HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-7-88 trrt •,�I �"'°""" pJJJJ-1rrr�� TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # Res. # By-Law # MEETING: COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 11, 1988 REPORT #: TR-7-88 FILE #: SUBJECT: GUIDELINES REGARDING 1988 BUDGET PREPARATION RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended to Council the following: 1. That report TR-7-88 be received; and 2. That the attached Guidelines for the 1988 budget preparation be endorsed. BACKGROUND & COMMENTS: Staff has commenced the preparation of the 1988 budgets. The attached guidelines will provide the direction necessary to formulate the budgets to be considered by the Committee. In this manner, the guidelines will serve to establish consistent principles within which the estimates and the various options available can be weighed by the Committee. These guidelines should be regarded as a framework within which the budget material can be prepared for the Committee's review. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee i 14.R. Blanchard, ;Lawrence Fr. ]Kotseff, f ¢; Treasurer. Chief Adr�in'lstrative Officer. j 1988 BUDGET GUIDELINES 1. The initial budget preparation shall proceed on a similar basis to prior years within an expenditure increase over 1987 in accordance with the Comsumer Price Index. i.e. 4.50 2. Any addition of full-time staff or any conversion of part-time staff to full-time status will only be considered during the budget procedure unless otherwise directed by Council. 3. All department heads are required to review the existing functions within their respective department and undertake the elimination of any insignificant functions. New functions should be introduced only where the costs and benefits are identified clearly for the Committee's consideration. 4. Increases in any user fees must be approved by Council prior to the implementation of such fees. Each department head is to review user fees and if necessary make a recommendation to the Committee for its consideration. 5. Grants made to outside organizations should be in accordance with Item No. 1 above. Specific grant allocations will only be considered in accordance with the grants policy procedure and, where appropriate, after recommendations have been received from the Newcastle Community Services Advisory Board. 6. The Treasurer shall advise the Newcastle Library Board, Museum Boards and, where appropriate, other boards of Items 1 and 5 above. 7. The Town shall continue to take advantage of the various grants and/or subsidies available through the senior levels of government.