HomeMy WebLinkAboutFD-22-88 r 4-1 C TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ct J J REPORT File # Res. # �= - - _---_ By-Law # MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: OCTOBER 31, 1988. REPORT #: FD 22-88 FILE #: 10.12.6 SECT: INFORMATION PACKAGE FOR NEW RESIDENTS RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended: THAT Fire Department Report 22-88 be received for information. BACKGROUND AND COMMENTS The Fire Department is experiencing a significant increase in the number of inquiries received requesting information pertaining to emergency phone numbers and fire safety matters. These inquiries are received mainly from the new residents moving into the municipality. With this in mind, an information package has been designed. (See attached) . The information package is intended to assist the new resident by providing fire, police and ambulance emergency telephone numbers and fire safety material. The package consists of an introduction letter, fire department emergency telephone stickers, "Fire Help" information card, "Get Out Safely" and "Smoke Alarm" pamphlets and a fire safety message book mark. The information package will be hand delivered by in service fire crews, to all new subdivision households on a continuing basis, as development occurs. The fire department is confident that this program will be well received by the public and assist in promoting fire safety. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to Committee, J. Aldridge, Lawrence otseff, e Chief. Chief Ad ini, trative Officer. JA/sr EMERGENCY TELEPHONE F-!RE DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTER rvjo 32 i ACH. ST 623 FiRE CH- EF u i 5 C7 iCE:62°-5125 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE On behalf of the Town of Newcastle Fire Department, it is my pleasure to enclose important information, in the interest of Fire Safety. One of the first things a resident should be made aware of are the emergency phone numbers, that you may require at any time. To assist you in this regard, the Fire Department is supplying you with three emergency telephone stickers, which should be placed on your phone(s) , on the wall adjacent to your phone(s) , or in your phone book. The stickers display the Town of Newcastle Fire Department emergency phone number. Also included is a Fire Help card and I request that you fill in your address and phone number, which will assist you, your friends and babysitters in the event of an emergency. If you require the services of the ambulance or police and wish to call directly to either of these services, their numbers are: Ambulance 723-5232 Durham Regional Police 579-1234 If you require any further information, please contact the Fire Administration Division at 623-5126. Yours truly, JA/sr J. Aldridge, Encls. Fire Chief. FIRE PREVENT ON BEGINS WITH YOU WHAT MAINTENANCE IS REQUIRED? FIRE SAFETY PLANNING is a three point program designed to protect your family and home from fire. Smoke alarms should be maintained in accord- ance with the manufacturer's instructions. Oc- Ontario casionally vacuum dust from the detection 1. MINIMIZE FIRE HAZARDS IN YOUR HOME. chamber and, on battery powered units, check to Check your home for fire hazards. Many fire MINISTRY OF see if the battery is in place, connected and not departments will assist you by inspecting your THE SOLICITOR GENERAL corroded. home and recommend corrective action. Con- tact your municipal fire department for more Office of the Fire Marshal details. IMPORTANT POINTS ABOUT SMOKE ALARMS 1. Only smoke alarms that comply with ULC S531- 2. PRE-PLAN WHAT TO DO IN THE EVENT OF 1978"Standard for Smoke Alarms"are legal for FIRE. sale in Canada under the Hazardous Products Plan escape routes from all parts of your home Act. When purchasing smoke alarms, accept and know how to contact your fire department. only units that bearthe Underwriters'Laborator Discuss the plan with every member of your SMOKE ies of Canada (ULC) label. family including children and overnight guests ALARMS on what to do in the event of fire. 2. The sensitivity of a smoke alarm is factory set to ULC standards. Never attempt to adjust this 3. PROVIDE AND MAINTAIN A DETECTION IN THE HOME setting yourself. AND EARLY WARNING SYSTEM. Install and maintain one or more alarms in your 3. Ionization type smoke alarms contain a minute amount of radioactive material. The amount is home to give you early warning of a fire condi- not considered to be a health hazard. on. 4. READ AND FOLLOW the manufacturer's in- structions on MOUNTING, OPERATING AND Every year, approximately 8000 fire incidents in TESTING your smoke alarms which come with homes claim 130 lives and injure 600 persons. the device at the time of purchase. DISTRIBUTED BY: CORPORATION OF THE Lives can be saved and injuries reduced by provid- by the smoke alarm manufacturer.The correct FIRE DEPARTMENT TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 5. Replace batteries with the type recommended ing detection and early warning of fire. In a fire situation, time is very important; the minutes and battery type is marked inside the smoke alarm. 