HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-139-81 _0 i CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N. SMITH, M.C.I.P., Director HAMPTON.ONTARIO LOB 1 JO TEL.(416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 14, 1981. REPORT NO. : P-139-81 i i SUBJECT: Courtice Special Purpose Commercial Areas Our File: 3.1.1 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the Planning and Develop- ment Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That Report P-139-81 be received; and 2. That the attached amendments (attachments 2 to 4, inclusive) to restricted area zoning By-law 2111, as amended, of the former Township of Darlington be approved; and 3. That the attached policy in respect of site planning guidelines (attachment 5) for Special Purpose Commercial areas be adopted; and 4. That the attached amendments, attachments 6 and 7 to the Courtice West and Courtice South Neighbourhood Development j I Plans be approved. V- �) - 2 - BACKGROUND: On February 16, 1981, Planning and Development Committee considered staff report P-37-81 in respect of the Courtice Special Purpose Commercial Areas. Said report presented three draft zoning by-laws, a draft policy in respect of site planning guidelines for these areas and two separate amendments to approved neighbourhood development plans. On February 23, 1981, Council adopted the following recommen- dation of the Planning and Development Committee: "That report P-37-81 relative to the Courtice Special Purpose Commercial Area be received and staff be authorized to proceed with the circulation of the draft by-laws and development plan amendments and to convene a meeting to respond to any issues or concerns which may be identified during circulation." On March 2, 1981, staff circulated copies of staff report P-37-81, including all attachments thereto, to all property owners located within the affected areas. In addition, cop i.es of the draft by-laws were forwarded to the Durham Regional Planning Department for their specific comments relative to Official Plan conformity. As a result of our circulation, a total of fifteen written submissions were received, including staff comments from Regional Plan- ning. A summary of these submissions is included as attachment 1 hereto and includes staff's suggested response to them. Copies of the actual submissions are on file in the Planning Department. On June 17, 1981 staff convened a meeting at the Courtice Secondary School to discuss the concerns and objections raised through the circulation. All property owners within the affected areas were sent written notice of the meeting. At said meeting, staff outlined the proposed -IV 3 - By-laws and the suggested amendments we would be recommending as a result of the public input. These amendments were favourably received. COMMENTS: As a result of the extensive circulation and review of the proposed by-laws with affected property owners, staff are satisfied that the majority of these owners are agreeable to staff's recommen- dations. Staff have made a number of significant concessions directly related to the input of the Owners; and where we have not agreed to i changes, it is primarily due to our concerns that these changes would be contrary to the intent of the Durham Regional and Darlington Official Plans. The draft by-laws and neighbourhood development plan amendments are included as attachment 2 through 7 inclusive. It would mw be appropriate to forward same to Council for approval. Respectfully submitted, i TTE:lb D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. July 23, 1981 Director of Planning I COURTICE SPECIAL PURPOSE COMMERCIAL ZONING Proposed By-law Amendments Summary of Objections Received & Changes Proposed OBJECTOR - NATURE OF OBJECTION PROPOSED CHANGES Region of Durham Planning Staff: The Regional Planning Staff had several minor "Funeral Homes" will be deleted from the list of per- concerns related to conformity with Official mitted uses. Plan Policies. - the following definition will be added to describe a beer, liquor or wine