HomeMy WebLinkAboutFD-43-86 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ft¢ REPORT File # !_ Res. -- 44 By-Law # MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: JANUARY 5, 1987. REPORT #: FD 43 - 86. FILE #: 10. 12.6. SUBJECT: DARLINGTON NUCLEAR STATION (D.N.G.S. ) EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS COMMITTEE MEETING RECOMMENDATIONS: I It is respectfully recommended: THAT this report be received for information. i BACKGROUND AND COMMENTS On November 28, 1986 Staff attended a one day Emergency Services Committee Meeting at the D.N.G.S. In attendance were Ontario Hydro personnel and representatives from external emergency agencies. The topic discussed was emergency preparedness and expectations of Hydro, and external resources available to the site. The basis of this first committee meeting was to do some preparatory work to ensure D.N.G.S. and the external agencies are on the same wave length in regard to emergency response capabilities and support personnel . I A sub-committee was formed, of which Staff is a member, to meet in January, 1987 to review concerns discussed and report back to the overall committee in February, 1987. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee i 7 J. Aldridge, awrence Kotseff, Fire Chief. Chief Ad i istrative Officer. JA/sr December 19, 1986.