HomeMy WebLinkAboutFD-10-85 FIRE DEPARTMENT ,) File loo. �f> °,.� .,;t�.. 132 CHURCH i 'P. F J. A.ALDRIDGE !AG ITS FIRE C HIEF ��� �;-° O FIGF: 623.5126 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING - JULY -2, 1985. REPORT NO. FD 10-85. SUBJECT: Town of Newcastle Emergency Plan --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended: 1 . ) THAT this report be received; and 2. ) THAT the G.P.A. Committee recommend to Council : (a) that the Town of Newcastle Emergency Plan be approved by by-law; (b) that the Town of Newcastle Emergency Plan be distributed as per Appendix #5, Dis- tribution List, through the Fire Department; (c) that the Fire Chief co-ordinate a meeting of the members of the Municipal Control Group, at his earliest convenience, to discuss the Emergency Plan. BACKGROUND i On July 16, 1984, Resolution No. G.P.A. 807-84 stated, "that a Town of Newcastle Emergency Plan be drafted by the Fire Chief". COMMENTS i Subsequent to the Resolution, information has been gathered to formulate an Emergency Plan, that would be co-ordinated with the Durham Region Emergency Plan, for the Town of Newcastle. Continued. . . . FD 10-85 - 2 - The Emergency Plans Act, 1983 is the legal authority for the formulation and implementation of Municipal Emergency Plans. It is the duty of the Municipal , Provincial and Federal governments, indi- vidually and collectively to be prepared to act against these emergencies in peace and war to protect the lives, safety and property of the citizens of Ontario. While the responsibility and authority for dealing with emergencies belong to the Municipality, depending on the scale and duration of an emergency, their capability can and will be supplemented, as required, from Regional , Provincial , Federal and other sources. Mr. J. L. Ellard, Deputy Co-ordinator of Emergency Planning for Ontario, was contacted and requested, through the Solicitor General ' s office, to forward information and guidelines regarding Emergency Planning, to this Department. The Emergency Plan submitted has been drafted using these Provincial guidelines. The draft plan was submitted to the Province for review and comment in November, 1984. Suggested changes to the Plan were made and then it was forwarded to the Emergency Planning Co-ordinator for Durham Region, Staff Sergeant Dan T. Matthews. Having received a favourable comment from Staff Sergeant Matthews, the Emergency Plan is now submitted to Committee. I might add that this is just the first step to Emergency Planning. It is intended to help our community more efficiently prepare to handle any one of several types of emergencies that may occur. To ensure that the Emergency Plan will function, certain duties are directed to members of the Municipal Control Group. It is the responsi- bility of individual Municipal Control Group members to read the plan and insure that their areas of responsibility are attended to. This Emergency Plan does not address Emergency Planning for the Darlington Generating Station, as the responsibility for the preparation of a detailed plan falls under the direction of Ontario Hydro for on site planning. Any off site planning for radiation emergencies is the Provincial Govern- ment's responsibility. Continued. . . . - 3 - The on and off site plans for Darlington will be written to co-ordinate with Emergency Planning at all levels of government, Municipal , Regional , Provin- cial and Federal . The draft Emergency Plan has also been circulated to Department Heads for comment and review of their respective responsibilities. Respectfully submitted, . Aldridge, Fire Chief. JA/sr Encl . June 4, 1985. D-1- � MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE EMERGENCY PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS Page TABLE OF CONTENTS _ i _ FOREWORD - INTRODUCTION Purpose 2 Activation 2 MUNICIPAL CONTROL GROUP 2 Composition 2 Support Group 3 Authority 3 Implementation and Procedures 3 MUNICIPAL CONTROL GROUP OPERATIONS 3 General 4 Communications and Co-ordination 4 RESPONSIBILITIES 4 Municipal Control Group 4 Head of Council 5 Chief Administrative Officer 5 Senior Police Official 5 Senior Fire Official 6 Director of Public Works 6 Health Representative 7 Social Services Representative g ALERT PROCEDURE Appendix 1 REQUEST FOR ASSISTANCE Appendix 2 VITAL SERVICES DIRECTORY Appendix 3 QUICK GUIDE TO EMERGENCIES Appendix 4 DISTRIBUTION LIST Appendix 5 BY-LAW Appendix 6 i i i - i - � MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE EMERGENCY PLAN This plan has been formulated to assign responsibilities and to guide the immediate actions of key officials in the first few