HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-126-81 r 7 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DX SMITH, M.C.I.P., Director HAMPTON. ONTARIO LOB 1 JO TEL.(416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF JULY 20, 1981. I REPORT NO. : P-126-81 SUBJECT: Development of Lot 21, Orono Estates RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that: 1. This Report be received; and 2. The Public Works Department be requested to prepare the necessary specifications and contract documents for the calling of a tender for the installation of the walkway to accommodate emergency vehicles and for the fencing of Lot 21, in the Orono Estates subdivision and to report to the Public Works Committee at such time as those matters have been prepared, the said Report to I be presented in respect of the subsequent steps required for the awarding of a contract; and 3. The Community Services Department be requested to undertake I the development of a park, including a tot lot, including the provision of playground equipment, the placement of fill and the seeding of Lot 21, in the Orono Estates subdivision at such time as a contract for the provisions of the walkway and fencing has been awarded; and ,`1� 2 - 4. This project be budgeted at a maximum allowable expen- diture of $16,300.00, $15,100.00 of which is to be drawn from the Park Development Reserve Account, the balance $1,200.00 to be drawn from the Lot Levy Reserve Account. BACKGROUND: At a recent Planning and Development Committee Meeting, Planning and Development staff were asked to report on the future possible use of Lot 21, within the Orono Estatessubdivision. Lot 21, at the southwest corner of the subdivision plan, currently provides walkway access between the subdivision and Mill Street. In reviewing this matter, Planning staff note that in June of 1978, a Public Meeting was held in the Orono Town Hall to consider the future possible use of Lot 21 in the Home-Smith i.e. Orono Estates subdi- vision. The land, currently owned by the Municipality, was then being used as it is today as a walkway; otherwise the lot is undeveloped. After dis- cussing several alternatives at the Public Meeting, a show of hands suggested that most present were in favour of developing a walkway, tot lot and/or park on the property. On September the 28th, 1978 Planning staff recommended to the I Planning and Development Committee that a pedestrian walkway be established on Lot 21 and that the remainder of the site be developed as a tot lot. It was suggested that a fence should be erected by the Town on the east and west boundaries of the lot. These recommendations were endorsed by the Planning and Development Committee on October 2, 1978. 3 - On October 10, 1978 Town Council referred the matter to the Public Works Committee for input on the design, costs and any other relevant points within the Department's terms of reference. The matter was also referred to the Community Services Department for input on the proposed tot lot design and costs. Following on the above, a series of joint meetings with the Planning Department were convened in order to evaluate the proposed design. All relevant information was submitted to the Town Manager, who in turn, was charged with the responsibility of reporting to Council. At that time, the cost for the construction of the fencing and the asphalt walkway was estimated at $7800.00. The cost for grading, seeding and providing playground equipment was estimated at approximately $2200.00. It would appear that from December, 1979 to date, no action was undertaken in respect of the provision of the walkway and park on Lot 21. COMMENT: Planning and Development staff have asked both the Public Works and Community Services Departments to update the 1979 cost estimates. Planning and Development staff have also requested comment from the Fire Department as to the possibility of developing a walkway system on Lot 21, which would serve also as an emergency access for fire protection vehicles. The following is a summary of the current cost estimates: Public Works 1, for a concrete walkway 10 ft. wide by 255 ft. in length $ 14,696.00 (does not include engineering and/or inspection fees) (does not include an estimate of possible required grading) 2., for an asphalt walkway, 10. ft,_ wilde. by 255 ft. in length 9,396.00 (with the same assumptions noted above) - 4 - 3. for an asphalt walkway with the capability of accommodating emer- gency vehicles $ 10,600.00 (with the same assumptions noted in point 1 above) 4. for a concrete walkway with the same assumptions noted above with the capability of accommodating emergency vehicles 17,400.00 5. for an interlocking brick walkway based on the same assumptions as point 1 above 16,000.00 6. please note that all of these estimates include an allowance for fencing Community Services 1. Playground equipment $ 2,310.00 2. a general cleanup with minor grading 150.00 3. topsoil 180.00 4. grass seed 106.00 5. installation of equipment under- taken by Community Services staff Materials 234.00 Total Cost $ 2,981.00 � I Planning and Development staff have reviewed the above-mentioned figures and recommend at this time that the Town proceed with the con- struction of an asphalt walkway on Lot 21 designed to accommodate emergency vehicles at a cost (estimated) of $10,600.00 and that the Town proceed with the installation of a tot lot on Lot 21 in conjunction with the walkway at an estimated cost of $2,981.00. It is suggested that the additional cost required to install a walkway designed to accommodate emergency vehicles may be justified through the reduction in response time realized by the shorter travelling distance between the Fire Hall and Orono Estates sub- division. i - 5 - It is recommended that this project be budgeted at a maximum allowable expenditure of $16,300.00, which represents the $13,581.00 estimated by the Works Department and the Community Services Department for the installation of the walkway and tot lot plus an allowance of 20% for engineering services and contingencies. It is the feeling of Planning and Development staff that it would be appropriate for the design of the walkway to be referred to the Public Works Department for the preparation of the necessary specifications and contract documents and that the Public Works Department should report through the Public Works Committee on the necessary steps for tendering this particular work. At such time as a contract is let for the installation of the walkway and fencing, it would be appropriate for the Community Services Department to undertake the work necessary for the installation of the park. In respect of the financing of this project, Planning and Development staff feel that it would appropriate for the $16,300.00 to be taken out of the Park Development Reserve Account; save and except for $1,200.00 representing the difference between the installation of the walkway according to heavy vehicles standards and standard walkway requirements. This amount, staff believe, could be appropriately taken from the Lot Levy Reserve Account. Respectfully submitted, /r DNS:lb D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. June 23, 1981 Director of Plannin. i J. Dunham, Director of Public Works, i T. A. Fanning, Director of Community Services I