outlet (the lettering will be adjusted accordingly.) (a) "Beer, liquor or wine outlet shall mean a retail establishment comprised of a merchandise pick-up and display area and a merchandise warehouse or storage area. - Section (bb) ii) will be amended by adding the following new sub-section: "Notwithstanding any provision of this by-law to the contrary, nothing in this by-law shall prevent the use of any land, building or structure for any use not specifically permitted by this by-law, if such land, building or structure was lawfully used for such purpose on the date of passing of this by-law. * a O H H (D 0 0 0 H � z H ro 4 U.) C. C < - 2 - OBJECTOR - NATURE OF OBJECTION PROPOSED CHANGES Gulf Canada: Section bb (i) d Staff concur and Section bb (i) d will be amended Gulf Canada representatives feel that the pro- to read in part as follows: posed 2.5 sq. m limit on "shelter" size is too restrictive and suggest that 22 sq. m is a "(bb)(i)d) Motor Vehicle Gasoline Bar shall mean more appropriate requirement. one or more pump islands, each consisting of one or more gasoline or diesel fuel pumps and a shelter having a floor area of not more than 20 sq metres. . .otherwise defined or classified in this By-law. An automobile washing facility is considered to be an accessory use to a Motor Vehicle Gasoline Bar." Section bb(i) e Gulf representatives have requested that Staff concur to the extent that automobile washing must "automobile washing" be included in the be accessory to the main functions of a service station. definition of "Motor Vehicle Service Station" Staff suggest that Section bb(i) e be reworded to read as follows: "bb(i)e) Motor Vehicle Service Station" shall mean an establishment engaged in the retail sale of gasoline, diesel fuel and other petroleum products and new motor vehicle accessories and where motor vehicle maintenance inspection, repair operations and washing may be carried out, but shall not include bodywork to, painting,or sale of, motor vehicles. Section bb(iv) c Gulf have suggested that the 20% maximum lot Staff concur and Section bb(iv) c will be amended to coverage is too restrictive. They believe read as follows: 30% would be more appropriate. "bb(iv) c Lot Coverage (Maximum) 30% - 3 - OBJECTOR - NATURE OF OBJECTION PROPOSED CHANGES Jean and Bruce Moase: Jean and Bruce Moase have requested that the Staff have suggested that the zone boundary be commercial zone boundary be adjusted slightly amended as illustrated on the sketch attached hereto so that they may have commercial access to and marked as Appendix 1. the side entrance of their shop. J. Wilson, M. Wilson; G. Charewicz; J. Leiffers; T. Leiffers; B. W. Lawrence; Mr. & Mrs. J. Varcoe; E. Oostinga Those listed above object to the 30% maximum Staff concur and will amend section bb(iii) c) to read lot coverage and suggest that 40% would be a as follows: more appropriate requirement. "(bb)(iii)c) Lot Coverage (maximum) 40%" These objectors also feel that the 35% land- Staff agree that 35% may be excessive, but do not feel scaped area requirement is excessive and that 15% is adequate. Therefore, staff suggest that suggest this requirement be reduced to 15% Section (bb) (iii) h be amended to read as follows: "(bb) (iii) h) Landscaped Area (Minimum) 20% \c� l - 4 - OBJECTOR-NATURE OF OBJECTION PROPOSED CHANGES Banks Construction (Gary Banks) : (Owner of Bi-Way Plaza) Mr. Banks has suggested that the proposed Staff appreciate the concern raised by Mr. Banks and By-law disregards existing commercial uses suggest that the following "special provision" be added on his property. He asks that the existing to Section (bb) (ii) : zoning remain essentially unchanged. The major concern seems to be related to the "(bb)(ii) 1) Notwithstanding any other section of this fact that existing uses are not specifically By-law to the contrary, uses existing at the date of permitted in the proposed zone. Mr. Banks passing of this By-law that are located within Block A had also expressed some concern that the as outlined on Schedule X-2 to this