132 CHURCH STRM seconds gained through early warning may save ROWMANVILLE, ONT. 1IC 1T3 your life and will reduce the loss of your property due to fire. Fire safety in the home does not end with smoke Smoke alarms have proven to be economical and alarms. Smoke alarms are a necessary part of fire efficient means of providing detection and early I ' safety planning. April/86 warning of fire in homes. WHAT ARE SMOKE ALARMS? WHERE SHOULD SMOKE ALARMS BE ARE SMOKE ALARMS DIFFICULT Smoke alarms are devices that combine smoke LOCATED? TO INSTALL? detection and alarm capabilities in one unit. If one smoke alarm is used, it should be located Hydro powered smoke alarms may be wired to new between the bedrooms and living areas of your or existing electrical circuits. Make sure there isn't Smoke alarms are powered either by batteries or home, normally in a corridor or hallway,so that it is a disconnecting switch capable of turning the sy being directly wired the home's electrical audible to persons sleeping in the bedrooms. smoke alarm "off' in the circuit. These smoke system. Certain types can n be interconnected so alarms should be installed by an electrician. that the sounding of one smoke alarm causes all Improved levels of protection can be achieved by the smoke alarms in the system to sound, installing smoke alarms in each floor level of a Battery powered smoke alarms generally do not home. require any special skills or tools to install; a THERE ARE TWO TYPES OF SMOKE ALARMS Smoke alarms should be installed on the ceiling screwdriver and a drill are all that are necessary. not more than 1.5m (5 ft.) from the centre of this There are two types smoke alarms, ionization area.A"dead air space"exists at about 150mm(6 HOW DO I KNOW MY SMOKE ALARM and photoelectric. While the way they operate in.) from walls; so mount the smoke alarm outside varies, both types are effective in providing detec- this space. IS WORKING? tion and early warning of fire. Most Hydro powered smoke alarms have a power- Ionization smoke alarms use a small amount of If ceiling mounting is impractical for some reason, on indicator light. Check to see that it is illuminat- i wall-mounted smoke alarms should be located ed. Some battery powered smoke alarms will radioactive material to create an electric current between 150mm(6 in.)to 300mm(12 in.)from the produce a warning sound to indicate a low battery � through ionized air.When smoke enters the detec- ceiling. condition. Replace worn-out batteries only as per tion chamber, it impedes or reduces the flow of current and causes the alarm to sound. the manufacturer's specifications, immediately. I The correct battery type is marked inside the Photoelectric smoke alarms use a light source and smoke alarm. Use of the wrong type of battery photocell. When smoke enters the detection could seriously affect proper operation of the unit. ` chamber, it scatters the light beam deflecting it to the photocell and causes the alarm to sound. BEDROOM BEDROOM Testing of smoke alarms should be done on a regular basis, as often as recommended by the manufacturer or at least once a month. Follow the HOW MUCH DO SMOKE ALARMS COST? ® manufacturer's instructions on how to test. Some Smoke alarms range in price from$10 to$30 per BEDROOM BATH units have test buttons. Periodically, test by blow unit. Add to this cost, the cost of installation. ing smoke into the units. DINING J If your smoke alarm fails to respond properly to a ARE THERE LAWS REQUIRING THE = test, have it repaired or replaced immediately. INSTALLATION OF SMOKE ALARMS? ' LIVING. Many municipalities have smoke alarm by-laws. KITCHEN WHAT ABOUT ACCIDENTAL ALARMS? Check with a representative of your municipal fire Smoke alarms will detect moisture and cooking department to determine if a by-law exists that fumes. Accidental alarms may occur when instal- requires installation of smoke alarms.The Ontario led near bathrooms or near cooking appliances. Building Code requires that smoke alarms be Take this into consideration when selecting loca- installed between the living and sleeping areas in tions. Relocate existing smoke alarms to more all newly constructed dwelling units, or where NOTE:Smoke Alarms should not be installed near suitable positions if persistent accidental alarms major renovations are carried out. cooking areas or fireplaces. occur. Ontario MOST FIRE DEATHS HAPPEN IN THE HOME ... Wherever you are GETOUT ... at home or away ...always be on guard against fire.In theatres,hotels or other unfamiliar buildings, &WELY find the fire exits after you enter. In industrial or of- fice buildings, familiarize yourself with exit routes and evacuation procedures.If you live or work in a highrise building, fire resistive construction and enclosed stairways contribute to your safety, but you must plan ahead.When fire breaks out,it may ®_■.- �� �_ be too late to learn your escape route. Hine ut feel every doer rar heat before opening it in r time yr.ire. is iiapF!