HomeMy WebLinkAboutFD-36-86 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE r� REPORT File # ,�F/toy Res. #: �. - _— -- -_- By-Law # MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: NOVEMBER 17, 1986. REPORT #: FD 36 - 86 FILE #: 10. 12.6 SUBJECT: Fire Station #4 - Potable Water (Courtice Area) RECOMMENDATIONS: Y� i It is respectfully recommended that t-M-s- report be received for information. BACKGROUND & COMMENTS In October of 1986 problems with the water system pump at Station #4 were experienced. There is a drilled well with a deep well pump that supplies all of the water to the station. J. Burgess Plumbing was called to look into the problem and they found that the pump was worn out and required replacement. At the time the pump was replaced a large quantity of surface ground water in the well tile, leading to the drilled well , was noticed. In all probability this was due to the wet summer and fall seasons. In the interest of providing potable water to this Town building and for our firefighters, bacteriological analysis samples of the water were taken and will continue for the next four weeks. I might add that up until this time the water had not been tested for potability. The first water sample was collected October 27, 1986 with the attached results received October 31 , 1986. The water is listed as unsafe for drinking with a Coliform count of 160 and Faecal count of 60. Upon receipt of this information the station' s water supply was posted as unsafe for drinking. A bottled water dispenser, with five gallon jugs of water, was ordered for the station and is now in use. i The water sampling will continue for the next three weeks to monitor the situation and determine if the chlorine treatment, that has been added, is correcting the problem. Continued. . . . . Report No. FD 36 - 86 - 2 _ If after the month sampling period the test results are still unsafe for drinking the public health inspector will be contacted to attempt to trace possible sources of contamina- tion and advise as to what corrective measures should be taken. Respectfully submitted, J. Aldridge, Fire Chief. JA/sr November 5, 1986. I i ' I i I M.n stry Mlnlstere Laboratory Service Date mecerveoi Lao.NO.) or la services de Date Recue No.du Lab. HOW TO READ YOUR DRINKING WATER REPORT \ alth la Santa Branch laboratoire u(� .2 7� O 6 * 210 2.0- - -� _ _ _ :. �}(, C� ih isk c,�,oicc ca!results io np;Ir�pfy an.ynhing about the chemica!quality of the wale,supply For further Ontario - nod Nation consult your local heat'.h unit. Bacteriological Analysis o Analyse Bacteriologique e >Neans GREATER THAN " \� - Sample taken by/ Location of supply(Lot,Con..Twp.)/ f ty acted/ - EchanbllonprelevOpar Lieu de Prelevement(Lot.Concession.Co une�._. to r €yemerit i COLLFORM COUNT - INTERPRETATION Ti x Tota[ T Faecal rl?c S,-Q i.�,J y �� G_ to 10 0 Three samples with these results,collected 1 to 3 weeks apart, Your name and return address must appear on all copids. /Z f indicate a bacteriologically SAFE supply if the supply is protected and located at least 15 m(50 ft.)for a drilled well or 30 m(100 ft.)for other Name/Nom types of wells from any source of human or animal waste. Street.R.R.,Box No.Mue.R.R..Casier Postal 111 to >160 I 0 ! UNSAFE for drinking unless boiled or treated. S //� 1 To >160 I to >60 UNSAFE for drinking unless boiled or treated. City.Town/Ville I f / 5 ! Est UNSAFE for drinking unless boiled or treated. Province. T Postal Code/Code Postal O/G I Not recommended for drinking.Collect another sample and identify ti jt fJ clearly,"Repeat Sample." If condition persists,consult your local health unit. Private Citizens:check this box. Drinking water only.See reverse of report for interpretation. Particuliers:cocker cette case. Eau potable seulement.Voir au verso pour interpretation. Consult your local health unit for further information.JPour les directives ad�Yitionel consultez vatre unite sanitaire local. o SHADED AREAS FOR Non potable samples MUST be received �o� CO�tMENT.INTERPRETEP F wi thinstworsIfunrefrlyeratedorwlthln o LE$ R`ESIJLTATS DE Iu'ANALYRE DE I_'I=Al1 DE EOI SON INSERT FRENCH COPY 2a hours If refrigerated. CHECK APPROPRIATE BOXES/FRENCH COPY TO COME Les resuftats de"analyse bacteoiclogique r,'indiquent rien Sur la qualite de I'eau quart a sa teneur en produi'• Ch quay PCUr de plus amples renseignements,veuiliez vous adresser au bu-ea de sante local. DRINKING WATER NON-DRINKING WATER COMMENTS > signifie plus de ❑ Poo, Treated Non treated ❑Recreational ❑ mming NUMt-RATION Hydrotherapy DES COi_iFORMES Interpretation ❑ Municipal ❑Spa z❑Sewage totaUX f2Catsx ,--,,, // 0 a Ic 0 Si on obtieni les resultats ci-contre z I'analyse de trots echantillons ;,tither Public ❑other: _ _ d'eau preleves a des intervalley de Line a trots semaines,on peu;er. rl con..lure qua la source d'app avisionnement en eau G..st S�Rc G condition qu'il s'agisse dune source protegee e;sltuee.dans le Cas ❑Single Household d'un puts fore,a au moins 15 m(50 pleds)de toute source de dechets humans ou animaux et.daps le cas d'un ruts de toute autre na;Lire. t BACTERIAL COUNT/NUMERATION DESBACTERIES COUNTRiAL ,� au moins 30 m(100 pieds). Based on 100 ml volume Base on r.o ml volume If Total COW.M/ Faecal Coliform/ 'Faecal Strepl APC _ 1 a >160 0 , NON POTABLE a moins de la faire boui!lir cu epurer. Totale des Colibacilles Saaptocoques - - — cobbacilles Fecaux :F'Scaux - s� arAeoca. ® a >1F i a >60 NON POTABLE a moins de la fa re bouill Background Paerugin sa SsureuS �( _ Es; NOON PO TASLE a moins de la faire bou;il.r CL' I • Un er deconsellle!a consom T,at!on. Prele,e-u.':r cUVEI Tetnnrc+an CAackedby Daze presenter en lndiquant"deuxteme echantllon" S less resultats OCT 2 8 1986 demeurEm identiques a ceux de is premiere a'_lyse.COmrt:u^,iG:.e, aver le bureau de sante local.