By-law are considered proposed zone boundary does not reflect to be permitted uses within Block A. existing property boundaries in that there is insufficient depth shown. Staff review indicates that zone and property boundaries are consistent in this area and therefore no change is proposed. John & Minnie Prakken, Frank & Alice Hayward, John & Helen Martin, Raymond Balson, Gordon Vinson, A. J. Lamont, Frank & Jean Balson, Ernest & Edith Gearing: The residents listed above have been No change is proposed as the concern appears to have been concerned about commercial development adequately addressed by the proposed zone provisions. having a negative impact on their existing The large minimum lot area and lot frontage requirements residential properties. will necessitate property consolidation prior to com- mercial development. - 5 - J. C. Victor, representing C. Chrysostomou and M. Nikolic: The objectors have indicated that they intend to No change is proposed as the request is contrary to erect a restaurant and tavern on a parcel of the intent of the Official Plan and the By-law. land that does not meet the proposed By-law requirements. They have requested that the provisions be changed to accommodate their proposal. Idalo Cappuccitti: Mrs. Cappuccitti owns a parcel of land which No change is proposed as the request is contrary to the does not meet the lot area requirements set out intent of the Official Plan and the By-law. in the proposed zoning By-law. He feels that the requirement is excessive and should be re- duced. r PROPOSED CHANGES INITIATED BY STAFF 1. Section (bb) (i) is hereby amended by adding a definition of "tavern" to read as follows: "bb (i) TAVERN means a building where alcoholic beverages are sold for consumption on the premises only, and shall include a lounge, beverage room or public house licensed under the Liquor Licence Act of Ontario, but excluding a dining room, dining lounge or club where full course meals are served." 2. Section (bb) (iii) j (iii) is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: "bb(iii) j (iii) Tavern and drive-in restaurant - 1 for each 4 person seating capacity or each 6 sq. m of gross floor area whichever is greater. Restaurant - 1 for each 4 persons seating capacity or 15 sq. m of floor area whichever is greater." �c� O JA, 0-2-6A(,, "o' 0.1 1 ho 09 ss•oo' 0 48 Ac. 0-52Ac 0-19 ho 0-53Ac. O.21 ho. 10 64,0C,1 t9,61m) 68-0 011 0.2 1 ho — di 0-5,3A 66-60, 0,21 h HWy Ne 2 (35.5 73-00' 2 2-2 Srn) N O !2 VACANT WELDING CCOMMER, SERVICE VACANT. OM ME R RESID, RES/DENrj.4L FLOOR 'FOP FLOOR TOE' 0) OSHAWA MONUMENT 2 Ac, 5 ha OSHAWA 0.35Ac•SNOWMOBIl 0.14 ho Ml .............. LANDS NOW INCLUDED WITHIN SPECIAL PROVISION AREA (SPECIAL PURPOSE A. COMMERCIAL) .......... 0.89Ac U 0.35 ho 0-74Ac (42.67m) 0-30ha 53.30' H 6•25rn) APPENDIX I z;Ak\ 1"=50' (r C, `,,, i A`lTAC11HENT 6 j Lo Pe po r I P-139-81 AMENDMENT NO. 1 to the CourLice West Ne_i ,I)bourhood Development Phui PURPOSE OF AMENDMENT: The purpose of this amendment is to re- designate from "Residential" to "Special- Purpose Commercial" lands located at the north-east corner of Darlington Blvd. and Highway 2 in accordance with the approved Official Plan and to introduce policies in respect of the future development or redevelopment of the subject area. BASIS OF AMENDMENT: This amendment is based upon a detailed review of those areas designated for "Special Purpose Commercial Uses" by the Darlington Official Plan and the concerns of area residents in respect of the future transition from the existing Residential i uses to Special Purpose Commercial uses. That review indicated that the most immediate concern of the residents was in respect of the possible adverse effects or impacts upon i j the continued use of their properties for resi- dential purposes if immediate commercial develop- ment were to occur on adjacent properties. LOCATION OF AMENDMENT: The area subject of this amendment is delineated on Schedule 'X' attached to this amendment. i I r - ii - ACTUAL AMENDMENT: 1) Section 2.5.2 "Special Purpose