HomeMy WebLinkAboutFD-7-84 FIRE DEPARTMENT s J — 41q)-PAERGENCY TELEPHONE EPHON �! 623-33GC; 2 C°C.RC H. S - J.A.ALDRIDG i C i i 6 CNP3 CF-=:CE: 323-51,26 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE - MEETING OF APRIL 2, 1984. REPORT NO: FD 7-84. SUBJECT: Town owned assembly occupancies. RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended: THAT this report be received for information. BACKGROUND AND COMMENTS: The ad hock committee on Fire Code Retrofit has met recently and thoroughly discussed Town owned assembly occupancies. At this meeting the committee was advised as to upgrading requirements of existing town owned assembly buildings. Town owned assembly occupancies are classified as Group A Division 2 (defined under the Ontario Building Code - a building with an occupant load of 300 or more persons would require a fire alarm system, if this same building where to have a beverage licence then the occupant load is reduced to 150 persons where a fire alarm system is required. ) This matter of assembly occupancy has been discussed at length with Ontario Building Code Officials, Ontario Fire Code Engineers and Municipal Fire Chiefs. Basically, all agencies are in agreement with determining assembly 1 occupancy and retrofit requirements. The attached chart indicates items that are required "R" under retrofit. FIRE PREVENTION BEGMS WTH YOU Report No. FD 7 - 84 - 2 - 7 U Many of these items listed are very inexpensive or maintenance cleanup requirements. The chart also indicates suggested responsibilities for the Town and Hall or Community Boards. There have been no cost estimates completed on any of the projects, for a number of reasons:- 1 . ) buildings are generally very old and it is unknown if the present electrical service will carry any additional load, 2. ) some hall and community boards have members who do most of their renovating and installations to keep cost down. I would suggest asking for quotations for a complete package for all Town owned buildings that require emergency lighting, exit signs and fire alarm systems. This should help to reduce cost. The next concern in relation to this matter is, once these retrofit items have been installed, who is responsible for their ongoing testing and main- tenance. I have included a copy of the weekly, monthly and yearly checks that are re- quired to be performed under Fire Code Regulations. Respectfully submitted, J. Aldridge, Fire Chief. JA/sr Encls. (3) March 14, 1984. \^1MAMU ANCE SCL EDULES FIRE SAFETY MAINTENANCE DUTIES Fire Code Reference Fire Code Reference A�i0 Dally Fire Code Reference Test the voice communications systems. 11.Inspect all exposed sprinkler system pipe REQLMIM LV1� BY T . Q ,bill 1.Exit lights should be Checked to ensure 8.Inspect all fire hose cabinets. hangers. 6.5 3.2• FM (ME that they have not been damaged and that 9.Test the sprinkler system alarm. 12.Check all sprinkler heads. they are illuminated 2,7.3.3, 10.Inspect the water level in gravity tank fire 13.Inspect auxiliary drains(drum drips)and The Ontario Fire Code sets out specific requirements for 2.Torches, regulators and welding equip- protection water tanks. dry pipe sprinkler system(each Fall). checking,inspecting and testing of fire safety equipment in ment must be checked for defects. Every 2 Months 14.Inspect dry pipe valve water priming level. existing buildings. There are also requirements for the 3.Fire alarm system, AC power lamp and 15.Inspect and lubricate fire department con- I.Test sprinkler system central station con- maintenance of records.Whenever a defect or deficiency is trouble signal must be checked. Conn ns. nections. discovered in any fire safety device, immediate corrective 4.Voice communication system, AC power 16.Conduct sprinkler system alarm test using i action must be taken by the property owner or his agent. lamp and signal must be checked. Every 3 Months the hydraulically most remote test valve. Every building is unique and will have different 5.Tank heating equipment and water 1.Conduct a fire alarm drill in all highrise 17.Conduct a dry pipe system trip test. maintenance requirements. temperature must be checked for fire pro- buildings. 