HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-23-88 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE �l r � .. REPORT 5 7 . File #mss Res. # By-Law # MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE & ADMINISTRATIVE BUDEGET COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: April 8, 1988 REPORT #: TR-23-88 FILE #: SUBJECT: 1988 CURRENT-CAPITAL BUDGET & RATING BY-LAW RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended to Committee the following: 1. That report TR-23-88 be received; and 2. That the 1988 Current and Capital budgets for local municipal services be approved; and 3. That the attached 1988 rating by-law be referred to Council for approval; and 4. That staff be authorized to transfer $100,000 from the 1987 Operating surplus to the Working Capital Reserve. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT Enclosed is the 1988 Current and Capital Budget for Committee's approval. The 1988 base mill rate will increase by 6.370 over the 1987 base mill rate as indicated on Schedule "A" attached. . . .2 TR-23-88 Page 2 Revenue The Government Grants have been conservatively budgeted as we have not received any indication as yet regarding increased funding with respect to payments in lieu of taxes. The M.T.C. Grant has been budgeted to reflect an 8.5% increase over 1987 for road Subsidy allocations and this has been confirmed by the Ministry. The Unconditional Grant Revenue has been budgeted to reflect a 2% increase over 1987 as provided by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs. Building activity within the Town is expected to equal or exceed 1987 levels and staff have adjusted Building Permit Revenues to reflect this activity. Penalties and Interest on Taxes and Investment Income have been adjusted to more closely reflect prior years actual while at the same time considering the Town's economic stability and present interest rate trends. There are a number of contributions from reserves, reserve funds and other contributions to fund capital projects as approved in the 1988 capital budget. Expenditures Provisions in the budget for salaries and benefits are based on the 1988 salary and benefit package which includes staffing adjustments deemed necessary to adequately deal with the Town's current needs e.g. secretarial services to members of council and other staffing requirements. Budget figures have been provided by the respective Departments with respect to all other expenditures. Committee should note, that staff have been able to accommodate the current needs of the Library and Museum Boards along with various grant appeals referred to staff by Council for consideration at budget time. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee J.R. Blanchard, Lawrence %E Kotseff, Treasurer. Chief A ministrative Officer. SCHEDULE "A" Date: 60 Page 1. TOWN OF NEWCASTLE (form = MILLRATE) MILL RATE CALCULATION - TOWN ONLY (range A60..L110 ) a F Prior Yr. (SurPlu-s)/Deficit 3 1,3501(K10) Plus: current leery (budgeted expenditure) 5,956,615 = Amount to be raised (A) 5,606,615 Assessment used for taxation: Residential: 41,184,792 X 85 % _ ;v,0 7,073 1 Commercial 6,S90,i24 + Business 2, 13,642 = ---8,565,766 J, = Assessment used in calculation MILL RATE CALCULATION: Cofi�/Ekls = amt.to be raised (A) 5.606,615 — X 1000 ------ = 0.1287 X 1000 = 222.66 , (C) assessment for taxation (B) 43,575,839 ------ -___—w 3 Residential = Crnmm;Bus Mill Rate X 85 (C) 129 X ,85 = 109 '633 (D) •-J Proof: Res.Assessment x Mill Rate: 41,184,792 X 109.3639 = 4,504,129 Comm/Bus.Assessment x M/Rate 8,5681766 128.66734 = 1,102,486 --------- Y ------ ------- .,,6t}6,615 (Comparison - Mill Rates:) i Amt. raised 5,606,615 1987 1968 i incr. Res. 10°_.8140; 10;9..36;9 6.371 Comm/Bus 10).9580 128.66=14 6.73771 / � ` Date:__________ TOWN OF NEWCASTLE (form = MILLRATE MILL RATE CALCULATION - STREET LIGHTS-RURAL (RANGE A125..L176) ` Prior Yr. (Surplus)/Deficit $ ` ----------- plus current levy (budSeted expeoditun2) 25,V00 = Amount to be raised (A) 22`618 ====== Assessment used for taxation: � Residential. 