critical hours after the onset of an emergency. For this plan to be effective, it is essential that all concerned be made aware of its provisions and that every official and department be prepared to carry out their assigned functions and responsibilities in an emergency. Regular exercises should be staged to ensure the arrangements embodied in this plan are kept current and that all are kept familiar with its provi- sions. Department heads should likewise review and keep up to date their own procedures and arrangements for responding to emergencies. Head of ounce . i I i I _ii _ MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE EMERGENCY PLAN INTRODUCTION 1 . ) Emergencies are defined as situations or the threat of impending situations abnormally affecting property and the health, safety and welfare of a community, which by their nature or magnitude require a controlled and co-ordinated response by all agencies. These are dis- tinct from routine operations carried out by municipal agencies, e.g, firefighting, police or works departments, etc. 2. ) Legislation entitled "The Emergency Plans Act, 1983" , is the primary authority enabling passage of the by- law formulating this emergency plan, which will govern the provision of necessary services during an emergency. This plan also prescribes procedures under the manner in which municipal employees and other persons will respond to an emergency. Important measures enabled under the legislation and which form part of this plan are: (a) expenditure of monies associated with the formu- lation and implementation of the emergency plan; (b) authorization for municipal employees to take appropriate action before formal declaration of an emergency; (c) specify procedures to be taken for safety and for evacuation of persons in an emergency area; (d) designate other members of council who may exer- cise powers and perform the duties of the Head of Council under the emergency plan during the absence of the Head of Council or upon his inability to act; (e) establish committees and designate employees to be responsible for reviewing the emergency plan, training employees in their function and implementing the emergency plan during an emergency; - (f) obtaining and distributing materials, equipment and supplies during an emergency, and (g) such other matters as are considered necessary or advisable for the implementation of the emergency plan during an emergency. - 2 - E 'C�) 3. ) The structure of the Durham Regional Government is such that many of the essential services required during emergencies are within its jurisdiction, e.g. Police, Social Services, Public Works and Health. Fire Service and local Public Works responsibilities are retained at area municipal level with the availability of support of the regional services mentioned above. In response to any major emergency it is essential that there be one main control centre at Regional level . It is recognized the Area Municipalities will want to respond to local emergencies by taking obvious immediate actions within their own resources and with the support of local sections of Regional Services. In some cases, this will be all that will be required. 4. ) Purpose - The purpose of this plan is to establish emergency procedures and a Control Group within the Town of Newcastle to co-ordinate local response to major emergencies in order to review the situation and determine the necessity to activate the Regional Emergency Operations Control Group (REOCG) of the Regional Municipality of Durham and to make provision for the extraordinary arrangements and measures that may have to be taken to safeguard property and the health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the Municipality of the Town of Newcastle when faced with an emergency. 5. ) Activation - The emergency actions as outlined in this Plan will-be initiated by the authorized personnel and agencies of the Town of Newcastle upon notification that an abnormal emergency situation has or is likely to become existant. MUNICIPAL CONTROL GROUP 6. ) If it is determined that the situation requires the activation of the RECG, the RECG shall be alerted and the members of the Municipal Control Group (MCG) will assume their individual responsibilities in the RECG's Peacetime Emergency Plan . Emergency Operations will be directed and controlled by the elected and appointed officials listed here- under who will assemble for this purpose at the Opera- tions Centre, (Police-Fire Building, 2nd Floor Court- room). This group will be known as the Municipal Control Group (MCG) and will be composed of: (a) Mayor or alternate (b) Chief