18.Conduct a main drain flow test of the To assist owners and tenants, the Fire Department has tection water tanks. 2.Test all fire safety devices in buildings sprinkler system water supply. prepared this pamphlet briefly listing the fire safety equip- & regulated by Subsection 3.2.6. of the 19.Inspect fire protection water supply ment maintenance requirements found in the Ontario Fire 6.Temperature of fire pump rooms must be Building Code. tanks. 6.62.1. Code.The Ontario Fire Code or other documents referred checked. 3.Test fire fighters' elevators for proper 20.Inspect the cathodic protection of steel to in the Fire Code must be consulted for a complete ex- operation. 7,2,2,1, fire protection water tanks. planation of the. pr6cedurM The Fire Department is Wkly 21.Inspect all parts of a gravity fire protec- available to assist owners and occupants in complying with 1.Check hoods, filters and ducts in ventila- Every 6 Months tion water tank. Lion systems subject to the acummutation 1.Inspect fire protection systems for com- 22.Conduct a fire um flow test. these regulations. ;. P Y pump of combustible deposits. mercial cooking equipment: 23.Inspect and flow test all fire hydrants. EXCERPTS FROM THE ONTARIO FIRE CODE 2.Check that sprinkler system control valves & 24.Conduct general engine and generator Artick I./.1./. are open and properly supervised. 2.Check and clean crankcase, breathers, maintenance and engine tune-ups for Unless otherwise specified the owner is responsible for car- 3.Check that dry pipe sprinkler system air governors and linkages on emergency emergency g y generator sets. 6.7.I.1. rying out the provisions of this Code. pressure is being maintained. generator sets. Every 2 Years//12. 4.Inspect valves controlling fire protection 3.Conduct inspection and maintenance of water supplies. special extinguishing systems. 6.8.1. 1.Check all steel fire protection tanks for Where tests, repairs or alterations are made to fire protec- 5.Check the water level and pressure for fire 4.Test gate valve supervisory switches and corrosion. tion installations, including sprinkler and standpipe protection system pressure tanks. other sprinkler and fire protection system 2.Inspect all fire protection water tanks, systems, a procedure of notification shall be established, 6.Inspect relief valves on air and water sup- supervisory devices. connected to a non potable water supply, and the procedure shall include notifying the fire depart- plies of fire protection pressure tanks. 5.Conduct fire alarm drills in shools attend- for the accummulation of sediment. ment and the building occupants where necessary for safety 7.Check water level in fire pump reservoirs. ed by children(to be conducted 3 times in 3.Check valve adjustments and torque in the event of a fire emergency. 8.Inspect and operate all fire pumps. the Spring and Fall terms). 2,8,3,2, heads for emergency generator engines. Arnett 1.L2.1. & Annual Every 3 Years A written record shall be kept of all tests and corrective 9.Check all components for emergency 1.Clean and service injector nozzles and measures for a period of two years after they are made,and generator system and operate the 1.Inspect all fire dampers and fire stop check valve adjustments for emergency the record shall be made available upon request to the Chief generator set under at least 50% of the flaps. enerator diesel engines. Fire Official. rated load for 30 minutes. 6,7,1,1, 2.Inspect all chimneys,flues and flue pipes. g Definitions: Monthly 3.Inspect disconnect switches for Every 5 Year Check meant visual observation to ensure the device or mechanical air conditioning and ventila- 1.Hydrostatic test of carbon dioxide and 1.Inspect all doors in fire separations tion systems.• water t g system is in place and is not obviously damaged or type fire extinguishers. 2.Emergency lighting system, batteries, 4.Clean chimney spark arrestors. obstructed. 2.Hydrostatic test of dry standpipe system. units and lamps to be inspected and 5.Conduct fire alarms drills in all buildings Inspect means physical examination to determine that the 3.Inspect fire protection water tank, con- tested: which have a fire alarm system., netted to a potable water supply, for ac- device or system will apparently perform in accordance Canadian Electrical Code, with its intended !unction. 