Com- mercial" is Hereby amended by the addition of the following subsection (iv) "(iv) Notwithstanding any other provision of this plan to the contrary the development or redevelopment of areas designated for Special Purpose Commercial uses may, in most cases, require the consolidation of existing small property holdings into larger parcels of a size and shape appropriate for the proposed use of that property, and consistent with the intent of Section 6.5.2 (iv) d) of the Darlington Official Plan." 2) Schedule 1 to the Courtice West Neighbour- NOV hood Development Plan is hereby amended by changing to "Special Purpose Commercial_" the designation of those lands designated i "Change to SPECIAL PURPOSE COMMERCIAL" on i Schedule 'X' hereto. i, i I l i I 1 • j 1f= t4: tt4tf; a;r tt to `txt Kt6 Feyk # y • � i! i$4f5 "y"a iM Will 11 jlj� ■■///■/■■Si/■■■/ Q■Si■ unnuuu■nu�=■■•�■=u■■uu■�ir• ii gin■ rrrr 61"e Q on I 00 on an s~ -■rno■/■=■'�■'�u■■/u ■_■ •/ n / nr/ii . no /n■// i o MR 0 u ■■/■//r uunnnu■uu nub/ •. -■ .J!■rn• uo=nu/n■un�iu=u■.0=i•�rr. � �Y � ��,.�, :n• �' "'� ■■■�■■■■■ /■ ■ ■■■■■■■■no- OEM ■■■/■■■/■■/■ ■■/■� ��/■ r\rfv7� on uuuuun uuun/u /■ u/ n■ ■ ■/ n u nnn� w t ■■■■■Oro■■■ O■■ O■■■.■/■■U/r/■ ■ �w /� Me sell as W."Nell �e► a� r w s� +� n u ■ir/ u,. x i■ii�i�i■ii's w l •• •• i'�ii•�i�i iii .� �, If some r ATTACHMENT � to Report P-I39-81 / ,CI AMENDMENT NO. t_ to Lite Courtice South Neighbourhood Development Plan PURPOSE OF AMENDMENT: The purpose of this amendment is to extend Lhe limits of a Special Purpose Commercial Node identified by Schedule 1 to the Courtice South Neighbourhood Develop- ment Plan and to adjust the local road pat- terns to reflect this change. BASIS OF MiENDMENT: This amendment is based upon a detailed review of Lite actual limits of Lite existing Special Purpose Commercial use located at the south-west corner of Highway 2 and Courtice Road. This review indicated that insufficient lands were designated by the Neighbourhood Development Plaii and that the necessary exLeu- sion of the designation would effect changes to the local road pattern. LOCATION OF AMENDMENT: The area subject of this amendment is defined as Neighbourhood 2C of the Courtice Urban Area Plan as delineated by Schedule 1 to the Official Plan for Lite former Township of Darlington and as further delineated by Schedule 1 to the Courtice South Neighbourhood Development Plan. I i ACTUAL AMENDMENT: 1) Schedule 1 to the Courtice South Neighbour- hood Development Plan is hereby amended by ch iti ,J ii}; to "Special. Purpose Connner.c Lal" the designation of those lands, designated i "Change to Special Purpose Commercial" on Schedule 'X' hereto; changing to "Residential" the designation of those lands designated "Change to Residential" on Schedule 'X' hereto; and changing to "Local Road" those lands designated as "Change to Local Road" on Schedule 'X' hereto. i i f i SCHEDULE X TO AMENDMENT 1 TO THE CO U RTICE SOUTH NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN d m r ♦ r ♦ O ♦ Q r Q ♦ s O @ r r ,0 r i r ° 0 @ oeeoena� o Dee QaY 0 00 OB 0 00 00 0 0 W ° , 0 0 O• •' ,0 O•. ••0 0 O ° 0 F'- ° m. m m •. :'o0 @ ••0 P• O •.0 ••o ® e®� 61,811.055.6 o'• :�`.' :•'.'®'0''00 aeeaeaaa•. a a a a 0eaa is ea 2 5ha 0 o• ••o 0®0@ •�.®off®@® .� 2.3 ha °°� ;.� °o° °® °o °o o° o® 0 .Q. CHANGE TO SPECIAL PURPOSE COMMERCIAL CHANGE TO RESIDENTIAL 0 200 400ff. d m 200 CHANGE TO LOCAL ROAD ATTACHMENT 5 to Report P-139-81 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN Or NEWCASTLE By-law No. 81- being a By-law to adopt a policy in respect of site planning guidelines for Special Purpose Commercial areas within the Town of Newcastle. The Council of the Town. of Newcastle hereby ENACTS as follows: "That a Policy in respect of Site Planning Guide- lines for Special Purpose Commercial Areas be established in the Town of Newcastle and that said policy shall be as provided in Schedule "A" attached to this By-law." THIS BY-LA14 READ a first and second time this day of A.D. 1981. THIS BY-LAW READ a third time and finally passed this day