Administrative Officer (c) Police Chief or alternate (d) Fire Chief or alternate (e) Director of Public Works or alternate (f) Health Official or alternate (g) Social Service Director of Community Services or al ternate. (h) Support stiff for MCG - as listed 'in Appendix 1/1 . Owl - 3 - 7. ) Support Group - A support group should be formed from members o public and private agencies having special- ist knowledge and advice to give. This group should be drawn from organizations listed hereunder and may i be called upon individually or asked to deliberate and make recommendations collectively. (a) Public Utilities (hydro, gas, telephone) (b) School Board (c) Transportation company (d) Ambulance service (e) Caterers (f) Red Cross Co-ordinator (Contact persons for support group listed in Appendix #1 ) 8. ) Authority - The Emergency Plans Act, 1983 states a "Head ofCoun 1 may declare that an emergency exists in the Municipality or in any part thereof and may take such action and make such orders as he considers necessary and are not contrary to the law to implement the emer- gency plan of the Municipality and to protect the property and the health, safety and welfare of the in- habitants of the emergency area". Accordingly, it is the rincipal function of the Municipal Control Group (MCG and the Support Group, if assembled, to assist the Head of Council in making and placing in effect any decisions and orders that are made to control and mitigate the effects of an emergency. 9. ) Implementation and Procedures - Emergencies could arise with o without warning; is plan takes into account and is intended to deal with the worst case, a situation that develops without warning. 10. ) An emergency will usually be reported or discovered by either police or fire services who would, in any event, be among the first to be called to the scene of a potential emergency. A senior member of the police or fire department, police chief or alternate, fire chief or alternate, should personally assume con- trol at the site of an emergency or arrange for an on- site co-ordinator to take charge immediately and then, depending upon the situation, he or she may make a decision to alert and assemble the MCG in accordance with the procedure as outlined in detail - Appendix #1 . MUNICIPAL CONTROL GROUP OPERATIONS 11 . ) Upon assembling, the Head of Council with the advice of other members of the MCG, may make a decision to declare an emergency and invoke the provisions of this emergency plan. i o (t�� - 4 - 12. ) General - The role of the MCG can best be accomplished by round—fable assessment of events as they occur and by agree- ing on a course of action to overcome specific problems, areas or situations. Normally, an agreed course of action will be implemented by municipal departments functioning primarily within their own spheres, but co-ordinated through ' the MCG. 13. ) Communications and Co-ordination - An important function of every department is to provede imely information for the benefit of the MCG decision making process. This will necessitate a reliable system of communication between the emergency site and the MCG operations centre (Police-Fire Building) . The Fire Department radio communication system will be used (3 channel capability) plus the telephone system. 14. ) Once decisions have been taken by the MCG, it is essential they be quickly and accurately passed to every response agency and where necessary, to the public. This function should fall to the Chief Administration Officer, who will act as Operations Officer and be responsible for co-ordinating the activities of the operations centre and for ensuring good communications between all agencies involved in emer- gency operations. RESPONSIBILITIES 15. ) Municipal Control Group - Some or all of the following actions/decisions may ave to be considered and dealt with by the MCG: (a) declaring an "emergency to exist" ; (b) designating any area in the municipality as an emergency area; (c) authorizing expenditures of funds for imple- menting the emergency plan; (d) "evacuating" those buildings or sections within an emergency area, which are themselves considered to be dangerous or in which the occupants are considered to be in danger from some other source; (e) "dispersing people" not directly connected with j the operations, who by their presence are con- sidered to be in danger, or whose presence hinders in any way the efficient functioning of emergency operations; (f) "discontinuing utilities" or services provided by public or private concerns without reference to any consumers in the municipality, or when continuation of such utilities or services