1932107 % 85 % = 1`642,291 ) -------- ---------- Commercial 347923 + Business = 347,923 (B) 1,990,214 ' = Assessment used in calculation ========= � ' MILL RATE CALCULATION- Comm/Bus = amt.to be raised (A) 22,618 X 1000, 0.0114 X 1O0O = 11.3646 (C) assessment for taxation (B) 199V214 --------- ====== Residential = Comm/Bus Mill Rate X 85 % (C) 11 X .85 = 9,6599 (D) � ' Proof: =~~~~~~~~~~^~ Res.Assessmemt x Mill Rate: 1932107 X 9.6599 = 18`664 ----- ------ ' C��/Bus Asse�ment x M/Rate 347923 11 3646 3 954 � . . = , _ Z2,618 (Comparison - Mill Rates:) Amt. raised 22,618 1987 1988 % incr. \ diff. (0} Res. 9,8580 9.6599 \ Comm/Bus 1i.5980 11.17646 -2.O1%\ } Date: TOWN OF NEWCASTLE (form = MILLRATE) GILL RATE CALCULATION - STREET LIGHTS-URBnN iRANGE A125„L1761 Prior Yr. (Surplus)/Deficit $ 1,18,5861 plus: current ler (budgeted expenditure) I82,(�rir = Amount to be raised (A) 1671,414 Assessment used for taxation: Residential: 15399957-, X 85- % = 11.389,960 Commercial 427.'•692' + Business = 4,271 2 (B) 15,667,652 j = Assessment used in calculation =-- ----- MILL RATE CALCUUTION: C-,qnm/Bus = amt.tu be raised (A) 16:3,414 } - — — X I001 -- — = 0,0104 X lihrir = 10.4300 (C) assessment for taxation 0 15667652 — __ -__ Residential = rofnrr/Buls Mill Rate X 85 'f. {Cl 1tr X .8-5 8,8655 {D} } Proof: Res.Assessment x Mill Rate: 133999.;._. X B.8655 = 118,796 Comm/Bus.Assessment :: M/Rate 42177692 10.4300 = 44,616 163,414 (Comparison - Mill Rates:) Amt. raised — 153,414 1987 1488 4 incr. diff. n j Res. 10.7570 8.86 55 -17.58`1, ___---_-- t Comm/Bus 12.6560 10.41700 -17.59','.\ Date-_____ � TOWN OF NEWCASTLE (form = MILLRATE) MILL RATE CALCULATION - NEWCASTLE SARDAGE (RANGE A125..1176) � Prior Yr. (Surplus)/Deficit $ -7470 ----------- ) plus: current levy, (budgeted expenditure) 90855 = Amount to be raised Al( 83385 ) ==~========= Assessment used for taxation/ Residential; '701 G7 X 85 % = 1715967 Commerzial 519J69 + Business = 519369 (B) 2235336 ) = Assessment used in calculation ========== � MI� RATECALOULA7ION; Comm/Bus = amt,tn be raised (A) 83385 % 1V0O /' ---------- = V,O373 X 1V0O = 37. ) 1 (C) assessment for taxation (B) � Residential = Comm/Bus Mill Kate X 85 % (C) 37 X ,85 = 31.7O76 (D> � Promf: ) Res.Assessment x Mill Rate: 21)18785 X 31.7076 = 64'011 Cumm/Bus.Asspssment x ml/Rate 519369 37.3031 = 19,374 ) ------ X ------- -----'— 83,385 ======= � (Comparison - Mill Rates:) Amt. raised 83/385 1987 1988 % incr. \ ========= \ diff, 0 � Res, 20,8740 31.7076 1.519O \ ======== Comm/-us 24,5580 37.3031 1,519O \ � ) ) ` � Date: � TOWN OFNEWQkSTLE (form = MILLRATE) MILL RATE CALCULATION - [�URTICE GARBAGE (RANGE A125,.L176) } Prior Yr. (Surplus)/Deficit $ 10,400 � plus: current levy (budgeted expenditure) 17,5,14 = Amount to be raised (A) 185,547 Assessment used for taxation: � Res id antial 7359912 X 85 % = 6'255,925 � Commercial 289245 + Business = 289,245 (B) 6,545,170 Assessment used i calculation sessmen n =========== � MILL RATEE CPILCULATlON: Comm/Bus = amt.to be raised (A) I85,547 ) .------------ % 1000 = 28.3497 (C) assessment for taxation (B) 6545170 --------- ======' Residential = Comm/Bus Mill Rate % 85 % (C) 28 X .85 = 24,0964 (D) proof: � Res,Assessment x Mill Rate: 7359912 X 24.V964 = 177,347 CommVBus.Assessment x M/Rate 289245 28.3487 = 8`2OO � ---------- % ---------'- -------- 547 ===== ` ('Comparison - Mill Rates:) Amt. raised 185`547 1987 1Y88 % incr. \ \ diff. (O} 6.0000 24.O964 n/a \ =========== \ Comm/Bus 0.0O00 2B.3487 n/a \ ) Date:_____- � TOWN OF NE-ICASTLE (form = MILLRATE) MILL RATE CALCULATlON - ORONO GARBAGE (RANGE A125..L176) � Prior Yr, (Surplus)/Deficit $ (3,627) plus: current levy (budgeted expeoditure ' ) 46 532 } = Amount to be raised (A) 421905 } ===~===~== Assessment used for taxation: ) Residential: 1(3,28B2 X 85 % = 877.95O -_--__-_-- -____-_--- Commercial 16922� + Business = 169,221 � (8) 1'O47,171 ` ~ Assessment used in calculatioo � ) MILL RATE [ALI-ULATION: Comm/Bus = amt,to be raised (A) 42,905 '� -------------' X 1000 : ---------' = 0.0410 % 1000 = 40.?727 (C) assessment for taxation (B) 1047171 --------- ====== i Residential = Comm/Bus Mill Rate X 85 % (C) 41 X .85 = 34.8265 (D) Proof: Kes Assessme t x Mill Rate; 1O32882 % 34 8265 35 972 ~) . =`. . = , Comm/8us.Assessment x M/Rate 169221 4V,9723 = 6`933 X) -------' ----------- --------- _ 42,905 } (Comparisom - MiIl Rates0 Amt. raised 42,9O5 1987 1988 % incr. \ \ diff. O Res 35 327O 34 8265 0 9858 \ � ' , , ^ Co �mm/� 41.5610 4V,9723 0.9858 \ - � / \ Date: ) TOWN OFF NEWCASTLE (form = MlLLRATE> MILL RATE CALCULATTON - BOWMANVILLE GARBAGE (RANGE A125..L176) ) Prior Yr. (Surplus)/Deficit $ (48,388) ) plus: current levy (budgeted expenditure) 392,992 = Amount to be raised (A) 744,604 ) ========== Assessment used for taxation: l Residential: 10565512 % 85 % = 85'98O,685 ) Commercial 3589102 + Business = 3`589,102 (B) 12,569,787 ) = Assessment used in calculatioo ========== � MILL RATECALCLATlON: ~==° Comm/Bus = amt,to be raised (A) 344,604 � X 1�0 : ---------- = 0.0274 X 1000 = 27'4.5J (C) assessment for taxation (B) 12569787 -------'-- ======= Residential = Comm/Bus Mill Rate % 85 % (Cl 27 % .85 = 23.3030 (D) � / � Proof: � Res,Assessmpnt x Hill Rate: 10565512 X 23.3V30 = 246,2O8 ______ Comm/Bus,Assessment x M/Rate 7,589102 27.4153 = 98`396 � ------ % ------- ------ _ 344,6O4 , (Comparison - Mill Rates/) Amt. raised 344`604 1987 1988 incr. \ ========== \ di;ff. 0 � Res. 18.96O0 23.3O30 \ Comm/Bus 22.3050 27 .4153 1.2291 \ � THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER 88- BEING A BY-LAW TO ADOPT THE ESTIMATES OF ALL SUMS REQUIRED DURING THE YEAR FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES AND TO STRIKE THE RATES OF TAXATION FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES FOR THE YEAR 1988. WHEREAS, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, has, in accordance with the Municipal Act, considered the estimates of the Municipality and it is necessary that the following sums be raised by means of taxation for the year 1988. General Purposes $ 5,606,615 Area and Special Rates $ 832,073 AND WHEREAS, the Assessment Roll made in 1987 and upon which the 1988 taxes are to be levied is the latest returned assessment roll, which is still subject to revision by the Court of Revision; Residential Commercial and Farm and Business Total Public School $ 37,181,786 $ 8,389,261 $ 45,571,047 Separate School $ 4,003,006 $ 179,505 $ 4,182,511 AND WHEREAS, Chaptor 302 Section 158 of the Municipal Act RSO 1980, states that the Council of every local Municipality in each year shall levy in the manner set in the Ontario Unconditional Grants Act, on the whole of the assessment for real property and business assessment according to the last revised assessment roll a i sum equal to the aggregate of the sums adopted under Section 164. / NOW THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the estimated expenditures required during the year 1988 totalling $16,098,516 less the estimated revenue totalling $ 9,659,828 leaving a net amount of $6,438,688 to be adopted and the following amounts be levied therefore in the manner as set hereunder: General Purposes $ 5,606,615 Area and Special Rates $ 832,073 2. There shall be levied and collected upon the assessable land, buildings, and businesses within the Corporation of the Town of N, astle, the following rates for, is year 1988: . . .2 Page Two Public School Supporters Residential Commercial General Municipal 109.364 128.663 Separate School Supporters General Municipal 109.364 128.663 Area and Special Rates Street Lights Bowmanville, Orono, Newcastle 8.865 10.430 Newcastle Rural Areas 9.660 11.365 Business Improvement Orono 122.300 Newcastle 73.820 Bowmanville 123.640 . . .3 Page Three 3. All taxes, including local improvements assessments, shall be deemed to have been imposed and become due and payable on the 1st day of January 1988 but may be paid in four installments, of which, two installments will be to receive interim taxes levied under authority of By-Law 74-23, amended by By-Law 80-145. 4. The remaining taxes including local improvement assessments, after deduction of taxes levied prior to the adoption of these estimates may be paid in two installments on the 30th day of June and 30th day of September 1988. 5. There shall be imposed a penalty for non-payment of taxes on the first day of default of any installment thereof, the amount of 1 1/4% of the amount due and unpaid on the first day of each calendar month there- after in which default continues, but not after the end of the year in which the taxes are levied, under authority of By-Law 83-38. 6. The Tax Collector is hereby authorized to mail or cause to be mailed the notice of taxes due to the address of the residence or place of business of the person to whom notice is required to be given. 7. All 1988 taxes shall be paid during the calendar year of 1988 at any branch of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce in the Regional Municipality of Durham and Town of Port Hope. All prior years taxes shall be paid into the office of the Treasurer. 8. The Tax Collector and Treasurer are hereby empowered to accept part payment from time to time on account of any taxes due. 9. This By-Law shall come into force and effect upon the date of the final reading thereof. By-Law read a first and second time this day of April 1988. By-law read a third time and finally passed this day of April 1988. Mayor Clerk