HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-177-81 Tu-sfE) CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N. SMITH, M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON, ONTARIO 1_013 1J0 TEL. (416)263-2231 REPORT OF THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF OCTOBER 26, 1981 REPORT NO.: PD-177-81 SUBJECT: Proposed Rezoning Z-A-2-12-6 Glenson Investments Ltd. Pt. Lot 10, Concession 1 Bowmanville Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended: 1. That Report PD-177-81 be received; and 2. That the attached By-Law amending Restricted Area By-Law 1587, as amended, be forwarded to Council for approval at such time as the following conditions have been satisfied. i. The Owners have entered into an agreement with the Regional Municipality of Durham "to satisfy the requirements of the Region financial and otherwise"; ii. The Owners have entered into a site plan agreement with the Town of Newcastle which shall "satisfy the requirements of the Town financial and otherwise"; iii. The Owners have satisfied the technical requirements of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation AuthVoity and obtained all necessary permits and approvals; slF1 Report PD-177-81 Page 2 iv. The Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing has approved the Bowmanville Urban Area Plan in a form which includes a provision which would permit the proposed development. Background: On July 22, 1981 staff received the above referenced application for rezoning. The applicant, Glenson Investments Ltd. , are proposing the construction of a one hundred and six (106) unit apartment building on the north-east corner of Baseline Road and Liberty Street. The site was previously used as a salvage yard but has more recently been vacant and unused. An application for site plan approval has also been submitted _ in respect of the subject proposal and is currently being reviewed by staff. The subject site is designated as "Residential" by the Bowmanville Urban Area Plan approved by Council on July 13, 1981. Section 2.1.2 (iv) (c) and (d) provide guidelines in respect of high density residential uses. In that regard, the maximum number of units that could be permitted on this site would be 88. The proposal does not conform and an amendment to the Urban Area Plan would be required. In accordance with Department procedures the subject application for rezoning was circulated to a number of departments and agencies for review and comment. The response to this circulation is summarized below. Durham Region "Further to your request for comments on the above, please be advised that the subject site is designated "Residential" in the Durham Regional Official Plan. The proposal conforms. Report PD-177-81 Page 3 With respect to the Official Plan for the former Bowmanville Planning Area, the subject site is designated "Low Density Residential" and "Hazard Lands". The proposed high density residential development consisting of a 106-unit apartment building would appear not to conform. We note, however, that your Council on July 13, 1981, adopted the Bowmanville Urban Area Plan as an amendment to the former Bowmanville and Darlington Official Plans. The subject site is designated "Residential" and "Major Open Space" with an indication of hazard lands, in the Bowmanville Urban Area Plan. The proposal would conform to the Urban Area Plan to the extent that the subject property falls within the Residential designation, once the boundaries of the Major Open Space System and the Hazard Lands are more precisely defined in consultation with the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. This of course would be contingent upon the approval of the Urban Area Plan by Regional Council and the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. Municipal water supply is available to the proposal through the existing watermain on Baseline Road. Sanitary sewer service can generally be provided to the proposal by the abutting sewer _ on Liberty Street. However, after reviewing the topography of the subject land, it has been determined that the southeast portion of the site is low, relative to the abutting Liberty Street sewer, and, therefore beyond the gravity catchment area of said sewer. For this reason, if the proposed building is to be located within the low lying area of the site, servicing of the proposal will require a sanitary sewer extension along Baseline Road from Lycett Street to the subject land. Accordingly, in the event of approval of this application and prior to the preparation of final site plans, it is considered appropriate that the owner contact the Regional Works Department to discuss servicing requirements. In addition, we note that the subject site abuts Regional Road No. 14 (Liberty Street) and the Region will require 3.04m widening and 0.3m reserve on the Liberty Street frontage of the subject land (as shown on the attached plan in red and green respectively) . We note also that the proposal to permit a 106 unit apartment building represents an increase in the residential usage of the subject property. In accordance with the Region's present development policy, the payment of levies will be necessary. It is respectfully requested that, in the event your Council is favourably disposed to this application and prior to passing the By-Law, the applicant be required to enter into an agreement with the Regional Municipality of Durham, "to satisfy the requirements of the Region, financial and otherwise." Report PD-177-81 Page 4 Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority "The site of this proposed rezoning, required to permit the construction of a 106 unit apartment building, has been reviewed. A majority of the subject land is prone to flooding under regional storm conditions, the floodline being at an elevation of 269.2 feet C.G.D., or 