of A.D. 1981. i i G. B. RICKARD, Mayor i (seal) D. W. Oakes Clerk I � x ,( i SCHEDULE A TO BY-LAW 81- SPECIAL PURPOSE COMMERCIAL AREAS: There presently exist within the. Town of Newcastle a number of Special Purpose Commercial areas as defined by the Durham Regional Official Plan and designated within existing local Official Plans. These areas are recognized not only by existing land use but by their historic association and orientation to major vehicular roadways. A Special Purpose Commercial Area may be comprised of developed or developing sites containing individually designed buildings or structures, intended for commercial uses, which consume larger parcels of land and require exposure to vehicular traffic. New development or redevelopment within these areas is presently subject to site plan controls and shall also be subject to site design review based upon the accompanying guidelines. GENERAL: The most desirable Special Purpose Commercial areas are those which display distinct physical limits . The arrangement- of the various components within such areas should promote a sense of scale and identity. The composition and design of a site should be directly related to the scale and use of the street upon which it fronts , with buildings, structures and streetscape viewed as unifying design elements. The following guidelines recognize this relationship of various site components and are intended specifically for areas where structures and buildings are to be designed and sited in a manner which will comple- ment the physical and visual relationship of adjacent sites and at the same i time, clearly define the physical limits of the area. I t i (a) Site design should include common points of ingress and egress and common internal. vehicular traffic circulation; (b) Site design should respect and/or enhance the form, appearance, scale, order, unity, balance, proportion, colour and texture of existing adjacent sites and uses; (c) Site design should provide a continuity of scale for detailed facades, and physical activity areas at ground level; (d) Site design should respect and define public, semi- public and private areas; (e) Site design should recognize and respect characteristics of historic sites or areas; (f) Site design should include a review and analysis of the third dimension of structures and its relationship to other structures and areas (e.g. shadows) ; (g) Buildings or structures should not emit elements of pollution, (noise, vibration, fumes, etc.) which may cause undue hardships upon adjacent uses; i I (h) Mechanical. equipment should be incorporated within and form an integral part of the design composition; I (i) Open storage shall be prohibited with the exception Of uses which, by their nature, require an outdoor i display area; (j) Pedestrian and vehicular access and pathways should be clearly defined and designed as an integral. part i of the site; a I (k) Landscaping shall be utilized to provide buffer zones between conmiercial and residential uses; (1) Landscaping shall provide a continuity to streetscape elements and define and buffer distinct areas or uses; (m) Site design should incorporate common themes for land- scaping, lighting, siguage, paving materials and build- ing textures; (n) Finished site elevations shall respect natural and/or existing grades of adjacent sites. i I + I 4 MAP 1 SCHEDULE 'A! TO BY-LAW 81--, Landscaping buffers adjacent Spaces between structures Building siting and design Building shadows and uses and promotes physical should be designed as should respect views from lighting should not edge. unifying elements, adjacent sites, impinge upon adjacent sites. N ........................ Large parking or paved areas Landscaping promotes continuity Of Common points of ingress and should be broken.up by the streetscape using common themes egress with common internal introduction of landscaping for lighting , signago paving materials traffic circulation, elements with clear definition and street furniture. of the various traffic areas, pedestrian /vehicular