con- stitutes a hazard to public safety within an emergency area; (g) "arranging for accommodation and welfare" on a temporary basis, of any residents who are in need of assistance due to displacement as a re- sult of the emergency; (h) "calling in and employment of any municipal per- sonnel and equipment" which is required in an emergency; - 5 - (i ) "arranging assistance" from senior levels of government and of other personnel and,equipment of volunteer and other agencies not under muni- cipal control as may be required by the emergency; (j) "establishing an information centre" for issuance of accurate releases to the news media and for issuance of authoritative instructions to the general public; (k) "establishing a reporting and inquiry centre" to handle individual requests for information concerning any aspect of the emergency. 16. ) Head of Council - or alternate will perform the fol- lowing responsibilities: (a) chair meetings of the MCG; (b) declare an emergency to exist; (c) ensure the Solicitor General of Ontario has been notified of the declaration of an emergency; (d) make decisions, determine priorities and issue operational direction through the operations officer and the heads of muni- cipal departments; (e) request assistance from senior levels of government when required; (f) approve news releases and public announce- ments; (g) terminate the emergency at the appropriate time and ensure all concerned have been notified. 17. ) Chief Administrative Officer - will act as an Opera- tions officer and have responsibilities as follows: (a) organize and supervise the Operations Centre and make arrangements for obtaining and dis- playing up-to-date information at all times; (b) arrange and co-ordinate communications systems; (c) advise the Head of Council on Administrative matters; (d) be responsible for media arrangements and assist in the preparation and issue of press and public announcements; (e) co-ordinate the support group. 18. ) Senior Police Official - or his alternate, upon earning of a po en ia1 emergency should consider the possible need for activation of the emergency plan and if warranted he should trigger the alert system outlined in Appendix 01 . Thereupon, he would report to the Operations Centre to sit as a member of the MCG and to perform the following additional functions and responsibilities: (a) provide the Head of Council with information and advise on law enforcement matter; I �Il �a - 6 - (b) appoint an on-site co-ordinator to control operations at the scene of an emergency; (c) seal off the area of concern; (d) control and if necessary, disperse crowds within the emergency area; (e) control the movement of emergency vehicles to and from the site of the emergency; (f) co-ordinate police operations with other municipal departments and arrange for addi- tional supplies and equipment when needed; (g) conduct evacuation of buildings or areas when ordered by the Head of Council ; (h) arrange for maintenance of law and order in temporary facilities; (i ) protect property in the emergency area; (j) arrange for additional police assistance, if required; (k) advise the Coroner in the event of fatalities and perform whatever additional responsibili- ties may be necessary under the Coroners Act. 19. ) Senior Fire Official - or his alternate, upon earning of a po en ial emergency should consider the need for possible activation of the emergency plan, and if warranted, he should trigger the emergency alert system described in Appendix #1 . Thereupon he should report to the Operations Centre to sit as a member of the MCG and perform the following additional functions and responsibi- lities: (a) provide Head of Council with information and advice on firefighting matters; (b) develop and maintain a system for alerting MCG members in an emergency; (c) appoint an on-site co-ordinator to control operations at the scene of an emergency; (d) inform the Durham Region Fire Co-Ordinator and request mutual aid if additional man- power and equipment is needed; (e) determine if specialized equipment is needed and recommend possible sources of supply; .