HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-130-81 r CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N. SMITH, M.C,I.P., Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1 JO TEL.(416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF JULY 20, 1981. REPORT NO. : P-130-81 SUBJECT: Courtice Environmental Impact Analysis Final Invoice - Gartner, Lee Associates Ltd. Correspondence, June 16, 1981 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that: 1. This Report be received; and 2. Council authorize an additional payment to Gartner, Lee Associates Ltd. in the amount of $2,400.00 over and above the original budget estimate of $17,500.00. BACKGROUND: As members of the Planning and Development Committee are aware, the Town hired Gartner, Lee Associates in 1980 to undertake an environ- mental impact analysis of a portion of the Courtice Urban Area, as re- quired under Amendment No. 12 to the Official Plan of the former Township of Darlington. The Courtice Environmental Impact Analysis budgeted for, under the 1980 budget, was set at an upset limit of $17,500.00. The Study started in the fall of 1980 and continued through the winter months to its conclusion in May of 1981. h 1 - 2 - COMMENT: Planning and Development staff have reviewed the attached correspondence from Gartner, Lee Associates Ltd. and offer the following comments in respect of each one of the three points raised by Mr. Osmond in his letter. Point No. 1 The Terms of Reference for the Study required that field work and an in-house review of information be undertaken as a first step in preparing the Environmental Impact Analysis. At the outset of the Study, it was indicated to the consultant that, because of the difficulty in conducting field work, a heavy reliance would have to be placed on written information provided to the consultants by the Town and the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. A considerable amount of material was provided by the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority to the consultants to augment their information sources. Staff also note that Gartner, Lee Associates had performed other work for the Regional Municipality of Durham and the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority in the Courtice Area. Under these circumstances, staff do not feel that the payment of $6,600.00, as requested by Mr. Osmond, is justified. Point No. 2 In respect of the re-interpretation of the Terms of Reference as a result of the October 14th, 1980 meeting mentioned in Mr. Osmond's letter, staff did indicate to the consultants at that time that a major thrust of the Study was to examine the land uses and population distributions within Amendment No. 12 and to translate the environmental findings into a general planning concept. Staff gave that direction to the consultant in October of 1980, as it was felt at that time and remains the opinion of staff that given the major commitments to develop- ment within the Courtice Urban Area that any Study that did not recog- nize those commitments would not be appropriately fulfilling the policy requirements of Amendment No. 12 to the Darlington Official Plan. On that basis, staff feel that the request for additional funding in the amount of $2,400 for the work undertaken in respect of the general planning concept is justified and should be paid. Staff note, at this point, that the costs of the Study will be apportioned to all development interests within the Study area. Staff note that a Council policy in this respect was adopted in 1979. The $2,400.00 cost overrun, plus the original amount of $17,500.00 will be recovered as development proceeds in the Courtice Urban Area. - 3 - Point No. 3 Staff note that time was indeed expended by the consultant to review the comments received by the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority in respect of the draft report. Staff do not feel that it is unreasonable or extra-ordinary that a review and amendments to a report should be expected by the consultant, however, staff is sympathetic with the consultant in that C.L.O.C.A. 's comments did require lengthy technical review and discussion. Staff cannot, however, recommend that the additional request in the amount of $2,600.00 attributed to this unanticipated review would appropriately be born by the municipality. Respectfully submitted, DNS:lb D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. June 25, 1981 Director of Planning i Gartner Consulting Lee Engineering Associates Geologists and Hydrogeologists Toronto-Buttonville Airport ® Markham,Ontario ■ L3P 3`19 ® 41B-297.4800 June 16th , 1981 . V Corporation of the Town of Newcastle , Planning & Development Department , JUM 221981 Municipal Offices , Hampton , O n t a r i o . rot" Or NE"ArCASTLE LOB 1 JO PLANNING DEPARTMENT Attention : Mr . D . N . Smith , M . C . I . P . , Director of Planning . Dea r S i r Re : Courtice Environmental Impact Analysis Final Invoice GLAL 80- 160 Enclosed is our final invoice of costs associated with the Courtice Environmental Study exclusive of the preparation . of 25 extra reports p ( invoiced separately) , You will note that we exceeded the original budget estimate of $ 17 , 500 . 