Odeon theatres to the west. Although the zoning would have permitted the building to be street-front oriented, Burger King's parent company decided to locate the building in its present location. The restaurant's current owner maintains that due to insufficient signage and visibility, more prominent signage is necessary. 3.0 STAFF COMMENTS 3.1 Although the existing development was approved under the previous sign by-law, a major goal of Sign By-law 97-157 is to limit excessive commercial signage along roadways in Clarington. The by-law permits one ground or pylon sign for a multiple business site to serve as group identification signage for large commercial properties. Clarington Centre, the commercial development that contains Zellers and Loblaws, was approved within these sign height and area parameters. 3.2 A site inspection revealed that the restaurant's visibility is obscured by the presence of the East Side Mario's restaurant and the fire station. Although the visibility to westbound traffic is not affected as greatly, exposure to eastbound traffic is limited because the centre median on Highway 2 prevents traffic from turning around once it has passed the restaurant. A larger sign would benefit their level of exposure. 3.3 Although signage for Clarington Centre has been limited to that permitted under the Sign By-law, site exposure is greater from both directions than that of the Willsonia Industries Limited development because of the curve in Highway 2. With good visibility, 618 c , REPORT NO.: PSD-051-02 PAGE 4 westbound traffic has the ability to enter the plaza through Clarington Boulevard. Eastbound traffic can enter the site either at the McDonald's restaurant or at Clarington Boulevard. 3.4 The applicant had requested a larger ground sign with an area of 2.75 square metres and a height of 3.81 metres. Staff cannot support the larger sign for two reasons. . The proposed sign for Burger King should clearly be secondary to the principle identification signage for the Cineplex Odeon theatres. . Staff do not with to establish a precedent for the introduction of large single business signage in West Main Central Area. 3.5 While Staff have some concerns about any additional signs, Staff are willing to support the sign by-law amendment application to permit a second ground sign with a height of 3.20 metres and a total sign area of 1.92 square metres for the following reasons: . It replaces an existing sign which is not visible while travelling from the east. . With the restaurant's more limited visibility, this would provide Burger King with a higher sign to increase its exposure to east, and westbound traffic. . The sign would also be architecturally in keeping with the fencing treatment along Highway 2. . The proposed sign area is clearly secondary to the principle sign for the Cineplex Odeon theatres. 4.0 CONCLUSIONS 4.1 Staff respectfully recommend that this application be APPROVED for a second ground sign with a height of 3.2 metres and a total sign area of 1.92 square metres. Attachments: Attachment 1- Attachment 2- Attachment 3 - Attachment 4- Key Map Site Plan Proposed Ground Sign Proposed Sign By-law Amendment 619 ~ REPORT NO.: PSD-051.o2 PAGE 5 Interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Willsonia Industries Limited 140 Bond Street West P.O. Box 488 OSHAWA, Ontario L 1 H 7L8 Marissa Jollymore 1307309 Ontario Limited 105 Clarington Boulevard BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L 1 C 4Z3 620 LOT 16 LOT 15 Attachment 1 o <( o 0::: o <( o 0::: z w W 0::: o I I I I I I I I I I I I I ---- -.J <( z o o w ..- 0::: z o (f) (f) W () Z o () o \)~~~ S?R\~;S @) _ Subject Site 105 Glarington Bowmanville Key Map Boulevard, Bowmanville SBA 2002-001 i \....-'-1 i ! I i , I I 1 I . ...1 14ft \ =: roo~ -- ;:', 1.....-: O>IC-S/'ff o -0 -0 ~ ~ ~~ o ,~ I ~ ~ I - I ~ r-- j 0 i ........- ....... ., ~ '" o ~ C.'S/tI I ' i I . I I I , , . . ........ REI.OCA BY 01HERS ~~ .....1.Om REYCNE ,NrIJ ftEPI...J,CE l ~ (E iSDEWAlJ(.lO EIS COIlP.... .". _ SlDEWALi: PR<i'LE U ' ....... '" o o " o 0 aJT E>>S1IIG CI.ItB otI. (GUTlER 10 _ (IR' .. nn 1II'W<S DEPT.) 103m 11) CDflRElJlE ~ ATTACHMENT 2 o \ J OlS\&- " V o n '--' o o o o . ROVC!fITE PLAN O/--'?~ )\<--. DIRECTOR OF PlANNIN DI~l~ C7, )f , Date . REPLACE EXISTING SIGN WITH , ~ 5r,\rT1mSN , :- ~.. " , .rn ~ = 18. "0. // "\ ./ 8 ,\ ( .. ~. ~on ~ HIGHW A Y No.0 2 II 1\ r .".., ~ a totteD sims hubicki associates i1i ENCIHEDIS AReHlT[CTS AHO P\NKll$ ::! 1Il_~P.o...!lO,~_". ~ CLARINGTON PLACE LIMITED BURGER KING ENTRANCE BOWMANVIlLE - MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON OROJECT Mo.: DWG.Ho.: SCALE 1: 500 APRIL 1998 '2-,0131 SK-3 .~ ,,' .. U;> " b -- ~ C\I ATTACHMENT 3 PROPOSED BURGER KING SIGNAGE r- 4'-0" ----1 o , ~ '" K _____ --- _B::'.---~_~-- . . __ c:::...--- L.- Cry o , ~ SBA 2002-001 623 . ATTACHMENT 4 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY.LAW NUMBER 2002. being a by-law to amend Sign By.law 97.157, as amended of the Municipality of Clarington WHEREAS Chapter M.45, Subsection 207 (146) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, provides for the creation and amendment of By.laws regulating or prohibiting the erection of signs and provides for the charging of fees for inspection andlor issuing of pennits and for the pulling down or removal of contravening signs; WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend By.law 97.157 as amended, of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enact as follows: 1. Section 4.4 - EXCEPTIONS is hereby amended as follows: "4.4.5 Notwithstanding Section 4.3 Table B and Table C, one additional identification sign may be permitted along Highway 2 for the Burger King restaurant at 105 Clarington Boulevard, Bowmanville with a maximum height of 3.20 metres and a maximum sign area of 1.92 square metres." 2. This By.law shall come into effect on the date of the passing hereof. BY.LAW read a first time this th day of 2002 BY.LAW read a second time this th day of 2002 BY.LAW read a third time and finally passed this th day of 2002 John Mutton, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk 624