(f) provide assistance to other municipal depart- ments and agencies and be prepared to take charge or contribute to non-firefighting operations, if necessary. i I 20. ) Director of Public Works - or his alternate, upon earning of a potentia emergency should consider the need for possible activation of the emergency plan and if warranted, he should trigger the emer- gency alert system as described in Appendix #1 . Thereupon, he should report to the Operations Centre to act as a member of the MCG and to perform the following additional functions and responsibilities: - 7 - (a) provide Head of Council with information and advice on engineering matters, (b) appoint an on-site co-ordinator to control operations at the scene of an emergency, (c) maintain liaison with flood control , con- servation and environmental agencies and be prepared to conduct relief or preventa- tive operations, (d) provide engineer materials, supplies and equipment, (e) provide public works fleet of vehicles equipment and manpower, if requested, (f) assist traffic control , evacuations, etc. by clearing emergency routes, marking ob- stacles, providing road signs, etc. (g) maintain liaison with private utility companies, (hydro, gas, telephone, etc. ) and make recommendations for discontinuation of any utility, public or private, where necessary, in the interest of public safety, (h) make recommendations and demolish unsafe structures if ordered by the Head of Council , (i ) re-establish essential services at the con- clusion of an emergency. 21 . ) Health Representative - or his alternate, upon learning of a potential emergency, should con- sider the need for possible activation of the emergency plan and if warranted, trigger the emergency alert system described in Appendix #1 . Thereupon, he should report to the Opera- tions Centre to act as a member of the MCG and either perform the following functions or re- port the situation to a competent medical authority who would then take such appropriate action in conjunction with the MCG, as the situation warrants : (a) Public Health matters are normally the responsibility of the Medical Officer of Health who will normally take charge in such situations and i. provide advice on public health matters to MCG, ii . arrange for dissemination of special in- structions to the population on matters concerning public health, iii . arrange for mass immunization, where needed, iv. arrange for testing of water supplies and make recommendations for arranging alternate supplies, v. notify other agencies and senior levels of government about health related matters. (b) Mass Casualties - arrange for coping with mass i _ g _ °--- casualties through local hospital and ambulance service. These arrangements should be worked out beforehand to provide for the following activities: (1 ) bringing casualties to a central point for triage and afterwards arranging a balanced distribution of casualties to hospitals; (2) provision of first aid for minor casualties who would not require trans- portation to a hospital ; 22. ) Social Services Representative - Director of Community Services or alternate will u fill social services functions and perform the following responsibilities and duties: (a) provide advice to the Head of Council and other members of the MCG; (b) according to the nature of the emergency, imple- ment appropriate aspects of a social service plan (these should be developed beforehand with the assistance of the support group) to provide for (1 ) reception centres, which will provide accommodation, feeding and other emer- gency welfare services for those who will have had to be evacuated for any reason, (2) distribution of clothing and other essentials to evacuees, (3) operation of a Reception and Inquiry system to deal with inquiries from concerned friends and relatives from within and outside the community, (4) emergency purchases of food, supplies, etc. that cannot be obtained in any other way, (5) to provide a separate reception and feeding centre to provide rest area and food for the workers who are taking part in the emergency. i i MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE EMERGENCY PLAN APPENDIX 91 Alert Procedure 1 . ) On receipt of an official message from an authorized member of the Municipal Control Group, (identified hereunder) , the Town of Newcastle Fire Department will implement the pro- cedure by telephoning members in the order stated. i Fire Department Headquarters Telephone No. 623-9111 Appointment Telephone Number (a) Head of Council G. Rickard Res. 623-7150 Alternate Bus. 623-3379 (b) Fire Chief J.Al rd ire Res. 623-6057 Bus. 623-5126 Alternate GCorden - Platoon Chief Res. 623-4938 Bus. 623-5126 (c) Police .Chief Jon Jens Bus. 579-1234 Alternate Res. 579-1234 Bus. 579-1234 (d) Director of Works Ron Dupuis Res. 579-5326 Bus. 263-2231 Alternate - Dave Gray Res. 263-2532 Bus. 263-2231 I (e) Chief Administrative Officer Dave Johnston Res. 983-5906 Bus. 623-3379 Alternate - Dave Oakes Res. 623-1632 Bus. 623-3379 (f) Health Official Dr. Jean Gray Res. 723-8653 Bus. 723-8521 Alternate Brian Devitt Res. 579-9557 Bus. 723-8521 (g) Social Services-Dir. of Comm. Serv. an Devahtier Res. 623-3373 Bus. 623-3379 Alternate - Joe Caruana Res. 576-2921 ? Bus. 623-3379 i - Cnnf.d . . . MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE EMERGENCY PLAN (h) Support Staff for MCG C.A.O. 