6.Carry out maintenance procedures for cummulation of sediment. Part 1, Section 46 fire extinguishers. 4.Check insulation in generator windings. 6:7.1.1. Test means operation of device or system to ensure that it 3.Conduct Ere alarm drills in day care cen- will perform in accordance with its intended function. 7.Conduct a complete test of the building 5.Inspect closures in vent openings into tees and health care facilities fire alarm system by qualified personnel. The Fire Code contains specific requirements for the 4.Test all welding and cutting equipment. - 8.Conduct a complete test of the building _.---� smoke shafts. 7.2.3. keeping of records.The Fire Department recommends that 5.inspect all portable fire extinguishers., voice communication system by qualified Every 6 Years to addition to those records specifically required by the Fire 6.Test the building fire alarm system and personnel I.Replace the extinguishing agent in dry Case,records should be kept for all maintenance procedures. check all components including standby 9.Tat all standpipe hose valves. chemical fire extinguishers. 6.2.7 1. power batteries. 10.Remove and rerack all standpipe hose. ! I i Fire Code Reference IF YOU HEAR THE BUILDING FIRL ALARM: S.The superintendent must be completely familiar with all Every 12 Years 1.Leave the building using the closest exit staircase. the fire safety devices installed in the building. He must 1.Conduct hydrostatic testing of dry 2.Before opening you suite door test the door and the know where they are located and how they operate. chemical and vapourizing liquid fire ex- knob for heat. 9.Alternate procedures must be provided for the warning tinguishers as required. 3.If the door is hot remain in your suite. of the building occupants if the fire alarm is out of ser- 4.If the door is cool to the touch open it slightly and check vice. Alternate procedures must also be provided for Evtry 15 Years the corridor for smoke. If the corridor is filled with maintaining adequate life safety should any of the fire 1.Inspect dry pipe sprinkler systems for pipe smoke remain in your suite. If the corridor is clear pro- safety devices be removed from service for any reason. obstructions. Flush the system when ceed to the closest exit staircase. If you find the 10.The superintendent will be required to conduct regular necessary. staircase impassable try an alternate staircase. If all of maintenance duties on a daily, weekly, monthly and As Required the staircases are impassable return to your suite. yearly basis. 5.in no case should the elevators be used. 11.Schematic diagrams showing the location of the 1.Clean any combustible dust pro- 6.If you must remain in your suite, place damp towels building fire emergency sytems must be prepared and . ducing operations. or tape around the door frame to prevent smoke from available for fire department use in an emergency. 2.Cleaning of residue in spray booths. entering your suite. 3.Vacuum clean and dust any dry powder 7.If the smoke enters the suite proceed to the balcony clos- finishing operations. ' ing but not locking the doors behind you.Signal the Fire CORPORATION OF THE 4.Inspect,clean and maintain all industrial OF NEWCASTLE of your location using a towel or sheet. ovens and associated ductwork. TOWN E11E2G'F1�JCY PI,A►lyNIlVG BUILDING MANAGERS AND FIRE DEPARTMENT SUPERINTENDENTS ;;. 