82.05 metres. As of this writing, the Authority has reviewed preliminary submissions for the site but has yet to receive engineering calculations which indicate that the site can be developed in accordance with our technical requirements. In view of the above, it is recommended that the approval of the required rezoning be deferred pending the submission of information which is in conformity with floodplain management policy." Newcastle Building Department "Accessibility to the north and east sides of the building for fire department vehicles could be difficult because of the parking spaces and width of the access lanes. The service.. lane is too close to the building to set the stabilisers on the new aerial truck. Some dwelling units are below grade contrary to Section 7.15 of zoning By-Law 1527, which states, "No basement or cellar, or part of a basement or cellar of any building shall be used as a whole dwelling unit." The floor areas of the 1 bedroom apartments are 494-516 sq.ft. as compared to the 600 sq.ft. required in the CRD, RM2 & R8 zones. One of the 2 bedroom units is slightly less than present requirements." Newcastle Works Department I have reviewed the subject application and agreement and submit the following comments. 1. That the owner dedicate to the Town a 10 ft. strip of land abutting the property on Baseline Road, for road widening. 2. That the owner initiate proceedings for the closure and conveyance of Pine Street. Report PD-177-81 Page 5 3. That the owner enter into a cost-sharing agreement for the upgrading of Baseline Road. 4. That the owner enter into a cost-sharing agreement to provide sidewalks on Baseline Road for pedestrian access. 5. That the owner be advised of the present deficient storm sewer system on Baseline Road and Liberty Street and be required to enter into a cost-sharing agreement for upgrading same to accept the additional contributed flow. 6. That the works be designed and constructed to the Town of Newcastle's Design Criteria and Standard Drawings. 7. That the applicant apply for access from Baseline Road and that the entranceway comply with the Town of New- castle's Policy for Entranceway. Newcastle Fire Department "The fire department has no objection to the application for rezoning. In regards to the site plan and agreement, I would submit the following comments: The proposed building is located within an acceptable travel distance, and emergency response time from Station #1, Bowmanville. Adequate water supply for fire protection is available through 10" and 12" water mains located on the Baseline Road. The existing fire hydrants would require replacing with a 42" pumper port, to accommodate the use of hi-volume fire hose in conjunction with the water tower and aerial ladder fire emergency unit. In order for elevated units to operate with maximum efficiency, the horizontal set back from a road or driveway to the building face should not be in excess of 35 ft. with access to two sides of the building, requiring controlled parking and landscaping in these areas. I would assume the areas to the left of the main lobby on the first floor plan A.3, are for the elevators, the OBC does not state necessary requirements for elevators. I would note the transformer vault is located directly under the main lobby entrance and exit (see OBC P.136 - . Building design and construction in accordance with fire safety requirements OBC." Report PD-177-81 Page 6 Comments: Staff have reviewed the comments received through circulation and note that most of the concerns can be adequately addressed through the terms of a site plan agreement. Others, specifically those of the Region of Durham and the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, will require further action on the part of the applicants prior to approval of the requested rezoning. In any event, final approval of such an amendment, to the restricted area By-Law, cannot be given until such time as the Bowmanville Urban Area Plan, and an amendment or modification thereto, have received provincial approval. As the Committee is no doubt aware, the Bowmanville Urban Area Plan is presently under review by the Region of Durham, and as the Committee was advised on October 13, 1981, by Mr. Barry Micheals, the applicant has submitted an application for an amendment thereto. At the same time Mr. Micheals was requesting the Town to comment on said amendment at the earliest possible opportunity. Inasmuch as the amendment application was suggested by staff and we are familiar with the intent of the amendment we have no difficulty in doing so at this time. As noted previously the present restrictions contained in the Urban Area Plan would have the effect of limiting high density develop- ment to 80 units per net residential hectare. Thus effectively limiting the proposal to 88 units as opposed to the 106 units requested. Similarly the plan would also require a transitional area of medium density between the proposal and existing low density residential Report PD-177-81 Page 8 the implications of reducing densities in other areas of Bowmanville if our assumptions are proven wrong in the long run. On the basis of the foregoing, which represents only a very preliminary review, staff would have no objections to the proposed amendment to permit a higher density. Staff note however, that this opinion may be subject to change as further information is made available, by the Region, in respect of the servicing constraints upon this site. Staff would also suggest that no formal commitment be given, by the Town, to the amendment request until that time and until we have had an opportunity to review or prepare an amendment, the wording of which will ensure that the underlying intent of the Urban Area Plan is maintained. Staff are satisfied, however, that all technical matters related to this proposal