's Secretary - Nancy O 'Flaherty - 623-2390 Fire Chief's Secretary - Sheila Roman - 623-7542 Town Hall Clerk Typist - Marg. Simpson - 263-2515 Fire Dept. radio operators - - 623-5126 Fire Department member - - 623-5126 Fire Dept. Answering Service Personnel - - 623-5126 Miscellaneous (Clerk) - Contact Dave Oakes - 623-1632 3 Community Services Personnel - Rob Payne - 623-1447 Nick VanSegglen - 623-1649 Joe Kennett - 623-4188 (i ) Contact Persons for Support Group Public Utilities - Newcastle Hydro - 623-4451 - 623-4452 (After hours) - Ontario Hydro Generating Sta. 623-6670 Area Office - 623-2561 - Consumers Gas - 728-7367 (24 hrs. ) - Bell Telephone - 611 (24 hrs. ) School Board - Area Maintenance Foreman - 623-2255 (Office) Fred Pascoe - 725-1402 (Home) Transportation - Charterways Trans. Ltd. - 623-3811 (Office) - 723-7171 (24 hrs. ) Ambulance Service - St. John's Ambulance - 623-2521 (Bus. ) Superintendent-Bowmanville - 623-4307 (Home) Caterers - King Garden Restaurant - 623-4255 - Bowmanville Rest. & Tavern - 623-3223 Co-owner-Nick Kamarinos - 623-2663 i - Heritage House Rest. & Tavern- 623-3023 Owner-Jim Vavaroutsos - 623-2795 I i - ii - MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE EMERGENCY PLAN APPENDIX #1 NOTE: (1 ) Members will be called in order shown. (2) Alternates will be called only if the primary member cannot be cocted. (3) Members and alternates are asked to notify the Fire Department of a change in their telephone numbers. i MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE EMERGENCY PLAN APPENDIX #2 Request for Provincial Assistance 1 . ) If available resources are insufficient to meet emer- gency requirements, then assistance may be requested from the Province. Such requests are directed through area/region/district offices of the Provincial ministry/ agency who normally provide services in the local area. Provincial Ministry/Agencies. (a) Ontario Provincial Police. (b) Environment (c) Natural Resources (d) Transportation/Communications (e) Community/Social Services (f) Municipal Affairs/Housing (g) Medical Officer of Health Ministry/Agency offices have responsibility for informing their headquarters and for arranging types and levels of assistance beyond local capabilities. 2. ) In the case of severe or wide spread emergencies munici- palities may alert the Provincial Government and obtain assistance by telephoning the Duty Officer at O.P.P. General Heqdquarters in Toronto, 416-965-5751 . The O.P.P. Duty Officer will thereafter assume responsibility for notifying the appropriate ministry (s) and depending upon the nature of the emergency a lead ministry may be appointed to co-ordinate the provisions of assistance by all provincial government ministries. 3. ) The same procedure should be followed if assistance is re- quired from the Federal government, including assistance from the Canadian Armed Forces. MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE EMERGENCY PLAN APPENDIX #3 Vital Services Directory Airport Oshawa Airport 576-8146 Ambulance Service 723-5232 Emergency 723-8177 Admin. Boats Port Darlington Marina - Iry Gill 623-3501 Bus. i Bus Service Charterways 623-3811 Bus. 723-7171 Bus. Caterers Childrens ' Aid Family ann fiildrens ' Services 433-1551 Churches John's Anglican 623-2460 Trinity United 623-3912 St. Paul 's United 623-7361 St. Andrew's Presbyterian 623-7094 I I - i - MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE EMERGENCY PLAN APPENDIX #3 Hospitals owmanvi a Memorial Hospital 623-3331 Oshawa General Hospital 576-8711 Port Hope & District Hospital 885-6371 Hydro New-castle Hydro Elec.Commission 623-4451 623-4452 After hours Ontario Hydro Gene rat 5g 'S-ation 623-6670 Bowmanville Area Office 623-2561 Newspapers Canadian Statesman 623-3303 Oshawa Times 723-3473 Newcastle Reporter 987-4704 Orono Weekly Times 983-5301 Pharmacies I.D.A. 6rag Store 623-5792 Shoppers Drug Mart 623-2546 Clinic Pharmacy 623-7611 Medical Pharmacy 623-1171 My Apothecary 623-3361 United Drug Mart 623-2333 Radio Stations Grant Broadcasting Ltd.