HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-189-81 i CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N. SMITH, M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON, ONTARIO LOB 1 JO TEL. (416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF DECEMBER 7, 1981. REPORT NO. : PD-189-81 i I i SUBJECT: Objections to By-law 81-127, being a By-law to rezone certain lands in Part of Lot 31, Concession 5, Hamlet of Mitchell's Corners. Clerk's file: 60.35. 129 Planning file: Z-A-1-16-2 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that:- 1. This report be received; and 2. The following resolution be forwarded to Town Council for adoption and for submission to the Ontario Municipal Board along with By-law 81-127. "WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Newcastle has approved By-law 81-127 to amend By-law 2111, as amended as a result of their consideration of an application for such an amendment submitted by the affected property owner; AND WHEIEAS the effect of By-law 81-127 will be to significantly reduce the number of uses presently permitted on the subject lands; AND WHEREAS By-law 81-127 has been approved in con- formity with the applicable policies of the Durham Regional Official Plan; AND WHEREAS the Town of Newcastle is satisfied that the proposed development is in keeping with the character of the Hamlet of Mitchell's Corners, and that the provisions of By-law 81-127 are more con- sistent with the intent of the approved Official Plan Policies than was the previous Local Commercial "Cl" zoning; i i Report - PD-189-81 Page 2 BE IT NOW THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Town of Newcastle hereby requests the Ontario Municipal Board to approve By-law 81-127 notwithstanding the objections received and further requests the Ontario Municipal Board to convene any required public hearing in respect of By-law 81-127 at the earliest possible opportunity; and Further hereby authorize Town Staff and/or the Town solicitor to represent the Municipality at any such hearing that may be convened." Background: On July 7th. , 1980, th2 owner of the lands affected by By-law 81-127 applied for amendment to By-law 2111 of the former Township of Darlington. The purpose of the original application was to permit the establishment of a hairdressing operation in one of the three commercial units that existed on the site. The application was amended on August 6th. , 1980 to permit the existing school house to be used as a single family dwelling with studio space within. The Local Commercial (Cl) zone that applied to these lands did not specifically permit hair dressing salons or single family detached dwellings. It did however permit a broad range of commercial and institutional uses. The application was circulated by Town staff and comments re- ceived during circulation were detailed in report P-167-80. The staff recommendation contained in report P-167-80 was that a .By-law amendment be forwarded to Council for approval at such time as the Town has been notified by Regional Works that their requested road widening requirements had been met. Report P-167-80 was endorsed by Planning and Development Committee resolution PD-327-80 (October 9, 1980) and the recommendations within were adopted by Council on October 20, 1980. I Following discussions with Regional Works and Town Planning Staff, the applicant provided the Region with the required deeds for road widening and reserves on or about September 4th. , 1980. The recent request for building permits to establish addi- tional commercial uses necessitated the execution of a Site Plan Agreement, pursuant to By-law 79-151. A Site Plan Application was received by staff on June 18, 1981. The application was circulated and reviewed, resulting in Staff Report P-141-81 which recommended that a Site Plan Agreement be executed. Concurrent with staff's review of the proposed Site Plans, Staff Report P-140-81 was submitted outlining the progress on the earlier rezoning application. That report included a revised draft Zoning By-law to be forwarded to Council for approval and a recommendation that Council adopt a By-law to execute the Site Plan Agreement referred to by staff in Report P-141-81. i Report - PD-189-81 Page 3 Staff Report P-140-80 was endorsed by the Planning and Devel- opment resolution PD-291-81 and Zoning By-law amendment 81-127 was adopted by Council on September 21, 1981. On the same date By-law 81-128 was passed by Council authorizing the execution of a Site Plan Agreement with the owner of the subject lands. Comments: As a result of the Clerk's circulation of By-law 81-127, one letter of objection was received. This letter, dated October 21, 1981, attached, was submitted on behalf of a group of fourteen property owners. Four points of objection, or concern were set out by the subject letter. The first point raised expresses opposition to the use of the lands for a convenience commercial store. Prior to Council approval of By-law 81-127 the subject lands were zoned Local Commercial (Cl) which permitted a wide range of retail stores and commercial uses as well as a range of institutional uses and residential uses located over stores or offices. By limiting the use of the lands to those uses specified by By-law 81-127, the Town is actually reducing the range of uses which would otherwise be permitted by the "Cl" zone. By specifying Convenience Commercial the By-law is specifically restricting the size of the individual stores which could be per- mitted since, by definition, a "Convenience