132 CHURCH STREET Section 2.8. "Emergency Planning"of the Ontario Fire WWMAWLtE, Qom. fV1C STS Code sets out specific requirements for the preparation and IF THE FIRE ALARM SOUNDS: posting of fire safety procedures in all public assembly 1.Contact the Fire Department by telephoning 433-1234. buildings,institutional buildings and all buildings equipped Give the name and address of the building and your with a fire alarm. name and telephone number. The building owner is responsible for preparing an 2.Proceed to the main lobby and check the fire alarm an- emergency plan, acceptable to the Fire Chief,and for en- nunciator to determine what floor the fire was located suring that the building occupants and staff are familiar on and to meet the tenant who activated the fire alarm with the emergency plan. Building occupant instructions system. must be prominently posted on each floor area. 3.Call all elevators to the main floor and remove them The following general procedures can be used to develop from service. If the building is equipped with fire a comprehensive plan for your building.The Ontario Fire fighters'elevators the elevators must be placed in Fire Code : must be referred to for the exact regulation re- Department service ready for the fire fighters'use. quirements. If you require any assistance you should con- 4.If the building is equipped with a smoke control tact Me Fire Department. measure the superintendent must ensure that the smoke control system is operating. He must be completely FME ENIER(MI CCY PR M)UR : familiar with the system and be able to assist the fire �r fighters in operating this smoke control sytem. I�OR BUIIM4G O CUPANT'S 5.If the building is equipped with a voice communications IF YOU DISCOVER A FIRE: system the superintendent should use this system to in- form the tenants of the location of the alarm and he 1.Leave the fire area closing all doors behind you. should assist the Fire Department in using the voice 2.Activate the building fire alarm system using the closest communications system to co-ordinate the building fire alarm pull station, evacuation and fire fighting activities. 3.Fight the fire only if you are confident that it may be 6.The superintendent should have a list of infirm or han- ONTARIO FIRE CODE controlled with the fire fighting equipment available. dicapped persons along with their suite locations in FIRE SAFETY NWNTENA.NCf 4.Evacuate using the exit staircase and proceed to the order to assist the Fire Department in locating those main lobby to inform the superintendent of the fire persons who cannot evacuate themselves. AND location. 7.Upon the arrival of the Fire Department the superinten- EMIMGENCY PLANNING 5.Ensure that the Fire Department has been called. Telephone 433.1234. dent must provide whatever assistance the Chief Fire REGULATIONS � p Give the building address and Officer requires including building keys and informa- REGULATIONS name and your name iind telephone number. tion regarding the building and equipment. ..' _RESPONSIBILITY: TOWN HALL OR COMMUNITY BOARD 3 Test In Combus- Flamm- Emer- r l =„ r°E qtr- i E�i, .��-� ( r;EQ�iRED - R Alarm gency spect Fire spect Exit Exit Fire tible a�;e gency \,\ SUGGEST - S System Lighting Mainten- Extin- ainten- Signs Hardware Separa- Cleanup Liquid Fire ante of guisher ance of tions Storage Plan Systems Extin- uishers Enniskillen Hall R R R R R R R R Tyrone Centre (new) R R R Tyrone Hall (old) R R R R R R R R R R Solina Centre S R R R Hampton Hall R R Hampton Munici?aCeOf R R Bowmanville Library S R R R R R R R R Bowmanville Museum R R R R R R R R Kirby Museum R R R R R Oddfellow Hall Orono R R R R R R R Orono Town Hall S R R R R R R Orono Library Museum R R I R R R R R Orono Armories R R + R R R R R R Newcastle Town Hall R R R S R R Newtonville Hall R R I R R R i Brownsdale Centre Repair R R R R R Haydon Hall R R R R R R Memorial Park Club H use R R R R R R Visual Arts Centre R R R R R R R R R R R Zion Park Club House R R R R R R R R R R —" (SECURE UILDING ' -a\ Fire Emer- Test In Test in Combus- Flamm- Emer- Electri RE ,�I4E� - R Alarm gency spect Fire spect Exit Exit Fire tible able gency cal SUGGEST - S System Lighting Mainten- Extin- ainten- Signs Hardware Separa- Cleanup Liquid Fire Wiring ante of guisher ance of tions Storage Plan Systems Extin- uishers Bowmanville Town Hall S R R E CABINET Auditorium - 2nd Floor R R R R R R R R Bell Building R R R S Police & Fire Building R R R R R R R Fitness Centre R Bowmanville Arena' S R Darlington Arena R Newcastle Arena R R Orono Arena R R R } Estimated Cost. Dual head emergency light units approx. $300 e . _ Exit signs $50 e . Fire extinguisher check & recharge ABC (approx�10 e . Hydrostatic test of fire extinguishers $10 e . " I