-CKAR 1350 571-1350 CKQT FM95 Red Cross - Mrs. Kay Forsey 623-3909 Salvation Army 623-3761 623-5857 Officer's Quarters St. John's Ambulance School Boards or um errand-Newcastle 1-800-263-7890 Administration 728-1988 Area Foreman Taxi Companies Bowmanville Taxi 623-4422 Deluxe Taxi 623-6909 Towing Companies Alldread's Garage, Newcastle 987-4203 Bob's Towing 723-5219 Brock's Service Centre 623-5487 Fastman 's Gulf, Newcastle 987-4033 - ii - MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 1 EMERGENCY PLAN s' APPENDIX #3 t t Coroner - Dr. M. Angl 987-4220 Dr. E. Derry Hubbard 623-3332 C.N.R. 579-0131 (24 hrs.) !i G.P.R. 1-368-9919 (24 hrs.) ` DIVERS - O.P.P. 623-3384 987-4060 Doctors t Memorial Hospital - Bowmanville 623-3331 I I Elected Officials Regional Councillors - Ann Cowman 576-0157 Res. - Marie Hubbard 623-5706 Res. - Diane Hamre 983-5505 Res. Local Councillors - Bruce Taylor 263-2741 - Ivan Hobbs 623-5706 - Edward Woodyard 983-5012 Local M.P.P. - Sam Cureatz 623-6663 Bus. E 987-4484 Food Suppliers A. & P. Store - 623-3141 i Miracle Mart Food Store - 623-2505 ,1 Fuel Dealers Brock's Service Centre 623-5487 Funeral Homes I Morris Funeral Chapel 623-5480 Northcutt Elliott Funeral Chapel 623-5668 Hartley H. Barlow 983-5112 Heavy Equipment I Oshawa Crane (Cooper's Crane Rental ) 576-1900 j Bob's Towing 723-5219 I Health Services 623-2511 MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE EMERGENCY PLAN APPENDIX 03 Trans Canada Pipelines 1-832-2967 (Call collect) T.V. Stations otgers a e 579-2232 Volunteer Agencies-Service Clubs Lions Club 623-9010 Welding Service Pic ering a ing 623-2354 - iv - MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE EMERGENCY PLAN APPENDIX #4 Quick Guide to Emergencies EMERGENCY CONTACT - Involving death or injury - police, fire and ambulance service, coroner - Involving fire - fire department, police, ambulance - Involving floods - conservation authority, Ministry of Nat. Res. , City Engineer, Fire Dept. - Requiring the evacuation of people - police, O.P.P. , ambulance - Involving or requiring the disposal of explosives - police, O.P.P. , fire dept. , ambulance. - Involving goods regulated - police, fire department, under the Transportation ambulance, CANUTEC call of Dangerous Goods Act. Collect 1-613-996-6666 (24 hrs. ) Involving a discharge of - Local Health Unit, MOL, large amounts of contami- MOE nants to the atmosphere Involving a discharge of - Canadian Coast Guard pollutants from ships Air-Sea Rescue I-800-267-7270 - Involving pesticides - MOE District office Involving spills of - MOE district office contaminants to the environment. - Involving rail accidents - CNR and CPR servocentres police and fire departments. U MUNICIPALITY OF THE -TOWN OF NEWCASTLE EMERGENCY PLAN APPENDIX 95 DISTRIBUTION LIST Listed hereunder are persons who will receive copies of the plan and the number of copies they will receive. NAME NUMBER Head of Council 1 Fire Department 5 Police Department 2 Administrative Office 5 Members of Support Group 1 each Durham Region 1 Co-Ordinator of Emergency Planning for Ont. 1 Director of Public Works 2 Health Official 2 Director of Community Services 2 MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE EMERGENCY PLAN APPENDIX #6 BY-LAW NUMBER A by-law formulating a plan for protecting property and the health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants in an emergency area. WHEREAS, the Province of Ontario has passed an Act which provides for the Formulation and Implementation of Emergency Plans (Short title - The Emergency Plans Act, 1983) by the Council of a Municipality; AND WHEREAS, this Act makes provision for Head of Council to declare that an emergency exists in the municipality or in any part thereof and also provides Head of Council with authority to take such action or deliver such orders as he considers necessary and are not contrary to law to implement the emergency plan of a municipality; AND WHEREAS, the Act authorizes employees of a municipality to take action under the emergency plans where an emergency exists but has not yet been declared to exist; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle enacts as follows: 1 . That the Emergency Plan attached hereto as Schedule "A" of this By-law is hereby adopted; 2. That Head of Council or designated alternate as provided in the plan is empowered to declare an emergency; 3. That certain appointed officials or their designated alternates as provided in the Schedule "A" plan are empowered to cause an emergency alert to be issued to members of the Municipal Control Group and to take action under the emergency plans where an emergency exists but has not yet been declared to exist; and 4. That annually, the Municipal Control Group will cause the emergency plan to be reviewed and to make such changes to its appendices as are considered appropriate while referring all other changes to Council for further review and approval . Read a first, second and third time and finally passed this day of l9-. Head of Council