00 by roughly $ 11 , 000 . 00 Reasons for exceeding the budget are threefold : 1 . additional time beyond proposal estimates devoted to field activities and data analysis , 2 > re- interpretation of the terms of reference as a result of our meeting of October 14th , 1980 , and 3 . additional time devoted to the review, discussion and incorporation of pertinent comments on the draft report . continued - i Page 2 Corp . of the Town of Newcastle June 16th , 1981 . With -regard to the first reason , increased field activities and data analysis were required as a result of the lateness of the season when approval to proceed was received . This necessitated the assignment of more time to the review of external information sources and a more involved field survey . Lack of funding , for the recommended ground water study approach resulted again in a greater reliance on a more detailed review of published water well information Plus an expanded field program involving a ' door-to-door ' water well inventory and water table documentation . Six thousand six hundred dollars ( $6 , 600 . 00) of the total overrun are attributable to this expanded field and data analysis program . In our meeting of October 14th , 1980 , Mr . Smith indicated that he expected general planning guidance as one product of the study . Such aspects as distribution and density of housing along with design and mitigative measures within each Neighbourhood Area were to constitute a major thrust of the study . This required translation of the environmental findings into a general planning concept . While this approach was essential for the successful completion of the study , , it was not specifically required in the Terms of Reference . Costs to provide this general planning guidance were $2 , 400 . 00 . More time than budgetted in our proposal was devoted to the review and discussion of comments on our draft report . While most respondents provided constructive comments which were easily assessed and incorporated into the final report , C . L . O . C .A . ' s comments were complex and required careful and lengthy technical review and discussion . We estimate that $2 , 600 . 00 of the overrun are attributed to this extra and unanticipated review. continued - Page 3 Corp . of the Town of Newcastle June 16th , 1981 . We would appreciate your consideration of payment of our overrun in whole or in part . We thank you for your kind words in our recent meeting and for your co-operation throughout the study . Yours very truly , GARTNER LEE ASSOCIATES LIMITED , D . S . Osmon'd , B . Sc . , Agr „ Senior Biologist . DSO/hr Enclosure . i i i account with INVOICE Gartner Consulting Lee Engineering Geologists and Associates Limited Hydrogeologists Toronto-Buttonville Airport ® Markham,Ontario a I-3P 3J9 m 416-297.4600 TO Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, DATE May 11 , 1981 . Planning & Development Department, Municipal Offices, Hampton, Ontario. LOB 1JO INVOICE No. 4229 Attention: Mr. T. Edwards R E ; Envi PROJECT No. 8o-160 Environmental Impact Analysis Courtice Urban Area TO PROVISION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Costs incurred for period ending May- 1 , 1981 . $ $ FEES: Employee No. Hours Rate JFG0010 11 $ 60.00 660.00 PKL0020 1 60.00 60.00 DSOoo6o 85 50.00 4,250.00 DFM0070 66 50.00 3,300.00 REJL0090 21 50.00 125.00 LL00130 21 30.00 630.00 MS00150 29 30.00 870.00 GROO120 2 26.00 52.00 5000160 6 26.00 156.00 61100190 4 26.00 104.00 ABOO180 4 26.00 104.00 PB00200 14 26.00 364.00 JS00280 81 26.00 2, 106.00 SVO0230 5 20.00 100.00 JM00250 141 20.00 290.00 HR00240 1 20.00 10.00 13, 181 .00 CARRIED FORWARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,181 .00 TOTA L Statement of account TOTAL INVOICED TO DATE TOTAL PAYMENTS TO DATE BALANCE OUTSTANDING f , ,account with INVOICE Gartner Consulting / Engineering Lee Geologists and Associates Limited Hydrogeologists Toronto-Buttonville Airport a Markham,Ontario ® L3P 3J9 W 416-297.4600 TO Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, DATE May 11 , 1981 Planning & Development Department, Municipal Offices, Hampton, Ontario. LOB 1J0 INVOICE No. 4229 Attention: Mr . T. Edwards RE : Environmental Impact Analysis PROJECT No. 8o-16o . Courtice Urban Area TO PROVISION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BROUGHT FORWARD . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . $ $ 13, 181 .o0 DISBURSEMENTS: Mileage: 399 km @ $0:171/km 69.83 Negs. , Prints, Cronas, Etc. ($48.00/71 .38) 119.38 Reproduction Costs: GLAL-576 copies @ $0.12/copy 69. 12 Delivery Charges : 6.55 Long Distance 'Phone Charges: 10.95 275.83 FINAL INVOICE TOTA L 13,456-83 Statement of account TOTAL INVOICED TO DATE TOTAL PAYMENTS TO DATE BALANCE OUTSTANDING $ 28,020.76 $ 14,563.93 $ 13,456.83