Retail Store" could not exceed a gross floor area of 1500 sq. ft. None of the units, existing or proposed, would exceed this maximum. In fact, each individual unit would be approximately 445 sq. ft. in size. The second concern identified suggests that any expansions to the existing facility would constitute creation of a shopping centre. By definition contained in By-law 2111, the existing three stores pre- sently constitute a shopping centre and was legally established as a permitted use within the "Cl" Local Commercial zone. The addition of two new stores would have been permitted by that zone designation and is, in our opinion, permitted by the proposed amendment since the new units meet the size definition for convenience commercial uses. The total retail floor area contained within the centre, existing and proposed, is estimated at 2230 sq. ft. , divided amongst five units of roughly equal size. The Town, by Amendment 12 to the Darlington Official Plan, established a precedent for defining Convenience Commercial Centres within the Town by placing a maximum of 5000 sq. ft. on any such facility. The proposed addition meets this criteria which staff have been using as a rule of thumb in an effort to apply consistent policies throughout the Town. Staff cannot overemphasize the fact that the proposed expansion would have been permitted with- out the subject amendment to the By-law. The only necessary modifi- cation being relative to the actual number of parking spaces provided. Report - PD-189-81 Page 4 The third point is related to parking and suggests that the new units would contribute to parking problems. During staff's re- view of the development proposal it was noted that the proposed parking did not meet the existing parking requirements contained in By-law 2111. However, a comparison of parking requirements applicable throughout the Town indicated that the Darlington requirement was much more restrictive. In view of that, and the fact that the deficiency would only be in the order of five spaces, staff recommended a modif- ication to the original By-law to permit a reduction in the number of parking spaces required. Staff are not aware of any existing problems in respect of this site's parking facilities nor would we expect any as a result of the proposed expansion. The final point of concern is relative to the impact of the new units upon the existing septic tile beds. In that regard, the applicant has indicated further expansion of the existing tile beds will be required to accommodate the new units. This was indicated on the approved site plans as circulated to the Durham Regional Health Unit for comment. No objections to the proposal were re- ceived from that agency. In summary the objectors have noted that they have no objec- tion to the existing operations or the single family dwelling. Staff must conclude therefore that their concerns are only in respect of the proposed expansion. An expansion which could take place with- out the approval of the subject By-law amendment. Staff must, therefore, recommend that By-law 81-127 be for- warded to the Ontario Municipal Baord for approval. Res pectfu1l:]W"_-s°ubmitted, �j. T. Edwards, M.C.I.P. , FA/TTE:cc Deputy Director of Planning. November,16, 1981. a' CORPORATION ()1.' 1,1111: TOWN OF N1?M:A!; i*1A,: By-law Numbpr H1 p being a By-Law Lo amend Rustri_Mcd Area By-law 2111, as amended, of the former Township of Darlington. WHEREAS the co"nen or Lhu Corporation of UP Town of NewcaslLlu DFEMS it advisable to amend Restricted Area By-taw 2111 , as amended, of the former Township or DarLingLon. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of HewraMlu ENACTS as follows: Section 6, Subsection (d) of By-law, 2.111, an amended, in hereby further amended by adding thereto the foLlowing subsection 2 as follows: "2. G 1--2-;--LA 31 Co n-pe.s.s-i y". Notwithstanding any provisions of Section 6(a) ( 1) to the contrary , the jle jand dsi).,jjat,d 11Cj :'11 on :;ch(.(Iulu 'A' li(2relLo shall be used only for Lho p"rpoAr of u"nvonirncr ruLall stores , a hairdressing salon, and a Ungip lamLly dwuLIQ,, with studio spaco therein, plovitknl 11M no hilildink or structure may be erected or used except in accordance with LIw "UP Zone Provisions as set out In MuLl"n 12 huruLu; and further provided that motor vehicle parking FacLULLes shall he provided and maintained on the basis of one (1) space per each 11 .5 square metrus of floor space or portion Lhorool I or the Mal I "I olos ;111(1 vi "' sh()P ''"(I space lot' the dweLling "nit . ' 2. ScheduLe 'A' to By-law Number 2111 , a3 amunclecl, is hereby further amended by changing t o "Cl -2" tice xccnc- MAIgIaLlun of the lands inclicaLecl as "ZONK CIIANCH TO Cl-2" on Lce nttachod Schedulo A" hr.rrto. 3. ThLs By-law shall b t,omm urrvo w c,n thv dots horv"l , :tubjoct. to the provisions of Section 35( 10) of thu Planning Act. BY-LAW READ a first time Lh" 2 1st clay of SepLembcr day A.U. 1.981 . BY-LAW READ a second time Lhis 21st clay uL Stotemic'r , A.D. I981 . BY-LAW READ a Lhtrd time and finaLIy pa:;s(!d Lh is 2 1selay oI' !c;epLembur A.D. 1981 . ) C. h , I�Ic;L;AI;I), 1IAYtlI; t 1). W. OAKH �, G'J,Elai I I i I I i i THIS IS SCHEDULE ")\/' TO BY• - AW 61 - 11" PASSED -FHIS , tot l)AY CAF -L,a,t-lil)(A. D. 1981 . - s�) 1110 O R5 06 0 M 0 q 6"o 0 N18027'50"W 0.3im Ohm N 9()3630"W N IC,)27'5d'W N-720 65'4dE 36.63m 7.98m N-i'l'lB'E 0,31m 3 05m N 72005'40"E 36-63m 7.52m N 7 1()I WE 3-09rn DURHAM ROAD N2 4 ( TAUNTON ROAD ZONE CHANGE TO 'CI -2' G.B. Rickard Mayor -0 5 10 20m D W. Oakes clerk