£=+;i Jri d tt;;;?asr floor, shout for t.elp or sounu`iha aiari `Nail e;help behind clos- ed doors. It there is a balcony, wait there, closing the door behind you. Remember that your first thought should be for your own safety,and the safety of those who need an your help, but leave fire fighting d rescue to the trained men of the fire department. Experience and research have found that it is desirable to have a smoke alarm on each level of your home. The basement alarm is preferably located on the ceiling near the stairs, not in the stairwell. For performance and reliability,be sure the smoke alarms are labelled by Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for mounting these devices. CORi �� THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE FIRE DEPARTMENT 732 CHURCH STREET NOWM*NV►ttE, C)"T. I Tr r • O a: I I WHEN FIRE STRIKES RAISE THE ALARM. When you NEVER GO BACK into a burning_amll T detect fire or smoke shout to wam the building for any reason whatsoever. other occupants. Children and older Many lives are lost through the deadly people will need help.Don't wait to get Q effects of fumes, even from small I dressed, shoes and one blanket per fires. Never risk a life in an attempt to erson will suffice - even in cold save personal possessions. weather. Have a neighbour call the fire department after all are out. Never REMEMBER: IL waste time trying to extinguish any- thing other than a very small fire. An hour of pre-planning may save years of life. Make regular fire drills a family affair. A HOT DOOR is a warning. Never A smoke alarm on each level of your open a door without first checking it house will provide early warning of for heat. If it is warm, leave it closed fire. and go out a window.If this is impossi- Hot gases rise.The cleanest,coolest ble wait by an open window or on a air is near the floor. balcony for rescue. Place bedding at - door cracks to keep smoke out. To break a window, use a chair or other heavy object,shielding the face against splinters. Remove jagged pieces from the frame. HEAT AND DEADLY GASES are A closed door provides some protec- t. the main killers. Even a small fire is tion against fire or fumes. Keep base- dangerous.The open interior stairs in ment or utility room doors closed at all the single family home may become a times,and close all doors at bedtime. chimney allowing heat and smoke to Keep the fire department number rise to highest floor level.If you cannot near your phone, and memorize it. If leave an upper room by a window, close the door and wait by the open you phone in an alarm, give your ad- window for rescue. dress first, in case your call is inter- - rupted. Check your home forfire hazards,and eliminate them as you find them. o TELL THE FIRE FIGHTERS if Your fire department will be glad to ad- anyone remains in the building. Leave vise you on any question of fire safety rescue operations to them, unless for your home. you can safely raise a ladder or help anyone down from a window or roof CONSULT YOUR FIRE DEPARTMENT before help arrives. FOLLOW THEIR'AD'VICE...` MOST FIRE ^EATHS, HAPPEN IN THE HOME! r i ` MiNiSTRY OF THE SOLICITOR GENERAL * Office of the Fire Marshal :o• Ontario FIRE HELP ••v SMOKE DETECTORS Fire Department Phone No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The best home fire safety If you smell smoke or the odour of gas, call the fire device your Newcastle Fire department immediately. Get out of the house and meet Fighters can recommend. the trucks so you can direct them to the fire. But if installed and then Street Name/House No.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . allowed to sit there with a dead battery it's no good at Lot No.. . . . . . . . . . Concession No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . all. Closest Highway. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Test your detector weekly, Direction N E w S and when the low battery Major Landmarks alarm sounds, replace the battery immediately. Type of Fire Fire Emergency 623-9111 HANG BESIDE YOUR TELEPHONE 983-9111 iMINISTRY OF THE SOLICITOR GENERAL • I • Office of the Fire Marshal ' Ontario • • • • • FIRE HELP STOP - HOME FIRE DRILLS SMOKE DETECTORS Fire Department Phone No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DROP AND ROLL Your Newcastle Fire If you smell smoke or the odour of gas, call the fire Your Newcastle Fire Fighters .recommend all The best home fire safety department immediately. Get out of the house and meet Fighters advise homes have a 'Home device your Newcastle Fire the trucks so you can direct them to the fire. You that severe burns can be Evacuation Plan'. Prepare a Fighters can recommend. prevented if your clothes plan suitable for your home, Street Name/House No.. . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . .„ . . . . . . . . should catch on fire. showing two ways out and But if installed and then all doors and windows. allowed to sit there with a Lot No.. . . . . . . . . . Concession No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 1.) Stop-do not run or walk dead battery it's no good at Closest Highway. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Having prepared your plan, all. 2.) Drop- lie down quickly practise it with the whole Direction N E W S family. Test your detector weekly, Major Landmarks 3.) Roll- roll over and over and when the low battery until the fire is out. Remember, once out, alarm sounds, replace the stay out. battery immediately. After the fire is out seek Type of Fire medical aid. I i Fire Emergency Fire Emergency Fire Emergency 623-9111 623-9111 623-9111 I HANG BESIDE YOUR TELEPHONE 983-9111 983-9111 983-9111 all