can be resolved and that the development of this site for the proposed use is appropriate and consistent with the intent of the Urban Area Plan. Furthermore, we have discussed the concerns of the various commenting agencies with the applicant's agents who have indicated a willingness to comply therewith. Therefore, given the applicant's desire for an early approval and the apparent need for this type of residential unit within the community, we are at this time willing to recommend to Council a conditional approval of the subject proposal. Appropriate conditions would include the following requirements to be satisfied by the applicants: Report PD-177-81 Page 9 (1) entering into a site plan agreement which addresses the Town's specific requirements in respect of this site, financial and otherwise; (2) entering into an agreement with the Regional Municipality of Durham in respect of municipal services, Regional Road widenings, reserves and levies; (3) satisfying the technical requirements of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority in respect of the site's flood susceptibility; and (4) Ministerial approval of the Bowmanville Urban Area Plan in a form which includes a provision to permit the desired density. - Res ectfull y �} p `submttecT; T.T. Edwards, M.C.I.P. Deputy Director of Planning TTE:ld October 16, 1981 - r THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE By-law Number 81- being a By-law to amend Restricted Area By-law Number 1587, as amended, of the former Town of Bowmanville. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it advisable to amend Restricted Area By-law Number 1587, as amended of the former Town of Bowmanville. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle ENACTS as follows. 1. Map 4 of Schedule 'A' to By-law 1587, as amended, is hereby further amended by changing to SPECIAL CONDITION 21 the zone designation of the lands indicated as "ZONE CHANGE TO SPECIAL CONDITION M" on the attached Schedule 'X' hereto and by adding to the lands so indicated cross-hatching and the figure 21 encircled. 2. Schedule 'B' to By-law 1587, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding thereto the following: SPECIAL CONDITION 21 Those parcels of land in part of lot 10, Concession 1 as shown on Schedule 'A' cross hatched and marked with the figure 21 encircled shall be subject to the provisions hereinafter contained and where there is any conflict between the provisions hereinafter set out and the provisions of By-law 1587, then the provisions of this Special Condition shall apply, but in all other respects, the provisions of By-law 1587, as amended, shall apply. 1.1 Defined Area The area subject to this Special Condition is shown cross-hatched with the figure 21 encircled on the attached Schedule 'A' hereto. -2- 1.2 Permitted Uses No person shall use any of the lands within the defined area or erect, alter or use any building or structure on such lands except for one or more of the following uses; namely; - an apartment house 1.3 Zone Provisions No person shall use any of the lands within the defined area, or erect, alter or use any building or structure on such lands for any purpose except in accordance with the following provisions. a) Lot Area (minimum) 1.0 hectare b) Lot Frontage: Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 3.62 hereof, for the purposes of this by-law a minimum uninterrupted frontage of 50.0 metres shall be required on at least one of the two abutting streets. c) Front Yard (minimum) 70.0 metres d) Side Yard (minimum) 6.0 metres e) Rear Yard (minimum) 6.0 metres f) Minimum Floor Area Per Dwelling Unit i) Bachelor dwelling unit 40.5 sq. metres ii) One bedroom dwelling unit 55.5 sq. metres iii) Two bedroom dwelling unit 70.0 sq. metres iv) Three bedroom dwelling unit 80.0 sq. metres v) Dwelling unit containing more 85.0 sq. metres, plus an additional 7.0 than three bedrooms sq. m for each bedroom in excess of 4. g) Lot Coverage (maximum) 20% h) Height (maximum) 20.0 metres i) Landscaped Area (minimum) 25% j) Play Area: One play area having a minimum area of not less than 35.0 sq. metres shall be provided and maintained on the same lot upon which the principal use is located. -3- k) Parking: Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 7.16 hereof, off-street parking facilities shall be provided and maintained on the same lot, upon which the principal use is located, at a ratio of 1.3 parking spaces per dwelling unit. 1) Basement or Cellar: Notwithstanding Section 7.15 hereof to the contrary, dwelling unit may be permitted within that part of the building which is located partially below the finished grade of the lot adjacent to the exterior walls of the building provided that at least half of distance between finished floor and finished ceiling of the units is located above the finished grade adjacent to the exterior wall. 3. This By-law shall come into effect on the date hereof subject to the provisions of Section 35(10) of the Planning Act. THIS BY-LAW READ A first time this day of , A.D., 1981. THIS BY-LAW READ A second time this day of , A.D. , 1981. THIS BY-LAW READ A third time and finally passed this day of A.D., 1981. G.B. Rickard, MAYOR (seal) David W. Oakes, CLERK THIS IS SCHEDULE 'X' TO BY-LAW 81--, PASSED THIS DAY OF A. D. 1981. N72048'E 61.073m 3E 0 MN 10-0 It d Z N72053'E °1 O N W z N72°53'E t 50.292m ... r N17°39,W W 40.234m N72°53'E 3 50.292m 3 M E _ 10C o O M ti 6 _C4 Z N72053'E ° 50.292 m r z 33.455m w N72048'E 60.960m M BASE LINE ROAD J ZONE CHANGE TO (SEAL ) ( 'SPECIAL CONDITION 21 ' G.B. Rickard, Mayor 0 25 50 IOOm 50 10 D.W. Oakes , Clerk KEY- MAP FORMER TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE 1 :25 000 LOT LOT LOT I T LOT LOT LOT L I 2 �' I 9 8 7 6 � 5 ' H ��DD i I � 2 1 I I��•%r��Q i z i D� ❑ m . I BASE LINE ROAD -=-�- SU BJ E I SITE I I . m I• •r o