HomeMy WebLinkAboutFD-30-87 �n , TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # Res. # By-Law # GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING: DATE: DECEMBER 21, 1987. i FD30-87 10.12.6 REPORT #: FILE #: G.P.A. Resolution 962-87 - "That the Fire Chief submit to the December SUBJECT: 21, 1987 G.P. & A. Meeting a report on the minimum requirements for the safe fire protection of the Courtice area taking into consideration the existing and proposed development and the cost of obtaining the required equipment. I I RECOMMENDATIONS: i It is respectfully recommended that Fire Department Report 30-87 be received for information. BACKGROUND AND COMMENTS Further to the above-headed resolution, Staff would provide the following infor- mation in relation to recommended improvements to fire protection for the Courtice area of the municipality. The existing Courtice Fire Station is a modern, centrally located facility, with a fire department pumper truck and a 1500 gallon tanker truck located there. No full time staff are assigned to the Courtice Station and the complement of part- time firefighters is made up as follows: 1 part-time District Chief 4 part-time Captains 13 part-time Firefighters. Residential and commercial development throughout the Courtice area is at an all time high and because of this, emergency fire calls have increased, to the end of November, by 40%. This increase in emergency calls has resulted in extra de- mands placed on the complement of part-time firefighters assigned to the sta- tion. Reduced manpower and delays in day time crew responding to the station have been identified over the past year. This is largely due to the fact that in years past, most people lived and worked in the community. It is not uncom- mon today for people to be living in a community and working in another, which may be many miles away. Increased social and community interests are also tak- Continued. . . FD30-87 - 2 - f 4 ing up more of an individual's time and the recent phenomenon of fear of the legal responsibilities of their actions as firefighters, whether justified or not, is turning off a number of potential candidates. Also, as more highly technical demands are placed on the skills, abilities and physical fitness of the part-time fire department members, the tougher good recruitment becomes. In determining the degree of fire protection to be provided by the Fire Depart- ment, a number of issues have to be considered such as, assessing fire poten- tial, hazards of occupancy, size of building, density of buildings and water supply for firefighting, etc. Fire department personnel and apparatus should be provided for, to establish a Fire Department force that is available at any time, which should be sufficient to make possible at least a strong minimum two vehicle (each complete with four man crew) attack on a fire and to perform nec- essary rescue operations. In taking a long range planning approach to the subject of fire protection ser- vices for Courtice, staff would suggest that there are two issues to address, the first being full time manpower and the second being vehicles and equipment, to provide this adequate level of protection. With regard to manpower, the ultimate solution would be to provide a four man fire crew on a 24 hour a day basis. This would require the hiring of 16 fire- fighters to provide a first response team of four with backup provided by the part-time firefighters assigned to the station. The cost associated with a full time crew for 24 hour coverage is estimated to be $600,000 for wages. An alternate solution to the existing manpower issue would be to establish a program whereby full time firefighting crews were phased in over several years. Initially, a four man crew consisting of a Captain and three Firefighters (wages estimated at $150,000) could provide the required day time manpower, five days per week, with consideration because of the development in the area, to increas- ing over the next three years, one additional four man crew per year. What must be understood is that a four man crew only permits one manned vehicle to immediately respond to an emergency scene. The recognized response to a structure fire in a hydrant protected area is one pumper, one aerial and a res- cue truck, all with four man crews. I In our case, the part-time manpower would be relied upon to provide this addi- tional manpower. i With regard to vehicles and equipment, staff would suggest that again, due to the residential, commercial, industrial development and recent plans submitted for proposed high rise structures in the Courtice area, and also the anticipated future development associated with the Go Train extension to the Oshawa/New- castle border, an aerial truck, complete with equipment is required. Aerial trucks are a specialized apparatus that usually take approximately two years for construction and delivery. On checking into some recent prices paid for a 75 ft. aerial truck, prices are ranging from $450,000 to $525,000. The Town's existing aerial truck, which is stationed in Bowmanville is located too far from the Courtice area to be an effective responding vehicle. Then there is the fact that if it is responding to Courtice and is required in Bowmanville at the same time, life safety could be affected. I I Continued. . . . . i FD30-87 - 3 _ %`� (a J The geographical layout of the municipality being as it is and the development occurring now, and planned for in the future, a second aerial truck is required to provide adequate coverage. Considering the above issues as the immediate minimum needs of the Courtice com- munity, staff would recommend that full time manpower (four man crews) be phased in, starting in 1988, and an aerial truck be designed and ordered in 1988. In discussions with the Treasurer, possible measures to offset a portion of the costs and additional sources of funding available, were identified as follows: Capital Expenditures 1.) Lot Levies - Staff investigate the existing lot levy policy with regard to the percentage directed to the Fire Department and take into consideration an adjustment to reflect future capital needs of the department. 2.) Fire Department Reserve Fund - A portion of these funds be used to offset capital equipment cost and the budget amount be increased annually to re- flect capital projects. 3.) O.H.A.P. Funds - Staff explore various areas of additional funding re the O.H.A.P. funds for Courtice. Operating Expenditures 1.) Per Capita Cost for Fire Department - The per capita cost for the Fire Department be increased from $20.55 to $30.55 for 1988. Existing Fire Department 1987 Budget less capital projects - approximately $750,000. Using the population figure of 37,000 persons - per capita - $20.55 Staff would suggest that these proposed improvements to the Fire Department, even though they are directed to the Courtice area, would enhance fire protection services throughout the municipality. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee � � I J 1dridge, rence E. Kotseff, Fi Chief. Chief Ad i strative Officer. JA/sr December 15, 1987 i I